Texas Tea - Post Malone

By Pepepolly

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A Cowboys legacy lives forever... Book one : Wrapped around your Finger Book two : Wrapped around your Hea... More

For My Broken Heart
This Is My Spot!
Just A Little Blood
It's Ok To Cry, Honey
Pink Roses
Confront Your Fear
I Will Wait
He Wants Her
Letting Go
Family Ties
Running Away
This Is Us Now
My Reason
My Hero, Lara
I Said NO
You Are Beautiful, Indy
Little Dove
More Than All The Stars
The Mountain Calls
The Barn
One Hundred Children?
Strong Woman
This Is Our House
I will punch you myself
First Punch
I Am Not My Mother
Bullet To The Chest
That Jimmy Wilde
The Old Oak
Austin (Bonus)

Like A Linda

39 6 1
By Pepepolly

In the parking lot at the grocery store, Indy stares at the grocery list she had made during the week when she and Luke were still together. Most of the stuff on here is things he liked. She won't eat most of this stuff, but she liked to have it in the house for him. There is also a list of toiletries that she had jotted down of things he was running low on. She will need to sift through the list and make up a new one of things she would like - because now it's just her. All alone. She doesn't have the stamina for all this now.

"Could you take me home, please?" she whispers.

"Why? You wanted to stop at the grocery store."

"I did, but most of the stuff on my list is not for me."

"So get the stuff that is for you."

Indy bites her lip. It's starting to get painful with how much she is biting it. She has caught on that Austin won't listen to her if she begs, pleads, or even asks nicely. He made it pretty clear in the doctor's office that if she wants him to do as she asks she needs to assert herself. She is not good with that, she has never been assertive. "Ok," she whispers and jumps out of his truck. She hears Austin sigh behind her but he does not stop her or say anything. They walk into the grocery store and he grabs a buggy. He loads it with groceries and she walks quietly next to him. She also hides behind him when parent after parent stops to greet him and welcome him to town. They all have high expectations of the success he will bring to the school team and their sons. It makes her a little nervous and she is glad she does not have that responsibility on her shoulders - she does not know how Austin manages to stay so calm and collected about it.

They eventually turn down a snack aisle and she stops in front of the shelves of nuts. She never kept nuts in the house because Luke said he had a nut allergy. She had seen him eating nuts before. Nonetheless, he insisted they had no nuts in the house. She loves nuts. She grabs a bag of chocolate-covered almonds and a bag of mixed nuts then places them in Austin's buggy. He does not say anything but she sees him smile. She is a lot more confident with pulling things off the shelves after that and by the time they get to the checkout she has the buggy full of groceries she used to buy before Luke. It feels a little empowering like she has some control over something she had given Luke control over. Maybe it's silly, but it makes her feel good.

When they are back at the house, Austin insists on helping her carry her groceries inside. "Thank you," she says as he places them on the kitchen counter. "Ain't nothin', sugar," he says with a shrug.

"But, it is a thing. Everything you have done is a thing. So thank you."

"Just bein' neighborly."

Indy stares at him as he starts packing her groceries onto the kitchen counter. Two things - one, they both know it's not just being neighborly. Two, he is as bad at accepting a thank you as she is at being assertive. "N-No," she says. "No?" he asks stopping and looking at her with an arched eyebrow.

"Yes. No. You have done more than any normal neighbor would do. If it weren't for you I would be a mess right now...I am a mess, but, I would be more of a mess. So, thank you and I insist you accept my thank you," she says clinging to the bag of sugar in her hands. She shocked herself at her little speech. Where did that come from? Austin grins at her then takes off his Stetson and holds it to his chest. "Well, sugar, I wouldn't dare test you so I accept your thank you and you are welcome," he says. He looks proud of her. She likes that.

"Good...and...and I will be making you dinner to say thank you. We will have it on your porch at 7 p.m. Don't be late...I don't care for lateness," she says then turns around and busies herself with unpacking a grocery bag while her heart hits her chest at a million miles an hour. She hears Austin chuckle softly behind her. "Yes, ma'am," he says, and then she hears his steps as he walks out. Once the front door closes behind him she lets out the breath she is holding and sinks to the kitchen floor. The cat comes up to her and rubs itself against her legs.

