The Sixth Doll~ Pretty Little...

By Isabel_Rivers

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Isabel Rivers never really had a safe place to land. That was before she met queen bee Alison DiLaurentis. Sh... More

Book 1- Pretty Little Secrets
The Jenna Thing
To Kill a Mocking Girl
Can You Hear Me Now?
Reality Bites Me
There's No Place Like Homecoming
The Homecoming Hangover
Please Do Talk About Me When I'm Gone
The Perfect Storm
Keep Your Friends Close
Moments Later
Salt Meets Wound
Know Your Frenemies
Careful What U Wish 4
If at First You Don't Succeed, Lie, Lie Again
Je Suis Une Amie
The New Normal
The Badass Seed
A Person Of Interest
Someone to Watch Over Me
Monsters in the End
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Book 2- Pretty Little Dead
It's Alive
The Goodbye Look
My Name is Trouble
Blind Dates
The Devil You Know
Never Letting Go
Surface Tension
Save the Date
Picture This
Touched By An A-ngel
I Must Confess
Over My Dead Body
The First Secret
Through Many Dangers, Toils, and Snares
A Hot Piece of 'A'
Let the Water Hold Me Down
The Blond Leading the Blind
A Kiss Before Lying
The Naked Truth
Ctrl: 'A'
Breaking the Code
Father Knows Best
Eye of the Beholder
If These Dolls Could Talk
Book 3 -Pretty Little Crazy
It Happened That Night
Blood is the New Black
Kingdom of the Blind
Birds of a Feather
That Girl is Poison
The Remains of the 'A'
Stolen Kisses
The Kahn Game
What Lies Beneath
Single Fright Female
The Lady Killer
This is a Dark Ride
She's Better Now
Mona- Mania
Misery Loves Company
Out of the Frying Pan, Into the Inferno
Dead to Me
What Becomes of the Broken- Hearted
Hot Water
Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Will The Circle be Unbroken?
I'm Your Puppet
A DAngerous Game
Book 4 -Pretty Little Alive
A is for A-l-i-v-e
Turn of the Shoe
Cat's Cradle/ Face Time
Gamma Zeta Die!
Under the Gun
Crash and Burn, Girl
The Guilty Girl's Handbook
Into the Deep
The Mirror Has Three Faces
Bring Down the Hoe
Now You See Me, Now You Don't
Grave New World
Who's in the Box?
Love ShAck, Baby
Close Encounters
Bite Your Tongue
Hot For Teacher
Shadow Play
Free Fall
She's Come Undone
Cover for Me
'A' is For Answers
Book 5- Pretty Little Mess
EscApe From New York
Surfing the Aftershocks
Thrown From the Ride
Miss Me x 100
Run, Ali, Run
The Silence of E. Lamb
Scream For Me

Whirly Girly

378 8 0
By Isabel_Rivers

"It's like it's 9th grade all over again, and we are here on The Whirly Girly Ride." -Spencer Hastings

The bus to Rosewood screeched to a halt, and Isabel, Spencer, Hanna, Emily, and Aria all stepped out of it.

The girls waited as Ali stood in the doorway of the bus hesitantly.

"Ali, are you okay?" Hanna called. Ali didn't move, seemingly frozen.

Suddenly, she whirled back around and tried to scamper back onto the bus.

"Stop," Emily demanded, catching the blonde with by the arm. "You don't need to run anymore. 'A' is gone. Come on."

She slowly stepped down from the steps, and walked over to the girls as the bus drove off.

"Ali, look... we talked about this," Isabel sighed, crossing her arms. "You know it's the right decision."

"Maybe I should go home first... speak to my mom," Ali suggested hastily.

Emily stared at her and remarked, "Ali, your mother buried you."

Ali turned away, but Spencer quickly said, "Look, I think it's more important that the police know you're alive before your mom does."

"Hey, yeah. You need to walk in there and tell them everything," Emily agreed. "I mean, about Mona being 'A,' Shana taking over where Mona left off... all of it. Start with the night that you ran away."

"No. Before that you have to start with the Jenna thing," Spencer said abruptly.

"Wait, what? Why?" Hanna blinked, voicing all their thoughts.

"She has to," Spencer insisted. "Shana was after us for payback for what happened to Jenna."

"I can't do this. I can't," Ali panicked.

"You can. Okay, you're not in this alone," Isabel assured her in a soothing voice.

"'A' tortured all of us, and what happened to Shana-" Emily began.

"Happened because of me," Aria said, speaking for the first time. "And I can handle that part. I think. But, Ali, look, you're gonna have to cover the rest."

Ali turned her head in the direction of the Rosewood PD, considering.

"Ali," Spencer called, snapping Ali back into reality. "Are we in agreement?"


