Formula One Reader Insert

By shereadsf1

157K 1.6K 1.3K


Daniel Ricciardo; Cheers!
Carlos Sainz Jr; Wait a minute...
Mick Schumacher; A Warm Winter's Day.
George Russell; Taking Time.
Sebastian Vettel; Lost Time.
Mick Schumacher; Say No More.
Lando Norris; Stormy Night.
George Russell; PR Fun.
Sebastian Vettel; I...
Carlos Sainz Jr; What was that?!
Daniel Ricciardo; Wait, me?
Pierre Gasly; Say It Aint So...
Charles Leclerc; A Dance.
Pierre Gasly; Our Last Summer.
Mick Schumacher; Lay All Your Love On Me.
Charles Leclerc; Slipping Through My Fingers.
Daniel Ricciardo; Money, Money, Money.
Lando Norris; Does Your Mother Know?
George Russell; Angel Eyes.
Carlos Sainz Jr; Fernando.
Carlos Sainz Jr; Please, Rescue Me.
Charles Leclerc; Say You Love Me.
Pierre Gasly; Tailored For You.
George Russell; Need A Hand?
Mick Schumacher; Come Back Here!
Esteban Ocon; Vamanos!
Lance Stroll; For Me?
Daniel Ricciardo; Your Wish.
Esteban Ocon; Weather Warning.
Lance Stroll; Make Do.
Lando Norris; Stuck on You.
George Russell; Good Old Days.
Pierre Gasly; Uncertain Times.
Carlos Sainz Jr; Piece of Cake.
Mick Schumacher; Leaving Do.
Daniel Ricciardo; Matching.
Mick Schumacher; Kinderpunsch.
Lando Norris; Wrapping Up.
Esteban Ocon; A Very Special Gift.
Charles Leclerc; Flowers? I said Flour!
George Russell; Stunning.
Carlos Sainz Jr; Our Moment.
Author's Note
Charles Leclerc; Big Deal.
Mick Schumacher; Imagination.
Lance Stroll; In a Spin.
Pierre Gasly; Just Like Before.
Daniel Ricciardo; Make Believe.
Max Verstappen; On and Off.
Mick Schumacher; The Outlier.
Charles Leclerc; Consolation.
Pierre Gasly; You're Coming With Me.
Lance Stroll; First Date... Again.
Charles Leclerc; Just Us.
Daniel Ricciardo; Baby, Surprise...
Mick Schumacher; Prince and Pauper.
Lando Norris; You Caught Me.
Daniel Ricciardo; You're Safe.
INTERVAL 3: Well, f******k
INTERLUDE 4: These Will Go Eventually
Oscar Piastri; Advent Adventures.
Logan Sargeant; Yule Tide.
Charles Leclerc; One More Time.
a note to the world
Variety; The Reveal.
Daniel Ricciardo; Heartbreak Anniversary.
Sebastian Vettel; Like Home.

Carlos Sainz; My, what a big box!

1.3K 17 64
By shereadsf1

I owe you guys a small explanation for my absence. The summary is that my grandad landed in hospital with a broken arm, I have been suffering pretty heavily with seasonal affect disorder and a member of my immediate family has been harassed by someone online - everything is now working out, but the summary of the shit that's been going on is this. And to top it off, I have been informed (on 02/01/24) someone who I know quite well has passed at a young age - happy new year. You'll be forever missed, Tom💔

None of the above is a sob story to gain any sympathy. I'm a grown woman with a complicated life, things like this are bound to happen. I just wanted you to be informed.

Also a huge thank you to blueoliwia for your input - merry Christmas and happy new year🫶 fuck me what is a timeline

"How the hell are you hiding this from her?!" Caco asked Chilli, staring at the passenger seat of the (nearly brand new) Ferrari. He had gorgeous brown fur, big brown eyes and the sweetest little face.

"Well, to be honest, I was going to ask if I could keep him with you?" Chilli said, getting a blank look until Carlos Senior came along to question why his son and nephew were stood stockstill, staring at the Ferrari and one another.

"Ah, what's wrong, chicos?" The eldest Carlos asked, approaching the vehicle before he heard a soft bark. "What the hell? Another one?" He asked his son, exhausted at the thought of looking after yet another dog.

"He's not for me!" Chilli argued, reaching into the vehicle and fussing the dog's head. "Also, he's called Maní."

"I couldn't care less what he's called, we have three days until Christmas to hide him from her." Caco argued, seeing his cousin too preoccupied with his new baby. "Fine, he can stay at mine, but I hope that you have a big box that he will fit in for the actual day and he'll be quiet."

"He's a puppy!" Carlos Senior argued, a man also fond of hounds, reaching into the window to hold is grand-pup. "He's a little baby, eh?" He said, the sixteen week old rescue puppy curling up in his arms.

"You are both too soft." Caco grumbled as he fussed the puppy, loving the feel of the labrador's chocolate brown ears. "But he is a baby, I can't argue with that."

"Hm..." Chilli hummed before putting Maní in Caco's car, seeing him cautiously pad around the boot before finally settling down and resting properly. "Good boy." The only non-Red Bull winner of the season cooed, nuzzling his nose against the puppy's head before scratching his chin. "She is going to love him."

"Well, she," Carlos Senior emphasised, seeing that he hasn't actually mentioned his partner's name. "Will be here at any moment, so Carlos, clear off, Carlos, get inside and wash up for dinner." The younger men knew exactly who he was referring to, so his son said one last goodbye to his new baby before his cousin cleared off, leaning father and son to walk into the house. "Will (Y/N) be about next season?" The older gent asked, opening the front door and being met by his own hounds.

