The Pharaoh and the Wayfarer...

By SnowflakeDragon18

46K 1.5K 254

How long would you wait for the one you loved, even if you lost all memory of them? In an age long before the... More

Prologue: An Unexpected Partnership
Chapter 1: Journey to Duelist Kingdom
Chapter 2: "Yugi" vs Weevil
Chapter 3: "Rain" vs Samson
Chapter 4: Joey vs Mai
Chapter 5: From One Thief to Another
Chapter 6: Shadow Game
Chapter 7: A Pitch Black Duel
Chapter 8: Joey's Resolve
Chapter 9: Both of Our Resolves
Chapter 10: Creator vs Champion
Chapter 11: Duel Identities
Chapter 12: Keith's Machinations
Chapter 13: Best of Friends, Best of Duelists
Chapter 14: Match of the Millennium
Chapter 15: Aftermath
Chapter 16: Legendary Heroes Pt 1
Chapter 17: Legendary Heroes Pts 2 & 3
Chapter 18: Dungeon Dice Monster Pt. 1
Chapter 19: Dungeon Dice Monsters Pt 2
Chapter 20: Stepping Out
Chapter 21: Stalked By Rare Hunters
Chapter 22: The Master of Magicians
Chapter 24: Rescue and Friends Till the End
Chapter 25: Let the Finals Begin
Chapter 26: The Dark Spirit Revealed, Pt 1
Chapter 27: The Dark Spirit, Pt. 2
Chapter 28: Story Time
Chapter 29: Awakening of Evil
Chapter 30: Mind Games and the Tomb Keeper's Secret
Chapter 31: Rain vs Marik
Chapter 32: A Virtual Nightmare
Chapter 33: Isolation (Kinda) in Cyberspace and Freeze Play
Chapter 34: Courtroom Chaos and Noah's Secret
Chapter 35: Noah's Final Threat and So Close Yet So Far
Chapter 36: Burying the Past
Chapter 37: Back to Battle City
Chapter 38: The Darkness Returns and Clash in the Coliseum
Chapter 39: Final Face Off
Chapter 40: A New Evil
Chapter 41: Legend of the Dragons
Chapter 42: The Creator Returns and Deja-Duel
Chapter 43: An Unexpected Enemy

