A Trollhunter turned King

By dragonqueen9

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after using the time stone infused amulet, Jim finds himself back to the day it all started, only this time T... More

old friends, new beginnings
good old Trollmarket
Black and Blue
Strange, but familiar
great, goblins
why, Merlin, why?
training and research
Oh no
well then
holy shi-
Who's the wizard?
Sweet Sixteen, Again. (part 1)
Sweet Sixteen, Again. (part 2)
Sweet Sixteen, Again (part 3)
Creep Slayerz, Back in Action
Gnomes and Changelings
Wake Up
Ladies First
Unexpected Guest
Friends Close, Enemies Closer
Target Acquired
Game On
Great Minds Think Alike
Home, Sweet Earth
Art drop
Trollmarket's beauty
Art drop (2)
Not in Vain
Royal Trouble
Mission Impossible?


312 8 37
By dragonqueen9

"Ten on red." a civilian called, placing their bet for who would win. Their comment was followed by others placing their own bets of different amounts and colors. Aja watched from the back, she never played for the money and she would be caught dead before she even tried, even though all of her guesses were always right. It just wasn't a good look for a member of the royal family to be betting in illegal Skeltag fights.

Right as the fight began, Aja's com went off. Pulling up the facetime like call, she saw it was from Krel. Being hidden in the crowd from above, she answered without worry.

"What's up?" she asked, watching the small creatures battle as her brother came into view from her peripheral vision.

"So how many have you watched and how many were you right on?" Krel asked with a slight laugh to his tone.

"About twelve and you know me, little brother. All of them have been right." Aja answered without looking away from the critters. "Calling to be social? That's a little odd for you, brother." she laughed, side eyeing the screen. Krel rolled his eyes and sighed.

"I wanted to start the conversation with something of your interest but if you don't want to hear my report, then fine." Krel said with dramatic sarcasm, reaching off screen to end the call.

"No, no, ok, sorry." Aja laughed, gaining a small chuckle from Krel. "what'd you want to tell me?" she asked, giving her brother her full attention.

"We're almost ready to send out a message to Jim. figured you would want to be here." he told his sister, a small smirk appearing on his face.

"I'll be right there!" Aja exclaimed, fast and excitedly, a laugh was heard from the call right before she hung up and made a beeline for the castle. Her hood and cloak could barely keep up with her as she ran through the city.

Aja was back home and turning the last corner to Krel's lab in the matter of mekrons(minutes). Busting into the room as she yanked off the fabric that hid her identity from the civilians, Vex had already arrived.

"Varvatos, I thought you were preparing for departure." Aja said, placing the hood on an empty table.

"Varvatos was allowed to participate in the contacting of the Lake boy." Vex answered, turning to the former queen as she entered. Krel was putting the final touches on the device.

"Alright, so what should the first message be?" the prince asked, the screen coming to life as Krel put in Jim's phone number. The room was quiet for a moment as they all thought but then Aja lit up.

"I got it." she said, moving to stand by Krel and giving him a questioning look. He backed away in his seat and gestured open arms to the keyboard. Aja typed in the text and looked back at Krel as if to ask if it was ok.

"Well that's one way to do it." Krel laughed, sliding back up to the device and sending it. "Well, fingers crossed." they heard Vex huff a laugh from behind them as he read the message.

"You made it, of course it'll work. Just depends on how long it will take to get there." the princess reassured her brother. "Unless you put his number in wrong." she teased, earning a dramatic gasp from Krel.

"You can doubt my skill but do not underestimate my memory." Krel said, crossing his arms and turning his chin to the ceiling.

"Well, our memories are not as they were before the Lake boy reset time." Vex taunted back, gaining a laugh from Aja and a glare from Krel, who soon started laughing as well. A ding from the communicator caught their attention after about five mekrons.

"He replied?!" Aja half asked, half squealed in excitement as she ran back to Krel's side to read the message. Vex stood over them to read it as well, even then, Krel read it aloud.

"More lively than you think, U guys keeping it Crispy?" Krel read off with a laugh. "Well we know it got to the right human." the prince said with a smile and an eye roll as Vex and Aja chuckled. Aja reached for the keys and started typing again.

"How are things on Earth?" a simple question but it was one they were all wondering. Krel showed his sister how to send the 'texts' so he didn't have to every time. They waited for a mekron or two before another response came through.

"Kinda crazy but when is it not?" Krel nodded with a hum as Vex and Aja huffed in amusement. "How crazy is it up there?" Aja hummed.

