By MelodyLove_30

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HYUNHYUN COUPLE FANFIC SERIES #1 "Even if in the present time, my heart will always be yours. Even though you... More



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By MelodyLove_30

It's Been 5 Years, My Queen

Theo's POV

It's been 5 years since I last saw her, and there's been no minute or hour when she didn't cross my mind. I was missing her every single day. I had to stay in Italy to save our company from bankruptcy. Even though I don't want to, I just can't. So I also have to bear the pain and longing for her for five years when I can't watch her even from a distance. I don't know if she's okay, if she ate at the right time, or if she and Terrence are still together. If only I had been able to refuse Dad's plea to save our company, I wish I could have done it so that I would not be separated from her. Because after our masquerade graduation ball, Dad picked me up early in the morning after that day.

And after five years of waiting to see her again, I was able to return. Apart from having a meeting with Wayne, I really wanted to since I found out from him that he had a newly hired secretary that I knew. I immediately got nervous because of that. I wished I had the wrong person in mind. So I didn't hesitate to go back because my nervousness kept bothering me. But before I could go back there, Dad hired my secretary, even though I wanted to hire someone to be my own secretary.

It was too late before I could tell him because he had already hired the girl I hated, the same girl who asked me to be his partner at the masquerade Valentine's Ball seven years ago. I want to say no, but I can't. That girl's dad is my dad's partner in one of his businesses, so I can't say no. I wouldn't want them to have an argument, so I just agreed. I made a deal with Bellatrix because there was really nothing I could do to refuse. She should act like my secretary, but she wasn't allowed to be clingy or sweet to me. I just hate it so much. I don't like flirting with others if it's not Avy, though.

It was early in the morning when we arrived at the airport right away. I really can't wait to see my queen. Our trip wasn't long, so somehow, we weren't that late. But as we entered the elevator, I saw her wearing a secretary's dress. My heart beat so fast when I saw her. I really want to hug her tightly and kiss her. It's like those five years are more than a decade for me. I pretended I didn't see him, but I knew she saw me. When there were more people inside, I heard him talking on the phone. I listened to it carefully, and I could not be mistaken that it was Wayne's voice. My fist clenched. She called him "Sir." So that means I suspected correctly that she is Wayne's secretary, my brother.

When the people left and we were the only ones left, Bellatrix suddenly grabbed my arm. This girl is also draining my patience. I have a suspicion that she herself proposed to be my secretary. I glared at her to remove her hand from my arm, but she didn't even move. When we got to Wayne's office, he immediately greeted me with a big smile and a hug, but I just let him. I know I have to stop myself from confronting him. Her beauty has only increased to this day, and I am still obsessed with her. Her eyes, her nose, her kissable lips that tempt me to kiss, and her hourglass body, I love everything about her so much.

"Oh, my bad. This is Avyanna, my personal secretary. You know each other if I'm not mistaken. She just started working here today. I'll take good care of him more than you do, bro. If she lets me," he said with a wide smile as he stared at her. I clenched my fist even more. I glared at him madly and at his arm around Avy. I was even more annoyed when Avy smiled back at him. Goddamn it. Stop me, please just stop me from attempting to punch my brother right now before I can't even control myself. I can't just keep quiet. I'm pissed off by the way he keeps flirting with Avy. I warned him about that a long time ago, but it's like he's just planning to do it, especially in front of me.

"Remove your arm around her, Wayne. I won't let our meeting begin without you removing it," I said emphatically, He just grinned at me, still not removing it.

"Theo, what are you saying?" Bellatrix asked me confused but I didn't care about her right now. I just can't stand seeing my brother flirting my queen in front of me! F*ck it!

"Shut it, Ms. Belmore. I know what I'm doing," I said coldly. I couldn't stop myself anymore, so I removed his arm from Avy myself. I removed it angrily. I don't care if he breaks a bone; as long as I don't like what he's doing, then I grinned. I don't know exactly what he's up to, but I'm always ready for that. My patience is short as well as my temper. I just didn't care right now if Avy saw what I was acting in front of her.

"I told you to cut it off. I've warned you 7 years ago, right? Don't you remember? I told you that don't you dare flirt with her again or in front of me. You know my behavior, and this isn't easy for me to control when you touch my property," I warned him once again while standing seriously.

While we were inside the meeting room, my eyes were fixed on the person in front of me who was listening to Wayne in the front. When she probably felt that, she tormented me. I frowned. Is she sulking now because I didn't get to say goodbye to her when I left suddenly? After the meeting, he invited Avy to join him for lunch, but I wouldn't agree with that. I know he's planning something, and I won't let that happen. Wayne approached me and patted my shoulder but what he said annoyed me even more.

