Babi char

TattyTahceratops tarafından

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Idk heartstopper agere Daha Fazla

🎃Halloween special 🎃
🎄 Christmas Eve special🎄
🎁 very late Christmas special🎁
...17... pt.1


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TattyTahceratops tarafından

I know I said I would post a double update but I kinda had a bad mental health day,but anyway here we are!

Nick's POV 

Since we had to cancel our trip to the park last week because Charlie was sick we are meeting up with Tara and Darcy in an hour, me and Charlie went to the shop on Wednesday and got him a car seat and stroller and a few other things since the government has a law that if any little is in the headspace of a 5 year old or younger they need a car seat ,and Charlie has been in a younger headspace since he was sick so we bought a stroller for him because he gets tired easily.

I'm packing a bag of essential like extra nappies and pull-ups, a pacifier , a paci clip, snacks, a bottle of milk and a sippy of water and more.Charlie is currently having his second nap of the day hopefully he wakes up fine because he took a while to be put down , I also hope he won't get too shy with Tara and Darcy since they have never seen him while he's in his headspace.

It's two so I have to wake Charlie up let's see how this goes, I walk into my room and sit on the bed and sigh rubbing Charlie's face "come on bubba "I gently lift him and take him downstairs into the living room where I lay him on the floor.

I grab a diaper and pack of wipes and then I clean him putting his short sleeve onesie over his diaper and then a pair of overall shorts that have a dinosaur in the front pocket  ,"Charlie you have got to get up now " he whines and rolls on the floor .

I lock the door and Charlie wriggles in my arms and whines "what's up baby boy?" "Stwicky !""let's leave sticky here "I start to walk to the car "nu!" I place him in the car seat "dada stwicky!"he looks at me in tears for gods sake why did my mum have to get him that stupid stick "fine Charlie but you can't bring it on the park,do you understand ?!" He nods "words baby" "undewstwand" "good boy" i walk back into the house to get his stick,I pass it to him and get driving.

"Dada awound?"

"Sorry baby but last time you kicked me the whole way " 

"I Nu do again "

"I know baby but Maybe on the way back "

"Tay dada"

We're about 20 minutes away from the park but I get a call from Tara so I connect it to the car.


"Hiii nickkkkkkkk!"I hear Charlie whine because how loud she is , so I turn the sound down.

"Hi Darcy"

"Taraaaaaaaa said we're gonna be late "

"Alright, could you ask her i we should pick you up?"


"She said that would be great"

"Okay I will be there in ten minutes "

"Byeee "

The phone cuts off before I can say anything I look back to see Charlie sucking on his fingers "Charlie where's your paci" he looks in the mirror "fwoor" "okay can you chew on the rings that I got you?" "Where?" "Look up baby" he looks up and shrieks trying to pull the rings off of the handle.

I pull up to Tara and Darcy's house I walk to the front door and knock soon enough Darcy opens it covered in floor "Darcy Olsson , get here right NOW!" I see Tara walking to the front door "oh hi Nick " "hi" "sorry about her she got into my baking cabinet " "I can tell " "I'll be waiting in the car".

I go back to the car to see Charlie with slobber over his hand , face and teether  gross I pick his paci off of the floor "I hungwry" I'm happy about that he never tells me he's hungry and he only had a bit of breakfast and all he had for lunch was two strawberries and a bottle of milk "what would you like baby a banana or applesauce?" He thinks for a bit "Apple swauce " I nod and get an apple sauce pouch out of my bag , I take the lid and hand him the Pouch.

Darcy comes skipping to me with Tara locking up behind her "Nick I just need to get her booster seat " she goes to her car and brings the booster seat back with her.

Darcy's booster seat 

I put the seat in next to Charlie who isn't paying attention to what's going on around him "hi CHARLIE!" Darcy shouts getting sat in her seat Charlie whines but whispers 'hi' I get back in the drivers seat as Tara gets in next to me , she looks back and waves to Charlie "hi Charlie " she calmly says and then looks at Darcy "Darcy please don't shout " Darcy pouts and I snicker .

