𝐕𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 ~𝐡...

By Strayfever

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#1 TOXIC SERIES It's the typical Enemies to Lovers story, flavored by yours truly. Raised in the same neighbo... More

|Lee & Hwang|


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By Strayfever

"Could you come here?... I need your help.."

There was still some water left in my ear when the sudden ask for help came from the bathroom, so I thought I misheard. Lee asking for help, especially me, was as rare as my mother buying last season's items; it never happened.

The towel covered my head as I rubbed my ears dry. I frowned in the dark, thinking he would maybe ask again. But nothing came. The towel slid off my head as I dragged it over my face and then threw it on the chair. I felt stupid for feeling unsure but it didn't stop me from checking on him. 

Lee stood with his back to me, his body hidden in a robe. I placed my bare shoulder against the doorpost with my arms folded against the chest and my legs crossed at the ankle. He must have heard me but he didn't turn around. So I waited for him to speak up. 

"Ya?" I said after a beat of silence, confused as to why he didn't face me. Lee was odd but this was stranger than usual. I pushed myself off the wooden post and came to stand behind him. "Lee, what's up?" My fingers lingered above his right shoulder, in doubt if I should touch him or not. Was he so in thought that he didn't hear me?

But when my palm curved over his shoulder, Lee broke free from whatever spell he was on and hissed, "Don't touch me!" He jerked away from me and turned his torso so he could look at me. Seeing his startled expression made the frown on my forehead only deepen.

"What joke are you playing with me? Didn't you just call me for something?" I tried to read his eyes but he angled his head so I couldn't look at him anymore.

"Never mind, it isn't needed anymore." And with that, Lee turned fully and attempted to walk past me. But the sudden change of his demeanor before and after the shower was like day and night, and I couldn't stand it that I didn't get it. That I didn't get him. So I grabbed him by the wrist. "Let go," he demanded with a stern voice but his face showed me a frightened bunny looking into the barrel of a hunting rifle.

And he trembled like one too. "It almost looks like you're freaking out," I brushed the awkwardness off with a fake laughter. Lee's nails bit into the back of my hand, trying to pry it off his wrist. "Wait, are you having an actual panic attack?" The corners of my mouth dropped and the grip on him slackened. 

"No." He got away from my hand and stepped into the walk-in closet. "I need to go." 

I wasn't planning to let him leave like that. Actually, I wasn't planning to let him leave at all. My body was still riding along a hot wave that crashed over me the moment he pressed his lips on me. And now Lee tried to get away.

"You're acting weird!" I caught the sleeve of his robe and forced him to stop walking away from me. The motion pulled the fabric over his shoulder to his elbow, showing me his bare skin. "What's—" My words evaporated. Lee yanked the robe back over his shoulder but it was too late... I saw what I saw. 

"Forget about it..." The smallness of his voice tugged on my heartstrings. Lee had his back to me again, frozen to the spot. His shoulders were lifted, his fists clenched to his side, and his head hung low. How could I forget about that?

I was done walking on eggshells when it came to this man. Ever since I found out about the scar on his sternum, I felt clueless about how to act around him. But there was something wrong, I couldn't keep myself stupid. 

One step and my front pressed against his back. Lee didn't move, waited. My chest stuttered as I raised both hands, afloat above his shoulders. I was nervous. The last time I was this nervous was the moment Lee forced me onto my knees and made me suck him. But this was a whole different type of nervousness. It was his

Gently, I peeled the robe off his shoulders to clear his back. The spotlights of the closet were dimly lit but that was more than I needed.

"Who the fuck hurt you?" The words were no more than air. A stab in the chest twisted ferociously when my eyes wandered down over his back. It was slashed; red welts licked his skin and curled around his sides. I wanted to touch him, that was the first thing that came to mind. After that, anger flared. 

Lee didn't answer me, nor did he move. He was so un Lee-like that it was kind of scary. 

The pads of my fingertips ghosted over his back, following the red lines without touching them. I noticed a slight tremble in my hand and I was glad he couldn't see me right now. This horror show caught me off guard, and I wasn't sure how to react to this. Was I allowed to be upset? To ask questions? To hurt the person who hurt him? And the most important question of all: did he make him pay?

I sank my teeth into the end of my tongue, swallowing the questions I wanted to throw at him. I realized how much of his armor was gone now, stripped off him like the robe he held up in the crook of his arms. This wasn't the time to act like a dick.

"Go lay on the bed, I'll grab something for your back." 

No smart remark. Not a glance over his shoulder. Lee hauled the robe back over his shoulders and disappeared.

"Holy fuck," I whispered to myself when I rubbed the ball of my palm in my eye, then sighed deeply. "How..." Even in my head, I couldn't form a normal sentence that could explain to me what just happened and what the fuck I saw.

