INTERLUDE 4: These Will Go Eventually

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Sorry I haven't posted sooner, after getting out of A&E two weeks ago, someone there gave me flu and I was basically dead last week, and I now also have an ear infection and lingering symptoms at time of writing.

Thank you so much for your ongoing support, and happy November!

As per last year, I wrote a selection of Christmas/New Year related stories and I am BRINGING THAT BACK.

Please see below the list of racers and one line explanations for the story line. These are vague to an extent, but that's the mystery! Think of it like a Christmas stocking, little surprises await!

GR63 - Work party

DR03 - Australian Christmas

LN04 - Christmas 2022 SEQUEL

OP81 - Sweet Tooth Cravings

LS02 - British Christmas

CS55 - Puppy gifting

CL16  - Secret Santa @ Ferrari

MS47 - Christmas 2022 SEQUEL

Please let me know if you guys have anything specific per driver you'd like to see included by commenting specifically on the driver for the sake of my sanity (aka lack there of).

I hope you guys are all okay, I'm sending you all the best!!

With love, shereadsf1 🧡

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