By Cowboy0928

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The sequel to "My Fake Romance With The Hottest Guy In School" When Tom gets cheated on by his girlfriend of... More



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By Cowboy0928

It's now the first of November.  Halloween was fun. Tommy and I took Molly around to trick or treat and she hit the jackpot with all the candy that she got.  She is so sweet she shared with me and Tommy.  She wanted us to walk up with her at each house. She has so much energy and that is without eating a bunch of sugar, so she wore us out.  Tom's mom went with us, but she didn't walk up with us. She would stand on the sidewalk.  Sometimes Tom stood back with her, letting just me and Molly go up.

Tom took me to a college party the night before Halloween. It was one all the football guys were going to.  It was a costume party. He wanted to make sure it was ok if we went and I told him it was fine, I just worried with it being a costume party, if we got separated. He promised me that we would not be separated.

Tom told me he wanted to get another costume for that one, since the pirate one was mainly for Molly because it made her laugh, when he put it on.  He wanted a vampire costume, and I was to go as a princess.  I asked him why he is always wanting me to wear a princess costume and he told me because I was his princess.  He's so sweet.

Molly thought his vampire costume was scary. She said, "Don't let him kiss you Maddie."

That made me laugh, and Tom was like very funny.

Tom got fake teeth that looked like they had blood dripping from them. He said that my neck was his target and since he really needed to look the part, at this party, he was going to be kissing my neck the whole entire time.  I couldn't complain about that. 

It's Monday night, and Mia texted me.  We had already had dinner and were back at our house

Mia texted, "hey Maddie, if you aren't busy with Tommy sometime this week, could you please come see me. I need to talk to you, it's not a big deal though, no rush. Love you."

I said, "Tommy I need to go back to the house."  

He said, "okay I'll come with you."

I said, "Tom you should stay here. And study. Mia is wanting to talk to me, and"

He said 'And she probably just wants to talk to you without me huh."  

I said, "I won't be long. I love you."

I kissed him and he said, "I love you."

I went and Molly was  taking a bath. Margaret was in the living room. She said, "hi honey did you forget something?"

I said, "no Mia texted that she needed to see me."

She said, "oh she is up in her room."

I went upstairs.  Knocked on Mia's door.

She said, "Come in mom"

I opened the door. I said, "I'm not your mom can I come in"  She laughed.

She said, "yes, but you didn't need to come over right away. I'm sorry."

I said, "Mia don't be sorry."

She said, "you need time alone with Tommy. I know that you miss him and he misses you."

I said, "Mia. Yes we are both busy but you know that whenever you need me I'm here. So is Tom."

She said, "I know. Thank you. But it wasn't I didn't mean for you to rush over."

I said, "Mia what did you want to talk to me about."

She took my hand and we went and sat on her bed.  She got up and went and opened her door looked out and then locked it and came back.

She said, "Is Tommy with you"

I said, "no he's studying."

She said, "I need your advice Madison."

I said, "okay."

She said, "Mary just called me and she told me that she heard something but we don't know if it's true or not true, and I don't know what to do if it's true. I mean I know what I would want to do, but then I don't know if I can or if I should or if I do what how would it make me look."

She said, "I know I'm not making sense."

I said, "what did you hear"

She started to tell, but then we heard banging on the door.  It was Molly.  She said, "Mia open up. Maddie is in there. Mia."

Mia said, "Dang."  She went to the door.  I tried to not laugh, but from Molly's little tantrum she was screaming and banging on the door, and then Mia's reaction it made me laugh.

Molly ran to me. She said, "hi Maddie did you come to play?"

I said, "yes, but first Mia was wanting to talk to me. How about I talk to Mia and you go on to your room and then I'll come play with you."  She hugged me.  She said, "okay Madison."

Molly said, "Mia why did you lock your door? Are you mad at me?"  She looked worried.

Mia said, "no Molly. I'm sorry. I didn't lock it because of you, I just wanted to talk to Madison in private."

Molly said, "About boys"

Mia said, "yes now please can I talk to Madison."  Molly left.

Mia said, "Mary heard from her sister who heard from Talia that Megan and Chase broke up."