"Yes, I managed to persuade her into letting me support her for a year so she can get her master's in business communications." The younger Carlos explained, shutting the door and picking up the white ball of fluff named Ollie, cuddling him very closely as the animal just accepted the love. "She will be around the paddock and we've been cleared by the FIA to bring Maní and Piñon into the paddock, they will be looked after by (Y/N) until she is in the box and they are then handled by Mick's dog handler."

"So you have really thought this out then?" His dad said, taking a seat in the living room as Piñon jumped up to get his daddy's attention.

"Thoroughly," Carlos said as he knelt down and put Ollie on the floor, choosing to now wrestle and fuss Piñon. They rolled around on the floor for a little while before settling on the sofa, putting on the MotoGP that was missed from the weekend before, Carlos losing himself in the race and not noticing that the front door had opened, nor his nickname being called.

"Carlitos!" A sweet voice called, Piñon responding instead and bounding away from his dad and to his mum, a soft giggle emanating from the hallway. "Hi, baby boy." She cooed as she pressed a kiss to the top of the dog's head and scratched under his chin. "Where is papa? Go get papa!" The dog skidded around the hallway corner and jumped on to Carlos' stomach, winding him as he curled up.

"Ay, what was that for?!" He windedly asked the dog, as if he could respond, Piñon only offering a gruff little bark. "Buddy, you're mean."

"Piñon, I said go get papa, not kill him!" (Y/N) said as she wiped her eyes of tears and slipped her heels off before resting her aching arches on the plush carpet. "Dear sweet heaven on earth, thank you for freeing my feet from these demon cages."

"Welcome home, honey." Carlos whimpered as she recalled the dog to her side, Ollie also coming to her side and sitting patiently for his fuss from her. "How was your day?" He asked, watching her squat with her knees close together, the black pencil skirt not being made for a woman with thighs to bend at the knee. He watched as a grin grew on her lips and her hand reached into his luscious black locks, softly scratching his scalp as Ollie nuzzled his way under her chin, also getting a fuss.

"It was better than I thought; I handed my notice in." She stood back up and went over to Carlos to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, Pops." She said, feeling rough stubble against her skin.

"Hello, mija." Her father in law said, softly pinching her cheek as she giggled. "Congratulations, we're all very proud of you and can't wait to spend more time with you." He praised, seeing her cheeks glow a soft peach.

"Thanks, Carlo... It means the world and I can't wait to travel next season and do my assignments from around the globe." She pulled away and walked and sat down next to Carlos, his arms pulling her into his lap as he showered her with kisses all along her neck and face. "Hello, amor." She muttered as Carlos' long arms squeezed her warmly.

"Hi, bonboncita." He muttered into her ear, pressing a kiss to the shell of it as she giggled. "So, when is your last day on the clock?" He asked, adjusting so she could lay with him on the sofa.

"It was approximately an hour ago." She casually said, resting into his chest and scratching the scruff on cheek.

"Eh?!" The Carlos' exclaimed, Reyes walking in the front door and catching the news as well as she approached the living area.

"You quit? Today? Effective immediately?!" The mother stuttered, shocked by the admission and the bluntness of the statement.

"Yes, I decided there was no point delaying the inevitable. We discussed it after Christmas and honestly, I couldn't wait to finally not have to live in stuffy shirts, tight skirts and shoes that hurt me daily." (Y/N) confessed, feeling Carlos squeeze her. "I wanted out, I wanted time with my family. No better time to quit than at Christmas after bills and presents are all paid for."

"I'm a walking cash machine, mi amor. If you want money, just ask." Chilli pointed out, getting a soft chuckle as he pressed kisses to her cheek.

"Nope, not happening. I have my big girl money, the only thing I'll let you pay for is the jets because I don't have sponsors." She teased, getting a soft tut and a chuckle. "I can finally be there for my Carlos."

"With Piñon as well, don't forget." Chilli argued, getting a soft smile.

"Yes, with our first child too." She joked, climbing down from his lap. "Right, it's my turn to make dinner for us, considering you are hosting us for Christmas, what do we all fancy?"

"We have some fresh tomatoes and some peppers, why not a soup or a stew?" Carlos Senior asked, his wife sitting in the arm of the chair next to him.

"We also have some carrots and parsnips, why not make a vegetable soup?" Reyes suggested, getting a coo from her only son, enjoying the suggestion.

"Well, there is the answer." (Y/N) said as she stretched, meeting Carlos' Bambi-like brown eyes. "What?"

"Love you." He cooed, grabbing her hand and squeezing, lifting himself off the sofa slightly with pursed lips. He watched her grin and lean over, softly pecking a kiss to his lips before pulling back.

"Love you too." She muttered in response, completely moving away from him but his grip was stronger. "You either let go and let me get changed or you go into the kitchen and start chopping the veggies - your choice." She began walking away and felt a weight following her, knowing it was Carlos trying to chance his arm. Once in the kitchen, Carlos tackled her softly, arms caging her against him as he attacked her with love and kisses, utterly thrilled she no longer had to work in a career that was harming her physically and mentally.

"I'm so proud of you, mi amor." He whispered against her shoulder bone, his stubble dragging across her skin softly as his lips pressed against it. "I cannot wait to bring you with me to Bahrain."

"And I for one cannot wait for the warm weather there." (Y/N) teased, knowing it would be a somewhat beach holiday for them both. "Now, I need a wee and a change of clothes. Do you still have your Renault, Renault or McLaren work shirts here?"