About halfway there Charlie lets out a cry as Darcy giggles Tara looks back since I'm keeping my eyes on the road "Darcy why would you do that!" "It funny" when we get to a red light I look back , Charlie is still crying and they both have apple sauce over there faces "Charlie it's okay, you're fine " I try and calm him down but no luck.I'll clean Charlie when we get there " so darcy what happened " I question while driving "I squeeze it " "Why darcy !?" Tara buts in "because I bored " .

We get to the park Tara unbuckles darcy and takes her to the toilet to get clean I get Charlie's stroller and bag  out of the boot "sorry Charlie" I quickly wipe his face which makes him squirm while silently crying , I pick him out of the car seat and hold him to my chest bouncing him "shh char " as he calms down Darcy comes out holding Tara's hand frowning then letting go and running to me "she's mad" I look at Tara and she shakes her head.

Once Darcy lets go of my legs I place Charlie in his stroller "okay ready?" "Ready " "READY READY ready!".

Darcy runs to the playground "DARCE ! You're going to trip slow down " I laugh and push Charlie over to a picnic table "Charlie do you want to go and play with darcy ?" He hesitates but nods I pick him up and take him to where darcy is playing "darcy can Charlie play with you " "yay Charlie " I place Charlie down on his feet he wobbles a bit but catches his balance darcy takes his hand and they run over to the slide.


They've been playing tag for about 20 minutes they seem to be having fun until Darcy runs up to me and Tara in a panic "what's wrong darce?" Tara strokes her head "Charlie fell" I get up "Darcy where is he ? " "follow !" We follow Darcy to the swings to see a  distressed Charlie crying on the floor making grabby hands to me "come here Charlie "I pick him up he wipes his nose on my shirt great "Darcy did you see what happened?" She looks down at her feet "I-I Push to high " I'm pretty sure she's talking about the swing "okay thank you for telling me " "darce did Charlie ask to be pushed on the swing " Tara lifts her head up and she nods "Darcy do you think your in trouble?" She nods again "Darcy don't worry you're not in trouble , Charlie knows he's not allowed on the big swing " "okay".

We go back to the picnic table "does anyone want ice cream?" Tara asks "I'm fine thanks " she smiles and asks Darcy "ice cream!?" "Haha yes " they walk to a little cafe a few minutes away , I check the Time on my phone it's half four which means it's Charlie's nap time "char do you need changing?" He nods and I walk to the family toilet with Charlie and my bag in my arms , I lock door and place Charlie down on the changing table not before I wiped it down though.

I pull his overall shorts off unclip his onesie and pull the tabs off of his nappy , I wipe him then slip a pull up over him and redress him . We walk out the toilets and head to Tara and Darcy who are sat eating their ice cream "Darcy looks to be enjoying it " "yeah it's her second one "I grab Charlie's bottle of milk "second!?" "Yes we were walking back and she dropped it she dropped the cone just the cone she already ate the ice cream " I laugh and put the nib in Charlie's mouth he starts sucking it as soon as I give it to him , Tara smiles at him.

"How about we go on a walk?" I suggest .

"Yeah would be nice to get a few steps in"

"Plus I need to get Charlie to sleep in the next few minutes "

I stand up holding Charlie and keeping his bottle in his mouth "I push " Tara looks at me "as long if you don't crash it into anything or anyone " "yay " I give Darcy Charlie's stroller as she runs off but where we can still see her ."so I haven't really been able to speak to you much since Darcy is always getting her self into trouble , so how are you both?" "Well I'm happy but still really tired and Charlie is doing better than he was last week "  "Oh yeah do you know what bug he had?" "Apparently it was just a stomach bug probably from going to the shops " "hmm" "how about you two" "everything is okay it's just Darcy's mum wants her back home and not to be with me " "oh well she should know she isn't getting Darcy back for any reason " Tara nods and Charlie starts to cry I take the empty bottle out his mouth replacing it with a red paci I attached to his pocket, I cradled him in my arms as his eyes slowly start to shut.