I said, "i see. And since it was she heard from someone who heard from someone you're not sure if it's true, that they broke up"

Mia said, "Well yeah I guess, but I think it's probably true they broke up. That's not the issue."

I said, "oh."

She said, "Mary heard that Megan is going out with Charlie Myers who goes to school at our rival school. But the other thing is that Talia said that Megan told Talia she doesn't feel bad about breaking up with him because Chase was wanting to break up anyway, because he likes this girl. He really wants to be with this girl but at the time that he got with Megan this girl had a boyfriend."

I said, "let me guess, you are the girl"

She said, "yes, how did you know."

I said, "Well for one you're beautiful. You're sweet. You're full of fun. And I don't know any boy who wouldn't like you"

She said, "I don't know if that part is true. But I guess Talia asked Megan who the girl was and she told Talia it was me."

I said, "Mia are you worried that he will ask you out? I mean worried that it will hurt John"

She said, "yes Maddie. I mean Chase is so hot. I would love to go out with him. But there are two problems with that. John and then Tommy. I get the feeling Tommy doesn't like Chase."

I laughed.  I said, "Sorry sweetie. But yeah I get that feeling too. Maybe because Tom glares at him"

She laughed.  She said, "I know right, and Chase really likes Tommy. He's a big fan."  We laughed.

Mia said, "I don't want to hurt John"

I said, "I know that. But honey, you also I don't want to see you get hurt. it doesn't make you look bad if that is what you are worried about. It's not like you dumped John to be with Chase.  You broke up with John in September, first part, and it's November. And you have not had a boyfriend, or gone anywhere with a boy. It's ok for you to move on and date someone else. John told you he wanted you to be happy. I know you don't want to hurt him, but I guess if I was you, and you are worried about John, and if this turns out to be true, and Chase does ask you out, I would talk to John first and ask him if your friendship will be ok if you date someone else. But that is if your friendship is worth saving to you."

I said, "but if you want to go out with Chase, and he asks you out, I just think that you need to go slow with this. Honey he's had other girlfriends, he's just coming out of a breakup, and I am not saying that you would be a rebound, because it sounds like he wanted you but couldn't have you so he went out with Megan. I'm just saying to be careful, remember what your brother told you, don't just trust a guy. Get to know them first. I know you have gotten to know Chase a little by talking to him. But talking to him at class and dating him are two different things."

I said, "Mia I'm not trying to upset you."  

She said, "I know that, and I want your opinion"

I said, "I worry about you. I love you, so much sweetie. And I just know that there are two types of boys out there. Ones like your brother and ones like Rob. I'm not saying that Chase reminds me of Rob or is anything like Rob.  But I just want you to have a guy like Tommy"

She said, "I want a guy like that too."

I said, "From all I see Chase seems like a really good guy. I just don't want you to get hurt. Or to feel pressured."

She said, "Madison can I ask you something"

I said, "Of course."

She said, "are you glad that you waited for sex with Tommy I mean until you got married."

I said, "yes I am."

She said, "But does it hurt you that Tom didn't wait, that he was with other girls."

I said, "yes it does. It hurts to think of it, but I try not think of it. Tom regrets it and his past doesn't matter, there isn't anything he can do to change it. I do worry that I'm not enough for him. But he is so sweet to me and reassures me that I am. But I am glad that Tom didn't pressure me. That he wanted to wait, that he respected me enough to wait, and that shows me that he truly does love me. That it wasn't just about him."

I said, "Mia are you asking because you are thinking about um"

She said, "no Madison I'm not ready to even think about sex. It's just that a lot of my friends this year have slept with their boyfriends. Last year it was like we were all virgins, and now there is only a few of us. And they keep talking about how great it is, and kind of acting like they are better than us and we are stupid for waiting."

I said, "i see. I'm sorry. I didn't have to deal with the peer pressure of all my friends doing it, because I only had Emma and she wasn't doing it either. But honey some of those girls trust me they will probably regret it. When their boyfriends decide they want someone else and move on or cheat on them, and then they have given a part of themselves to a guy who they are going to end up thinking is a big jerk. They will regret it. And then what, they get a new boyfriend and sleep with him and they break up and then another one. And another. Honey I know it's a double standard because people just say on the guys part that he's just a player or it's just what guys do, but on the girls part, they will start to label her. Guys will start to talk bad about her."