"Ay, I do. They're in my bedroom here, I'll go and find one for you." He said, pressing a kiss to her lips softly and softly sighing, his arms wrapping around her waist and holding her close as she returned his affection with as much gusto. Once he pulled away, he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead before pulling away from her completely and making his way up the stairs, allowing her to dash into the downstairs bathroom and relieving herself. Her boyfriend knocked on the door once he was aware she had finished and stood there as she changed into an old McLaren and a pair of sports leggings that she left at his parents house on occasion.

"Are you sure I can wear this shirt, Carlitos? I will be cooking with very easy staining foods." She pointed out, Carlos undoing the buttons on the shirt to make it look less like she was going to make her way to a golfing green.

"Well, I haven't worn this since Abu Dhabi two years ago, so yes, this is okay to wear, mi amor." Carlos insisted, cheekily skimming his hands along her legs, feeling the cellulite along her lights. "I love the fact you're a real woman, these models are too... Perfect. I like a woman with a sharp tongue and edges." He flirted, squeezing her rear end.

"My love, that is because you are able to accept who I am for what I am." (Y/N) explained, wrapping her arms behind his neck as his lips trailed up her arms and pressed them against the soft skin of her under arm and stopping at the shirt sleeve. "You love me for more than just my body."

"I mean, it's pretty incredible, I enjoyed it a lot when we were just beginning our relationship." He teased, trailing his lips up her neck after the pressed along the shirt. "Sex was amazing then, raw and passionate, but now? Sex is emotional, involved, and still just raw and passionate." He muttered soft nothings in her ear as they stood in the bathroom, enjoying one another deeply. His hands slowly made their way below the waistband of her leggings and gripping at the flesh of her rear, testing the waters by slipping underneath the lacy article she wore to cover a sensitive region before a knock came at the door.

"Mija, mijo, grandma needs the toilet and she's been here a little while now." Reyes said, her mother in law having now waited for a little while. "Before you ask, she is not here with me. I understand you two need your time together, however the downstairs bathroom probably isn't the best place to be enjoying private time." She whispered through the door the second half of her sentence, making sure that not even his sisters could hear as they had too arrived.

"Sorry, mama." Carlos said as he very quickly (and quietly) washed his hands before opening the door and ushering (Y/N) through first. "We didn't realise, it's just been a very long time away from each other with work commitments for us both."

"I know, guapo..." Reyes said, pinching her son's cheek as he walked out. "But now you have time, so start on soup so Mama can eat, yes?"

"Of course, mama." Carlos said, pressing a kiss on her cheek before ushering her out of the bathroom, taking (Y/N) into the kitchen. "Mi amor, where should we begin?" He asked, grabbing a tea towel and throwing it over his shoulder. He picked up a hair tie and gently combed his fingers through her (H/C) locks as he pulled them away from her face and in a messy bun, his hand slipping to the drawer and grabbing her apron - a white base with a red and white candy cane frilly trim, an embroidered Christmas tree in the centre of the apron, resting on her bust as he slipped it over her head, before tying the strings around her waist and to her front, fiddling with be embroidered holly bushels at the ends once the ribbons were knotted.

"You are so very distracting, do you know that?" (Y/N) said with mock exasperation, Carlos' hands trailing gently along her hips and her waist, up and down as his fingers skimmed the fabric. "Could you please make yourself useful and get the red peppers and the tomatoes chopped? I will start by making a broth from some mushrooms, carrots and parsnips." She used her backside to shift his hips away from hers, getting a less than sanitary grunt from him as his hands gripped her hips. "Okay, you need to go and take a cold shower or take care of yourself. I can't have you trying to do me as I'm dealing with dinner and knives."

"How is it my fault that you're so beautiful, mami?" He asked, burying his head in her neck, his stubble grazing over her skin as he pressed wet kisses to her neck, inhaling her perfume and feeling goosebumps rise against his tongue as it glazed and coated her skin. "You could have fought me off..." He whispered as a hand slipped along her front, softly slipping a hand across her hips, sliding it up her torso, skimming across her breast and settling it on her chest, his thumb resting against her collarbone. "But you haven't..."

"That is because you know what you do to me." She grumbled, turning around in his arms, his hand now resting in her hair. "If I give you a very big, very loving, borderline pornographic kiss, will you leave me alone?" She muttered, seeing Carlos immediately lean down and capture her lips, trying his hardest to unhinge her jaw with his tongue. (Y/N) was powerless to his affection, her jaw dropping open as if it was a reflex and his tongue immediately glossed over hers, leaving no time for her to process it. Her hands gripped on his hair and pulled him closer, their teeth clashing as he let out an involuntary grunt. Their tongues continued to tangle, they continued to act like a pair of teenagers for a short while, until they heard a familiar voice.

"Hello, everyone!" The Spanish man said, being greeted by his hero before searching for his protege. "Where is the boy?" Fernando asked, seeing Big Carlos (as he once said) guide him towards the kitchen. "Hola, hermano!" He announced as he walked in, stopping at the sight before him - Carlos' hands were now softly clutching at her hair as they embraced softly, coming down from the emotional high. They very quickly pulled apart and turned around to greet Nando with bright smiles and swollen lips. "Ah, and the beauty queen is also here!" He cheered, placing the bottle of wine he brought with him on the worktop.

"Hola, maestro." Carlos said, pulling away from (Y/N) completely and jogging over, hugging him warmly as (Y/N) readjusted herself. Nando pulled back after a short while and patted Carlos' cheek, taking in the young woman walking over with open arms.

"Fernando," she said so fondly, wrapping her arms around his slight shoulders, squeezing him warmly. "I am so glad you could make it, padre."

