Pedro Pascal Imagines

By wonderlandsxx

13.9K 178 39


Messed Up | Javier Pena |1|
Co Stars & Interviewer | Pedro Pascal |1|
Co Stars & Interviewer | Pedro Pascal |2|
Disrupted Phone Calls | Javier Pena |1|
Disrupted Phone Calls | Javier Pena |2|
History Repeats Itself | Joel Miller
Shared Past | Jack Whiskey
Has To Be Perfect | Javier Pena
Lingering Feelings | Marcus Pike |1|
"Blood Kink" | Max Phillips
Unsaid Feelings | Javier Pena |1|
Leaving | Javi Gutierrez
Lingering Feelings | Marcus Pike |2|
Roadblocks | Javier Pena
Target Acquired | Dave York |1|
Roadblocks | Javier Pena |2|
Why Him? | Dieter Bravo |1|
Why Him? | Dieter Bravo |2|
I'm Not Going To Leave You | Frankie Morales

Target Acquired | Dave York |2|

195 3 0
By wonderlandsxx

(alternating pov)

a week later
So Alex is dead. Those assholes got to him before we did. As well as the man that hired us. That happened yesterday.

I knelt down, my eyebrows furrowing as I examined the lock on the front door. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my lock picking set, quickly getting to it. All of us are stationed at different entrances, trying to get into the house.

After a few seconds, I opened the door, quickly getting on my feet. I shoved it in my pocket and stood up, getting my gun out of my waistband. I calmed down my breathing and raised my gun in front of me, seeing the rest of the guys already in there.

I started to step slowly around the house, making my way up the staircase. I pushed open a door, seeing that it was a bedroom. My eyes scanned around the room, spotting a pair of legs hanging out from under the bed.

"Shit..." I muttered "...this has got to be him."

I put the gun back in my waistband and leaned down, grabbing the legs, pulling on them, straining a bit.'s him alright. A gunshot wound to the forehead. Nice and clean.

"For fuck sake!" I muttered, shaking my head.

I haven't even been close to Dave since our encounter in the park. I'm sure he's been around though, I know I've been around the places he frequents. It's frustrating because both mine and Dave's team are extremely smart, smart enough to keep evading each other.

"Hey, where'd you go?..."

I got shaken out of my thoughts, feeling a pair of lips softly bite my earlobe to get my attention. I turned to the side, seeing Bill, the man I met a few days ago. And the man I've been hooking up with every day since.

" always travel into that little head of yours." he muttered, moving his lips down to my neck, pressing gentle kisses along my neck.

He's not rough. He's the most gentle man I've ever met...which is annoying. Not like Dave. It sucks, I keep comparing Bill, comparing him to a man I should of never slept with. But, I just can't seem to forget the encounter. Every time I sleep with Bill, Dave is all I think about. The way he sunk his teeth into my skin and the way he gripped onto my waist as he used me as his own personal fuck toy.

"Yeah, sorry..." I laughed softly, closing my eyes as I felt his hands run up my thigh "...just thinking about work."

"Speaking of..." he sighed, against my neck, pressing another gentle kiss against my skin "...I have to go. I'll call you when I get off. Maybe I can stay over again?"

Surprisingly, this man is an actual firefighter. Met the man in my favourite coffee shop, completely by chance. And of course, he thinks I'm a teacher. Thankfully, it's a Saturday so I don't have to go to "work".

He quickly got up, grabbing his clothes off of the chair that he quite literally folded immediately after he took them off. I sat up and grabbed my phone from the nightstand, looking at the time. 8am.

"Yeah, sounds good." I smiled.

He leaned down and pressed his lips against my forehead, moving his lips to my cheek.

"I'll call you later."

I watched Bill leave and let out a sigh, laying back down. I closed my eyes, wanting to get some sleep. My phone immediately starting to ring. Oh, come on! I've been up all night. I picked up the phone, seeing that it was Callahan. I let out a loud sigh, knowing I have to answer it. and putting it to my ear.

"Yes?" I spoke annoyed.

"Damn, someone is on their period."

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head.

"No, you dimwit!..." I spoke angrily, suiting up "...Don't be such a man!"

