King: of The Forest And The L...

By chaexjune

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Jungkook, the guardian of the Crimsonheart Forest, has watched over the ancient woodland for over a century... More

The Curse of The Uninvited Guest
The Hundred Years in Solitary
The Companion in Question
The Guardian of The Forest
The Strange yet Familiar Feeling
The Unspoken Secret and Promise
The Concealed Truth
The Princess' Stories
The Feelings
The Land of Eudaemonia
The Secret Between Us
The Scent of Danger
The Greying Feathers and The Treacherous Tree
The Infamous Vigilante
The Bad Omen
The Inevitable Decision
The Sleeping Handsome in The Woods
The Moment Has Come
The End of Vileness
The Ending Plan
The New Beginning
The Hopeless Queen and The Clueless King
The Lost Sparks Between Them
In the Heart of the Kingdom

The Only Person

192 16 10
By chaexjune

Perched atop a sturdy oak, Jungkook found himself nestled in the boughs of that neighbouring tree, observing his creation from every possible angle.

The treehouse he called a tree castle which he built ninety years ago in the central of the lush forest of Crimsonheart.

The chamber or the living room was the main part of the tree castle. It showcased a cosy and rustic charm of its own. In that chamber, Roseanne was resting alone as he told her that he needed to inspect every area of the forest before he slept, which was actually a lie. He was just a few meters away from his homey place, watching it from a distance to see what he could improve or add to ensure he could give the perfect hospitality for his sole visitor.

Adjacent to the chamber, a quaint bathroom boasted simplicity and functionality. Wooden panels adorned the walls, with a small stone sink standing atop a sturdy wooden cabinet. A shower area, cleverly enclosed with woven curtains, offered a refreshing escape amidst the treetops.

Above, the kitchen was a haven of culinary delights. Wooden cabinets lined the walls, storing an assortment of storage jars, pots, pans, and utensils. In those jars, there were all the earthy and natural ingredients for his hunger being kept at. For the moment, he had herbs, spices, whole grains, and foraged foods stored. He should find some fruits tomorrow for Roseanne, she seemed to adore them from the way she brought a lot of berries with her to the tree castle.

Last but not least, the room opposite the kitchen that-

"Hey, Caladrius.", Whisper's voice slightly surprised him.

"Whisper, what are you doing here?"

"I want to tell you something before I fly away for a few days.", the white pigeon told him.

He nodded with full attention on the bird that just sat on his hand, "What is it now?"

Whisper walked on his arm to his shoulder while saying, "I want to tell you to take care of Rosie well while I'm gone."

Jungkook chuckled at her words.

"Oh, yeah. Laugh while you can. You never know when she will leave this place. I heard her talking to herself before she slept, Caladrius.", she said as she made a turn to keep walking back and forth on his arm.

"Why? What did she say?", he asked.

"She said that she is worried about her father but she also said that she hoped no one would come and find her for now.", Whisper told him.

He stared into the darkness, wondering why Roseanne said those words.

"I hope I can still see her here when I come back. She is a sweet girl. I don't feel like leaving her yet.", Whisper spread her wings and hugged Jungkook's arm with them.

Jungkook shook his head, "You should leave, Whisper. You are just going to make her uncomfortable being around in the castle often."

Whisper turned her head and glared at him, "You are the one who makes her uncomfortable."

He shook his head again while Whisper was pointing her right wing at him, "Tell me, what do you feel of having a guest at your castle?"

He shrugged.

"Come on, Caladrius. It's not just me. Every single creature here knows how you feel about her.", Whisper said, purposely trying to tease him.

"I do not have feelings for her!"


Jungkook quickly covered his mouth while looking back at his tree castle. Even though he was quite far from it, he was still worried that Roseanne could hear him from there.

"I do not..."

"You are nervous around her. You are careful with her. You are worried if she is uncomfortable here.", Whisper said one by one as if she was counting them down.

"I just want to give the best for her.", Jungkook tried to tell her. "She is my guest, I never had a guest before. Of course, I am nervous. It's my first time having a guest since I live alone in the forest.", he quivered while flying down to the ground.

Whisper nodded.

"You are doing alright, Caladrius.", she put her right wing on Jungkook's shoulder. " need to be more relaxed around her."

Jungkook's shoulders dropped,"How do I do that?"

Some insects came flying in their direction and they began to suggest randomly.

"Just be yourself."

"Make some jokes."

"Have some sense of humour."

"Take a deep breath-"

"And smile!"

He sighed in return, "Be myself? Have a sense of humour? You all know me, I do not know humour."

"You do. Remember when you scare the people away? You laughed at him.", one of the bees reminded him.

He smiled bitterly, "I laughed at him is different with me having to make someone else laughing."


Whisper shooed the insects away as Jungkook reached the staircase of his tree castle.

"Caladrius, just be yourself. Be you who cares about everything, who likes to help everyone, who-"

"Knows what to do. If I don't, I could ask you or any animals here. But now it is different, she is a human. What do you guys know about human except that they are cruel?", he asked as he sat down on the staircase.

" have to figure out yourself.", Whisper replied.

"See? This is all new to me.", Jungkook rested his head on his hands.