"Of course! I would not miss a chance to spend time with my work son, his beautiful girlfriend and our friends! What is for dinner, mija?" Fernando asked as he placed two bottles of Rioja red on the worktop.

"It is a winter vegetable soup. I made a loaf of sourdough bread lastnight, so we have fresh bread to match." She said as she pulled back, grinning at the older racer. "Feel free to open one of your bottles and I'll come and join you all shortly, once I have the vegetables blitzed and stewing?" She suggested, seeing Carlos, Carlos and Fernando all look at her with sweet smiles (not that Chilli didn't hold some kind of naughy glint in his eye).

"Of course, mi amor. Are you sure you don't need any help?" Carlos asked, his father and Fernando loitering in the door way as he approached his beloved.

"I am very sure, mi rey. Get yourself a drink and I will handle dinner. I know Lando will also be here soon, so pour him a glass and we'll go from there, okay?" She said, resting her hands on his biceps. She hummed softly as she pressed a kiss to his cheek, his hands resting on her waist as he pulled her close. "Now go, your dads are waiting for you." She whispered, slowly pulling away with a soft grin. Carlos nodded and kissed her forehead, grabbing a bottle of the wine Nando brought with him and took the bottle opener with him, blowing a kiss to her as he backed away. She caught the kiss and pressed it against her lips, seeing his hand fly across his chest and clutch at his shirt, whimpering ever so softly before spinning out of the door dramatically. Reyes and her mother in law took his place in the kitchen, helping with the dinner by preparing some starters and sides for the meal, leaving the men to chat amongst themselves.

"So, how is everything going with the girlfriend, Carlitos?" Fernando asked, seeing his junior grin as he looked out the door way. He took note of how Carlos looked at (Y/N) and how she danced around the kitchen with a glass of wine with his mother and grandmother as they sung traditional Christmas songs. He then pulled his eyes to his mentor, noting that his doting gaze was similar, however on Reyes. "You gentlemen love your women, ay?"

"Come on, look at them!" Both the Carlos' said, looking to him with incredulous smiles. "She's gorgeous..." Chilli continued, turning back to look at his girlfriend when the door bell rung, watching as her legs carried her excitedly around the kitchen and into the hallway. They all heard a scream and knew immediately that it was Lando being jumped upon, confirming the fact as the walked in with her clinging to his front as one arm held her and the other held a few gift bags. "Hola, muchacho!" He brightly greeted Lando as he dropped (Y/N) to the sofa and greeted the fellas, Carlos Sr giving him a big squeeze as he was like family. "Have you got the goods?" Little Carlos whispered when it was his turn, clinging to his friend as he got a weak laugh.

"Of course I do, mate. You know you can rely on me to get your bits." Lando said as he pulled back, handing his friend a small package. "Everything you need is in there. Are you sure this is the way you want it to go?"

"I have never been more sure in my life, Landinho." He assured his friend, ushering him to take a seat as he passed over an Estrella Galicia Zero bottle. "I am very ready for Christmas day." Carlos explained to his father, mentor and friend his plan for Christmas day before turning back to work matters and life updates from the others until a small bell was rung from the kitchen, signalling dinner was nearly ready and the men were to set the dinner table.

"Come on, fellas. Let's get the table laid, our ladies have worked so hard for us." Fernando said, taking the lead into the dining room as th others followed and set up the cutlery, candles and chairs. Fernando went and assisted the eldest woman into the living room from the kitchen, bringing two bottles of wine with him as Carlos Sr guided Reyes into the dining room and took a side dish from her hands, leaving Carlos to assist (Y/N) with the soup bowl and basket of bread slices, buttered. 

"This smells and looks absolutely delightful, mija." Carlos Sr said after helping his mother in law to her seat. He watched as his daughter in law shyly smiled and returned to the kitchen, his son's doe-like brown eyes following her like a lost puppy. He watched as Carlos' eyes lit back up upon her re-entry, his hands immediately reaching for her waist to guide her towards him. "Carlos..." The elder Sainz warned as he noted the jug of water in her hands and the bowl of safe scraps of dinner for Pinon and Ollie. 

"Mi corazon, please sit down. You have not stopped since you got in and your feet need a rest." Carlos insisted, taking the bowl from her hand and ensuring the dogs followed him as she presented the jug to the table. "Now, let's eat?" He suggested, getting very loud round of agreement as he placed the dogs' dinner on the floor. He grabbed the jug of water and began to fill glasses as his father filled soup bowl and Lando offered around the bread and sides - Fernando was happily occupying the eldest of the matriarchs as they did so, enjoying spending time with an actual family, rather than just his mother and sister. Everyone soon settled down and complimented the chef, not that Carlos wasn't taunted for only prepared two of the ingredients before being shooed out of the kitchen. 

"What do we all wish for this Christmas and New Year?" Reyes asked, holding her husband's hand gently. "I wish for us to all be in good health, for my boys to have success and for my nearly daughter to enjoy her time off next year." She then raised her glass and took a swig, motioning towards the next person.

"I hope for Carlos and I to both get race wins next year and to share more podiums together, for everyone to be the best they ever have been and for (Y/N) to know what she would like for her future." He then raised a glass and turned to Fernando, who was like the naughty kid in class giggling.

"I wish for the young lady next to me to keep her health and live long, I wish for us drivers to continue for as long as our careers allow, and for (Y/N) to enjoy the year with us." He pressed a kiss to Carlos' grandmother's cheek before raising a glass and turning to the young couple. They grinned at one another as everyone turned to them.

"I wish for Carlos and I to be together for as long as time allows, for him to be in the fight for world champion status and for us to enjoy the time we have been given on this earth." She said, toasting her glass of water before seeing her boyfriend giving her a look with a quirked brow. "Fine, I would also like a dog." She muttered ashamedly, getting some soft laughter before attention turned to Carlos. 

