George Russell; Taking Time.

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anyway here we go again, quick succession writing is something im suddenly getting better at

also im on my period so here we go, a period inspired fanfic pls enjoy

y/m/n = your middle name


After however many years of having a menstrual cycle, (Y/N) was always unwell for a short while when on.

Cramps. Poops. Nausea. Migraine.

It was like having intense anxiety with seasickness for about three days.

George, being the good boy he is, did anything he could for whilst he was around, but that was only half of the year, so she was handling it alone for a long time. Luckily, it was the summer break, and that meant George was going to experience, in full, what women go through.

George was more than happy to assist his the woman he loved, but was woefully unprepared for the week ahead, since (Y/N) was on the pill throughout their relationship, and made a conscious decision to come off since months prior to this moment.

Day one was the worst of them all, it was challenging. (Y/N) had her (H/C) tied back messily, the headaches and nausea really testing her gag reflex, not to mention the vice grip contractions that were really stirring the pot, feeling a heartbeat in her lower abdomen. Emotions also ran very raw and intense, tears streamed as she watched videos of ducklings and puppies, babies, just anything small, cute and cuddly, sent her into a fit of tears.

It was poor George who was the one who ended up getting his shirt wet with tears, his body acting as a hot water bottle, hands resting on her back and bloated tummy, arms wrapping her in a tangled fashion, not that he could complain. (Y/N) tried to apologise, but George was taking none of it, shushing her and pressing kisses to her forehead.

Day two was a slight improvement; a lighter headache, less nausea, just as intense contractions. This was the first challenge that was brought to Georgie-Boy: sheet washing.

Since George is a male, he had never had to get blood out of, well, anything really. An overnight leak had caused some mild panic in him, thinking there was a murder in the middle of the night, but the rational part of his brain remembered what he was handling yesterday and pinned it down to a rather sizeable yet unfortunate blowout, so to speak. Bless his heart, he decided to run a warm bath with a CBD bath bomb, he did some research and bought a couple, gently woke her up as he began to carry her to the bathroom, placed her on the porcelain throne and helped her change out of the soiled clothing, throwing it into the washing bin.

"Because I don't do this often, what's the best way to wash the stains from the sheets?" George innocently asked, picking the basket and last dirtied item from the floor, placing it in there.

"First, it is a cold rinse to breakdown the compound, then a 60 degree wash with stain remover." She muttered, the early morning call throwing her off track. George just nodded, left the room stripped the covers off the bed, opting to do a full wash. He then headed down to the kitchen to do the wash, soaking the worst for a few minutes before putting everything in the hot wash, letting the kettle boil away before making them both a cuppa and scampering back upstairs. 

He walked back into the room, mugs in hand, placing them down on the Ikea bath table they invested in, feeling some eyes staring him down. "What's wrong?" The Brit questioned, turning around as he slowly stripped off his shirt.

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