She said "I know Maddie. Tommy told me all of that."

I said, "oh he did."

She said, "yeah he told me how guys talk about girls being easy and giving it up, and how they don't respect girls that have been around with a lot of guys. Don't worry I'm not feeling pressure. I mean they are talking like that about the fact that we haven't got drunk either. But I don't want to get drunk. I don"t even like the smell of beer. It smells gross."

I said, "I agree."

She said, "I don't even know if it's true. I just don't want to hurt John, and like you said and Tommy said girls get bad reputations and I don't want to have people talking about me bad for going out with one of John's friends. I mean he and Chase aren't close friends, but they are teammates. They are friendly with each other."

I said, "well the fact that it's been awhile since you broke up, I don't think anyone is going to think that. And if you are worried about it hurting John, I would talk to him about it. I'd talk to him before you ever find out  if it's true. You don't need to mention Chase, just say if a guy were to ask me out, what should I do, would it upset you if I went on a date, or should I tell him no."

"But Mia,  if you want to date you should be able to, regardless of if it hurts John. You broke him up with him. You were honest with him. And I'm sure even if he is hurt, he would rather you be honest than fake feelings for him. That would hurt him worse and make him look like a fool."

She said, "Thank you so much Maddie. I love you so much"  She hugged me.

I said, "I love you too. I'm sorry I don't have any experience. Tommy is my only boyfriend"

She said, "you need to go see Molly before she has a fit."  We laughed.

I went and played with Molly.  

Tom came up and knocked on the door, he heard us laughing.

he said "hey."

I said, "hey baby."  I got up and gave him a hug.

he said, "I was missing my wife, so I came and talked to mom, then I heard you and Molly laughing.

Molly said, "We were having fun. Weren't we Maddie"

I said, "yes we were."

Margaret said, "well I'm sorry but your fun will have to wait, it's bedtime Molly. Give Madison and Tommy a kiss and hug."  She did and we left.

Tom and I got back to our place. Tom said, "Mia ok?"

I said, "yes she just wanted some advice."

He said, 'On boys"

I said, "yes, and she just kind of wanted to talk. You know I just hate half of her friends. I really am tempted to go kick their asses."

Tom said, "My bad ass wife. Not a shy girl any more."  He smirked. He said, "What did they do"

I said, "just peer pressure. It just makes me really glad that I only had Emma, and I didn't really even miss not having other friends. I mean I felt bad that I was keeping Emma from having other friends."

Tom said, "Peer pressure about what. Sex? Drinking?"

I said, "Both. I mean she is definitely not going to do either, but it can't be fun to have friends who have been your friends your whole life start making fun of you and making remarks about you acting like they are better than Mia because she doesn't have sex or drink."

Tom was pissed.  he said, "Those damn bitches. What the hell.  That doesn't make them better than Mia. It makes Mia better than them"

I said, "I know babe. And she told me about the talk you had about girls getting bad reputations where the boy doesn't."

Tom said, "Do you think she's considering it. I won't tell her you told me, but"

I said, "Tom no. She said she wasn't, she did ask me if I was glad that I waited until we were married, and I told her yes, that it showed me that you truly did love me and you did respect me. That makes it romantic to me."

Tom said, "I do love you."  He hugged me.

I didn't tell Tom about the rumor that Chase may like Mia. Or that he broke up with Megan.

I did tell him that Mia was wanting advice on whether or not if a boy ever did ask her out if she should say no because she didn't want to hurt John or risk their friendship and I told him I told her that she should talk to John first and see what he would do if that did ever happen, and we both know it's going to happen sometime.

Tom told me he was still holding out hope that she would want John back. Then he said, "I just hope and pray she does not want to be with that Chase. I don't like that guy at all. He's not good for Mia."

I didn't know what I should do, I mean do I tell Tom what Mia said, but then if it's not true, and Chase doesn't ask her out, or if she talks to John and he doesn't want her to date, then I've upset Tom for nothing, and I didn't ask Mia if I could tell Tom. I decided I would wait a day and then ask Mia if I can tell Tom.