"It's not really crazy here, for once." she commented, thinking about what was happening on Akiridian-5. She looked to the others to see their opinions.

"It was never crazy until Morando attacked." Vex confirmed. "Varvatos believes that Earth was. . interesting long before we arrived." he confessed, looking back at the screen.

"That much is true. Toby told me of all the heathens they had to deal with even before Morando was a threat to us." Krel said, thinking back to when he, Toby and Eli would hang out and would tell stories to one another. Krel then started typing up their response.

"Not as crazy as there, we're sure. Toby told us of all the crazy trolls and bad guys you've had to deal with." Krel sent as a response came through in sektons(seconds).

"Well some bad guys have decided to make their presence known earlier than expected this time around." Krel read it aloud to get the others' attention better. "Well that sounds lovely." he said with an eye roll and his usual sarcastic tone.

"How is that fairing?" Vex asked, worried for their comrades. Aja typed his question and sent it off. They waited for a moment before a new message.

"Better and worse than expected. The whole configuration has their memories and a couple others so we have knowledge on our side." Aja could almost hear the sigh as the text cut off. "But these guys are testing our strength and my patience." Aja laughed a little knowing how their friend was feeling.

"We will try to be there as soon as possible, but we have our problems to deal with first." Aja spoke as she typed and sent the message.

"What are they fighting currently that you know of, Krel?" Vex asked out of curiosity. Krel turned in his chair and thought back to what Toby had told him.

"Bular 'the Butcher', the son of Gunmar 'the Black' if I remember correctly." Krel said, looking up in thought. "That and the changelings that worked for them." he added. Another ding caught their focus again.

"No yeah, of course. I didn't expect you guys to even remember at this point in time. I just wish we could help you."

"The Lake boy has always been concerned with others rather than himself, hasn't he?" Vex asked with a slight smile.

"That's what a king does." Aja said, remembering that Jim had wielded Excalibur for a short time. "He pulled Excalibur from the stone. By Earth rules, he is a king." she explained further.

"Yeah, I'm sure he loves that title. 'King James'." Krel laughed, knowing Jim a little better than the other Akiridians as he was the only one to stay on Earth.

"Well, he has the old amulet again so no Excalibur." Aja reminded them of the time jump. She typed another text. "Our problems seem easier than yours. We wish you guys the best of luck before we get there."

"Yeah, just survive long enough for us to help. That makes sense." Krel said dryly. "I want to say that they, mostly Jim, have survived far worse than any of us have." Krel commented, leaning back in his chair again as Jim texted back.

"Thanks guys, we wish you guys luck too. It's nice talking to you but I got to try and get some sleep." Vex read aloud as they read it together.

"Get your rest, tell the others we said hi." Aja said as she sent the message. "Varvatos, you should probably get back to the armies." she suggested as the line between the two devices went dead.

"Indeed." Vex said, standing straight as he turned to leave. "Perhaps you two should start packing. Varvatos believes we will be fast returning." Vex said with a smile over his shoulder as he walked out of the room.

"You think he's right?" Krel asked his sister, pushing his chair to work on something else.

"Let's hope so." Aja sighed, crossing her arms and looking down at the floor. "What now?" she asked, noticing her brother's tinkering.

"A camera so that we might be able to see him when we call." Krel answered, not taking his eyes off the tech. "Even if Morandos capture is fast, it'll still take about a week." he explained.

"Are you having issues with your terminology?" Aja asked, noticing the Earth term. Krel stopped to think. "I am too, that's why I'm asking." she explained.

"Oh, then yes. Living on Earth for two years kinda screwed with my words." Krel admitted, scratching his head.

"Exactly. Even with me only spending a year there, it was difficult for me to switch back. And now too." the future queen agreed.

"I just don't bother when I'm alone." Krel huffed a laugh, shrugging as he smiled at her. She chuckled slightly at her little brother, picking up his headphones and handing them to him.

"Should I leave you to it?" Aja asked with a smile. Krel looked from the tech to his sister as he took the headphones. He thought for a moment before he set them on the desk and smiled at her.

"Stay, please." he said, and so she did. Asking the occasional question about parts or what he was doing, but she made sure she wasn't overbearing. Krel, wouldn't admit it, but he liked the company and just being able to talk about his passion was therapeutic in its own way. Aja just liked spending time with her brother without having to deal with some life threatening danger looming over their heads.

After about an hour, Krel noted that it was getting hard for him to keep his eyes open and he knew his sister would pick up on it soon. He leaned back in his chair with a sigh and closed his eyes.