"Look, bro. I'm her boss here and not you. You should at least hire her first if you want to make her your personal secretary but since you already have yours, you shouldn't care about mine as well. We're fair, bro. Just take yours out then I'll take mine," Wayne stated as he quickly grabbed her hand. I quickly grabbed Avy's other hand before they left the door, then immediately pulled her so that she could hug me. I gently wrapped my arm around his shoulder while seriously looking at Wayne, who looked at me badly because of that.

The way he grinned at me, I knew he wanted to punch me. We already know each other's behavior, but now I don't care if we have a fight as long as Avy is mine. She is only mine, and I can never let her go to my brother. I let her go once, and now that's over. My silence for several years is over every time I catch a glimpse of her with someone else. It's my turn now. There's no backing off for me. It's my turn to make her mine.

As we're eating in one of the cafeteria, Wayne seems so f*cking sweet with Avy like giving her the food she wants like they're a couple. I want to look away, trying to stop myself from doing anything but they were testing my patience. Bellatrix touched my hand but I immediately removed it.

Avy's POV

I just follow Wayne's trips while we eat. I don't know why he acts sweet and clingy to me. I know he is my boss and he shouldn't be like this to me. I briefly looked at Theo who was opposite Wayne's seat. He alternately looks at Wayne and me while eating. I was surprised when he suddenly hit the table and stood up. He came closer to me and pulled my hand. Many people are watching us. I'm trying to get out of his grip but it seems he doesn't want to let go. We stopped in the parking lot. He washed his face in annoyance and ruffled his hair.

"Tell me. Why did you agree to be Wayne's personal secretary? You should've refused, Avy. And you're just letting him be sweet to you right in front of me," he angrily yelled at me. I don't know what is happening to him.

"W-What are you talking about, Theo? I didn't know he was going to be my boss. And before I could refuse, he already signed my papers. Besides, what's your problem? He's my boss at work, Theo. Wait, can I ask you? Why are you acting like a jealous boyfriend---" he suddenly interrupted.

"Yes! Yes, I'm fucking jealous, Avy. Because I know he wants you to be his when you should only be mine. Alone. I don't share you with anyone or with someone else," he said firmly. He took a deep breath while I tried to sink in my brain what he said.

"You know, you already have a girlfriend. You shouldn't be acting like that. Besides, you know, I shouldn't be talking to you now. You suddenly disappeared 5 years ago. You didn't even say anything. You made me hope when...Terrence broke up with me. I needed you during those times, Theo. But you weren't there. I hurt someone else for you and then all of a sudden you come back like you never left me in the air," I told him coldly even though I was crying. I swallowed what I said. I shouldn't have said it. It's like I just said that I'm jealous and I'm hurt even though it's true.

"Look, Avy, listen first. I didnt plan to---" I immediately cut it off.

"I try to be okay, act like I forgot all about you, act like you don't exist. Every day I stop myself from thinking about you even though I'm hurting. And I want to tell you something. I-I---" before I could continue what I was going to say, Bellatrix ran to hug him. I immediately wiped my tears and turned my back on the two of them. Just as Wayne arrived, he approached me. First he wiped my tears then he held my hand. I looked at the two of them for a moment and it didn't escape me when I saw the pain and anger in the way Theo was looking at Wayne and me. I took a deep breath. When I was about to tell him that I remembered what happened to us in the past but not completely, then that girl came. Will he be happy if I tell him about that? And if not, should I just let him go? He didn't even remove Bellatrix from her embrace. He just let her again.

The next day, I was about to leave to go to work when I noticed the familiar car outside the house again. I already know who owns it. I just sighed deeply. Unfortunately, I had a flat tire, so I just waited for a taxi to pull up. I know he noticed me, but I didn't show it. He immediately ran to me and grabbed my wrist. I removed it without looking at him. When I saw a taxi, I immediately stopped to get on it.

"Avy, please talk to me," he said, but I got into the taxi. I just held my breath.

He has been doing that for days in a row, but I always avoid him. Once again, I noticed that he was carrying a bouquet and a teddy bear, but I still tried to stop myself from giving in until one day, I noticed that the place where her car was parked was no longer there. I looked around, but I almost jumped in shock when someone pulled me to hug him. The way he hugs me tightly, even when I let go of his embrace.

