Love's Choice (UPGRADED)

By MarryMeProd

168K 1.7K 612

Use to be 'True Love Don't Come Easy' (UPDATED AND POLISHED OVER!) This is a love story between you and the b... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 (cont.)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7 - (cont.)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 22
Help Me?

Chapter 18

3K 48 20
By MarryMeProd

Prod was wearing casual clothing. Nothing romantic or such. His skinny jeans, and a plain white V-neck shirt with a gold necklace.

But his smile faded when he turned and saw you and Roc (shirtless) hand in hand walking down the stairs. He cleared his throat, and revealed the roses anyway, from behind his back. You were slightly shocked, but also confused. He was with Linda the other night wasnt he? Why is he here?

Roc tightened his hold on your hand, and pulled you behind him. He got this.

"Excuse me there young nigga. But why are you here? I don't understa-" Prod cut Roc off.

"Ay ay ay man. Look, I see you and YN are having something on right now, but I'm just gonna ask you nicely, if I can speak to her for a sec." Prod said politely. It was obvious he was struggling to keep himself composed.

"Once again, excuse me nigga. But wasn't your ass with that Linder girl the other night?" Roc was trying to get under his skin, which worked.

Prod's hand with the bunch of roses collapsed to his side. He rubbed his chin, tightening his jaw. "Look man, can I just have a minute with her?" He asked again.

"No, but you can have a second with her. " Roc responded arrogantly. He pulled you from behind him, still holding your hand.

"Okay YN, do your thing." He said, letting go off your hand, right down to your fingertips he wouldn't let go easily.

You and Prod go to the kitchen area. You sit on the counter, as he leans on it beside you. He then begins to speak his heart out.

He put the roses down, and held your right hand. "YN, the last time I tried to win your heart over, I um *clears throat* I was attacked in a way by Ray."

Prod dipped in his back pocket, and took the ring out. "Please take it. You don't have to like me like I like you, but just take it." He begged. Prod honestly took all your antics and mischievous flirting jokes in the past as actual jokes.

You hesitated for a few seconds. Then you said, "You know, it hurts me a lot when I saw you and Linda together."

Prod lets go off your hand vigorously. He raised his voice, leaning off the counter.

"YN! How the hell you think I feel seeing you kissing Prince like that?? Oh my God." Prod dressed back, he had one hand on his hip, the other rubbing his head.

He held his head down, pissed off. Clenching his jaw again.

"Hey, don't put this on me. You the one trying to "win" my heart, how in the world do you think you're gonna do that being with Linda behind my back Prod?!" You exclaimed.

The image of them together clouds your mind, you almost feel like crying.

Prod swift his head to you mighty fast. He dashed his shades off with one hand. He comes closer to you slowly, his eyes sharpen with redness and rage, looking straight in your eyes, not blinking once.

He swallowed his saliva before he starts to speak, his Adam's apple bounced visibly in his throat.

"YN. Put yourself in my shoes. How do you think, really. How do you think it feels to have my brothers turning against ME, *he touches he chest with two hands* just to have this one girl. NOT JUST ANY GIRL YN. But the most beautiful girl in the world!" He said angrily, which really shocked you.

"YN, you don't know what I been through being held in the hospital for so long, and all that-"

You interrupted. "AND I freaking love you Prod! All this time that I been chasing you around, calling you "boo" and "my future husband" and all that teasing playful shit. You chased me away every time. How do YOU think that feels?? For God's sake I cried myself to sleep every single night because you rejected me. And now, it's like the other way around..." A tear fell down your face as you said that.

Prod sees this, and turns from angry, to feeling really sorry for you, with sympathy filling his eyes.

He stands in between your legs, and wipes your tears. "I'm so so sorry YN." Prod says, his voice soft and tender.

His eyes begin to tear up, as he sees how hurt you are. He never realized you've been through so much. "Here. Take this." He holds your right hand, and gently places the ring on your finger; as you use your other hand wiping your tears and sniffing.

You and Prod lean your foreheads against each other, Prod cups your face. His hands on your neck, with the thumbs softly rests on your cheek, and his fingers behind your ear.

"Promise me something..please" He softly says. His voice cracks a lil. "What?" You ask.

"Promise me you'll," He holds up your chin with his index finger, his head tilted in the perfect position to kiss you. Still holding your face, he puckered his lips out and into a soft gentle kiss you guys go. His lips planted on yours, the kiss isn't filled with want. It's filled with love.

The kiss gets deeper and deeper. Passionate making out. Then you both pull away the same time.

"You'll choose the right guy." He said, continuing his statement from before.

You smile at him, and nod. "I will Prod. I will."

One question remained still at the back of your head. Why was he with Linda that night? Before you ask him, he grabbed up the roses and handed it to you. He kissed you one last time, "I'm the right guy. I love you okay?" You nod, and sniff the roses.

"Thank you" you said with a warm smile. He helps you off the counter, and walks you to the living room. You guys hug real tight.

"Uh-uh that ain't what I call a hug." He says playfully, desperately trying to lighten your mood.

You giggle and wrap your arms around his neck, and hopped up to with your legs around his waist. He spins you around.

"aaah stop Prod hahahaha stop please" You laughed and pleaded. He stops, and you stand back up. He wanted to make you smile before he left, rather than leave you in tears.

"Okay okay okay. Imma go now. See you tomorrow?" He asks hopefully,

"Mhm" you replied with a closed smile. He walked to the door, and waves at you, then out he goes.

You head upstairs with your roses, and you observe the ring closely at it's beauty.

Where's Roc? He is nowhere to be found. You sit on the bed,

"ROOAARRR!!!!" you scream in fright and shock. It was Roc. He jumped out the bathroom door, and scared you.

He began laughing really hard. "Your face hahaa" he said in the middle of the laugh. You gave him the blankest stare.

"I will break yours." You shock back.

Roc replies sarcastically, "Oooooohhhh, I'm so scared!! Oh my Moses Jesus Christ help meeee"

You get off the bed and start to wrestle Roc. He manages to pin you down. "Aw shit m. I'm-Im sorry. Okay. You win now let me go Roc" You pleaded.

Roc begins to tickle you all over. You laugh historically. Roc starts to shower you with kisses you all over your face, but not your lips. He knows better. "Roc!!! Haha no, Stop!" and he did.

"You know I love you right?" He asks out of the blue, still pinning you down. He suddenly got so serious.

"Yeah I know" you replied.

"Okay." Roc gets up off of you, then helps you up.

He picks up his shirt off the bed, and spots the roses. He grabs them up and disposes it in the bathroom bin.

"What was that for?!" You yelled. Roc, putting on his shirt, doesn't say anything.

Then he comes over to you, "Can you promise me something?" He asks. You squint your eyes at him.

"what?" Roc replies, " Promise me, that you'll choose me, okay?"

You just looked at him. "Please YN."

You sighed, "Take up the roses that's what you should do."

Roc completely ignores what you said and hugs you tightly. "I'm going now, I would kiss you goodbye but I can tell Prod touched them lips."

You only stare at him as he closes the door, and heads out.

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