My Korean Love Story

By Author_Wordsmith

3.4K 493 55

Embark on a journey of dreams, courage, and destiny in the captivating story of an Indian girl's voyage to So... More

1. Introduction
2. A Journey of Dreams
3. Surprise
4. Family Time
5. Fight
6. Hangout ( Cafe )
7. Hangout ( Park )
8. Phonophobia
9. Korean Mochi
10. A Normal Day
11. I have a boyfriend
12. What happened to Armaan?
13. The Truth
14. Threat
15. Sneak Out
16. He cheated
17. A new Friend
18. Slut ?
19. Reconcile with Armaan
20. Shifting Plans
21. Visiting my new apartment
22. They are back
23. Shifted
24. Did I just kiss my crush?
25. He is back
26. Who is that guy?
27. Who is that guy? ( 2 )
28. Late Night Long Drive
29. New Job
30. First Day at the Job
31. Proposal Planning
32. Will you be my girlfriend ?
33.Love Blossoms in Youthful Heart
35. Korea to India
36. India here we are
37. Exploring Mumbai

34. A secret love

27 8 0
By Author_Wordsmith

( After 2 years into relationship )

Priya's heart raced as she sat in her room, her mind consumed by a tons of emotions. She had been dating Kookie, a Korean guy she met for several months now, and the time had come to face a daunting task. She needed to find a way to tell her parents about her relationship.

The walls of her room, adorned with posters of her favorite bands and framed pictures of family vacations, seemed to close in on her. Her fingers nervously tapped on the edge of her desk, a gift from Kookie. They had shared so many cherished moments together, and she wanted her parents to understand and accept their love.

Priya's parents, Mr.Narayan and Mrs.Narayan, were loving and open-minded, but the prospect of introducing a Korean boyfriend into their lives seemed daunting. The idea of cultural differences and potential misunderstandings filled her with anxiety. Priya knew that it was time to have a serious conversation with them, but the words seemed to elude her.

She decided to call her best friend, Shruti, for advice. With trembling fingers, she dialed Shruti's number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hey, Priya " Shruti's cheerful voice came through the phone.

"Hey Shruti, I need to tell you about something , I've got some exciting news," Priya said, unable to contain her grin.

Shruti's curiosity piqued. "Spill the beans, girl! What's the big news?"

Priya took a deep breath, her heart racing. "I met an incredible guy, and we're officially dating now. His name is Kim Ji-hoon a.k.a Kookie "

Shruti's gasp of delight echoed through the line. "No way, Priya! That's amazing! Tell me everything."

Priya launched into a vivid description of kookie, from his charming smile to his sense of humor that always left her in stitches. She recounted the moments that had brought them together, their shared interests, and the way he made her feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

As she spoke, Priya couldn't help but feel the warmth of Shruti's support on the other end of the line. Shruti listened intently, asking questions and sharing in her excitement.

"Wow, Priya, he sounds absolutely perfect for you," Shruti finally said. "I'm so happy for you. When can I meet him?"

Sarah's heart swelled with gratitude. "Thanks, Shruti! I can't wait for you to meet him. Let's meet soon ."

They continued talking, making plans and sharing stories about the relationship, cherishing the unbreakable bond of friendship that had carried them through life's ups and downs. Priya knew that with Shruti by her side, her new relationship with Kookie was off to a beautiful start.

" By the way I was planning to let my parents too know about my relationship, but I don't know how do I express myself, I don't how they would take this in, I am all confused right now " Priya said.

Silence followed, as Shruti processed what her friend had just revealed. "Wow," she finally said, "That's a big step. How do you plan on doing it?"

Tears welled up in Priya's eyes as she responded, "I have no idea, Shruti. I'm just so scared. I don't want them to disapprove or think that I'm making a mistake."

Shruti, ever the supportive friend, reassured her, "Priya you and Ji-Hoon have something special, and your parents should see that. Try to sit them down and have an honest, open conversation. Let them know how much he means to you."

Priya knew that Shruti was right. She needed to gather her courage and be honest with her parents. With a deep breath, she thanked Shruti for her support and ended the call.

( Priya's Pov )

Before letting my parents know , I think I should first let armaan's parents know about my relationship and if they approve then I can take their help when I'll talk to my parents, right? YES! I should call armaan right now !

" Hello Priyaaaa!! " Armaan said as he picks up the call

" Heyy Armannnnn !! " Priya said giving off the same vibe .

" What's up ? Why did you call ? " Armaaan said

" Yea, so today I was planning to let your parents know about me and kookie. What do you say ? " Priya said as she asked armaan's suggestion

" Yea, I think that's cool " Armaan said

" Yea, so are they free tonight? " Priya asked waiting for an positive reply

" Yea, they are! " Armaan said

" So, you guys come tonight at my house for little family dinner date ! " Priya said excitedly.

" Suree, Let's meet tonight! Byee " Armaan said

"Yea, byeeee " Priya said as she hung up the call.

( Later in the evening )

That evening, as the family gathered for dinner, Priya's heart raced once more. She pushed the food around her plate, unable to eat, while Armaan's parents chatted about their day. She couldn't delay the conversation any longer.

Finally, she took a deep breath and said, "Mom, Dad, there's something I need to talk to you about.". ( Priya calls armaan's parents too mom and dad )

Armaan's  parents exchanged a curious look, their concern evident. "What is it, sweetie?" his mother asked.

"I've been seeing someone," Priya began, "His name is Ji-Hoon, and he's a Korean guy."

The room fell silent as Armaan's parents absorbed this revelation. Priya's hands trembled under the table, and she fought back tears. She continued, "We've been together for almost 2 years now , I care about him a lot. I wanted to tell you because he's an important part of my life."

His mother and father exchanged another look, this one softer and more understanding. Finally, his father spoke, "Priya, thank you for sharing this with us. We appreciate your honesty, and we love you. We'll support you in whatever makes you happy."

Tears of relief welled up in Priya's eyes as she realized that even though you weren't their daughter they still loved you as their own. She had feared their reaction, but in the end, honesty had prevailed, and his parents were there to support her in her relationship with Ji-Hoon.

" But did you let your parents know about this ? " Armaan's father asked

" No, I'm scared, I thought it would be of help if I told this to you guys first " Priya said

" Yea, don't worry we will help you, but remember, this is your life, you need to handle everything alone, we will be there to help you but we have our own limits too " His father said.

" Yes Dad! I'll try my best to handle everything alone and get a positive reply from my parents "

After a hearty family dinner, the dining table was now cleared, and everyone had migrated to the living room. The warm, cozy ambiance of the room was illuminated by soft, ambient lighting. The lingering aroma of a delicious meal still hung in the air.

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