"Getting tired?" Aja asked, truly knowing the answer but seeing if her stubborn little brother would admit it.

"Perhaps we should both get some sleep. If I know you, you're thinking about sneaking off with the army to get Morando." Krel said, sparing a smirk towards the older royal. Aja stiffened slightly, realizing she'd been caught.

"I think you know me too well." she huffed, crossing her arms and looking away in defeat. Krel couldn't help but laugh.

"You know, we could easily convince Mama and Papa to let us join." he chuckled. "You don't always have to go behind their backs." he turned to look at her head on as he spoke.

"Do you really think they'll let us go on a mission like that? Mama and Papa are way too overprotective." Aja sighed, rolling her eyes as she looked back at her brother.

"If we show them we are capable, they will treat us like warriors, you know that." Krel accused, knowing his sister was just in her head about things, just like he was earlier.

"You're right." Aja sighed, smiling at her techy brother. "Sleep it is." she stated with a small laugh, gaining one from Krel as well. They said their goodnights and headed off to their respective rooms.


"You wish to join in the capture mission?" Coranda parroted her son, looking concerningly at Fialkov.

"We've taken Morando before and we want to help bring him to justice again." Aja said, standing tall with a determined look on her face. Krel stood beside her in the same manner as they tried to convince their parents to let them go along.

"While I don't doubt your abilities, considering what I've seen of yours and Commander Vex's training," Fialkov sighed with a smile, gaining a shocked look from Aja. She had not known her father to be watching. "It is still very dangerous." the king said. Coranda stepped forward before speaking.

"And even with the future training you say to have, these forms do not." she said, gesturing to the children in front of her. "Nor do we even know what we are flying into." the queen added.

The siblings cringed slightly, knowing she was right. They had battled and defeated Morando on earth, on territory they were more familiar with. This mission was going to him, on his own turf, where he was truly king.

"We love you both, and for that, we will not let you endanger yourselves by going on this mission." the king ordered, albeit kindly. Aja sucked in a hard breath, unable to come up with a rebuttal.

"How do you expect us to ever know how to deal with a mission if you are too scared to let us go on one?" Krel asked after a moment of silence. His sister stood tall once more after hearing his words.

"This is not a mission to be your first." the queen said, trying to reason with her children. Krel scoffed, unable to hold back his thoughts anymore.

"We have battled far worse than Morando and came out on top. Our missions that 'started us out' last time were levels worse than this one." Krel argued, before Aja placed a hand on his shoulder to calm him.

"Regardless of our physical forms, we know what we are doing and we know how to do it. Morando is our enemy as much as he is everyone else's on Akiridian-5." Aja spoke with authority, no longer seeing this as a family discussion but a formal meeting. "We lost you once, and I was crowned queen. I would think that gives me just as much authority as you two." she continued. The elder royals looked to each other at the accusation, before the king sighed.

"You really have grown." Fialkov huffed a tired laugh as Coranda gave a small smile. The siblings lit up, knowing that they had just won. "Very well, you may join the troops." the king said, only to be tackled in a hug by the teens.

"Thank you, Papa." Krel said as their parents laughed. The queen was soon to join the hug.

"We will be leaving in the next horvath, so you two should go get ready." Coranda said with a fond laugh as the two children pulled away with thankful smiles and ran off to prepare.


"I suppose Varvatos shouldn't be surprised that you were able to convince the king and queen to permit you battle ready." Vex almost laughed as they sat in ship, waiting to get to their destination.

"Krel was actually the one to stand up to them." Aja explained, praising her brother as he tinkered with a small piece of tech. The younger teen gave a laugh.

"Not really. You pulled the queen card and made them feel bad." Krel shot back, taking his eyes off the metal but not stopping his movements.

"We both knew we were going on this mission, regardless of our parents' permission." Aja rolled her eyes with a chuckle, gaining snickers from the others.

"Commander." a soldier marched up to the trio as Vex stood to his addresser. "We will be arriving in approximately thirty mekron(minutes)" she said, standing tall to speak to the higher ranked.

"Thank you for informing Varvatos." Vex thanked with a slight head bow. The soldier nodded before turning to the teens.

"Young royals." She bowed to be proper. They bowed back and she left to join the others once more.

"So, thirty minutes before we take down Morando." Krel said as Vex turned around to face the siblings again.

"Normally I would say, bold of you to assume we'd win. But Morando won't know what hit him." Aja said, gaining more laughs from the boys.

"Sure he will, he just will have to live with the fact that he got his rear kicked in by a couple of children." Krel barked, laughing with the others as they enjoyed the remaining half hour of peace.


