Por whathepeach

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"Well," he suddenly informed, his voice a mere whisper that sent shivers down my spine, "facts about vampires... Más

Chapter 8: The Realm
Chapter 9: A New World
Chapter 10 : ' The fuck ?'
Chapter 12: The Academy
Chapter 13: Witnessing the First Magic
Chapter 15: The Sinister Encounter 2
Chapter 16: Unexpected Connections
Chapter 17: Unsettling Encounters
Chapter 18: "Don't Stare "
Chapter 19: I need a drink
Chapter 20: The Roommate
Chapter 21: Trapped in Shadows
Chapter 22: MEETING HIM.
Chapter 23: " He's back"
Chapter 24: Unveiling the intrigue
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28: The Training begins
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 : Unveiling Connections
Chapter 31: Confronting the Shadows
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: The Plan 1
Chapter 39: The plan 2
Chapter 40: Tangled Desires
Chapter 41: Shadows and Secrets
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46: Night of Reveal
Chapter 47 : Reunions and Revelations
Chapter 48
Chapter 49: The Encounter with Morgan
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55: Ignited Awakening
Chapter 56
Chapter 57: Craving Heat
Chapter 58: Moonlit Whispers
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Thank you note ❤️

Chapter 66

656 40 40
Por whathepeach


The following day arrived quicker than expected, and everyone was on edge, especially for Ana. I had no inkling of the method by which my memories would be regained, but it continued to trouble her. Aunt May repeatedly implored me to reconsider, to let go of the past, but I simply couldn't.

I needed to hold onto fragments of myself, my parents, and astonishingly, this mysterious mate I had no knowledge of before. The dream about my mom and dad explaining the importance of a mate, along with Nicholas' account of his own mate, only heightened my curiosity about him.

What did it truly feel like to be with a mate?

Would he accept me now?

And how in the world would I explain to him that I had kissed another guy?


I felt utterly foolish. We had kissed twice-twice! Avery had explicitly warned me to avoid such situations with him, I had tried, oh, how I had tried to resist the magnetic pull that drew me toward him. Yet, it was as if an invisible force enveloped me whenever he was near, rendering me powerless to resist. His very presence ignited a whirlwind of emotions within me-desire, longing, and an undeniable sense of enchantment. Each touch, each stolen gaze, felt like an electric current surging through my veins, leaving me breathless and yearning for more.

I shook my head, trying to forget those thoughts about Nicholas. Even though I didn't have a mate, he clearly loved his own. The way he talked about her during our date said it all - he cared deeply for her. But why he kept himself hidden from her didn't make any sense to me.

" Red, are you still thinking about tonight?" Xavier's voice, a soft whisper, caressed my ear like a gentle breeze. His tone betrayed a hint of concern, or perhaps my own perception colored it as such. He had insisted on being involved in everything, leaving me no choice but to confide in him about my memory loss and the existence of a mate. When I mentioned the latter, his reaction shifted subtly, though he attempted to conceal it.

"Yes," I replied, my gaze fixed on the chalkboard, ensuring that Uncle J didn't catch wind of our conversation. I had yet to inform him of Xavier's involvement, but I resolved to do so after class. It should be a simple task, right? After all, Xavier's mother held answers about my own mother, and something within me told me she possessed knowledge about the Dark Lord.

Just as I gathered the courage to believe that I could handle the situation, the world cruelly dashed my hopes. Nicholas entered the classroom, his presence commanding the attention of everyone, including Uncle J. There was an inexplicable difference about him today. His usually vibrant face appeared dull and worn, the air of seriousness and leadership that typically accompanied him seemed momentarily absent. He bore faint bags under his eyes, and yet, in spite of it all, he remained as handsome as ever.

I want to hug him.

He approached Uncle J, their whispered conversation capturing my attention. Uncle J's expression shifted into a heavy frown, indicating that the matter at hand might involve the Dark Lord. His gaze flickered briefly in my direction before he turned his attention back to the students. "I apologize, but class will be dismissed early today. I have received information regarding a serious matter, and I kindly request that you all proceed to your next classes," he announced.

Murmurs of surprise and curiosity rippled through the students as they dutifully gathered their belongings and filed out of the room. Xavier, too, made a move to leave, but I instinctively reached out, gripping his wrist firmly. His golden eyes met mine, confusion etched across his features, yet I remained silent, waiting for the last of the students to exit.

Once the room had emptied, I rose from my seat and approached Uncle J's desk, still holding Xavier's wrist in a tight grip. His brow furrowed in bewilderment as his gaze volleyed between myself and Xavier.