Chapter 23: Mime Control

1K 37 22
By SnowflakeDragon18

I own nothing.
Chapter 23: Mime Control

After assuring Yugi, Rain, and their spirit partners were all safe, the two teens suggested Tristan, Tea, and Grandpa go look for Joey, concerned the Rare Hunters might go after him again. Left alone again, the duo wandered back out into the city, keeping a look out for any of Marik's minions. They eventually found themselves at the river, right under the bridge, staring at their reflections in the water.
"Marik keeps talking about wanting the 'Power of the Pharaoh and the Wayfarer Queen', but you and (Y/N) are the Pharaoh and the Wayfarer Queen." Yugi said as the duo conversed with their partners. "If you two really had all this power inside you, don't you think that we would know about it?"
"Not necessarily." (Y/N) answered, standing on Rain's left side. "Our lost memories are a natural hindrance. If you don't know what you're looking for, it's easy to miss something entirely."
Rain jumped in. "Even so, we do have the legends. You and Yami saved the world before...we just don't know what exactly happened."
Yami nodded. "It is rather unclear. Legends do become less descriptive as time goes on, so there is only so much we can gleam from them, and though I am grateful to have them back, mine and (Y/N)'s shared memories are too sporadic to rely on."
"Well, we know that Marik's family's been protecting your tomb for years, and for some reason, he got this crazy that he deserved to be the Pharaoh instead of you." Yugi glanced over at his female friend. "Rain, is there any chance that any Wayfarers know about his family? Maybe a branch living in Egypt? If we know more about them, it could help."
"Oh, good point!" Rain agreed with a smile. "Marik knew about how Wayfarers conduct our business, so maybe someone over there knows something! I'll call up gramps to start digging. Though, in the meantime, we have to do everything we can to make sure Marik doesn't get what he wants."
"As long as he can't defeat us in a duel, he can't take our Millennium Items or their hidden powers. Destiny brought the four of us together, I'm sure of it. We share bonds between us." Yugi then turned to Yami. "No matter what, we're going to help you both save the world again."
Rain grinned and nodded, turning to (Y/N). "You two may have only had each other to rely on 5000 years ago, but you've got us this time. Not only us, but all of our friends too."
Both spirits smiled at their vessel.
"Thank you both." Yami said as (Y/N) nodded.
"Your friendship and trust mean a great deal to us. Regardless of what may come, I'm certain we'll be able to overcome it together."
"We'll find out about your pasts and stop Marik's plan." Yugi vowed, only to look down a bit nervously. "I just hope that I'm strong enough to hold my own."
"What are you talking about, Yugi?" Rain asked. "You've already proven how strong you are! You faced down the Shadow Realm and came out! You're one of the strongest people I know!"
Yugi blushed, rubbing his head. "I was only able to do that because you came to help me, Rain."
"Oh, I told you already, you and Yami would've found a way to Pegasus with us there or not!"
Yugi coughed. "Well, next time I'm in a Shadow Game, I'll feel a lot safer knowing you'll be there to save me if I need it."
"Oh!" Rain blushed, now glancing away.
"Hm." (Y/N) hummed, seeing the teens dance around each other.
"Something wrong?" Her fellow spirit asked.
"I'm just wondering if we were this hopelessly oblivious when we were their age."
Yami's expression immediately became a bit concerned. "Oh gods, I hope not. Yugi would never let me hear the end of it."
(Y/N) giggled at this declaration, making Yami smile. Unfortunately, it didn't last as the two spirits went stiff, both turning their heads towards the bridge.
"What's wrong?" Rain asked, noticing their change in demeanor.
"We sense a darkness approaching." Her partner answered as the two spirits vanished.
Yugi and Rain looked around, trying to find the source of the darkness.
"I don't see anyone." Yugi said. "Show yourself!"
"Heads up!" Rain yelled as a man jumped pass above, skidding to a halt in front of them.
The bald man gave Rain the creeps, his face covered in piercings and with a vacant stare. A familiar voice cackled from within his throat.
"Who are you?" Yugi demanded.
"Prepare to duel, Yugi, and lose your Puzzle."
"Marik!" Rain snarled, recognizing the voice.
"Yes, and soon you and the entire world will be calling me Pharaoh! Meet my mind slave, Strings, the quiet one, and thanks to the power of my Millennium Rod, he shall defeat you."
"Coward!" Yugi yelled back.
"We'll meet soon enough, Yugi. Until then, why should I waste my time when I can duel you through my mind puppets? Battle with the power of my Millennium Rod is no different than you two using your Millennium Items to duel."
Yami immediately took over, glaring down at the puppet.
"That's not true. You force your servants to do your dirty work by taking control of their minds against their will!"
"He's right!" Rain jumped in. "Yami, (Y/N), Yugi, and I duel as partners! We trust each other! You're just using your pawns as shields!"
"I will do what is necessary to claim that puzzle."
"To do that, you'll have to defeat me, Marik." Yami reminded him. "And I can assure you, that won't happen."
"You call yourself a Pharaoh? You don't even know how to use your power! So destiny has chosen me to take it from you, and destroy you and your queen!"
The Pharaoh's gaze became steely at the mention of a threat to his wife. "That ancient power is not yours to take, Marik."
"Like we said, that power is Yami and (Y/N)'s!" Rain shot back. "And if you threaten Yugi and (Y/N) again, Yami and I are gonna have to fight over who gets to hit you first!"
Half agreeing with her, Yami held up his Duel Disk in a challenge. "Make your move. Your plan will never work."
"I'm afraid it already has. I've drawn you into a duel you can't possibly win!"
"Like we haven't heard that a million times before!" Rain snarked.
"All right, Marik, no more talk!" Yami declared as they activated the field.
"Prepare to be destroyed by the force of my Egyptian God cards!"
"Let's duel!"

Strings 4000LP/Yugi 4000LP

Strings drew, his expression flat. "And now, I set one card facedown and play this monster in attack mode. Meet Humanoid Slime!"
A bluish, barely human-like slime held together with a gilded armor plate rose up onto the field.

Humanoid Slime
800 ATK/2000 DEF

"This is the beginning of the end for you, Pharaoh, so make your move, and prepare to lose everything."

Strings 4000LP/Yugi 4000LP

"You will fail!" Yami yelled, drawing his card and understandably believing Marik was egging him into attacking the weak monster to spring a trap. "I also set one card facedown, and then I'll summon Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts in attack mode, a stronger beast than yours!"
The lion-like creature entered the battle with a ferocious roar.

Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts
1500 ATK/1200 DEF

"Yes, your monster is almost twice as strong as mine, but don't be so confident that your Gazelle will prevail! It takes more than strength to win a duel."
"I am well aware of that." Yami shot back.
"As if either of us need a lecture about what it takes from you!" Rain added.
"Then you won't be surprised when my Humanoid Slime annihilates your monster!"
Yami just smirked. "Hmm, I'd like to see you try that, Marik."

Strings 4000LP/Yugi 4000LP

"Very well." The puppet agreed, drawing a card. "I summon Worm Drake."
A disgusting emerald colored worm with pincer and many eyes appeared on the field, making Rain gag a little.