Whisper chuckled over seeing the king of the forest being sad like that.

"You will figure it out. Anyway, what were you doing at the tree earlier?"

Jungkook took a deep breath, "Just wondering...what I could add to the castle since I have someone staying here with me."

Whisper gasped, "Look at you! You are already figuring it out."

He shook his head, "No..not yet."

Shortly after, they heard a distant sound of thunder rumbling.

"Oh, I have to go now. You should go to sleep. Your beautiful guest has already been asleep while waiting for you upstairs.", Whisper told him before she started to fly in the air.

Jungkook watched it leaving his sight before he turned around to look up at his sturdy yet magnificent tree castle which was beaming under the moonlight.

"I will figure this out, hm.."


As the rain poured down outside, a sudden drip from the window landed on Jungkook's forehead, jolting him awake. He rubbed his eyes and glanced around the dimly lit chamber of his. On the floor, where he slept, he noticed Roseanne on the bed, shivering and murmuring incomprehensibly in her sleep.

Concern etched on his face, he swiftly rose and approached the bed. "Rosie, are you okay?", he asked softly, hovering over her.

She did not reply. He went closer and patted her shoulder softly while repeating his question.

Her eyes finally fluttered open, filled with a mix of confusion and distress. "It's so cold.", she managed to mumble, her teeth chattering.

He felt bad seeing her like that. He thought that allowing her to sleep on his bed would be comfortable for her but then, the rain was not cooperating with him that night.

"I can help.", he offered gently. "My wings keep me warm. Would you like me to stay with you?", he asked her.

Roseanne hesitated for a moment, contemplating his generous offer. With a nod, she scooted over, making space on the bed. Jungkook folded his large, feathery wings around them both, creating a cocoon of warmth and protection. He carefully put his arms around her as he lied down beside her.

The sound of rain tapping against the window softened as Roseanne nestled closer to him, feeling the comforting heat radiating from his wings. Gradually, her shivers subsided, replaced by a sense of calm and security she had not felt before.

As the night wore on, the two drifted into a peaceful slumber, enveloped in the embrace of Jungkook's wings, the rain outside whispering a lullaby. In that moment, despite the storm raging beyond his sanctuary, a quiet warmth and serenity filled the room, creating an unspoken bond between them that somehow gave comfort and nervousness to both of them.


With the first light of dawn filtering through the window, Jungkook stirred awake, his wings gently retracting to allow him to move. His eyes widened in concern as he felt the heat emanating from Roseanne's skin. Worried lines creased his brow as he noticed her restless slumber.

Gently, he pressed his hand against her forehead to confirm his suspicion, "Gosh..."

Roseanne's eyes fluttered open to find him pacing back and forth, a troubled expression etched across his face. "Cal?", she murmured, her voice weak.

Looking at her with worry, he replied, "Rosie, you're burning up. Your temperature is quite high."

Blinking drowsily, she slowly sat up, swinging her legs off the bed to touch the cool floor beneath. With a faint smile, she turned to him. "There is this herb plant." she began, her voice subdued yet hopeful, "It's called Aloe Excelsian. It's known to cure fever."

"Fever?", Jungkook's eyes widened slightly, attentively listening to her description. "How does it look like?" he inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity and concern.

"It grows in the forest, with long, pointed leaves and vibrant red flowers," she explained, describing the plant in simple yet vivid terms.

Determined to help, Jungkook nodded, "I'll find it for you."

After he went out, Roseanne went lying back to the bed, her faith in his ability to find the herb calming her fevered mind.

Jungkook ventured into the forest, his steps purposeful as he navigated the verdant terrain. Guided by Roseanne's description, he scanned the foliage, searching for the distinct plant with long, pointed leaves and vivid red flowers. While he was on the mission, Skydance came into his sight.

"What are you looking for, Caladrius?", she asked.

"Do you know a herb named Aloe Excelsian? It has long, pointed leaves and red flowers.", he replied.

"Hmm....I think I know where to find it. Follow me.", she said before leading him a few metres away from there.

Finally, among a patch of vibrant greenery, he spotted the herb's distinct leaves, a glimmer of relief flooding through him. Carefully gathering the potent remedy, he hastened back to his tree castle, but not forgetting to say thank you to the blue butterfly with a little nudge to its tiny head before continuing his journey back.

When he reached home, he brewed a concoction from the herb, following Roseanne's directions meticulously. He helped her drink the potion, hoping for its healing properties to take effect soon. As the day progressed, her fever gradually subsided, her breaths steadying, and her skin cooling. She tried to find Jungkook but did not see him anywhere until she looked down to see him working on something below the tree castle.

Curiosity beckoned her, and she ventured down to find him, her steps light with newfound energy. "Hi, Cal." she called out, her voice carrying the melody of her improved spirits.

As he turned, a glint of joy twinkled in his eyes at the sight of Roseanne's improved complexion.

"Rosie, you're looking so much better," he remarked with genuine relief evident in his voice. "How are you feeling?"

She nodded with a gentle smile, touched by his concern.

"Much better, thanks to you." she replied gratefully.

He returned a small nod, "It's all you. If you didn't tell me about the herb, I wouldn't know how to help you."

