Twisted perfection (The Unexp...

By MeghaNair203

2.4K 202 141

In the world of Jessica and Christal, two inseparable sisters sharing a single soul, their unwavering bond fa... More

A ray of hope...
A happy family
Christal Travolga
Lucifer Miller
His hidden love for her...
The first encounter...
Lucy & Little girl
Not his girlfriend
Trouble maker...
His girlfriend
Her childhood love....
I will repay you
The girl from the past....
Caught into fight...
It's always her ...
The terrible first impression
Be my girlfriend
His jingle box...
Their closeness
Narrow escape
First kiss & Confession
What is love ?
It's real now...
Secret date...
Falling for him deeply
A mistake...

Wrong girl...

118 6 5
By MeghaNair203

@ Miller's corporation…

Lucifer was busy with his schedule as he failed to check his phone at least for once. On the way back to his cabin Lucifer checked his phone only to find numerous missed calls from Jessica.

-" Little one…?! why are there so many miss calls from her.? " Lucifer panicked for a second.

-" Don't worry sir, no one can hurt madam. Do you forget how she tried to attack you that day.? " Carlo reminded Lucifer.

-" That's true though… " Lucifer chuckled.

His little one acts weak only in front of him. But to others she is a wild cub… !

Lucifer entered his spacious office room while calling Jessica. He sat on the chair then suddenly a loud noise echoed in the office.

-" Haaa.. Lucy, you are hurting me. "

Lucifer jumped up from the chair as he thought Jessica was hiding under the table. But to his surprise he saw a panda teddy on his chair. He took the teddy in his hand. He shoved his hands indicating Carlo to leave the office which he accepted with a happy smile. At last his boss got someone who can make him smile.

Lucifer sat back on the chair. He put the teddy on the table and played with its ears.

-" Oh.. Lucy.. Don't pinch my nose. " Lucifer heard another voice from the teddy.

He realised it was a customised voice recorder teddy and his little one is in the mood to play. He again nibbled his fingers on its ears…

-" I know.. I know you will not listen to me.. Bad Lucy. " Lucifer heard the whining voice of Jessica

-" Then where should I touch you, little one..? " Lucifer asked the teddy.

He moved his fingers towards the stomach part of teddy and pressed his fingers over there.

-" Hihihi… don't tickle me, Lucy. Hihihi… "

-" Such a cute childish mind you have, little one. " Lucifer chuckled.

He was touching every here and there of the teddy so that he could hear more recordings of Jessica. Then he stopped on the legs of the teddy.

-// Lucy Lucy.. Oh my Lucy…
You may be a devil to the world
But you are the sweetest person whom I met after my Dadda. Are you angry that I'm still calling you Lucy.? Even if it's a yes I don't have any option. I will call you Lucy only.. Because you are Lucy only for me but not for anyone else. See I have a surprise for you.. But before that catch me if you can.. "

-" Do you think catching you is a difficult task for me? " Lucifer smirked.

His little one is really innocent sometimes. She entered his office by using her fingerprint and kept the teddy recorder on his seat. And she challenged him to find her which is an easy task for him.

Lucifer got up from the chair and roamed around the office in order to search for his little one. But surprisingly he couldn't find her anywhere including his private room inside the office.

-" Little one, I accept my defeat.. Now come out. " Lucifer asked in a high voice so Jessica could hear him. It was not as easy as he thought to find her.

Few seconds passed without any reply from Jessica. Lucifer thought she must have left the office. He walked back to his chair when the cupboard door opened with a  cheerful voice of Jessica.

-" Yahoo… I won.. You couldn't find me Lucy. " Jessica jumped down from the cupboard.

Lucifer was surprised and shocked for a second but he reacted in a split of second and catched Jessica who was jumping down from the cupboard carelessly.

-" Are you crazy, little one? Who will hide in a cupboard.? What if you didn't get enough air.? " Lucifer scolded her.

He was tensed about her safety and Jessica could see his care for her.

-" I know you will protect me and will never get me hurt. So why should I worry..? " Jessica grinned innocently.

-" Do you think it's funny.? Huu..? What if something happened to you.? Don't take everything leisurely. " Lucifer replied in a pissed voice and walked back to his chair leaving Jessica alone.

Jessica scratched her head and headed to Lucifer. She pushed his chair a little and sat on his lap with a pout.

-" Lucy, I'm sorry. I will try to become more mature. Don't be angry with me. " Jessica

Her voice was shaking a little. When did she become an emotional fool.? When did his anger and silence start to affect her..? This man is really a devil.. A devil who captured her heart within a few weeks.

Lucifer didn't expect such a reaction from Jessica. He thought she would fight with him, which he loved the most. He liked how she fought with him and how her face looked cuter when she fought for silly matters.

-" Don't  change yourself for me, little one. I know you are mature when it's needed. That's enough. And don't you dare to change yourself because I fell in love with who you are. " Lucifer wrapped his hands around her waist and pulled her more to him.

-" Really..? Don't you have any problem with my behavior.? " Jessica asked for confirmation.

-" Yes, my little girl. I love you. " Lucifer assured her.

Suddenly Jessica remembered something.

-" It's time for the surprise." Saying She got up from his lap and twirled twice in front of Lucifer.

-" Can you find any change in me.? " Jessica asked in excitement.

-" What difference..? " Lucifer looked at her face in confusion.

-" Uppsss… I forgot to remove the cap. " Jessica bit her tongue at her own foolishness and removed the cap from her head.

With that her chestnut colred hair fell and covered her back. Lucifer was shocked as he failed to breath for a second. Her wavy hair was so beautiful and the brown hair was maching her more than blonde.