"The former general, Val Morando, is to be apprehended and arrested for the tragedy of Satellite-9." the final transmission from the king and queen before the troops landed. "Recent evidence proves that Val Morando hired the Zeron Brotherhood to attack and destroy Satellite-9, killing thousands of Akiridians. He will pay for his crimes and we will bring those families justice." the king said, standing beside his wife.

The transmission was broadcasted through every ship on the mission and throughout the whole of the Akiridian empire, informing the citizens of the situation. The broadcast was limited to just the ships to address the soldiers that occupied them.

"Do not underestimate him. In exile, Morando has done countless unethical activities and we do not know what truly awaits you." the queen spoke. "Never let your guard down and fight to your best abilities. Good luck to you all." Coranda bowed with Fialkov as the line went dead.

"You ready?" Aja asked her brother in a joking manner. He smiled and elbowed her playfully as he made sure all his tech was secure to his person. Aja spun her serator in hand and walked with Vex to the front of the group. Small for a capture party but their job was to infiltrate the main room and Vex, Aja and Krel were the ones tasked with actually taking in Morando.

Vex went over the plan one more time, making sure everyone understood, before the doors opened to reveal the castle that the cocky bastard had built himself. The siblings shared a look of annoyance and marched forward with the others as the small squad snaked their way into the palace.

The other troops made a bigger nose and handed whatever soldiers Morando had hired to serve him. It made it far easier for the capture team to sneak by, only losing one or two soldiers to hold back guards that had surprised them.

"You're clear, Commander." Vex's com went off as a stealth soldier informed him that they were good to continue on. They got to what seemed to be a throne room as the giant doors looked far to regal not to be.

"We'll keep your back clear." one of the soldiers in their group said, turning with weapon in hand as two others joined him, protecting their backside. Aja and Krel inhaled sharply together before letting the breath out with determined faces.

"Let's do this." Aja said, holding her glowing blade in front of herself. Pointing it towards the door as Vex formed his massive shield and rammed the door open. Morando sat all high and mighty on a throne that centered at the edge of the room, as expected, he wasn't alone. Multiple soldiers met theirs as the red suited warriors were fast to attack back on their aggressors.

"Get to the traitor." Vex told the teens as he rushed forward to meet blades with multiple weapons before quickly taking them down. The others followed in the commander's lead as the siblings rushed and dodged opponents to get to Morando.

"What is the meaning of this?" the formal general cursed as he stood with his staff at the ready.

Aja ran up to him, her own blade ready to strike as Krel stayed just out of his reach on Aja's hoverboard for more mobility. Weapons clashed as the once queen took her strike at the former general.

"Having children fight your battles for you now?" Morando asked with a smirk, pushing down on the glowing blade. A rope whipped around his ankle as he was pulled back and swung into the wall.

"These children will be your downfall." Aja snarled as Morando stood again to see who had thrown him. The young prince swayed on the hoverboard with a glowing line that acted as a rope.

"You think too little of me and too big of yourselves." Morando growled, charging for the siblings once more, but was met with a far bigger opponent. "Commander Vex? I'd thought you would be after the Zeron brotherhood for what they have done to you." Morando commented, pushing back from the larger warrior. "Didn't you get my invitation?" he questioned with a smirk.

"Varvatos knows it was you who caused so much pain." Vex growled holding his blade tighter. A clink of metal caught Morandos attention from behind him as a ball hit his foot. The contraption sparked to life as a portable cage surrounded him with electrical bars to prevent anything from getting in or out.

"You should pay more attention to your surroundings." Krel smirked, one hand empty and the other three holding other contraptions.

"You think this will hold me?" Morando asked, spinning his spear before plunging it into the device and shattering the cell that temporarily held him.

"Kleb." Krel cursed, zipping out of the way as Morando took another attack towards him.

"Val Morando!" Aja announced, grabbing the general's focus. He turned to the girl only to find, not a girl, but a warrior. Pointed at his form, a weapon only one before her was able to wield. "You are under arrest for causing the Commerce guild Bombing of Satellite-9 and the murder of hundreds." Aja said, powering up her cannon. Intentions on scaring him into submission, but she would use it in a heartbeat if needed.

"You've lost, Morando." Krel said, standing on the hoverboard still but behind his sister, glaring at the traitorous Akridiain. Morando looked around his makeshift throne room to find all his soldiers defeated, restrained or convinced to change sides. The sound of the blaster pulled his attention back to his situation.