"Not to sound like a broken record, but I wish for us to keep up our high spirits, for us driver to be successful and for my beloved to remain as loving, beautiful, intelligent and for our future t be forever bright and forever more." Carlos said, getting cooes from the table as he leaned over and pulled her into an extremely soft kiss. Everyone raised their glasses as Lando took photos, everyone cheering as the lens clattere multiple times. "I love you." Carlos whispered as he pulled her head into his shoulder, hiding away in her (H/C) locks.

"I love you too." She muttered against the olive skin of his neck, letting his cologne wash away any of the day's stresses. Everyone soon moved to the living room and the guests took their leave in the late evening, meaning (Y/N) and Chill could enjoy a nice evening in bed. "What is the plan for tomorrow, mi vida?" She asked as his arms encased her waist, pulling their bare skin close to keep them warm as they watched the stars and the moon from outside their bedroom door, the glass panels so clear that they brought the couple closer to the sky.

"I am going to start the day with you having a lay in as Papa and I work out, I am then going to bring you breakfast in bed after waking you up by kissing your skin until you open your beautiful (E/C) eyes for me to fall in love with again like I do every morning," Carlos muttered against her skin, stubble knotting the baby hairs that laid at the base of her hairline when his head rested in the crook of her neck. "I will then take you to the nearest church for us to light candles in memory of your parents and my grandpa, take some time for lunch together and then come home with you and enjoy a quiet night in before the chaos of christmas day settles in."  He whispered as he pressed soft kisses up and down her neck, his arms softly holding her bare waist, the skin of her back delicate and warm against his own, comforting like a heated blanket.

"Well, I guess that will just have to do." She said with false disappointment, a fake sigh leaving her lips as she felt Carlos' nose nestle into her (H/C) locks. "It sounds absolutely perfect, mi amor. I am very much looking forward to our alone time for the first time in a while." She let her eyes drop shut as his woolly pectorals grazed the expanse of her back, softly and slowly letting his rhythmic breaths take her into a world where there was nothing but them. "Te amo, mi sol." She muttered, the heat of his body like the radiating warmth of the sun on her skin. A soft yet gruff hum was heard before a sleepy, deep voice echoedaround the room and bounced through her heart.

"Te amo, mi cielo..." Carlos muttered, pressing kisses to her scalp before immediately dropping into the land of nod, languishing with his beloved close for the first time for a long time. He dreamt of winning the championship with her by his side every step of the way, but (Y/N) dreamt of a dancing nutcracker and sugar plum fairies - she was one who loved the ballet so much. As promised when Carlos awoke, he pressed a kiss to her forehead as she slept, watching a little smile grow on her lips, before going and working out with his dad. He used the bathroom that was downstairs with the gym and showered down there, only coming back to his room to get dressed as he forgot to take a change of clothes down with him. He very softly opened and closed the door of the room, dropping the towel and tiptoeing his way to the chester drawers on the opposite side of the room.

"Well, isn't that a good view for so early in the day." Carlos sleepily heard as he rifles through his underwear drawer, only looking over his shoulder to see (Y/N) sitting up in bed with a tired grin. "Morning, mi vida. How was your work out, darling?" She asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as Carlos haphazardly threw his boxers on.

"I'm sorry if I woke you, mi amor." She softly spoke, climbing on the bed and crossing his legs under his bum. "It was enough. Papa is training to Dakar, so it was very hot and very sweaty."

"And I wasn't there to witness it? Shameful." She teased, watching a shy grin appear on her partner's face.

"What would you like for breakfast, mi cielo? I know you don't like avocado on toast, but I can make you some pancakes?" Carlos suggested, watching as she rested on her side, hand laying on his thigh.

"Why not meet in the middle and do protein pancakes with banana and hazelnut spread?" She suggested, letting her hand rub the hair of his thigh.

"That sounds like a good idea, we have strawberries in the fridge too I think." Carlos said in thought, falling down besides her and kissing her arm. "I will go run you a bath, cook breakfast and we'll go out in a couple of hours?"

"That's perfect to me." (Y/N) whispered as the hand that rested on the front of his thigh slipped to the back, gently squeezing his muscle and pulling a chuckle from his chest.

"I shall run your bath, madam." He said, pressing a kiss to her lips before pulling back, seeing her pouting with big doe eyes. "What?"

"I wanted a longer kiss..." She muttered, watching Carlos dive back down and bring her into a searing kiss, making her squeak as he rolled them so she was on her back. Her hands gripped at the gem of his boxers, chest pressing against his as he slipped his hands under the bedsheet and gripped at her flesh. His finger dug into the skin of her waist as he felt her feet kicking the sheet down her naked body to really feel him. A hand shift from her waist and to her chest, ripping the sheet away to allow her skin to cool in the Spanish winter air. She gasped slightly, allowing Carlos to venture further before splitting her bare legs and resting between them, hips pressed heatedly as his slightly shifted, grinding against her as she whimpered, unable to defy the sexual spell he always cast on her. After many minutes of passion, Carlos pulled away and reclaimed his breath, resting his forehead against her bare breast as they both recovered.

"Was that enough?" He teased softly, hearing her heartbeat race beneath her bosom, a soft huff of laugh leaving her body as her hand played with his hair.

"Well, I am definitely going to need a shower, mi corazon." She said, her legs unwilling to move after the throws of passion that Carlos has driven her to. "Go and start breakfast, I shall be down after a shower."