Worm Drake
1400 ATK/1500 DEF

"Now, watch what happens when I activate my magic card!" Marik yelled out. "I activate Polymerization, and I'll use it to fuse Humanoid Slime and Worm Drake together to create my newest weapon: Humanoid Worm Drake!"
The slime seemed to absorb Worm Drake and took on more of its appearance, keeping its silver color.

Humanoid Worm Drake
2200 ATK/2000 DEF

"As you can see, my monster is more than a match for your Gazelle."
"Fusion monsters cannot attack the turn they're summoned." Yami reminded him. "I'm afraid you've left yourself wide open."
"You would like to think that." Marik jeered. "I reveal my facedown: Quick Attack! Now my monster will be able to attack straight away! I've outsmarted you, Pharaoh. You've underestimated me as a duelist, and for that you must pay a price. I'm afraid you're no match for me, Pharaoh! Destroy his Gazelle, my beast!"
Yami smirked as Humanoid Worm Drake lunged at Gazelle.
"Hold on, Marik! Go, De-Fusion!"
Yami's facedown popped up as the two monsters were split apart, stopping the attack entirely.
Marik clicked his (Strings'?) tongue. "So you knew my plan from the start."
"Yes. I knew you had something in mind playing such a weak monster in attack mode. I baited you into revealing your facedown so I could reverse it." Yami then crossed his arms. "I was hoping for a far more challenging duel from you, but you've only disappointed me."
Rain whistled as (Y/N) appeared beside her. "Your husband's really letting this guy have it, (Y/N). Not that I blame him. I'd be just as chatty if it were me."
"As if you aren't already?" (Y/N) shot back. "Still, I can't say I don't have my own choice words to say to this one."
"This duel is far from over." Marik declared.
Yami glared at him. "You'll never win my Millennium Puzzle if you continue dueling like that!"
"It seems you're as smart as they say you are, but that last turn was only a test. I will not be denied my victory or your Puzzle!"
"You will if you keep making amateur moves."
"You shall witness my true strength in due time. Both yours and your Queen's powers will be mine!"
"Only if you win." Yami reminded, drawing his next card.

Strings 4000LP/Yugi 4000LP

"I play Beta the Magnet Warrior in attack mode!"
The cutesy, magnet themed warrior appeared on the field, not exactly capable of giving an intimidating war face.

Beta the Magnet Warrior
1700 ATK/1600 DEF

"Now go and destroy his Worm Drake!" Beta put its two magnet hands together and blasted the sickening monster with electricity, dealing the first damage of the duel. "And next, my Gazelle will attack! Destroy Humanoid Slime with your Claw of Destruction!"
Gazelle easily sliced through the slime, leaving their opponent's field wide open. Marik was unfazed though, despite having lost 1000LP
"Well played, but I am simply testing your strengths and weaknesses, so that I can ultimately destroy you."
"Keep telling yourself that!" Rain yelled. "They've already got you on the back foot!"
"Rain, I thought a Wayfarer would appreciate the careful study of an enemy." Marik said in a sickening tone.
Rain mockingly gagged. "Don't act like we're friends just because you were raised on the legends too. Any enemy of (Y/N), Yugi, or Yami is an enemy of mine!"
"There is no need for you to bound yourself as a slave to the Queen, Rain. Allow me to demonstrate the frailty of the legends."

Strings 3000LP/Yugi 4000 LP

"It's time for round two, and this duel is about to get interesting! Are you ready?" Marik drew, only glancing at the card. "The card I now hold is like nothing you've ever seen before. It's a creature that simply cannot be destroyed. It's a shapeless being made completely of plasma, making it completely indestructible. So prepare to experience Revival Jam in defense mode!"
A literal glob of blue slime materialized onto the field.

Revival Jam
1500 ATK/500 DEF

Rain tilted her head. "I think the boys might've knocked something loose in his head last turn."
"Just try to attack it!" Marik egged. "You will fail."
"Yami, did Yugi give you the lecture about mentally breaking down your opponents, cause I think you might have broken this one."
Yami gave the Wayfarer an unamused look over his shoulder. "Very humorous, Rain."
"Hey, your wife appreciates my humor!"
(Y/N) appeared beside her. "Not consistently."
Marik seemed annoyed at the out of duel banter, playing another card. "Perhaps I haven't demonstrated how hopeless your situation is. I play Jam Breeding Machine, beginning the countdown to your destruction!"
A machine appeared beside Revival Jam, glowing with an ominous light.
"What does it do?" Marik asked rhetorically. "Think of it as a monster creator, breathing life into a new plasma creature every turn, and this machine will continue to provide me with more and more plasma beasts called Slime Tokens!"
"Your plan is obvious." Yami stated, unimpressed. "You intend to mass produce these tokens until you have enough to sacrifice and summon your Egyptian god card."
"Very impressive, Pharaoh, too bad you can't stop me! Once my machine creates three Slime Tokens, I'll be able to summon the monster that will bring about your ultimate destruction! And then your Millennium Puzzle will belong to me forever!"