"I like him. Isn't that insane? It's insane, right? Did you hear me, Peppermint? I was very bossy. I don't know where that confidence came from...I think...maybe he lit that match for me..." she says to the cat but it just ignores her and continues to rub itself against her leg. She does like Austin and she was feeling things in the store room. But, it can't be real. How can she go from loving Luke one day and then the next having strong feelings for a stranger? No, this must be her mind going crazy. Luke had betrayed her and left her in so much pain that she is clinging onto the first person who has shown her any compassion. She is confused. That's the only logical explanation she can think of.

She stands and packs the rest of her groceries away then starts supper. She is going to make a simple pasta dish. While it's cooking she gets her phone and turns it on. There is a flurry of messages and missed calls. Most from different unknown numbers - all Luke. The messages again range from nasty to sorry, some even begging her to let him come over. She must say she is surprised he has not shown up at her doorstep yet. She thinks she has Austin to thank for that. It's easy to see Luke is weary of Austin. There are also more messages from her mother and her sister. They are all nasty, although one of the messages from her sister says that she is overlooking Indy's selfishness and still letting her be a bridesmaid. Indy does not want to be a bridesmaid. She never did, and she thinks her sister has only kept her as a bridesmaid because she does not have a friend to replace her.

She continues with dinner as random numbers continue to flash on her screen. She is going to have to speak to Luke eventually only to get him to leave her alone. They are done, she can't forgive him for what he has done and she does not feel anything but anger toward him now. But, she won't answer his calls now. She knows she is nowhere near confident enough to stand up against him. He will guilt her into taking him back and will berate her for not moving past what he has done when she battles to forgive him. Austin has no idea how perfect his timing was in her life. Maybe everything does have a reason. He appeared at just the right time and she can't be for thankful for him than right now.

Once dinner is ready she places it in a large bowl and then balances the salad bowl she has made on top of it along with two plates and two knives and forks. She checks the time. 7:05 pm. She is always late, but this is the earliest late she has ever been. She picks up her balancing dinner tower and walks out her kitchen door, down her patio, and across to Austin's patio. She is walking on faith alone because she can't see much. Then she feels Austin's hands on the bowls and she peeps around the side of her tower. "Tardy," he says. "It's worth the wait. I promise," she says with a smile. Austin smiles too.

He sets the plates and bowls down on his patio table while Indy pokes her head under the table. "Hello, Miss Daisy," she says giving a now grunting Miss Daisy a scratch behind her ear. "She likes you," Austin says as she pops out the other side of the table. "I like her too, where did you get her?" she asks sitting down opposite Austin as he starts to dish up.

"My grandmother."

"Bit of an odd pet to get, but she is so cute.

Austin starts laughing gently as he pours each of them a glass of whisky. "My Grandmother never had normal pets. She had a turkey once," he says shaking his head with a fond smile.

"As in a turkey, you would cook for dinner?"

"That's considered blasphemy from where I come from, darlin'. Turkeys ain't for eatin'."

"Really? So you would be offended if I ever cooked turkey?"

"Definitely. Turkeys make the best of friends. Hogs too," he says tapping Miss Daisy with his foot gently. "Her hog had three litters over time and she gave each of her grandchildren a piglet when she felt they were old enough to care for it," Austin says then shoves a fork full of pasta into his mouth. "Mmmm, this is good. You can cook," he says.

"You say that like you are surprised."

"I am surprised. You cook like a Linda."

"I am not sure what that is. Is that offensive?" she asks as she dishes up. "It was not intended to be. I meant it as a compliment," he says shoveling more pasta into his mouth. Indy pretends at his words again. She feels happy that he complimented her even if she does not know what a Linda is, she is also happy he is impressed with her food. She likes the feeling she gets when he is pleased by her efforts. "Where are you from?" she asks. She wants to get to know him and avoid any questions he might ask her.


"That explains the Southern drawl and the cowboy look."

"Cowboy look?"

"You wear a Stetson and snakeskin boots."

"I like snakeskin boots."

She cocks her head and frowns curiously at him. Is he messing with her? Does he not know he looks and sounds like he just steps out of a Weston movie? He smiles at her and winks before he takes another bite of his food. He knows.

"I am not complaining or judging. You dress very nicely and you don't look like you are dressed up for Halloween. You know, like a cowboy. Like that doll from Toystory. The way you dress looks natural on you," she says. Why is she talking? She needs to shut up. Austin finishes the food in his mouth then wipes his mouth and leans back in his chair with his whisky glass in hand. Whisky - such a cowboy cliche. "I am what I know," he says, a soft smirk on his lips.

