Burning Darkness [ Under Heav...


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*Chapters 1-8 has been revised and in some areas rewritten* In a world apart from ours, a hidden land that ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Aurhor's Note
Chapter 4.5
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Final Chapter

Chapter 18

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You are now entering the Fire District.

The introduction was similar to the Water District except for a few things.

Images of another sports team, a couple of restaurants, streets and what not.

Our Emperor is second to none. Roy fought for honor and glory. Now he hope to pass on that honor and glory to the next emperor.

Roy was wearing red camo pants, with black boots. His black tank top, showed his muscles cleanly.

A silver necklass gripped his neck. Over everything was his emperor trench coat. Red and black, with flame print.

Yellow, orange, and red streamers hang at the end of it. Roy's 5' 0 clock shadow and gray hair, put emphasis on his age.

No wonder he's retiring soon, he looks about 40 to 45.

Have a great day in the Fire District. I walked out the portal, to see the exact same equipment as the last CTS. Wow, you would've thought something would be different.

It seem to take Rachel and Devote a little longer to come out of the portal. I waited a couple of minutes before seeing Devonte walk out of the portal with a straight face. Followed my Rachel with a grin on hers.

I walked right over to get my shot from the girl behind the counter. Whenever I tried to meet her eyes, she quickly looked away. What's up with her. I was tempted to summon my sword, just before heading out of the double doors.

Something tells me he wouldn't send it just yet, he knows we are expecting someone to want to kills us. Rachel let out a sigh as soon as we left the CTS. "Thank god no one is waiting for us" she said.

Devonte walked ahead and looked around the parking lot. "Mmm. No sign of anything suspicious" he said walking ahead.

I checked my watch 12 pm. I walked at a steadied pace, no destination in mind. The sun was beating down on us. It was way much cooler in the water District.

Devonte suddenly stopped walking. "What are we gonna do? There's no one threatening us and we can't use the CTS for another 24hrs."

Rachel's face lit up with excitement. What could possibly make her this happy. "We could buy a couple of things, you know. Relax and take a day off" she said. I looked at Devonte and he shoved a hand in his pocket.

"Yeah I could use some alone time to gather my thoughts" he responded. Yeah, why not right. Emma might even join me since I'm going to be alone and all. Also I've had my mind on something for a awhile now.

"Yeah, that sounds great" I said. Reaching into the pack, I pulled out the rest of the money and gave a certain amount to the both of them. We need to budget our money until this is over.

"We meet here at the CTS when we are out of money, and settle down at 9. Deal?"

They agreed to these terms and went about their business. I stretched my arms. I have 9 hours to do what I want. What should I buy? Should I go see a movie? A park?

Ah. I set off to the nearest store.

7 hours later

I did absolutely nothing. I only bought one bag of chips. Everywhere I went, there was this annoying little whispering sound. I bet Rachel is having the time of her life and Devonte, I don't know he's been acting weird.

I sat on a sidewalk and just watched as the cars passed by, one after another. The temperature dropped to a nice cool level. I leaned my head back against the wall. Why can't everyday be like this? No monsters, no worries.

I was finally able to relax, after 7 hours. I closed my eyes and thought about Emma.

I really wish she was here. Well, I am seeing her later on tonight, but there is nothing wrong with wanting more. "I ve known you ever since we were little" How could I not remember....

Emma, Emma, Emma. I repeated her name over and over. Doesn't ring a bell. Wait...something is coming to mind. Huh? I lost my train of thought at the feeling of something warm against my arm.

I opened my eyes and finally caught the noise maker.....a baby fire wolf. It was covered in blood, patches in its fur, and bite marks over its body.

The baby wolf's paws light were going out and by light I meant fire. The tail was in the same condition. The wolf whimpered again.

I reached into my pack and broke off a peice of chocolate. I held my hand out, hoping it would eat. The wolf crept up slowly, sniffing the chocolate before eating. I watched as the wolf constantly licked its face.

I hesitated before picking it up. I could feel its heart beat increase. The bite marks were clearing up pretty quick. The wolf layed in my lap incredibly still and the fur begin growing back.

I petted the wolf until its tail became really bright, then all of a sudden it stopped glowing. My eyes grew wide.

The wolf popped up and looked around. Once turning to see my face, it made this weird sort of barking noise and pushed its head against my cheek.

I couldn't help but laugh. The wolf stared at me with a gleam in its amber eyes. "Sorry, I probably could've helped you earlier, but I thought it was just an annoying noise."

I ruffled up its gray fur and laughed. I raised up placing it on the ground. The wolf ran circles around me. It seemed really happy being around me.

What should I do? I squinted and looked it dead in the eyes. "So what should I name you girl." The wolf bared its teeth. "Ok, boy. Tell me what you like."

The wolf somehow nodded. "Risky." The wolf didn't react. "Heat." He growled. "Max." The wolf sat down and started licking his paw. "Blaze" I said with uncertainty. He barked and jumped.

"Blaze it is then, I'm Devin." I held out a hand. Blaze wobbled, while trying to give me his paw. After a couple of seconds he succeeded.

"You're pretty smart aren't you?" I checked my watch, only a couple of minutes has passed. "What do you say we teach you a couple of things boy." Blaze barred his teeth.

"I'm assuming you know the basic dog tricks. You're not a dog, and you're a fire wolf soo..."
I set my right arm on fire. Blaze squared up, ignighting his paws and tail. "Good." A fireball slowly formed.

Blaze stood his ground. I launched the fireball at him, he quickly side stepped and sat down. "Whoah!" I threw two more at him, blaze jumped back to avoid the first one, and leaped over the second.