"How long will you ignore me? Until I get tired of you? But do you think I can do that? Do you think that in the five years I've been separated from you, I don't think about you? Do you think I'll wait for you longer than that decade if I also know that I will just get tired? So please, let's fix this. Let me explain to you. Besides, even if you keep avoiding me, I won't stop until you talk to me," he calmly said with a pleading voice. He hugged me for a few minutes when suddenly his phone rang. I immediately saw who was calling, it was Bellatrix again. I looked away before speaking.
"It's alright. Answer that. It might be important. I'm leaving, I might be late for my work again," I said indifferently, then turned away from him but he stopped my hand.
"Avy," he uttered. I looked at him and tried to smile as I removed his hand that was holding me.
"I'm really fine. I have to go," I said weakly then turned away from him without hesitation. After turning my back, I secretly wiped the tears from my eyes and hailed a taxi.

I became lethargic while working. I don't know, but why do they both have the same effect on me? Why is it just so painful that his attention goes to others that should only be mine? Should I believe that he is jealous of Wayne? Should I believe in his treatment of me? Wayne asks me if I'm okay, but I just nod in response. I held my chest. Heavy feelings. Before I couldn't stop my tears from falling, I told Wayne that I was going home because I wasn't feeling well. He even offered to take me home, but I refused.

I held back my tears. I didn't want others to see that I was crying, so I just hurried out of that building and immediately hailed a taxi. I went straight to a bar. I lied to Wayne. I can't tell him the truth because, apart from him being my boss, this is my own problem, so he shouldn't know more.

There were many people when I entered that bar. The sound of the song and disco lights were blaring around, but I don't know, I was numb there. I sat at the bar counter and ordered a drink. While I was drinking, one after another, there was no stopping of tears in my eyes. It hurts. I just let myself feel that pain. When I finished the wine, I reluctantly went to the center to dance. I no longer have the strength to sing as long as I can forget, even for a day, the pain I feel. While I was dancing, someone gently held my hand. Because I was so drunk, I couldn't see his face anymore.

"W-What! L-Let go of me! I'm still dancing, you see? L-Let me go, just let go of me!" I screamed drunk but he dragged me until we got out of the bar. When I felt his grip on me loosen, I immediately let go.

"Come on. I'm going to take you home, Avy. It's dangerous because it's midnight," he said then tried to support me but I immediately avoided it.

"I-I wish you didn't make any promises that you made with me in the past. If only I knew that you wouldn't keep it yourself. You made me hope, Theo. And I wish, /*laugh I didn't remember you. I-I wish I just completely forgot about you. I-I'm pissed off with you! Because... because I was still hoping that you would keep your promise but you won't. I know you won't," I said incoherently while crying. I'm not sure if he's the one I'm talking to but I hope he is so he can hear everything I want to say. He tried to touch me but I immediately pulled back and almost fell from being so drunk.

"A-Avy," he uttered as his voice cracked.

"From now on, remember this. I will forget you. In the five years I waited for you to come back, even though you didn't even leave a word to me when you left, I wish I had known that it would end up in nothing," I continued. even though I'm full of tears. He tried to hold my arm again.

"Don't touch me! Please. Don't torture me with this pain anymore," I said. I can hear his weak sobbing.

"L-Listen to me first, my queen. Please don't do this. Please don't forget me just like that. I've waited for a long time for you to remember me. I've waited for decades until now, Avy. I'm still waiting. I love you even though I'm tired, I want to I love you. I love you so much that it's even more dominant even though I want to give up on you. My queen, listen to me first," he said crying while still trying to hold me. It seems that my drunkenness has decreased. He fell to his knees while bowing and crying in front of me. He looks so miserable.

After a while, a car came and spat at Wayne who was frowning while looking at me. He ran to me. Theo looked up and when he saw that Wayne's arm was holding me by my shoulder, he immediately stood up and tried to pull me away but Wayne didn't want to let go of me. I was shocked when he punched Wayne then pulled me but I let go. He stopped.

"I won't go with you. I don't want to go with you," I refused him. When I looked into his eyes, they were red and there were tears on the horizon. Why am I hurting whenever I see the deep sadness in his eyes? He gently caressed my face while we were both in tears.

"I will explain everything to you. Everything as long as you come with me, my queen. I will tell you the reason why I suddenly left. Everything you want to know, I will tell you," he said. But before I could answer, Wayne pulled my hand and let me get into his car. He quickly got in and locked the car door, so no matter what I did, I couldn't escape. I want to listen to what he will explain to me. I'm ready to listen.

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