My jaw tightened. The only thing I did know was how much pain he must have felt. The glimpse on his back was enough to know it was healing. It wasn't something of yesterday or even a few days ago.

Slowly, I connected the dots and grabbed whatever I had to bring back to the bedroom.

Shit, so this happened two weeks ago?

Double shit!

A sudden thought popped into my head that Lee didn't follow up on my order and left quietly while I was in the bathroom. It made my last two steps out of the closet look fucking stupid; almost letting everything fall out of my arms, and checked the bed.

But this time he didn't leave me. He fucking listened, for once.

Lee lay on his stomach with the white robe bunched up around his waist like he was waiting for his massage. With his arms folded under his head, he faced the wall, away from me. His laying form made his wings span, and I couldn't stop fucking staring at him. It came to me that this was the first time I saw him this naked. And what a fucked up situation it was. I felt wrong for taking the opportunity to ogle him when it was clear how uncomfortable he was.

I kept silent and threw everything on the bed near his feet. There was a second of hesitation coming from me, unsure if Lee would let me or turn into a feral animal. Trusting my gut, I stuck to my plan and climbed onto the bed.

"What are you doing?" Lee's head jerked up from his arms to glance over his shoulders. He could see me straddle his hips in nothing but black boxer briefs. I smiled at him, a tiny one, and leaned into him without touching his back.

"Making the best out of it," I whispered into his ear, then pushed his head softly back by the nape. I felt the tension in is neck, fighting against me. "Don't worry." Oddly, that made him let go.

There was the sound of the cap popping open, a squeeze, and the rubbing of my hands. Then I leaned in again to begin on his neck

Lee wanted to say something again, but it abruptly turned into a groan when my oiled-up thumbs pressured his spine. I pushed them up to his nape, then made a circular motion outward back to my starting point. I repeated the movement for several minutes until his neck flushed and felt knot-free under my touch.

It has been a while since the last time I gave a massage. I used to give them to women before I fuck them. It made them palpable and very giving in the end, but at some point I got lazy. It turned to fucking to get our needs scratched, I didn't care if her head skills were less.

Touching Lee like that was foreign to me, and likely to him too. But he kept quiet as I wandered down his shoulders to focus on his back. I couldn't actively massage that part so I squirted more oil on him and softly rubbed into his wounds.

"It's tea tree oil, it will help your skin to heal," I said quietly, focused on the task. The woodsy scent reminded me of the penthouse when Lee tried to help me fall asleep. How that hug felt like a magic sleeping spell.

My palms ran over the angry red welts. Pieces of scabs came loose with the friction. His muscles flexed under my fingertips, drifting over his impressive wings, down to his ribs.

The breath Lee let go was loud in the silence we bathed in. A little ball of heat awakened in the pit of my stomach because of that. Having him beneath me half naked, and my cock nudging his ass, felt unreal.

"You're getting hard?" Lee mumbled against his arm. I shouldn't be, not when the gruesome art on his back told me he had been punished. But it did, Lee had that weird effect on me, and I rocked my hips against him.

A soft laugh escaped his lips. "You're insane."

"Maybe." My lips were back against the shell of his ear and covered him with my body. "Aren't you?"

I could write a book with Never Have I Evers, starring Hwang. Never would I have ever thought, that when I completely froze in the bathroom, things would turn out this way in the bedroom. Hwang's unpredictability made it impossible to use my head, and my body took over seamlessly. 

Yes, I had a semi. The moment his thumbs pressed into the back of my neck, my lights went out. My worries, angst, and anger, they weren't my main focus anymore. My mind followed the trail of his thumbs and fingers, and I allowed myself to enjoy the kneading on my tense muscles. I laxed under his touch, stunned by how skilled he was, but more so how gentle he was when he moved on to my battered back. I was used to his skillful fist ramming into my body, not to these magical hands. 

"Hm?" he hummed into my ear, and the vibration went straight to my cock. I wasn't surprised anymore by how easily I reacted to the simplest things he did. Hell, everything he did was turning me on at this point.

"I am," I responded late to his question, then straight up moaned when he suckled my earlobe into his mouth, flicking his piercing over it. A chill ran down my spine when his lips moved over the line of my neck into the crook. His teeth scraped over the curve of my shoulder, then clamped down. I hitched. "What are you doing?"

"Marking you," Hwang answered in a hushed voice. His hips never stopped rolling against my ass. Feeling his stiffened cock against my cladded ass crack was something completely new and exciting. The pressure he made created a friction between the bathrobe and my sensitive cock. My eyes fluttered shut, enjoying the weird sensation, and smothered my unholy sounds with my forearm. 

Hwang continued, trailing kisses over the backs of my shoulders and down my spine. The pads of his fingers touched the belt marking, mapping my body into his memory. The overpowering voice that always screamed not to be touched had vanished. Now, all I wanted was to lean into his touch, and relish it. 