The girls walked into the Rosewood PD.

"Are you Detective Holbrook?" Ali asked as they walked up to him. Holbrook stared at her as if he were staring at a ghost. "I think you've been looking for me. I'm-"

"I know who you are," he interrupted, still looking stunned. "I'm glad you're with your friends. Welcome home. I'm guessing you have a lot to tell me. Maybe we can begin with the night that you disappeared."

"I didn't disappear. I was kidnapped," Ali lied, making Isabel double take. Wait, since when was Ali kidnapped? "I was kidnapped and held hostage for two years, and if it weren't for my friends, I wouldn't be standing here. They saved my life."

After a few minutes, they were in a confrenece room, listening to Ali weave yet another of her webs of lies.

"We don't know who took this photo, but it is dated, so I'm assuming this wasn't your first visit home," Holbrook said, showing her some photo Isabel couldn't see. "You have any memory of this night?"

"It was the night that I got away from him," Ali lied again.

"From your captor?" he pressed. "How?"

"I jumped out of the car," Ali replied.

"While you were blindfolded?" Holbrook asked incredulously.

"Yeah, I tore it off, and I ran straight into the woods so that he couldn't catch me," she nodded.

"But on the night of this photo, you managed to make it back to Rosewood and... you found your friends," he frowned.

Ali glanced back at Isabel. "I asked them to hide me."

"You thought that they would be more helpful than the police?" he asked. "Your parents?"

"I was scared," Ali gulped, on the verge of fake tears. "Okay, I was scared that if I came back home and I was out in the open that he'd find me again."

"So how did you protect her?" Holbrook quipped, directing the question toward the others.

"They hid me in the woods," Ali answered for them. "In a shed that we all used to hang out in. After school, the weekends."

"But you just said that they came to your rescue in Philadelphia," Holbrook pointed out.

Suddenly, the door opened, and Isabel was just about ready to hug their savior when she saw it was Mr. DiLaurentis. Her mouth curled into a sneer when she locked eyes with him, and the same cold hatred was directed back at her.

"Dad!" Ali exclaimed, getting up.

"Oh, my God!" Mr. D said, pulling Ali into a hug. He seemed overjoyed to have his only child returned back to him after so many years.

"Dad," Ali repeated.

"Was I sleeping on that bus?" Hanna whispered much later. "When did we discuss kidnapping?"

"We didn't," Spencer hissed.

"Why is it just her dad?" Emily frowned. "Where is her mother?" She looked at Isabel specifically.

"Hey, I don't know," she scoffed, crossing her arms. "It's not like I keep tabs on that woman 24-7."


Isabel, Emily, and Spencer talked that night in Spencer's yard.

"She never saw this person, Mom. She only heard his voice," Emily told her mother over the phone. "I... I guess he had her locked in a room or... I don't know. Look, can we talk about this later? Please. Okay. Yeah. I love you, too. Bye." Spencer was silent as Emily hung up. "What's wrong?"

"What's not?" Spencer scoffed. "We made a pact, Emily. 'A' is finally dead, and we were all ready to get back to our lives, and now all of a sudden we're back on Planet Alison."

"Okay, Spencer-" Isabel began hastily.

"It's like it's 9th grade all over again, and we are here on The Whirly Girly Ride," Spencer went on, ignoring her. "And Ali goes rogue, and we're just expected to backup her story. You're even adding to the lie. Why is she still controlling us?"

"Maybe she flipped last minute because she wanted to protect her mom," Emily suggested.

"Maybe she wanted to hear why her mom did what she did before it gets forced out of her by the police," Isabel added, crossing her arms.

"Are you two really gonna stay here and defend Ali right now?" Spencer huffed.

"I am not-" Isabel started, but then they heard someone's car door slam shut. The other two ducked behind a pillar, but Isabel squinted in the dark to see who it was. Jason!

"Isabel, get over here!" Spencer hissed, tugging on her arm.

"Okay, why are you trying to spy on my boyfriend, who appears to be... detailing his car..." Isabel frowned, still not moving.

"Okay, is it just me or is this a really weird time to detail your car?" Spencer huffed, dragging Isabel behind the pillar.

"Does Jason not know that she is home?" Emily asked.

"Of course he knows," Isabel scoffed, recalling the torturous argument they had over phone at the PD. She refused to explain everything until she got home, and she angrily said he would pick Ali over her, of course because he was staying with her. Then he said his father was forcing him to.

And that was that.

"The only question is why would you be squee-gee-ing your backseat if your sister just got back from the dead?" Spencer pointed out, and Isabel gave her the Death Stare, detaching herself from Spencer, starting to walk off.

Suddenly, just as she made herself visible, Jason looked around, and spotted her. She quickened her pace, but he strode over.


