Our Future: A Lux Fanfic (Boo...

By major_bookaholic

28.7K 463 54

Have you ever wondered what happens after opposition? This is how I imagine their life like. Do not read if y... More

One: The Wedding
Two: The Honeymoon
Not A Chapter!!!!!!
Three: We're Back
Five: Telling Daemon
Six: Telling The Family
Seven: The Appointment
Eight: House Hunting and furiture
Nine: The Surprise
Ten: Gender
Eleven: More Baby Shopping
Twelve: Adam's room
Thirteen: another appointment
Fourteen: Its Time- Pt 1/ The Beginning
Fifteen: Its time- part 2/ Adam
Sixteen: its time part 3/ lux
Seventeen: what?!
Eighteen- Dee
Nineteen: Daddy's girl, Mommy's boy
Twenty: Dee
Twenty-one:Their First Thanksgiving
Twenty-two: The Results
Twenty- Three: 2 Years Later
Twenty-Four: the accident
Twenty-five: Worry(Edited)
twenty-six: news
My Conclusion

Four: Am I?

1.2K 21 0
By major_bookaholic

A/N I do not own the lux series or any of the characters. All rights go to Jennifer l. Armentrout.
Katy POV
(Seven Months Later)
It is now February 14. Valentine's Day. Daemon and me have decided to just stay in today and go out somewhere tonight. We would be going somewhere for the day but I have not been feeling the best.
At first we thought that I just ate something bad, but then it happened frequently. I've been thinking it over and came across the thought of being pregnant. I pushed the thought away, considering I'm on birth control. But the thought keeps coming. I decided to put it away for tomorrow. Now is a day for me and my amazing husband.
Daemon POV
Kat has been acting strange. She has been getting sick a lot. She has even been really moody.
Right now we are in the living room sitting on the couch watching a movie. Kat is snuggled into my side. I have my arm around her, pulling her as close as two people can be.
Before we knew it, it was 7:30 and time to go. I take her to a nice restaurant not far from home. It was Kat's favorite place to eat.
"Would you like a booth or table?" Asks the women at the stand.
"I made reservations." I reply
"Last name?" She says in more of a telling tone.
"Right this way sir." She grabbed two menus and led us to a table on the patio. The table consisted of two chairs on either side of it. Some candles in the middle surrounding a pink rose in a narrow vase. It was absolutely perfect. I look over at Kat and she looks mesmerized. She has a sparkle in her eye when she looked up at me. I smiled back at her.
We sat down and the waitress asked "what can I get you to drink?"
"Water with a lemon." Kat replied.
"Make that two, please." I added.
The waitress turned to place her order, but before she did, she gave me a wink and left. Kat sent a glare sending daggers through her back. "Are you ok Kat?" Asked.
"Yeah why do you ask." She replies.
"Nothing just wondering."
The waitress returns shortly with our drinks. She turns to me and buffs up her chest a little. "Are you ready to order?"
"Yeah, I would like a country fried stake and mashed potatoes please." Kat says, trying to stay polite but sort of failing.
The waitress turns to her and glares while writing it down. She turns back to me and asks "And for you sir?"
"Half slab of ribs, with cream corn, please."
She walks of and shakes her hips as she goes. I turn back to Kat who look mad. I reached for her hand and grabbed it. "You know she is not as pretty as you right? And will never be." I assured her.
She smiled and turned a light shade of red. "I know. I love you."
"I love you too." I replied. We started talking random things.
Later that night we headed home. We walked in and went strait to our room. She put her purse in the closet. I came up behind her and kissed up her neck, to her cheek, finally I got to her lips. I kiss with as much passion love and lust as I had for her. She returned it and about an hour later we were on the bed breathing hard. Hearts racing in sync. It was the best Valentine's Day I've had.
Katy POV
(Next day)
I woke with the urge to vomit. I ran to the bathroom and puked up last nights dinner. Daemon came and held up my hair and rubes my back. He asked if I was alright as I finished and flushed the toilet. All I could do was nod. I brushed my teeth andDaemon gave me a piece of gum.
Today I was having a girls day with Dee and Beth. I got dressed in some skinny jeans and a blue and grey striped long sleeved shirt with a grey tank top underneath. I put on som brown flats and went to the bathroom to put on makeup. I just used mascara and light eye shadow. I grabbed my jacket and headed out. I was early so I headed to the drug store. I headed in and went strait to the pregnancy tests. With shaking hands, I debated with myself which on was the most accurate. A cashier lady came by and recommended one, so I took it. She looked like she knows from personal experience.
"First time?" She asks me, handing me the bag with the test.
I hand her the money I owed and nodded. I walked to the bathroom and peed on the stick. I don't know what I'm going to do if it's positive. I pace around the bathroom, waiting for the results to show.
What am I going to tell Daemon? I think to myself. What if he doesn't want it? But if its negative, I would be crushed. But I guess have to go on with my life.
Time was up so I looked at the test and smiled.
Here is another chapter. Hope you guys like it.
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