Mia ended up having a talk with John. She actually invited him over for dinner. He still came over for dinner every other week. Tom and John would talk and Tom would give him tips on football or watch some game film with him, helping him showing him how to break down film. She took him upstairs to study, and that is when she was going to talk to him. She had told me when I picked her up that she asked him to come over and that his mom was dropping him off, and that she was going to talk to him. I wished her good luck, and gave her a hug, and then told her I'd see her later for dinner.

Tom came home. I gave him a hug and a kiss.  We made out a little bit, which is our normal routine before we go over for dinner.

Tom said he was starving lets go, but I stopped him. 

I said, "Tom, Mia invited John and she was going to talk to him about"

Tom said, "Madison is there something you're not telling me. I mean you sounded like the other night it was just hypothetical but if Mia is already asking John this soon after your talk, then is there a boy she's thinking of going out with."

I said "maybe. She heard a rumor that there is a boy who likes her, but it was one of those I heard from a friend who heard from a friend who heard. But she wanted to see how John would feel first, so that she would know whether to say yes or no. Just in case."

Tom said, "Am I not going to like who this rumored boy is"

I kissed him.  Tom said, "It's him isn't it."

I laughed. I said, "Tommy relax. We don't even know if it's true. You know how girls like to gossip. And just know that even if it is him. I think he's a good guy, but I told Mia to do what you said and to not just trust him to make sure she gets to know him, Now let's go."  I took his hand and we went to the house.

Mia was in a good mood. John looked like his world just fell apart. I looked at Tom.  He whispered in my ear. "he looks like shit. I can't blame him Madison. If I would have lost you, if you would not have wanted to be with me. It would have destroyed me"  

Tom's mom said that dinner would be ready soon.  I said, "Molly do you want to go upstairs and play. Mia you want to come."  I nodded to Tom.  He nodded back and gave me a kiss.

Tom said, "hey John do you want to go downstairs with me,"  

John pepped up and said, "Sure."

Tom said, "John how you doing?"

John said, "I'm ok. I guess you probably know what Mia wanted to talk to me about."

Tom said, "I'm not sure. My little sister doesn't really like telling me a bunch of stuff, she would rather talk to my wife."

John and Tom laughed.

John said, "she is so sweet, she was worried about me and my feelings, she didn't want to hurt me, but she wanted to know if a guy ever asked her out on a date would it hurt me or make it too hard for me to stay friends if she said yes. She actually told me that she would tell any guy no if I told her too."

Tom said, "That is pretty sweet of her to do. I'm guessing by the way you look, that you told her it was ok."

John said, "yes even if it hurts I told her I want her to be happy."

Tom said, "I'm sorry John. You know that I didn't want my sister to date, but I like you, and I approved of you, and was sorry to see you break up. I do agree though that you are too young to be in a serious relationship. I made a lot of mistakes when I was your age, and ones I can't take back, I wish I could. I never dreamed that I was going to meet the love of my life, and my mistakes could have cost me Madison."

Tom said, 'I'm sorry that you're hurting. My advice to you would be to just try and hang in there. Mia is too young to be serious with any boy, and even if she does go on dates, or get a new boyfriend, that doesn't mean that she won't want you back."

John said, "i wish. I love her. I wish she would decide she loves me too."

Tom said, "Well don't give up. I mean if you want to date other girls, go out and have dates, that is fine, that is ok to do. You need to take care of yourself and be happy. But if you want to only date Mia, don't give up hope. I'll tell you, I never believed I would ever fall in love, or ever have a true commitment true relationship, and then I walked into the vet's office and Madison stole my heart. I tried to deny it, but I had to face the facts that I was falling in love. I'm just saying that you don't know what the future holds for you and Mia. The fact that you are close friends, and that she cares enough about you and your friendship, to make a sacrifice like that, says a lot. I think right now it maybe a good thing that neither of you are dating, that you just enjoy your time as friends, and you have football, basketball baseball to keep you busy, Mia has cheerleading and basketball to keep her busy. Enjoy high school, who knows what will happen. A couple years may pass and Mia may realize that she does love you as more than a friend."

Tom said, "John is there any girl that you are interested in, maybe taking out on a date. If there is it's ok. You are a single guy."