" He knows"

Uncle J and Nicholas both stared at me with widened eyes, their expressions betraying their expectation for an explanation. The weight of their silence bore down on me, urging me to clarify the situation. "I had no choice," I began, my voice tinged with a hint of desperation, "he already knew too much."

Uncle J heaved a deep sigh, weariness etched on his face, as if he had grown tired of dealing with this ongoing predicament. On the other hand, Nicholas seemed visibly agitated, his frustration manifesting in agitated huffs. "What do you mean you had no choice?" he demanded, his voice laced with disbelief and irritation.

"I was talking to my Uncle, Mr. Caddel," I retorted, my words aimed directly at Nicholas. As I locked eyes with him, I could see a mixture of surprise and hurt flicker across his face. Yet, I couldn't help but wonder why he should be affected. After all, I was nothing more than his student, someone he was obligated to protect.

" Have you disclosed this information to anyone else?" Uncle J interjected, his voice tinged with concern, His gaze shifted towards Xavier, awaiting his response. Xavier shook his head, denying any such disclosure. "No," he affirmed.

"Good," Uncle J replied, a hint of relief seeping into his tone. However, his mind seemed preoccupied, lost in a labyrinth of thoughts. Sensing his unease, I approached his desk and asked, "What's wrong?"

Uncle J's furrowed brows betrayed a deep sense of worry etched on his face. There was a particular heaviness in his gaze, as if burdened by a specific concern that dominated his thoughts. As I leaned closer to him, my curiosity piqued, I couldn't help but notice a troubled expression that seemed to linger.

Uncle J hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting around the room as if searching for the right words. Finally he spoke, "I am just wondering if Evelyn already knows about this," he pondered, his gaze darting towards Xavier, his eyes filled with a mix of apprehension and worry. Confusion seized hold of my mind, its tendrils coiling tightly around my thoughts. Evelyn? Memories of a haunting dream surged forward, fragments of my mother's voice echoing through the corridors of my mind, her lips uttering that very name.

Hold up.

A bolt of realization surged through me, electrifying my senses. "Did Mum ever reach out to someone from this realm when I was born?" The question erupted from me, laden with an urgency that compelled all three pairs of eyes to lock onto mine. Uncle J's head shook with a definitive firmness, his voice carrying the weight of certainty. "Not that I know of. No, ever since the banishment, she severed all ties with everyone here." Yet, a lingering suspicion clung to the edges of my consciousness-I sensed there was more to the story.

"Who's Evelyn, then?" I pressed further, my voice resonating with a mixture of curiosity and determination. Xavier's voice emerged from the expectant silence, its timbre laced with vulnerability and resolve. "My mum's name is Evelyn Woods," he revealed, his words sending a jolt of realization surging through my veins. An enigmatic force surged within, compelling me to seek her out. I closed the distance between Xavier and me, my voice quivering with an unyielding desperation. "Can I meet your mum?"

Xavier's eyebrow arched with intrigue, his features etched with confusion. "Why?" he probed, seeking a glimpse into the fervor that consumed me. "I just need to talk to her, trust me," I implored, my voice carrying the weight of urgency. Something deep within me propelled me towards her, a force that transcended mere animosity. I sensed that something was awry, but it wasn't because of her.

It was because of the haunting echoes of her past deeds.

Xavier's gaze locked onto mine, his eyes searching for truth, before a hesitant nod escaped him. A surge of exhilaration coursed through my veins, overpowering my senses. Acting on impulse, I flung my arms around him in a whirlwind of elation. He stood momentarily startled, before his arms tentatively wrapped around me, reciprocating the embrace. The moment was shattered by an abrupt cough, jolting me back to reality, reminding me of the audience that bore witness to our intimate connection.


Flushed with embarrassment, I hastily withdrew from Xavier's embrace, but I couldn't ignore the familiar smirk that danced upon his lips. Uncle J's gaze bore into me, a concoction of curiosity and warning, while my eyes involuntarily sought out Nicholas. There, I found his hands clenched into fists, his gaze piercing me with eyes hardened by unvoiced emotions, inflicting a searing burn upon my soul. My heart whispered that what I had done was wrong, yet the reason eluded me.

"I need to leave; I have some paperwork to attend to," Nicholas interjected with a sense of urgency, his words laced with restraint, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt. It was as if I could taste his pain, yet its origins remained a mystery. Confusion and weariness overwhelmed me, weighing heavily on my senses. He bowed his head, and before he turned away, his gaze locked with mine, a portrait of profound hurt etched upon his face. As he turned away from me, his steps echoing the distance between us. Regret clawed at my chest, its sharp talons digging deep, as I watched him retreat, the pain etched on his face like a battle scar.

'Run to him,' my inner voice urged urgently, as if foretelling an upcoming storm.