-" How am I looking.? Am I beautiful.? " Jessica again twirled.

With her twirling her long hair was blowing in the air. Lucifer was admiring how beautiful she looked with that long hair.

-" Lucy, I'm asking you. " Jessica waved her hands in front of his face as Lucifer was lost in his own world.

-" You look beautiful, Like a fairy " Lucifer came back to reality with a chuckle.

How could she look so beautiful and it was his first time he lost himself with a girl. Indeed his little one has magic in her hand.

-" I know.. Dadda always tells me I look beautiful with my natural hair color. Do you know why..? Because Dadda loves mommy's long hair and I inherited her genes. " Jessica explained.

-" Natural hair color..? Don't you have blonde hair..? " Lucifer furrowed his brows in confusion.

-" Blonde..? No… No.. I dyed my hair blonde. I have brown hair." Jessica shook her head in disagreement.

Lucifer went into deep thoughts. As far as he could remember the girl he met in the accident had blonde hair. Did he mistake the hair colour because it was a rainy night ?  Lucifer was thinking about the past when he felt the presence of Jessica on his lap.

-" Don't you like my natural hair color.? " Jessica

-" Of course not. I told you I love you for who you are. So it doesn't matter what your hair color is." Lucifer smiled faintly.

Jessica felt something amise from his behavior. His eyes held so many questions for which he still has to find answers.

-" Are you okay.? " Jessica cupped his cheek in her hand.

-" Yeah.. I was thinking about something. " Lucifer smiled. He thought he was over thinking. He must have failed to notice the hair color in the past.

Now his little one is here and he has to give his time for her rather than thinking about something wild.

Jessica took the teddy and pressed its front legs while looking at Lucifer with a goofy smile.

-" Lucy… I love you… I love you… Lucy, I love you.. " Her non-stop love confession echoed in the office.

Listening to her sweet voice Lucifer smiled widely, forgetting all his wild thoughts. He took the teddy from Jessica and again played the recorded voice.

Jessica leaned her head to his chest while listening to his heart beat. She could sense Lucifer drawing pictures over her shoulder and neck while listening to her voice recording.

-" You can play this whenever you miss me. " Jessica looked up at Lucifer.

-" I love you too, little one. " Lucifer

They had an eye lock for a good second. Jessica leaned her head forward and seized her lips with him. She snaked her one hand around his neck and the other hand on his hair.

Lucifer was taken back by her initiative. But soon he started to react to her kiss and supported her back by pulling her legs around his waist. The Sweetness of Jessica was making Lucifer insane. His hand travelled from her cheek to her overcoat. He slightly slid her coat from her shoulder which exposed her narrow shoulders. He separated from Jessica who was taking heavy breath after the kiss then slowly moved his lips to her neck. As his lips touched her soft skin , Lucifer smiled against her neck. He planted a kiss on her a little long Neck which made Jessica stop her breath for a moment.

Lucifer trailed kisses from her neck to shoulders which was giving electric current in Jessica's body.

-" Lu…. Lucy… " Jessica called more like a whisper.

Lucifer opened his eyes and  realised what he was doing. He stopped kissing her and adjusted her overcoat properly and caressed her cheek.

-" I'm sorry. I got carried away. "

Lucifer felt guilty. He wanted their first time to be memorable. She is his queen so definitely she deserves much better than an office romance.

-" It's okay, Lucy. You don't need to feel guilty. " Jessica pecked on his forehead.

Lucifer smiled when his eyes caught on her empty wrist. He took her hand in his and asked…

-" Where is that bracelet.? " Lucifer

-" Bracelet..? Oh… ! That's one..? I wear it occasionally. I just wore it when I felt like wearing it. " Jessica replied casually.

-" Always wear that bracelet. It looks good on you. " Lucifer

That was his lucky charm and was customised by his mom for him and Kaden. He gave his bracelet to his little one when she saved him and his family.

-" Why do you like that bracelet so much..? Don't tell me that little boy is you and that bracelet belongs to you. " Jessica laughed out loudly.

-" What if I say it's me..? " Lucifer questioned back.

Jessica stopped her laughter for a few seconds and looked into his face which held a smile. But she again burst into laughter.

Lucifer was all ready to share the truth with Jessica. He thought to reveal it after their marriage but looks like today is the day to reveal it.

-" Oh..Lucy, don't make such a bad joke.. Hahahaha…" Jessica replied between her laughter.

-" But what if it's the truth.? " Lucifer

Lucifer was excited to see Jessica's reaction when she will learn the truth that the little boy from the past was searching for her and finally found her. And the boy is none other than him. Lucifer was excited to speak the truth but what Jessica said next was a shock for him…

-" Then I have to say you chose the wrong person. Because the bracelet belongs to Krystal. But I took it from her as I loved this bracelet very much… but I know… I know you are joking… You are such a terrible liar, Lucy.. " Jessica leaned her head back to his chest while laughing.

But, a little bite she knew was she had pushed Lucifer into a fire pit. Lucifer's hands around Jessica's were shaking a little. His heart was beating crazily.

-" She… is she not my little angel..? Have I made a mistake… ? Did I choose the wrong one..? " Lucifer asked himself.

He wanted it to be a dream and when he woke up everything would go back to Normal. But unfortunately it was the bitter truth. The woman in his embrace is not the one for whom he was searching for nine years like a crazy person… He was wrong… He is completely wrong…


Hello my lovely readers… So here we are…  Are you excited..? And what do you think..? How will Lucifer react to this truth..? Will Jessica be left heart broken.? Do comment…

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