He said, "not really. I mean I have girls that are friends, and I like to talk to, but none of them are Mia."

Tom said, "I get it. I'm sorry. If there is anything I can ever do, or if you need to talk, you know you can call me."

John said, "thanks Tom. That means a lot. it's just hard because Mia may or may not know it, but I know that there is a guy who is going to be asking her out soon. I don't know maybe she does know it, and that is why she asked me."

Tom said, 'I see, so you know of a guy who wants to date Mia"

John said, "yes Chase."

Tom frowned.  Tom said, 'oh, and you're sure about that."

John said, "yes Chase has wanted Mia since the first day he saw her. But he was told that she was my girlfriend so he never made a move on her. But then we broke up, but Chase didn't realize that she broke up with me so he started dating Megan, then he found out, but he was already with Megan."

Tom said, "Can I ask you what your opinion of Chase is? I mean I'd say he's not a very good guy, if he's thinking of going after a friends girl, even ex girl. You don't do that to your friend."

John said, "Well he and I are not friends. I mean we are friendly I guess, like we both hang out with the same group of guys, so we are around each other hanging out, we say hey how are you doing, but we aren't like bros or anything."

Tom said, "So you don't feel like he's stabbing you in the back by asking her"

John said, "no not at all. I mean I can't blame him. Mia is gorgeous. And it's not like he made a move on her when we were together, and when we broke up. I mean we broke up in September."

Tom said, "I'm sorry John. I can imagine how you feel"

We were in MIa's room. Molly went to her room to bring in her doll.

I said, "Mia how did you talk go with John"

She said, "it went great Madison. I'm so glad that I talked to him. He said that it meant a lot to him that I cared enough about him and our friendship But he told me that it was fine with him if I went out with Chase."

I said, "so you told him you liked Chase?"

She said, "no I just asked him how he would feel if a boy ever asked me out, and if that does happen what should I tell him, because I don't want to lose John as my friend. And he told me that it was fine with him. He wanted me to be happy. That he always wanted us to be close friends. And he also said that he thought we made the right decision to break up. Because he is so busy with football and this way he has time to hang out with his friends and meet new friends."

I said, "I see."  I'm sure from how John looked all sad that he said all that to make Mia not worry about him or make her feel bad.

Mia said, "he asked me if any boy had asked me out yet, and I told him no, and he said well he thinks that Chase might, because he thinks Chase likes me."

I said, "Wow, so John told you that Chase likes you. He's really a sweet boy. I'm glad that he's there for you as a friend, and wants you to be happy."

I hugged her.

Molly came back in, and then we went down for dinner.

John looked like he was sad and miserable. He was polite and made conversation with Margaret, and Tom and Mia, but his eyes looked sad.

Tom was quiet during dinner, and then John left.  Tom told him he would see him later.

Tom didn't say much the rest of the night, while we watched tv with the girls and Margaret. Tom tucked Molly into bed, and we both told her goodnight. We were coming out of her room.

Tom said, "Rain you ready to go."

I said, "yes."

Mia said, "Madison could you do me a favor, and come look at my homework just check it to make sure it's right."

Tom said, "I'll see you at home baby."  He kissed me.

Tom said, "Mia see you tomorrow."   

She said, "night Tommy."

He kissed me again and then he left.  I went into Mia's room.  

Mia said, "I don't really need you to look at my homework. I didn't have any. I just needed to talk to you."

I said, "About Chase?"

She said, "No. About Tommy."

I said, "Oh okay, do you want me to have Tommy do something for you."

She said, "No I wanted to know if you think he's upset with me."

I said, "no Mia. He's not. Why would you think that."

She said, "Well he really likes John and when we went down and had dinner Tommy was so quiet. He didn't hardly say anything at all. Maybe John told him something or told him and he's upset with me. I know he approved of me dating John."

I said, "Mia yes your brother approved and likes John. He approved because of how John respects and treats you. But your brother is not upset with you."

She said, "Are you sure?"

She looked so worried.

I said, "Mia, I am sure. Your brother is just really tired. He has a lot on his plate.  Football the practices, weight sessions, film sessions, classes, and then trying to find time to study. He's exhausted by the end of the day. I think they work them too hard during practice. Sometimes he falls asleep right when he gets home. Please don't worry about Tom being upset with you. Yes, he likes John, but he's on your side always. You are his little sister. He's always going to take your side and support you."