"You're fast." Blaze barked and spun in a circle. I let out a barrage of fire balls, only for them to not hit its target. He dodged every last one of them with incredible speed. Blaze charged at me with his fiery teeth.

He leaped in the air, but I ducked and rolled forward. Blaze started to form a little fireball in his mouth. This is gonna get a little interesting.

Before he released it, the ball vanished into a puff of smoke. "Yeah, we'll work on that" I said laughing. "Let's go get you a collar boy" I called out. Blaze ran towards me happily as we made our way down the sidewalk.

Arriving in Lena's Pet Supply Shop, all of the attention turned to Blaze. "Awwwww, he's soo adorable" a brunette said. Followed by more girls squealing. "What's its name" they all asked in unison, crowding us.

"His name is Blaze." They all giggled at his name and petted him. Blaze posed as if in a dog show, ignighting his tail and paws. "Show off." I fought my way through the crowd to the counter.

I leaned on the glass and looked at all the bowls and spray. "Excuse me, where are your dog collars and tags?" The blonde lady typed on her computer, held up one finger and disappeared to a back room.

"I guess I'm waiting" I whispered. I turned around with my arms crossed and watched as Blaze got all the attention. The brunette from earlier approached me smiling from ear to ear.

"Hi. I love your wolf, he's really adorable" she said twirling her hair. "Thanks, I found him a about 30 minutes ago."

"Really?" " Yeah, he was in really bad shape." I thought about when I first saw how bad Blaze looked. For a wolf with his talent, he must've been fighting a more experienced opponent.

"I patched him up, and we became buddies ever since." She stared at me with her big brown eyes. "Wow, that's so cool."

Her brown hair stopped in the middle of her back. She had fair skin, and a slender yet athletic build. I wonder if she's an elementist. In fact were there even any non elementist here. I thought for a second, and Mike came into my mind.

"The name's Mya" she said. I looked at her and decided she's harmless. "Um, Devin" I replied slowly, with squinted eyes. "You know I have a little wolf of my own."

I turned to rest my elbows on the glass. "Oh yeah?" "Mhm, her name is Ruby. Want to meet her, I don't live to far from the store."Mya turned around and mimiced my pose. I looked at my watch. "Sure, I have time."

"Yaay" she clapped her hands. The lady came back the with three different colored collars. "Thanks you. Come here boy" I called out. Blazed came pushing his little body through the crowd.

I picked him up and held him in front of the collars. He eyed them all, before putting a paw on the black one. "This one." She scanned the collar and the dog tag.

I gave her the money and she handed me the stuff. The tag already had his name on it. "Lucky guess. I mean he is a celebrity now. Have a great night" she said with a smile.

I kneeled down and placed the collar around his neck and hooked the tag so it hangs on his chest. "Perfect." Blaze spun in a circle and jumped with excitement. "Are you ready?"
I ruffled Blaze's fur and stood up.

"Lead the way" I motioned towards the door.

She lived in a nice modern house. Wooden floors, well furnished and clean. I sat on the floor nervously with blaze biting on my cargos.

Mya appeared in her PJs with who I'm pretty sure is her wolf Ruby. Ruby was about the size of Blaze, if not a little bigger. Her white fur and pink collar complemented each other nicely.

Ruby squared up at the sight of us and growled. Blaze turned around and squared up as well. Both of their tells ignighting. "Ruby, that's no way to treat our visters." The white wolf, whimpered an apploy and sat down.

Blaze put out his fire and barked walking over to Ruby only to start sniffing her. Mya giggled at the two animals and plopped down next to me.

"My parents are out on their date night. So, tell me about yourself. I have never seen you around here before." I thought about what to tell her and what to keep to myself.

"I was born in Sky, but raised in the normal world along with my younger brother. My parents thought it would be a good idea for us to see what it's like here, so we are visiting accompanied by our friend for the summer.

What else.... Umm I'm 16 and a fire elementist" I said tampering with my shirt. I watched as Blaze and Ruby playfully fought each other. "Well...." Mya started. "I was born and raised in the Fire District. Unfortunately I'm an only child.

My parents are always busy, so I have no one to talk to when I'm at home. She looked at Ruby and smiled. I got her for my birthday last week. And..."

She held out her hand a flame sparked in her palm. "Elementist." We talked for the next 30-45min. Mya is a really sweet girl and cool to talk to. If I didn't have anywhere to be I would stay here longer.

I checked my watch 8:42pm. I interrupted Mya in the middle of her laughing. "I really have to be somewhere, don't want to leave the others waiting" I said sadly.

"Aww ok stop by anytime, you know where to find me." "Come on Blaze." He was out like a light, groggily waking up and stumbling over his paws. He yawned and stretched his hind legs. We left Mya's place and made our way to the CTS.

"I definitely have to get me one too" Devote said looking at Blaze. "He's so cute aww" Rachel added. She squated down to pet Blaze, he was dozing off in her hand. "It was a long day, especially for this little guy" I said. I looked down to see Blaze leaning against me softly snoring.

I told them the story of how we met and what he can do. All while setting up my tent in the alley. "He's really energetic and smart too" I pointed out. We all turned our attention to him. "Well I for one can't wait to witness it" Devonte said before going to bed for the night. Rachel yawned and made her way over to her tent.

"I'm curious as to what else you did tonight" she smiled. I picked up Blaze and placed him in the tent. I got in my sleeping bag and checked my watch... I have about an hour and 45 mins, before Emma comes. I let out a yawn and looked at Blaze one more time before shutting my eyes.

"Pssst, get up Devin." I slowly opened my eyes and rubbed some of the sleepiness out of them. I looked over to see Blaze still asleep. Stretching out my arms, I twisted my body and heard a popping noise. I crawled out of the tent and stood up to a hug. "Follow me" Emma said.

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