"Of course, mi amor." He said, lifting his head and pressing a soft, sweeter kiss to her lips as if to kiss them better. "Do I need to get you a washcloth for clean up or..?" He asked, lifted away completely and watching as she wrapped herself from bust to bum in the dirtied top sheet.

"I will strip the bed and bring it down for a wash." She said, running her hand through his mussed locks once more. "Thank goodness for the implant, hm?"

"As much as I would like kids, I don't think we're ready for children." He teased, holding the bathroom door open and switching it on to the temperature labelled with her name. "Amor, please shower and come down for breakfast. Once you are ready, we will do the church and lunch, buy some things for dinner and have an early night. Mainly because there's a lot of family coming."

"Well, we shall have to buy enough grapes for new year's eve, that is for sure." She said, offering a soft smile before shutting the bathroom door behind her. Carlos gathered himself together again before stying his hair slightly and heading down to the kitchen, starting enough protein pancakes to feed the whole family and the dogs (they had plain ones). His father waddled in, feeling a little bit stiff post workout, and sat at the breakfast bar with a hot espresso in his hand.

"You guys are still the same as you were when you were kids." The old man said, watching as his son's lips curl upwards. "Still loud, still loved up... I am pretty sure the neighours may know what you've been up to." He teased, seeing his son's smile change slightly, a prominent blush flooding his cheeks as his hands fumled the pan, meaning a pancake landed on his head. Carlos Sr snorted before cackling, considering their nearest neighbours were about a kilometre away and he didn't actually know they had been in bed together. Reyes walked into the kitchen in her yoga wear and immediately guffawed at the site of her husband drying his tears and her son raising the frying pan jokingly like he was going to whack his father with it.

"Carlo, Carlos, what is all of this about?" (Y/N) asked, walking into the kitchen in a pair of brown corduroy trousers and a white turtle neck top and long sleeves, an autumnal waistcoat added to really complete the outfit.

"I think you may have just walked in on breakfast, conejito." Reyes said, giving her a side hug. "Boys, let's get the pancakes underway and let the young couple get ready for their day out, yes?" She suggested, seeing the men calm down and resume with morning routines. Breakfast came and went, so Carlos and (Y/N) made their first pit stop which was to the little church just around the corner for the Sainz house. This was an old, well loved Catholic chapel, with the most richly coloured and finely detailed stained glass windows and deep mahogany pews for any congregation members to take a pew and pray.

"If we were to get married, would you want a big, white wedding, or a more intimate and closed event?" Carlos asked as he held her hand warmly, guiding her between the pews at the back of the hall, taking in how eagerly she absorbed all of the decoration and features of the small but mighty building.

"I don't think I would care, I am marrying you at the end of the day, that is the most important thing." She muttered, her eyes giving away the secret that the chapel was her dream destination. Carlos just smiled softly and wrapped an arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to the side of her head, inhaling the scent of her shampoo as he buried deeper into her H/C) locks. "What about you? Would you like to be married in a chapel like this or would you want a grand affair?" She soflty muttered, enjoying the ambient noises that surrounded them - the winter birds nesting, the choir practicing in a side room, the prayers said by those left without much hope - it was demure, but the light of her life was by her side.

"I think I feel the same, as long as I get to marry you, nothing else matters." He whispered in her ear, getting a soft giggle. "Should we go light our candles, say a prayer and go into the centre?"

"I think that is a good idea." She whispere,d getting up from her seat and heading over to the stand of lit candles. She popped a euro in the collection box, waiting for Carlos as he pulled out a fifty euro note, casually dropping it in the slot. "I get it, honey, you have money." She teased as carlos grabbed three candles.

"For those we have loved and lost, mi amor." He said, handing over two of the altar candles to place on the stand. "Should I light mine first?"

"If you'd like to, Carlitos." (Y/N) said as he did so, seeing the wick ignite and hearing a soft prayer be muttered. Carlos then held the candle to out to her, watching as she very softly smiled a heartbroken smile. "With this light may the memory of you remain with us and may this candle represent your ever lasting spirit. When this candle has melted, rebirth shall happen as the wax will bring forth more." She mumbled, watching Carlos place his candle in the stand and tuck her (H/C) hair back into a ponytail to avoid any fire incidents. "We light these candles in memory of you when you cannot be with us physically, but we will use these fires to light our ways to you. May you be comfortable on the other side waiting for us to come take our hands when the time comes." Both candles were now lit, Carlos gently running his hands up and down her sides to comfort her as she placed her candles on the very top rung, next to her partner's candle of memorial.

"May you feel our love in the next life and may you come back and visit when you like, however some preferences would be during the season breaks." Carlos jokes as (Y/N) made a sad giggle, turning around in his arms and hiding away in his chest. "Are you okay, mi sol?" He whispered as his arms protected her by wrapping around her shoulders, squeezing softly as he allowed the open wound to close over again.

"I am, mi cielo." She whispered, lifting her head from his chest and meeting his worried chocolate eyes, trying to hide the tears that threatened to spill from her (E/C) orbs. "Just... It's hard at this time of year to not have the people you want around you."

"I understand, mi vida." He muttered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "The first Christmas without Grampa feels so strange and so hard." He whispered as his hot breath spread over her forehead. He felt her arms squeeze him tightly, holding him close as they shared in their grief. "Shall we get lunch? What do you fancy?"

"I could honestly go for sandwiches? What about you?" She muttered as she burrowed into his chest.