She said, "Maddie are you sure."

I said, "yes Mia. He's not upset with you."  I hugged. her.

She said, "But what if John told Tom that Chase likes me. He doesn't like Chase. I don't want him upset with me. Should I tell Chase no because of Tommy?"

I said, "No Mia.  It's true, Tom doesn't like Chase, but it's because he's being a good and protective big brother.  He loves you Mia and he knows how some guys can be. If Chase is a good guy and treats you well, Tom will approve. He is always going to be overprotective of you, and I know it's hard for you, but it's because he loves you and it's a good thing Mia. That you have him to look out for you. I hope you appreciate that."

She said, "I give him a hard time, but I do."

I said, "Don't worry about Tom. If Chase asks you, and if it's what you want, then we will support you. I just want you to not just trust him right from the start.  Go slow and get to know him. Don't let him make you feel pressured to do anything or to go anywhere, and don't let him make you feel bad if you don't want to do stuff. Just know that you can always call me no matter what time or text me. I'm here for you. So is your brother. I love you, Mia."  

She said, "I love you, Madison. I don't know what I would do without you. Thank you for all you do for me."

I said, "Mia I haven't done anything. But thank you for loving me and accepting me into your family and with your brother. I love Tommy so much and you all could have told him you didn't want me with him."

She said, "no we would never have told him that."  She hugged me.

I said, "you call me girly, if Chase does ask you out or is flirting with you. Call me right after or text me."  She laughed. So did I.  I left and went home.

Tom was sitting in the recliner. The tv was on, but he didn't seem to be watching it.

I said, "hey babe."  Tom got up and came to me and gave me a hug and a kiss.

He hugged me a long hug. His head in my hair and neck.

I said, "Tommy can we talk a minute."

He said, "Sure."  He took my hand and led me to the couch.  He sat on the coffee table in front of me.  He was holding my hand.

I said, "Tom I am not really sure how to just say this. I don't want to upset you."

Tom said, "Madison just tell me."

I said, "Mia didn't need help with homework, she wanted to talk to me alone. She's upset and she is worried that you are upset with her. I told her you weren't that you were just tired, that school and football is really exhausting for you."

Tom said, "Madison I'm not upset at her. Why would she think that? Thank you for telling her I'm not."

I said, "well she noticed that you were so quiet, after we got downstairs, and she thinks that maybe you are upset with her for breaking up with John. She knows that you like him, and she was thinking maybe you got upset when you went downstairs with John"

Tom said, "I see. I'm sorry Madison. I didn't realize that you all could see I was upset. I hate that Mia thinks I'm mad at her. Or not on her side."

I said, "Tom so you were upset? Not at Mia I know but I thought you were just exhausted."

He said, "no I'm not tired. It upset me talking to John."

I said, "I asked Mia how her talk went, and she said good. That John said that he wanted her to be happy and that he told her it was okay for her to go out with Chase. He even told her that he thinks Chase is going to ask her out."

Tom said, "yeah he told me."

I said, "he really cares for Mia huh. I mean to be able to tell her to date someone else, when he doesn't want her to. Just because he wants her to be happy. That says a lot."

Tom said, "you're right it does. It shows that he really does love her. That's what upsets me."

Tom said, "Madison of course I'm on Mia's side. I want her to be happy. And I think she did the right thing, if she was lying to John about her feelings, and staying with him out of guilt or not wanting to hurt John, then that would be bad. It would make him feel worse, I'm sure. It all just got to me tonight."

Tom got up. He sat down by me and put me on his lap.  He put his arms around my stomach.

He put his head on my shoulder.  He said, "Madison I do feel bad for John. He is hurting. He loves Mia. And he is going to have to watch her go out with another guy. I know that she's not going to be serious right now with any guy, at least I hope not. She's too young for that."

I said, "I agree."