My legs twitched, poised to heed the inner call, but distraction intercepted my intentions as Uncle J's voice sliced through the silence once more. "What time did Ana mention for the memory spell?" The sound of the door closing reverberated through the room, and my heart plummeted, a leaden weight settling deep within my chest.

"After dinner," I managed to choke out, my voice heavy with the burden of emotions that threatened to consume me. My head swam in a whirlpool of conflicting thoughts, my mind a battleground of discordant whispers. All I yearned for was the solace of my bed, a sanctuary away from the tempestuous storm brewing within.

"That's great, and don't worry, Mr. Hathaway, I will help you in any way I can," Xavier chimed in, his voice infused with cheerfulness. Uncle J simply nodded, walking away from the classroom, leaving me alone with Xavier.

He began talking about something, but my mind drifted, consumed by the persistent whisper of a word I hadn't heard in a while.



"Are you sure we can't bring anything?" I asked Avery, my voice trembling with a mix of excitement and apprehension. The night had fallen, enveloping us in its dark embrace. All of us were present, including Xavier, although Avery still felt uncomfortable around him. The guys chatted with Xavier casually, but there was an underlying tension in the air.

"Yes, now let's go," Ana whispered back, her voice barely audible. With a determined expression on her face, she led us stealthily to the back of the school. We moved swiftly, our senses heightened, ensuring that the guards patrolling the area wouldn't spot us. It was Nicholas who had influenced the elders to assign some of his pack members as guards, specifically to protect me and the school.

As we approached a wall, a faint glimmer of light caught my attention. Ana seemed oblivious to it. Instinctively, I reached out to warn her, but before I could utter a single word, Dean surprised us all. He grabbed Ana's waist and swiftly pulled her into the shadows, we all huddled together in the cramped space hiding near the walls. It was in that fleeting moment that I caught a glimpse of something unexpected. Whether it was the darkness that masked his intentions or my overactive imagination, I swear I saw Ana, her lips pressed gently against Dean's briefly before urging us to keep moving.


Were Ana and Dean dating?

Avery whispered for me to start moving, and I let my feet carry me forward, allowing my mind to momentarily set aside the bewildering image I had just witnessed. I had always thought Dean had feelings for Avery, but perhaps there was more to their relationship than I had realized.

"Stop," Ana suddenly commanded, bringing all of us to a halt at the entrance of a door. She checked her watch and glanced at the moon, her eyes filled with purpose. Then, she nodded at Avery, signaling that it was time.

Avery stepped forward, positioning herself at the entrance of the wooden door. She withdrew something from her pocket, and in a mesmerizing display, a shimmering cascade of sand dust trickled from her hand, gracefully falling to the ground. My confusion mirrored Xavier's as he voiced out. " Where are you doing?"

"Leading us to the river obviously," Avery replied. River?

Avery swung the door open, and the distant sound of flowing water reached my ears. As we stepped through the threshold, my senses were overwhelmed by a breathtaking sight. The sky above us was a vivid tapestry of colors, casting an ethereal glow upon the scene. The river stretched out before us, seeming to flow endlessly into the horizon. Its surface was calm yet held an inexplicable aura of danger. The colors of the water shifted and changed, but settled on a mesmerizing shade of green as my foot made contact with its cool touch.

"Red, you have 5 minutes," Avery announced, her voice carrying a weight of significance.

"Five minutes for what?" I questioned,

"You are about to immerse yourself in the river of Memory," Dean declared, his voice filled with solemnity. I turned to look at the river once again, realizing that it's true depth went far beyond its physical appearance. It was not merely a river, but a gateway to my own memories.

"Red," Xavier called out, his voice laced with concern as he walked toward me. "Are you sure you want to do this? If you don't emerge after 5 minutes, it could be fatal." I observed the slight tremor in his Adam's apple as he finished speaking. I had done my research and knew the risks involved, but his genuine worry touched my heart.

I placed my hand on his arm, attempting to reassure him. "I'm ready," I said, my voice steady despite the anticipation coursing through my veins. With a determined resolve, I removed my shoes, feeling the hardness of the tiny rocks beneath my feet. The soft sounds of the water whispered in my ears as I waded deeper.

Drawing a deep breath, I steeled myself for what was to come. With each step forward, I allowed myself to be swallowed by the river's gentle embrace. The water, cool and inviting, enveloped me, its gentle ripples caressing my skin. The sounds of the flowing current grew louder, filling my ears with a symphony of whispers and murmurs.

I closed my eyes, surrendering myself to the ebb and flow of the river. The force of the water tugged at my being, drawing me deeper into its depths. In that moment, I knew that the time had come.

Let's bring my memories back.

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