"Alright, calm down, jeez!..." he laughed "...I'm coming over to give you an update, I'll see you in about 20 minutes."

I hung up the phone and chucked it to the side, putting my face in my hands. It's not like it's a good update. He would've told me straight away if he accomplished in killing his guy. I got out of my bed, letting out an annoyed groan and getting my clothes that were scattered on the ground and quickly put them on.

Half an hour passed and I heard a knock at the door, Callahan quickly announcing himself. I quickly rushed over to open it, motioning him inside, seeing him looking annoyed.

"I'm guessing you haven't caught your guy yet?" I stated, closing the front door.

"It's fucking impossible!" he said exasperated.

" I don't mean to be rude, but you could've told me this over the phone. ..." I shot him an apologetic look "...well like I said, I don't mean to be rude, but it's just—I've been up all night—"

"Probably fucking Dave." he retorted and my eyes widened, my heart dropping.

How the fuck did he know about that? I didn't tell anyone. But, you know what? There is no way I'm letting this man give me shit for this.

"How did—? What?!"

"Your friend mentioned it."

"Of course he did. ..." I sighed "...That man does not know how to shut his—"

"What were you thinking?..." he exclaimed  "...are you fucking stupi—"

"Ok, that's enough. ..." I cut him off "...I get it! It wasn't my finest moment. Don't give me shit about it—"

"You slept with him! In his car!..." Callahan yelled, cutting me off "...You were supposed to put a bullet in the guys head! Not fuck him!"

The audacity is unreal.

"We couldn't have killed each other in public anyway!" I threw my hand in the air.

"Oh, so what? So you just decide to fuck him instead?!"

"Why are you giving me shit when this isn't any different than what you've done?!..." I started to yell "...You've slept with some of the women we killed! I never yelled at you for that!"

He rolled his eyes and put his face in his hands, starting to rub furiously, surely giving himself a headache, letting out an annoyed groan.

"Yes, but this man wants to kill us!..." he yelled "...You are not this stupid!"

"I didn't plan for this to happen, Callahan!..." I yelled "...If you're just going to give me shit you can fucking leave!"

His nose scrunched up a little as he put his hands up, leaving.

dave's pov
I got out of my car and quickly locked up, starting to walk up to my door, sipping at my coffee. I got one from the shop that Y/n goes too, hoping for the chance to run into her, since I haven't seen her. But the woman is smart and she keeps avoiding us. Killing her and her team is going to be a lot harder than we thought.

I stared in front of me, clenching my keys in my hand, sipping my coffee again with the other. My mind does not want to leave the events that happened a week ago. It was one of the last things I expected to happen, it was not meant to happen, I don't regret it though. But, I know it changes nothing about what has to be done.

I got inside and took off my shoes, placing my keys on the kitchen bench. Tonight, I'm paying Y/n a little visit. And hopefully this will be over, so I can just can get along with my life. I finished my coffee and put the cup in the bin, grabbing Y/n's file that I left on the table.

I opened the file again staring to read it throughly again, trying to see if I've missed anything. I looked at my watch, seeing that it was 10am. She would be at her twin brother's house now. By now, I've learned her schedule, well from 8am to 5pm. After five, it's like she's like a completely different person.

— 8am. Coffee shop.
— 9am. Brother's house. Babysitting.
— 10:30am. Take her niece and nephew to the park.
— 11:30am. Go back to her brother's house.
— 5pm. Her brother's wife gets home and she goes home. Most of the time.

Once 5pm passed, she does whatever she wants. She becomes a little impulsive. Over the week I've been watching her, once the 5pm mark passes, she goes to clubs and gets in a petty arguments while getting almost blackout drunk, sometimes she takes herself to dinner at both expensive and cheap restaurants, meaningless encounters—mostly when she's drunk and shopping sprees.

But besides the impulsivity, I've learned that she's a nice and gentle woman, who genuinely cares for her family. But that doesn't matter. I have a job to do, and I'm going to see it through. I pulled up to the park, well away to not be seen but still to see her.

My eyes scanned over the area, going over the area, trying to find Y/n. Old people, kids, stupid young couples. There she is. She's alternating between pushing her niece and nephew on the swing. She can't see me, so I could technically shoot her from the safety of my car.