Morando was cocky, but even he knew one hit from that blaster and his core would be shattered. His grip tightened in anger around his spear as he gritted his teeth in irritation. With an angry huff, the formal general dropped his serrator and took a knee, surrendering.

Vex rushed forward to restrain him before he changed his mind as the Tarron siblings sighed in shock and relief. Aja defused her own serrator and turned to her brother with a smile as Vex recited the Akiridian version of the Miranda rights.

"Well, that went far better than I thought it would." Krel breathed, not knowing he was even holding his breath. He hopped down from the board as Aja laughed a little. Vex let others take hold of Morando as he pulled up a transmission to the other teams.

"Target has been captured. Val Morando is now in Akiridian custody." the commander said with a smile, gaining cheers from the soldiers in the room and even some through the coms as Aja and Krel breathed in the victory.

Morando was placed in a holding cell from one of the ships, similar to the cell that held Vex on the moon. Soon, the only other people in the room were the commander and the siblings, making sure the cell wouldn't malfunction and let out the danger that it held.

"So, the almighty kind and queen send their children to fight in their wars now?" Morando asked, trying to provoke the trio. Aja turned to him with her best queen face, knowing what he was doing. Krel rolled his eyes as he continued working on the cages reinforcements.

"Just admit that these 'children' took you down within the matter of mekrons(minutes)." she said. Her face, Krel noticed, never changing from the poker face, as their earth friends would call it. The comment wasn't received well as Morando stood from his seat and scowled at the princess.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you." Krel smirked as their prisoner got closer to the electromagnetic wall of his cell. Morando's attention shifted to the young prince before huffing in anger.

Weak enough to be captured by mere children, but not foolish enough to try to escape. That and the fact that Vex was glaring the former general down from where he stood next to the future queen.

"There, that should hold just fine." Krel praised himself, stepping back from the control panel with his hands on his hips. "Ready to go?" he asked, turning to the others. Vex nodded his head towards the exit, signaling the siblings to have their leave, but he would stay for a moment. The Tarron's trusted Vex with all their cores and knew that he would be fine, so they smiled and left. Giving the captured one last glare before they walked out the door.

"Varvatos, you know the Zeron Brotherhood caused that tragedy. The reason your family is dead." not two seconds alone and Morando was already trying to manipulate Vex. "Fialkov refused to let you have your revenge. Why would you still bow to that king? Bow to me instead and we will bring your family justice." Morando smiled, baring his fangs. Vex turned to him with a scowl.

"Varvatos only bows to two kings. King Fialkov of Akiridian-5 and a King you will never meet. King James of the planet Earth, a great warrior and a great king. Notice how Varvatos didn't mention you." Vex hissed, gaining another growl from Morando. "Varvatos-. . I would never bow to you." Vex turned on his heels and walked out having said his peace.

"VARVATOS VEX!!" Morando screamed, outraged but Vex pushed the noise away. His family has their justice and Varvatos will never be blinded by revenge ever again.

"That sounds like it went well." Aja chuckled as Vex walked into the room with the siblings. Krel snickered at the comment as Vex huffed a laugh of his own.

"His words are meaningless to Varvatos." Vex huffed, standing tall with a smile. The display only provoked more laughter from the teens.

"In all seriousness, Varvatos. Really, Don't call Jim that to his face." Krel warned while still chuckling, referring to the king title.

"I know I don't know him like you do, but is he really that against it? We don't even know if they acknowledge the title back on earth." Aja said, bringing up a good point.

"To your question, yes. He hates any title of authority. Toby once called him our 'fearless leader' and he barely tolerated that, as vague as it was." Krel answered with a smile and a huff. "He sees us all as a team, not one person more important than the other, including himself." Krel added, starting to miss their friends more and more as they talked.

"As any great king would." Vex commented, gaining smiles from the siblings as Vex took a seat in a chair of his own.

"I didn't say he was a bad one." Krel defended with a laugh, causing Vex and Aja to break out in laughs of their own. The ride back to Akiridian-5 was filled with victory and celebration with the other members on the ship. With other ships transmitting to theirs to praise the young royals for their abilities and success of their first mission.


"We are so proud of you two." Coranda said, a fond smile plastered on her and her husband's face.

"Thank you Mama, Papa. but we will be home in less than fifteen mekron. Couldn't wait to tell us?" Aja asked with a laugh. The king and queen had called the three to congratulate them, so they were currently looking at a video transmission from their parents.

"It is never a bad time to tell you we love you." Fialkov laughed. The siblings giggled at the statement.