Tom said, "It just made me think. What if when I told you that I was in love with you, and I asked you to be my girlfriend for real, you told me that you couldn't, that you didn't love me like that, or that even if you did love me you didn't want to be with me because I was with your enemy, and so many other girls. What if my past would have made it where you didn't want to be with me"

I said, "Tom don't do that. I love you. I was actually already crushing hard on you even though we had never talked, so I fell hard for you right from the start."

Tom said, "I know. But what if? Madison when I was John's age, I never thought I would fall in love, I never wanted a real relationship. I mean Tara it was mostly for the sex. I cared for her. But I never felt what I feel for you. How you make me feel. I can't even really do it justice with how I feel about you. About how in love, I am with you."

Tom said, "Rain, it makes me think, as much as I love you, I guess I'm too selfish of a man."

I said, "Tom no you are not selfish. You are a good man. A great husband."

Tom said, "Madison, I could not do what John is doing. I could not stay in your life. If you would have come to me and told me that you wanted to just be friends, and then asked me if I would be ok if you dated another guy, Madison, I couldn't do it. I mean I could tell you if you want to date him then fine, I could tell you that I wanted you to be happy, like you deserve, but I could not stay in your life. I'd have to move, or I'd have to make sure we never ran into each other. I just couldn't survive having a front row seat to you and some other guy. That makes me selfish."

I said, "if you are selfish for that, then so am I. Because I spent all year last year worrying about you getting a girlfriend, and I knew I would have to figure a way to see the girls and your mom but not see you. I would have had to move out and never run into you. I could wish you well and tell you to be happy, but I could not watch. It would have destroyed me to the point that I think my life would not be worth living and I don't know if I could have survived."

Tom said, "I'm sorry that you worried about that. I should have manned up and told you how I felt. It was on me to tell you. I mean you had never had a boyfriend, and you had low self-esteem and self-worth. I should have. Mike told me and so did my dad, that it would have to be me to make that move. That you would never. I just didn't want to ruin things, I wanted to make sure that we had the whole year, and if I told you and you didn't feel the same, I was afraid you'd end the fake deal."

I said, "Tommy, I love you. More than you could know. You changed my life. Just by even being my friend." 

He said, "I love you more than you could know, and you definitely changed my entire world."

He kissed me.

I said, "Tom, I think you should go talk to Mia. I told her but I think it would be good if you did."

Tom said, "I'll be back."  

I said, "Don't hurry back, but I think we should meet up in our bathtub."  Tom smirked.  He kissed me and said, "I won't be long."

Tom texted his mom and told her it was just him coming in.  As she had the door locked.

Tom said, "I need to talk to Mia a minute."  

Tom went up and knocked on her door.

Tom said, "Mia."

She said, "Come in."

Tom said, "hey little sister, I just talked to Madison, and I wanted to make sure you knew that I am not upset with you. Or mad."

She said, "She told me that. I just was worried. I know that you like John and approve of him."

Tom said, "yes I do."  He sat on her bed.

Tom said, "But you're my little sister. I'll always have your back and support you, no matter what you ever do."

She hugged him.

Tom said, "While I think you are too young to be serious about John or any other boy, I do want you to be happy. And I think you did the right thing. I know that you were thinking of just staying with him because he would be hurt, but that would have been the worst thing you could do."

She said, "That's what Madison said, I hated to hurt him."

Tom said, "I know that. But if you were lying to him about your feelings, if you were faking things that would have hurt him worse, it would have made him feel like a fool, and like a baby. It is good that you gave him the choice to tell you whether you could date or not. That shows him that you do care about him."

Tom said, "But Mia, I hope you see that it also shows how good of a guy John is. Because that takes a lot for a boy to be able to do that. I know it's not the same as me and Madison, but I could not do that. I could tell her I want her to be happy, but I would have to stay away from her. I could not watch her with another boy. It shows just how much John does care for you."

Tom said, "you need to sleep, and I have a date with my wife, so I'll see ya kiddo."

She hugged him.

Tom left and went and looked in at Molly, but she was asleep.  He went downstairs.  His mom asked if everything was ok, so he filled her in.  He told her that he didn't care for this Chase, but his mom thought that maybe he was worrying about it too much. She thought Chase seemed nice and didn't think Mia would be interested if he was a bad guy.  Tom hugged his mom and came home.

I had just got into the tub.  Tom joined me.

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