Roseanne smiled at him before his head turned to his work again.

"What are you working on?", her gaze swept over the scattered wood pieces, eager to learn about his project.

Jungkook gestured proudly toward a half-finished chair, taking shape beneath his skilled hands.

"I'm building a chair. It's a work in progress, but I'm getting there," he explained, his passion for woodworking evident in his every movement.

Fascinated, she observed his craftsmanship with admiration.

"Can I help?", she asked.

Jungkook shook his head, "You just recovered from the fever. I can do this alone. It's almost done."

She nodded quietly before walking to the stairs and sat on it while watching him resume his work, meticulously carving and assembling the pieces.

As he focused on the craft, he sensed her curious gaze fixed upon him, and the quietness between them grew palpable, making him feel a bit uneasy with the silence.

He cleared his throat and turned to her.

"Um, so... how did you even know about the herb?" He asked, his voice breaking the silence hanging between them.

He felt a twinge of curiosity about the mystical plant Roseanne had mentioned earlier. Her eyes twinkled with interest as she settled comfortably nearby.

"I love reading and learning. My teacher back in the village was quite knowledgeable about natural remedies and plants. That's how I came to know about Aloe Excelsian." she explained, her voice filled with a quiet enthusiasm for learning.

Intrigued, his curiosity peaked.

"And fever, what exactly is it?" he queried, his brow furrowed in genuine curiosity. "I've never experienced it."

Roseanne nodded, understanding his curiosity. "Well, fever is when your body's temperature rises above the normal range in response to an illness or infection. It's like your body's way of fighting off intruders." she explained in a simple, relatable manner, trying to make the concept comprehensible for him.

He listened intently, his hands never ceasing their careful work on the chair. He found himself absorbing the newfound information, realizing his lack of understanding about the forest he called home for nearly a century. The realization stirred something within him-a desire to learn more about his own surroundings, a longing to explore the depths of the forest that had sheltered him for so long.

"Your forest is truly full of pleasant wonders, Cal." she told him as she was reminded of the delightful sights and sounds that enveloped her two days ago when she was venturing it alone.

Jungkook, the humble guardian of the woodland realm, smiled softly at her remark. "No, I'm merely a guardian here, not the owner." he replied with a gentle tone, emphasizing his role as a protector rather than a possessor of the forest's treasures.

Undeterred, she shook her head in disagreement. "No, Cal, you're more than a guardian. It's like every creature in this forest obeys you." she insisted, noticing how the animals seemed to acknowledge his presence with a sense of reverence and trust.

A soft chuckle escaped as he regarded her perceptive observation, "You have a keen eye, Rosie but really, the creatures here don't like to hear that."

His handiwork halted when he heard a sudden loud buzzing of the insects that came right in front of Roseanne. The trees and bushes were swaying in a discordant manner, unlike before, they were in harmony with the soft wind. The insects' movement resembled a human shaking their head as Jungkook tried to disperse them.

"They seem to disagree with you.", her words stopped him.

The insects moved to stay beside her, seemingly to be on her side instead of him.

"They like me.", she stated as one of the dragonflies perched on her finger.

Jungkook groaned at the scene while she was chuckling at him.

"Little dragonfly, tell me. Is he the owner of the forest?" She asked the tiny thing on her finger.

She gasped, her awe growing as she saw the nod it made.

Jungkook left them to continue his work.

"Oh, he's heartbroken.", she spoke slowly to the dragonfly. "Go, say sorry to him.", she added while Jungkook was hearing it all, he had a smile on his face behind her back.

"You truly have a special bond with this place.", she told him as she watched the insects flew to him together.

His eyes twinkled with a mixture of gratitude and affection for the forest that had been his home for so long. "It's a bond forged through respect and understanding actually." he explained, grateful for her appreciation of the forest's inherent harmony.

As the final touches were put into place, Jungkook gestured for Roseanne to come forward. "Try to sit on it, Rosie." he offered, a warm smile gracing his face.

She hesitated at first, but as she settled into the chair, she felt its comfortable embrace, tailor-made for her.

"I made this for you," he said softly, the words carrying a depth of gratitude and friendship that filled the tranquil forest around them.

Overwhelmed by his effort, her eyes glistened as she expressed her heartfelt thanks to him. She never anticipated such a thoughtful gesture, and the gesture touched her deeply, warming her heart in ways she could not express. Jungkook, on the other hand, looked at her with wide eyes as he did not expect her to cry because of the chair he made for her.

"Why- Why are you crying?", he panicked. "I am sorry, Rosie. I didn't mean to hurt you. Is the chair hurting you? But- but, how?"

Roseanne's small laugh made him look at her in confusion.

"It's a cry of joy, Cal. I feel happy. Thank you again for the chair."

He nodded slowly, "I figured I needed to make a new chair because the one in the castle is a bit too big for you. It doesn't suit you."

She smiled in return, "I understand. I just didn't think that you built this chair for me."

"Who else would it be for? My wings could not fit if I sit on it.", he replied as he began tidying up the scattered woods around them.


The herb plant name is made-up. Please don't search for it. Haha 😁

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