"Fair point, Papa." Krel said through giggles. "Unless you call us in the middle of battle, I guess." more laughter echoed through the room and the transmission.

"No, I suppose there are a few exceptions to that rule." the queen laughed, covering her mouth with one of her hands. "We have a surprise for when you get home." Coranda pulled the conversation to a new topic.

"The crowning ceremony?" Aja asked, knowing her parents wouldn't tell her out right on fear of her running from responsibility.

"You truly have grown." Fialkov sighed with a smile. "We will see you two-, sorry, three," he corrected, looking behind the teens to Vex with a nod. "Soon. Again, we are so proud of you, all of you." he finished with a laugh before they said goodbye and the call cut off.

"I guess a better title would be beneficial if we are leaving the planet." Krel said, knowing the 'king and queen in waiting' titles helped them a fair amount the last time.

"True, and I won't try to run away this time." Aja commented, standing with a smile.

"You better not." her brother huffed a laugh as he turned in his chair to face her. "Prince and princess no longer." he said, a fond smile on his face as they got closer and closer to seeing their friends again.


"Citizens of Akiridian-5. As many of you know, Formal General, Val Morando, was hunted down and arrested for causing Commerce guild Bombing of Satellite-9." Coranda announced, not only but a few horvaths(hours) after the mission personnel had returned.

"But what you don't know is that the prince and princess were the ones responsible for the victory." the king projected his voice even with the mics set up everywhere. A chorus of surprised gasps, shocked but impressed, echoed through the crowd.

"In light of their fearless bravery and resilience in battle, we bring to you all their coronation." the queen said, taking turns with her husband to speak. "For hundreds of keltons(years), Akiridian-5 stood divided between two houses. The house Akram, of my ancestors, and house Ventis of my husbands. Today, we celebrate the joining of these two great houses into house Tarron and declare the heir to the throne to be ready and good." Coranda gave her once great speech, stopping to let the king have his turn. Both siblings stood in front of their parents as they were handed the ceremonial marking crystals.

"You didn't get to see this part." Krel whispered to Aja in a mocking tone. His sister nudged him slightly and chuckled. The crystals were presented in front of them as the line was drawn to their foreheads once more.

"This ridge is the mark of our ancestors." Fialkov said. Both teens felt the power they once did and lifted into the air. The blue light show from Krel's past emerged from both of them, although Aja was a little more amazed by it all. "It proclaims you worthy of the crown of Akiridian, that has stood for righteousness since ages past." two beacons came from the siblings and blinded the crowd and themselves. Once sight was restored to them they landed on the ground.

"It is done." the queen announced as their audience erupted into cheers of joy. Aja held her head a little as the king held out a hand for her if she needed. Krel on the other hand, was less than phased by the raging headache that followed the proper ceremony. "With a new era falling upon us, times change as should we. Both the King and Queen in waiting will demonstrate their skills in a ceremonial sparring match." Coranda said, smiling at her daughter with pride.

"Commander Varvatos, will you be so kind as to be their opponent?" Fialkov asked, turning to the warrior.

"Varvatos would be honored." Vex took a step forward before bowing to the king and queen. He looked up to the siblings before stepping into the ring with a devilish grin. The spar went on with the trio more playing around but still fighting.

"They are no longer children, are they?" the queen asked her husband as they watched the spar, the participants of it laughing and joking with trash talk.

"No, but they will always be our children." Fialkov chuckled, leaning his head on Coranda's as she held to his side.

"The kingdom is in good hands." Coranda hummed, hugging him tighter. The king chuckled.

"Yes it is." he replied, enjoying the sight of the future rulers having fun with their friend, who was arguably family at that point.

(A/N I'M So Sorry, I'm so late to updating this story and i apologize my subjects. for some reason, with winter break pulling over the horizon, all of my classes are trying to pile me with work and I've had no time to work. although, i am at fault too, as writers block has been my nemesis for the past month and the little bit of plot i can come up with was for other stories. anyway! Morando is no longer a problem, yippy!!! i had to rewatch some 3 below episodes to complete this chapter and it was nostalgic to say the least. i tried to make the text conversation with Jim as interesting as possible without just going back and forth with texts. i draw a lot of my inspiration from another story here on wattpad, which i have mentioned before but i'll do it again. go check out "Trollhunters: Becoming" by Wenber1234. as always i hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading. ps- with winter break on the rise, i will have more time to write but i can't promise for any one story, so i will still be all over the place. see you next chapter, my subjects.) word count - 5332 not including (A/N)

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