"Are you ever going to tell me?" he whispered against my oily skin, planting a swift kiss after his question. He saw my non-response as an answer, and continued, "I get that I'm not the first person you'd go to, maybe not even your second or third. Heck, maybe I'm not even on the list... You know what, never mind. The point is, I won't tell... if that makes a difference. I would love to punch their nose, though. Very much so."

I chuckled against my arm, then lifted my head to look at him over my shoulder. His bare chest gleamed in the candlelight, his skin now oily like mine, making his abs even more defined. But it was his eyes that took my breath away. Dark with an orange glow, trained on me. Horny but in an unexplainable way they looked sincere. I wanted to turn around, and kiss him, but then I remembered how naked I was, and everything went down the drain.

Fuck. I hated how I couldn't let this go. In the bathroom, I instantly regretted asking for help the moment it left my tongue. I never felt so cornered when Hwang came into the bathroom. So small when he caught my wrist. And that same feeling arose and made me choke up again.

Confusion slid onto my face when Hwang leaned in, plastering his front against my back. His neck stretched, and from my angle, I could see a bulging vein snake over the side toward his ear. His diafragma expanded. A gush of air came out of his mouth. 

Pitch black.

Hwang blew out the candle on a stack of books beside the bed, blanketing us in complete darkness. His chest nestled against my backside but he never fully put all his weight on me. I felt his hair tickle against my ear, a warning of how close he was before he spoke to me in a raspy voice, "Kiss me."

My neck twisted again to look over my shoulder. The tip of my nose brushed over his lips, and it guided me into the right position. His full lips were warm, greasy, and tasted of tea tree oil. Hwang answered my slow kiss with the tip of his tongue flicking against the seam of my lips. I opened up to him, in so many ways than just kissing, and felt the silver ball caress my tongue. 

He was a good kisser. He had a trained, studded tongue, and the softest lips that swallowed my thinner ones. He knew how to switch effortlessly between following and leading. And I loved how he didn't restrain himself by moaning into my mouth. It made me fucking hard.

Hwang kept himself upright with his forearms propped on either side of my head, it made it easy for me to flip onto my back. The oil glued the sheets against my back, but I didn't care. All I could focus on was how good it felt to feel my nipples press against his chest. No shirt between us, only skin on skin. And it seemed he enjoyed this too.

"Yes," Hwang breathed into my mouth, kissing me once again. The sound of our wet kissing enhanced in the dark. "I want it all gone." It took me a moment to understand what he meant, but when he reached for the robe that was still somehow bunched around my waist, I knew what he longed for. 

The robe was gone. The only thing covering me was Hwang's body and the darkness. He stopped kissing me for a second to reach down to his underwear and shimmied out of it quite skillfully I must say, and I wondered how many times he must have done this to achieve this level of good. But my thoughts numbed when his rock-hard erection pressed against mine.

"Fuck," we cursed in tandem. 

I slanted my mouth over his. He instantly opened up to me, and I licked inside, colliding with his tongue again and again. He tasted of sweetness from an alcoholic drink he had earlier in the club, and I wanted to devour every goddamn inch of him. 

Our hands worked their way over our bodies. Mine ran over his muscular arms, his shoulders, and back, then up again to his neck to grab onto his hair. One hand of his kneaded my waist, pinching my skin hard, and the other had tangled into my hair because he needed to keep his body up with one arm. 

In between kisses I breathed heavily, "So now what?" I bucked into his erection to make my point. Hwang grunted in response, rotating his hips to extract the same sound out of my mouth.

"I want to fuck you so bad..." he confessed easily, and I knew he meant every word of it. It should have grossed me out but the thought of having sex with Hwang was so mind-blowingly hot that I couldn't even think that far.

"Yeah? How bad do you want it?" I asked rhetorically.

I felt his dick twitch against mine. "Annoyingly bad," he grunted, nipping my neck, then lapped the side of it toward my ear. He took in my scent.

"You-will-let-me-fuck-you bad?"

His head snapped back to look at me, but there wasn't much to see. I could only imagine the confused expression on his face. "Weren't we talking about how bad I wanted to fuck you? Not the other way around."

"I'm just assessing how bad you want it."

"Can you leave your brain out of it for once?"

"Can you stop thinking with your dick for once?"

Hwang got silent. "It's very hard not to."

"I can tell." I ground against his erection. "I just want to know how much you would give in to fuck me."

"By spreading my legs?" he questioned, unsure. 


"So I'm only getting you if you're getting me?"

"Ten points."

"God, you're driving me crazy."

"No, just me. I want you to give every bit of your control to me."

I'm sorry! I had to cut it short. I can't finish the chapter because I have to go now. But I thought it was better to give you guys something than let you wait a day longer. I hope you enjoyed it, and I promise to continue in the next chapter 

☞ ☆

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