"I could go for sandwiches. Shall we get toasties and paninis?" He asked, looking back to the candles before letting her warmth sink into his bones, feeling her nod against his pectoral. "Come on, mi reina... Let's eat some lunch." He pressed a kiss to the top of her head before she pulled back, dropping her hands and I to his as she pursed her lips. He chuckled and obliged, slipping his fingers between hers and leaning down, his stubble grazing over her top lip as he kissed her soft lips. "I can't wait to marry you." He muttered against her mouth, pressing one more soft kiss to her lips before pulling away and dropping one of her hands. "Come, let's get in the car and go to a cafe for some food." Carlos muttered, (Y/N) nodding as he pulled her out of the Chapel with him. They legged it to the car so they avoided any and all photos being taken. They enjoyed their lunch in a secluded cafe before (Y/N) was dropped back home, mainly so Carlos could go and see Caco, more importantly the puppy. "Love you, mi amor. See you at dinner." He said, head hanging out of the window, feeling her bring him into a warm embrace and softly press her lips against his. She nodded and grinned before stepping back to let him drive, turning around as he throttled away, seeing Ollie had escaped and stood next to her.

"Hi, baby..." She said, picking him up and snuggling him, clearing some sand or dust from his white fur. "Let's go and wrap up your human brother's gifts." And with that, she went and wrapped up the gifts she had made for the family. Carlos had arrived at Caco's and measured up the box for Maní to fit in and playing with the Labrador to adjust him to the rough housing and attention. He spent a couple of hours there and explained what else would be gifted to her, and Caco fell more in love with the thought of it, agreeing the perfect gift would be given this way. Carlos said goodbye and headed home, having dinner with his entire family and curling up in bed with his beloved again ready for Christmas day, having planned how to smuggle the puppy in and giving him air.

The pattering of feet echoed around the bedroom, the body that was in his arms when he fell asleep was no longer there, and the creaking of the bedroom door resonated around the room as the Spaniard looked at the digital clock on (Y/N)'s side of the bed - it read twenty past five in the morning. "Amor, back to bed, snuggle time." He bluntly muttered, throwing the sheets off her side of the bed as the door closed, expecting to feel her in his arms within seconds, but instead was greeted by the sound of the stairs creaking. He sighed and got up, slipping a pair of boxers on and walking down the steps and to the living room, seeing her in front of the tree organising the gifts and filling up the stockings. "Amor." He sleepily whined, watching as she jumped and turned around, Carlos taking in the fact she was wearing his Ferrari fan gear. "Please, come back to bed. The sun is not yet awake and you normally aren't either."

"Carlitos, I had to get up to put the presents out. Your baby cousins are expecting Santa to come and drop off gifts for everyone." She muttered, turning back to the pile as Carlos sighed. She heard footsteps pad over to her, the heat of his body wrapping around her as he rested his legs either side of her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Toasty warm, whilst I finish setting these up, I can have a fire cuddling me." She said, leaning back momentarily in his arms as his nose nuzzled into the skin of her neck. "Mi Principe, please go back to bed, I can meet you up there." She whispered, hearing a hum that sounded a no. "Fine, I will finish fluffing these up and we will go back to bed and snuggle."

"Good." Carlos said as he practically fell asleep on her shoulder, dozing off as he felt her body rocking him to sleep. As she moved the presents around, his head just followed where she went and when she was done arranging and stuffing stockings, he woke up as her hand was teasing his inner thigh. "If you do that, you're getting a very early Christmas present." Carlos warned, hearing her chuckle before standing up.

"Come, let's snuggle back in bed." She said with a yawn, holding both of his hands as he stood up. He led her up the stairs and into their room, closing the door softly before lifting her up and placing her in their bed, slipping between her legs and resting on her, her hand running through his raven tresses.

"Do you want the heated blanket turned on, mi sol?" He asked, his eyes shutting and his jaw tension loosening as he burrowed into the valley of her bosom.

"I have you on me, mi amado. I have a heated weight blanket." She muttered, soft snored escaping Carlos as her nails scratched gently at his shoulder blades and scalp. She giggled to herself before letting sleep take over once more, looking forward to what would be the best Christmas she would ever have. They were awoken three hours later by his youngest cousins banging on the door excited, screaming for (Y/N) as they did so as she was the biggest Christmas fan out of anyone in the family. Once she was up and dressed more appropriately, she kissed Carlos on the forehead and let him sleep some more, not that his father didn't come and force him up anymore than a half hour later. Caco waltzed into the front door with all of the gifts bar ones which he said was to be opened last and kept out of sight of everyone until the time had come to open gifts. The family did their tradition breakfast of whatever the hell everyone wanted and made hot drinks before allowing the kids to open up their gifts, wrapping paper and ribbon strewn about as they ripped their toys free of the disguises.

(Y/N) had made every single person in the family a crocheted item - Carlos Sr received a very durable and very warm jumper from his daughter in law, Reyes and her daughter each receiving a double bed sized chunky yarn crocheted blanket to wrap themselves up in during the cold weather and the niblings all received hat, scarf and mittens sets as well as crocheted toys of all of Carlos' different F1 cars and their favourite drivers. "Carlitos, this is for you," she said, handing her partner a large box before turning to his cousin. "And Caco, this is for you." She eagerly watched as they opened their gifts and immediately loved their expressions.

"You made these?!" Caco asked, seeing that it was a Real Madrid style jumper with his surname and favourite number int be back, Chilli unsure how to respond to his gift without sobbing. "My, you are so talented, (Y/N)!"

"Carlos, is everything okay?" Reyes asked, seeing him nod with a sad yet grateful smile.