But she's with her niece and nephew, I don't want to kill her in front of them. I know it has to happen tonight though. As far as I know, she's not one to go off her schedule, but if I'm going to do this tonight, I have to make sure she stays like that so she doesn't fuck it up.

"Are the cameras off, Kovac?" I spoke holding my phone to my ear.

"All camera's in and around the apartment building have been turned off."

"Good." I nodded, hanging up guy phone.

I fixed up the beanie and put my phone in my pocket, making sure I had my lockpick set in my pocket. I reached over to the glovebox and got my gun out, putting it in my trousers. I started to swiftly make my way up to her door, my eyes glancing around my surroundings to make sure nobody is stupid enough to be paying attention to me.

I got down on one knee, quickly unlocking her door. I swiftly grabbed my gun and stood up, quietly closing the door, ambling along her hallway. Muffled but still quite loud moans filled my ears, but they weren't hers though, they belonged to guy.

Is a guy jacking off in here or something? I started to make my way to where the sounds were coming from, seeing a door half open, the guys moans no longer muffled. I looked in, seeing Y/n with a guy on her dressing table.

His head is in the crook of her neck, moaning his head off while almost looks bored. The poor woman is unsatisfied. It's amusing really. There is no chance this sorry excuse for a guy is going to make her cum. I just want to watch to see if that's the case, but I've just got to do a quick sweep.

I made my way through her apartment, confirming that nobody else was here, quietly. Unlike the guy in there, hearing him groan loudly.

"Fuck, you feel so amazing...." he spoke and I nodded slightly.

I can't disagree with him there.

"...I'm sorry I have to run off like this, I'll call you later."

"It's fine, Bill." she tried to sound kind but it almost sounds relieved. I don't blame her.

I hope someone sees this shithead leave, he'll get the blame for this. I watched him walk out her front door and Y/n walked out of her room a few seconds later, completely naked. I felt my breath hitch in my throat, my eyes drifting down her body. Focus, you prick.

I watched her walk into another room, hearing the shower starting to run. I stared at the door moment, shaking my head and started ambling to her room. I looked around, seeing that there is nowhere to hide—unless I go behind the door. Which I guess is my only option. I quickly stood behind the bedroom door and listened for the shower, which I heard. I looked down at my gun, cocking it.

Ten minutes passed by and I heard her footsteps starting to approach, gripping my gun tighter. She entered the room, slightly humming to herself. I stepped out from behind the door and raised the gun, bringing my finger to the trigger.

I watched as she took off her towel and it falling at her ankles. I kept my gun in place as my eyes drifted down her body, feeling my cock twitch in my pants, holding back a groan. Focus, you prick. She turned around and saw me standing there. I can kill her later.

your pov
Well...I can't say this is unexpected. I'm a little shocked to see a gun pointed to my head right now, but like I said, not unexpected. My gun is stashed away right now, and it's not like I can scramble away to get it, otherwise my brain will welcome some lead.

"Hi there, Dave. ..." I grinned "...You here to kill me?"

He stayed silent, his black gloves still gripping the gun that's pointed at me. I saw his eyebrows furrow, his eyes drifting down back to my body, gulping. He didn't put down the gun, but I saw him take his finger off the trigger.

"I think my plans have changed." he muttered.

"Good. ..." I smiled, walking closer to him, placing my hand on his chest "...Put your gun down and fuck me."

"Nice try. ..." he grinned and pushed me away a little, motioning his gun to the ground and putting it in the back of his trousers "...On your knees. Now."

My pussy clenched around nothing, gulping. This is what I want. I think he's aware of it too. I let out a sigh, doing as he told me too, hearing the slight chuckle leave his mouth.

"Didn't expect you to be so obedient." he spoke lowly, gripping my chin and forcing it up to look at him, feeling the soft texture of his glove.

His eyes held a great amount of hatred in them but also lust.

"Well, I just had quite a disappointing experi—"

"I know." he cut me off, unbuckling his trousers.

I looked up at him surprised, only seeing him smirking.

"You watched me didn't you, fucking prick?"

"Enough to know the shithead left you unsatisfied. ..." he tugged at my bottom lip "...Open your mouth."

"I hate you."

"I know. Feeling's mutual. Now open your mouth."

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