"He's so cute"Tara says smiling at me I smile back .

Darcy comes running to us almost crashing into me "careful darce" Tara gives her a glare" hey Darcy I need to use the stroller now " she gives it to me and I place sleeping Charlie in it covering him with a blanket and shutting the hood so he is completely covered "I push now?" "Sorry Darcy but I don't want Charlie to wake up" "I be careful !" Tara takes Darcy in her arms "sorry babe but Charlie really needs to sleep I think you do to" "what NO!" "Darcy!" "I'm not napping " "fine suit your self ".

We walk by a lake Tara nudges me "she's definitely not napping " I look over to see Darcy fast asleep "definitely ".we find another bench by the lake and sit down "peace at last " Tara whispers laying Darcy down on the grass "seems comfortable " "shut up Nick , I can't hold her right now " we sit chatting for a bit until Charlie starts wailing "you jinxed it Tara " I mumbled she snickered at me.

I pull the hood of the stroller up Charlie is crying but still has his eyes closed "shh shh you're okay babyboy " I stroke his head and he opens his eyes "dadaaaa!" He chokes through sobs "hey, hey don't cry" I lift him out of the stroller to find a wet patch on the stroller and on his bottom "it's okay char I'll get you changed ". Tara looks at me concerned as I grab the change bag I mouth 'he's wet 'and she nods her head .

I grab a blanket from the bag and place it on the stroller , I move the seat so it's in a laying position then I  pull Charlie's overalls off and place him in the stroller as I take his onesie and pull up of and change him into a nappy and long sleeve all in one . " I think we better start heading back there is no way he is going back to sleep " Tara stands up waking Darcy up "sorry darce but if I let you sleep you won't tonight " "Darcy you can push the stroller if you want ?!" "Yay !" She pushes the stroller all the way till we get to the car park.

Tara gets Darcy in and I get Charlie in and hand him a yogurt pouch , we get to a red light and Charlie throws his empty pouch on the floor "we don't throw but good job baby" he giggles "Tara could you hand this to Charlie ?" "Sure" I give her a banana melt to give to Charlie and when he gets it he shrieks "tank tu tawra" "it's okay Charlie " .Darcy finally looks at Charlie "I want " "can she " Tara sighs and gives in she hands Darcy one of Charlie's melts.

"Mine!" I look in the mirror to see Charlie trying to get the melt from Darcy "no mine not Charlie's "  Charlie starts kicking his chair Tara is asleep so it's just me to stop them "Charlie spring!" "NU MINE!" That's it, I pull over "what's going on?" "Their fighting " I say getting out the car "Charlie we don't kick or shout you need to share " "bu mine " "I understand that you aren't happy with sharing but you need to share,and you have lots at home " I walk back to the drives seat "now what do you say Charlie" "owry" "he means sorry " "i sorry too" .


We dropped Tara and Darcy off now I'm bathing Charlie before he has to go to bed.

"Where dada mummy"

"She's on her way home from work, she said she's bringing you a surprise "


"Yes now come on "I lift him out the bath and wrap him in a towel suddenly the front door opens and Charlie runs down in just his towel "CHARLIE spring!" My mum laughs as Charlie hugs her legs "supwise?" "Wow not even a hello , how about after your dada gets you dressed I can give you a surprise " "otay " Charlie runs back up to me "quick dada!" "Okay" I change him as quickly as I can , he runs to my mum in his navel blue onesie with his white paci in his mouth.

I walk downstairs to see Charlie holding a dinosaur teddy in his arms while he smiles around his paci "wow, what you got there baby " "Dino " he growls "I didn't know dinosaurs growled I thought they roared " "Nu tey gwrol" . 

"Thanks mum " she walks in holding Charlie's bottle of milk "dada!?" "Yes baby?" "Stwick!" he looks at me panicked "it's in my bag baby " he nods and climbs into my lap to be fed.

Once he finishes it he says night to my mum and I take him upstairs,"night night baby" I kiss his forehead "ni ni ".I walk out the room shut ing the door behind as I head downstairs to eat.

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