"Your brothers and Father all cowboys too?"

"And my Mama. They own a ranch just outside Salt Lake City."

"A ranch? With like cows and stuff?"


"You chose not to join the family business?"

"I had other dreams."

"Oh...yes, I had heard."

Her words seem to interest him and he sits forward with a lazy smile on his lips. He is very handsome. Indy doesn't think she has ever met anyone as handsome. She has seen her fair share of handsome men and although Luke is ugly inside, he is still handsome. But, Austin is a different kind of handsome. She can't explain it. Maybe it's the way Austin carries himself. He is confident and does not seem scared of anything. She does not think there is much that would see him frazzled. It's grounding.

"What did you hear?" he asks. Oh. She had heard a lot. What does she tell him? The truth? "I heard you played for the NFL, got injured, and could not play anymore so you started coaching, " she says, feeling guilty for gossiping about him with her friends.

"True. My knee, it's fucked."

"That's why you were limping after the obstacle course. You strained your injury."

"I was never any good at walking away from a challenge. Best I stay on the sidelines."

Indy takes a sip of her whisky and sucks her lips in as she nods. She thinks it does not happen often that he succeeds at staying on the sidelines that much. "There's more. What else did you hear?" he asks suddenly. Indy's eyes widen and she shakes her head again. "Nothing," she squeaks. "You are a shit liar, darlin'," he says sitting back in his chair again and taking a sip from his whisky glass. He does not look mad at her but she can see he is not pleased. She doesn't like the feeling.

"I heard three things. One, you went through a bad breakup and needed a restart. Two, you were tired of the show business of the FNL and chose to coach kids. Three, your girlfriend got pregnant and you didn't want to be a father so you are hiding here," she says. Austin is grinning as she talks. She does not know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. He is quiet for a while as he watches his whisky swirl in his glass and then he looks up at her.

"Which one do you think it is?" he asks. "You were tired of the show business of the FNL and chose to coach kids," Indy says without having to think about it.

"You have a positive outlook on me. Why wouldn't it be one of the other two?"

"You are not the type to skip out on your responsibilities. The kindness you have shown me since we met tells me you would never skip out on your kid. And...and I can't imagine anyone falling out of love with you...only in," she says before she can stop herself. Why did she say that? Not about the kid, but about the out-of-love thing. If she was close enough to the wall she would bash her head against it. What is wrong with her? Austin is not smiling anymore and she can see pain in his eyes.

"Two of your three rumors are true," he says softly. "It's gettin' late, sugar. You have tests to mark," he adds getting up and starting to clear the dishes. "Oh! I didn't mean to offend you," she says jumping up and touching the back of his hand as he reaches for the salad bowl. He flips his hand so hers disappears into his palm. His hands are always so warm, and they are huge. "You didn't offend. Thank you for dinner, it's much appreciated. I will be at your door in the mornin'," he says then lets go of her hand and piles the dinner dishes into a tower.

"My dishes..."

"I will wash them," he says over his shoulder as he steps inside. Miss Daisy grunts as she gets up and follows him inside. Indy's hand is tingling from where he held it. She does not lose the feeling as she walks back to her house, or even when she marks her tests. It's still tingling when she showers and then when she slips into bed she places her tingling hand on her pillow and stares at it while her eyes get heavy. It's late now so the quiet has set in. But, the longer she lays awake in the quietness the more convinced she is that she can hear him singing. So she slips out of bed again and goes to her window, opening it. It's very soft. But, he is singing. She leans out a little and listens very carefully, only just making out the words.

I set out on a narrow way many years ago
I hoped I would find true love
along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two
Wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign
pointed straight to you
That every long-lost dream led
me to where you are
Others who broke my heart, they
were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into
your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
Yes, He did
I think about the years I
spent just passin' through
I'd like to have the time I lost
and give it back to you
But you just smile and take my hand
You've been there, you understand
It's all part of a grander plan that is coming true
Every long-lost dream led me to where you are
Others who broke my heart,
they were like Northern stars
Pointing me on my way into your loving arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
And now I'm just a-rollin' home
Into my lover's arms
This much I know is true
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you
That God blessed the broken road
That led me straight to you

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