Spencer and Emily exchanged a dark look and ducked away.

"What?" Isabel snapped, turning around. "Lemme guess, your dad's making you talk to me, too?"

"My dad hates you, Isa," Jason reminded her. She rolled her eyes at him, turning around again, but he grabbed her arm. "Wait, please. I- I'm sorry, okay? I was pissed at you because you ran off into the middle of the night with a mangled leg, and I couldn't bear losing you twice."

"So you had to move out literally days after you popped back into my life?" Isabel asked coldly, crossing her arms.

"I- my sister's back home, Isa. You don't think I want to be there for her?" he argued.

"Yeah, I just think you can be there for her and me," she replied, turning back around. But he spun her back around again. "What is it that you want-?"

But he cut her off with a kiss. She smiled, knowing that even though this was his way of apologizing, he knew that this was what she wanted. Not flowers or a grand gesture; this.

"I'll stay with you," he whispered.


Isabel was walking to Ali's the next day when she saw Spencer and Emily... going through her trash?

"We never looked last night to see what Jason threw out, and we probably should have... look at this, when was Jason in New York?" Spencer said to Emily, holding out a paper bag.

"What the hell are you doing digging through my boyfriend's trash?" Isabel scoffed, walking over.

"That's why no rush," Emily said, ignoring her.

"You two are psychotic. What do you think you'll find?" Isabel went on, snatching the bag from Spencer.

"Hey, that's evidence!" Spencer blinked, trying to get it back.

"Evidence of what? That Jason was Ali's fake kidnapper?" Isabel asked sarcastically.

Spencer just sighed and turned to Emily, registering what she had said. "Sorry, you channeling your Filipino grandmother right now?"

"To see Alison," Emily explained, and Isabel rolled her eyes. "What if he is been following her for weeks? What if Mrs. D's had him tracking her for months, years?"

"You think Jason sent that text?" Isabel asked skeptically. The girls told her about the text that was sent while she was... yes, making out with Jason. "Cause I don't recall him pulling out a phone."

"Isabel, if Ali told the whole truth, her mother would go down," Emily argued. "If Mrs. D thought that someone just killed her child, who else would she cover for besides her other one?"

"But Ali's alive, Em!" Isabel snapped. "You're telling me that Jason killed his sister, who, surprise!, is actually alive?"

"Not Ali," Emily said darkly. "Jane Doe."


"Jason came back from New York the same night as us," Emily pointed out. They were arguing in Ali's room about, you guessed it, Jason.

"Because I kind of got shot, Em?" Isabel scoffed, crossing her arms. "Why are you suddenly all suspicious of Jason again? Need I remind you that last time I was right? I've known him for over five years, I don't think he'd do that."

"He was in my room last night, watching me sleep," Ali blurted. Isabel turned around and stared.

"Jason?" she blinked. "What? Are you sure it was him?"

"Oh my, God!" Emily huffed. "See?" She turned to Isabel. "You can't stay here tonight, you need to tell your dad you wanna sleep at Spencer's."

"It's never gonna to happen," Ali retorted. "I mean, he won't even let me walk to the freaking mailbox. Where are you in this, Spencer?" She looked at her. "You haven't even said a word."

"Oh no, I know where Spencer stands," Isabel spat, getting up. "She thinks that Jason is a creep, just like you always have, don't you?"

"Isabel... that's not how it is," Spencer said quietly.

"Really?" Isabel scoffed. "Then how is it?"

"Should I be afraid of our big brother?" Ali pressed, staring at Spencer. "I know you told him. Don't sweat it. I'm even starting to think that my dad knows too. So you think Jason is the one that slammed that rock in my head? I mean, is that why my mom has just magically disappeared as soon as I decide to come home?"

"I don't know. Maybe," Spencer muttered.

"Ali, are you on Emily's or my side?" Isabel sighed.

"I'm not on anybody's side but my own," Ali replied.

"What, so now you're gonna go all Switzerland on me? Ali, this is your brother. I know he hasn't always been there for you, but-" Isabel began.

"He was always there for you, Isabel, not me," Ali said quietly.

"And you were needling both of our families with that secret, they probably both wanted you to shut up," Spencer went on to break the argument.

"So you think that's why he went after me?" Ali asked skeptically.

"I can't say for sure, but if your mom did choose him over you, she had every reason to make the rest of us look bad, and we've been framed as pathological liars ever since then," Spencer explained.

"Whoa, hold up, you think Mrs. D would choose Jason over Ali?" Isabel laughed. "She would've driven him to the station herself. They didn't have the best mother-son relationship back then. You know, cause she was always ignoring him."

"Well, maybe that was how she made up for being neglectful," Spence pointed out. "But if we ever did find out who hit you, nobody would even believe us."