"Yeah..." He muttered, wiping a stray rear away as he took the items from the box. It was a painting she had made up by a local portrait artist of Carlos at this current age with Maria de Villota, as well as quarter sized replicas of the Silverstone and Singapore trophies all made by crochet. He then saw that there was a diecast miniature figure of him, Seb, Fernando and Lando that was custom made and installed to a miniature platform model of the Spanish grand Prix, knowing how important all these men were to his career until that point. "Mi amor, you... I... No words. I love you so much." He said, wrapping his arms around her and hiding his face in her neck as she grinned and squeezed him. He spent some time calming down and watching (Y/N) open the gifts from his parents and family, loving how many of them were embracing her hobby and supporting her following new passions until someone asked where her present from Carlos was. He quickly moved from the room and gently carried in a huge box, both Piñon and Ollie getting whifs of what was inside. "For you, mi vida. The one thing i knew what to get you." He said as he placed the box in front of her and ushered the other dogs back.

"My, what a big box!" She said, her hands lifted the lid and a sob immediately escaped her, shutting the lid momentarily to proceed before lifting it again and behind greeted by the aforementioned chocolate Labrador as his currently too big feet lifted himself out the box and tried to land in her lap. Her hands immediately picked the puppy up and cradled him like a baby, still sobbing her heart out with joy as she hid her face in the baby dog's big ears. "You sneaky little..." She managed to squeak out as Carlos sat next to her and fussed the wooffie.

"He's called Maní, he's a rescue and he had another gift for you." Carlos informed her, pointing to the tag on the collar. Whilst Caco held the puppy up so she could read his collar tag, Chilli was ready behind her on one knee, ring box in hand. "Read it so we can all hear it." He insisted softly, everyone clicking on to the news as the littlest people are immediately hushed by parents.

"Mami, will you please marry my papi?" She questioned as she read it aloud, almost getting whiplash from the speed of the double take she had when looking at Carlos in confusion.

"I know it's been a wild couple of years, and I know that nothing has been easy for you," Carlos began his little speech, seeing almost everyone in his family recording the moment. "But, yesterday in that little chapel, someone confirmed to me that you are my soulmate and that I would be a complete idiot to let you go." His voice shook as he spoke, his fingers nervously reaching grasping at her hand as his thumb flipped open the ring box to reveal a beautiful square cut diamond ring inside. "And I know a little chapel which happens to have a space available during the summer break next year, so if you have the time, I have the money and I want you to be my bride." He said with a chuckle, seeing his beloved grin so broadly as tears slipped down her cheeks. "Will you do me the greatest honour and agree to be my wife, (Y/N)?" He asked, only to be tackled to the floor as the slurry of the word yes in multiple languages was blurted out.

"Of course I will marry you!" She squeaked as she sat on his hips, the puppy bounding from Caco's lap and to his human parents. As Maní leapt all over them, their family was losing what was left of their minds. Reyes and Carlos were screaming, his sisters were going lairy as they already started to make plans for the wedding, Caco and his partner just sitting their with smirks as they were involved the entire time. "I cannot believe this." She whispered as Carlos slipped the ring on her finger, holding both of her hands and pressing kisses to her knuckles before being smushed in another embrace.

"Look at you, my beautiful fiancé." He whispered, a hand threading through her (H/C) tresses as he pressed kisses along the column of her neck, his arm winding around her waist as everyone jumped on them to congratulate the couple. Once everyone had settled down, it was time for lunch to be underway, and when they were finished, everyone fell asleep for a couple of hours as they digested their food. The evening consisted of parlour and board games as well as Christmas films until everyone began to drop back to sleep. Carlos and (Y/N) said goodnight to everyone and headed up to their room once more, sitting on the balcony and watching the stars under a blanket with mulled wine. "I am so happy that you said yes." He muttered, stretching his arm around her shoulder and bringing her closer, feeling her snuggle up to his side as her arm crossed his waist.

"I have never been asked an easier question to answer." She whispered, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "I think we should go down to the chapel tomorrow and book the slot."

"Well I hate to tell you this, but I was so confident that you would say yes, I booked it last night." He admitted, feeling her moved from his side. Her legs swung over his hips and her hands rested on her chest and she stared at him for a second, only blinking before grabbing his shirt collar and pulling him close. "What?" He asked, bumping her nose with his. "Hermosa..." He whispered, feeling her hands slip up his chest and to behind his neck.

"You, Carlos Sainz Vasquez de Castro, are the best thing to ever happy to me." She said, her breath wafting across his lips as the scent of the mulled wine lurred him closer, catching her lips in an empassioned embrace. He held her closer than he had ever done before, his hands moving around her body and resting on the backs of her thighs, shunting them both forwards and off of the balcony bench and through the sliding doors, laying her down on the bed before slotting in between her legs once more, pressing kisses to her bare skin as he pulled her shirt off. She softly hummed and felt a cold breeze waft her torso as Carlos pulled away to throw his shirt across the room, the article of clothing landing on the balcony seat outside as he threw it with much vigor. "What have you got planned, mi prometido?" She didn't have much of a chance to answer as Carlos' hands gripped her waist and pulled her chest flush against his as he repeatedly dragged his tongue across hers, refusing to part from her lips to answer until he decided it was time. He eventually pulled away and a string of saliva connected them still, Carlos raising his hand and running his thumb across her lip as she panted and whimpered.

"Well, our kid is in bed...." Carlos muttered against her lips, the pair having left Maní in the bathroom with the door open if he needed to walk around, hands slipping beneath her pajama bottoms and shunting them down her legs, bringing her underwear over the legs as well. "We still have to send Christmas off with a bang, no?" He said, discarding the fabric and stripping off his own bottoms, grabbing the backs of her knees and bringing her close. "I know the perfect way to start." He said, slinging her legs over his shoulders, beginning the end of a very good Christmas.

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