"Wow. You really have given it some thought," Ali nodded, but sarcastically.

"Look, my mom comes back tomorrow," Emily said, turning to Ali. "You can stay with us."

"Emily, I just got back, my dad's not gonna let me out for sleepovers," Ali scoffed.

"Well, what are you gonna do?" Emily retorted.

Ali looked at Isabel thoughtfully. "I have a few ideas."

"Well, can you let us in on them?" Spencer snapped. "So that we're not caught paddling around like idiots trying to play catch-up?"

"Don't bother," Isabel said loudly, turning around from her spot at the windowsill. "Jason's staying with me, anyway. Maybe then you don't have to be scared of, what did you call him, 'A'?"

"I never called him that, Isabel, and you know that," Ali huffed. "And I told you, Spencer... I made up that lie to protect Aria. She kind of killed someone, remember?"

"You could have consulted us first," Spencer yelled.

"Okay, guys, please stop," Emily sighed, stroking Pepe the dog. Isabel stayed as far away from him as possible. "What's done is done. We need to focus our energy on who's trying to sink us now."


Isabel and Jason were arguing at Ali's during the night.

"Why were you even listening?" Isabel shot back. He had told her how he heard the girls talking about him a few days ago.

"I wasn't: I told you, I just wanted to pick you up. Remember, you texted me," Jason reminded her.

"Well, if you heard correctly, my friends seem to think you hit Ali with a rock," Isabel sighed, crossing her arms. "And that your mom protected you."

"Why are you staring at me like that?" he frowned.

"Like what?" she scoffed.

"Like that statement was a question," he replied, standing up. "And no, my mom would've driven me to the station-"

"Herself, yeah, my words," Isabel nodded. "And I don't doubt you. I know you didn't try to kill Ali."

"But?" Jason asked.

"But nothing!" she snapped, rolling her eyes. "They think that your mom is protecting you because you 'tried to kill Ali.'"

"There it is again" Jason scoffed. "You're making it seem like you're asking if I-"

"Jason DiLaurentis, I know you wouldn't lay a finger on Ali," Isabel interjected, and he stared at her. "You love your sister, even if she does annoy you sometimes."

"How... how would you know that?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You talk a lot when you're drunk," she smirked, and he rolled his eyes. "Trust me Jason, I know you're not the bad guy here."

"You're not gonna ask-"

"Why would I when I already know the answer?" Isabel smiled wistfully. "I love you, and nothing can change that."

He hugged her, and they stayed that way until they heard the front door open.

"Ali," Spencer called, and Isabel groaned, pulling away from Jason. Perfect, here's Spencer to screw up her happy moment with more conspiracy theories. "Hey you up there? Hello?"

Jason gave Isabel a look that clearly said, 'You or me?'

'Hell no,' Isabel frowned and stared. 'Definately you. I already argued with her enough today.'

'Okay, then,' he pursed his lips and turned in Spencer's direction, calling, "It's late. She may be asleep. Or did you come by to take out the trash?"

'Damn', Isabel smirked.

"Jason..." Spencer said hesitantly. "Were you in New York the night that Ali came back to Rosewood?"

"Why?" Isabel snapped, stepping out of the shadows. Spencer started as Isabel crossed her arms. "Why is that important?"

"I think you know why," Spencer scoffed at her. "And Jason, if you're trying to make a squirm and run for cover because of something that you did-"

"What is it you think I did?" Jason huffed. "You think I'm the one who 'kidnapped' her?"

Spencer stared at Isabel. "You told him?"

"Uh, yeah, Spence," Isabel replied. "Not only is he my boyfriend, but he's also my best friend."

"And where did that theory come from, huh?" he added, stepping toward Spencer. "My father?"

Spencer looked down for a split second. Her. "No."

"Really?" he snapped. "'Cause he's probably down at that precinct right now sharing that theory with the cops. Without my mother, who's gonna stop him?"

"You know I would if you'd told me," Isabel said quietly. He glanced back her way, almost thankful, and then back at Spencer.

"Jason, why were you in New York?" was all Spencer asked. Isabel rolled her eyes and threw her hands up, pacing.

Suddenly, a dog started barking, making Isabel start. Isabel and Jason strode outisde, with Spencer at their heels.

An indistinct and bloodcurling screech emitted from Spencer's backyard, and Isabel quickened her pace.

And what she saw made her let out an ear-piercing scream herself.

Mrs. D's hand stuck out from the ground, and Pepe was growling at it. Isabel heard Jason running over, and her eyes widened. That was his mother.

"Jason! Don't- no... Jason!" she yelled, trying to hold him back. But he overpowed her, and saw the body. He stared at it, mouth agape and shocked. Isabel was crying now, and embraced Jason, who held her as they stood there, stunned.

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