Strings 3000LP/Yugi 4000 LP

"Unfortunately for you, your plan will never work." Yami drew his card. "Prepare to lose. I'll sacrifice my two monsters on the field to summon my all powerful Buster Blader!"
Gazelle and Gama both dissolved as the legendary, purple armored swordsman appeared into a burst of light.

Buster Blader
2600 ATK/2300 DEF

"My expert swordsman has the power to wipe out your Revival Jam and more than half of your lifepoints!"
"Your monster's attack strength is quite impressive, Pharaoh, but it's still useless against my Revival Jam."
"We shall see. Now, my swordsman, destroy his Revival Jam!"
Buster Blader charged, cleaving through Revival Jam in one clean strike.
"All right!" Rain cheered. "You splattered it!"
"Uh, hold that thought, Rain." (Y/N) said as suddenly Revival Jam reformed as if nothing had happened.
"What?" Yami said as Marik laughed.
"You're surprised? I told  you my Revival Jam employed the perfect defense! Even the most powerful sword cannot destroy it. It will always reform itself."
"So I can't attack?"
"You can, it just won't work! So Revival Jam will protect my lifepoints while my Breeding Machine continues to create monsters for my ultimate sacrifice!"
"What an obnoxious trick!" Rain snarled. "How are the boys supposed to win if that thing just keeps reviving itself in defense mode?"
(Y/N) pursed her lips. "Calm yourself, Rain. There's more than one way to destroy a monster. Yami and Yugi will just have to explore those other options."

Strings 3000LP/Yugi 4000 LP

Marik drew. "I activate my Jam Breeding Machine!"
The machine whirled to life, popping out a Slime Token.

Slime Token
500 ATK/500 DEF

"I'll also set one card facedown. Only two turns left, then you'll meet your doom! Soon that Puzzle will be mine, then it will be your turn, Queen (Y/N)."
"Dream on, creep!" Rain snapped as Yami blocked the girls from Marik's line of sight.

Strings 3000LP/Yugi 4000LP

"I may not be able to stop your Breeding Machine, but your plan has one tragic flaw, Marik." Yami stated as he drew. "The rules state you need to sacrifice three Slime Tokens to summon your Egyptian god card. But what happens if I destroy them first? Your Slime Tokens are defenseless against Buster Blader, and every time one is destroyed, you'll lose over 2000LP. So according to my calculations, in two turns, you'll be defeated! Buster Blader, attack his Slime Token!"
Buster Blader readied itself, only for Marik to interrupt.
"I reveal the continuous trap: Jam Defender!"
As the swordsman leapt for the token, Revival Jam shot in the way, getting destroyed.
"Your Revival Jam blocked the attack?!"
"Exactly, and as long as Revival Jam stays in defense mode, Jam Defender forces it to absorb all of your attacks, meaning all of your attacks are useless! The end is near for you!"

Strings 3000LP/Yugi 4000LP

The puppet drew as another Slime Token was created, bringing the boys that much closer to defeat.
"I'm afraid you only have one turn left, Pharaoh, before I destroy you! But just to be safe, I think I'll play this magic card: Nightmare Steel Cage!"
"No!" Rain yelped as Yami and Buster Blader were caged up. "Now they can't attack for two turns!"
"Now all you can do is watch while I summon the most powerful force you've ever seen to annihilate you! In one turn, your Millennium Puzzle will be mine!"
"Yami and Yugi will never lose to a monster like you!" Rain insisted, making the puppet huff.
"Your misguided faith is pathetic when compared to the overwhelming power of my Egyptian god card! History may be on your and the queen's side, Pharaoh, but destiny is on mine."
"Prophecy says otherwise." Rain jeered.
Marik ignored her goading. "Neither of you are worthy of the powers that lie hidden within you, so I'll take them! For as long as I remember, I was taught to obey the ancient scriptures and to help my family protect the Pharaoh's tomb. Now I realize that your time as Pharaoh has expired."

Strings 3000LP/Yugi 4000LP

"Newsflash, dumb dumb, the reason we passed down the legend is because the Pharaoh and the Wayfarer Queen would be the only ones capable of stopping the darkness when it returned!  Or did your family conveniently not pass down that part of the prophecy?" Rain yelled as Yami passed his turn.

Strings 3000LP/Yugi 4000LP

Marik cackled. "So you believe so deeply in the ancient warnings that you would willingly become the pawn of the Queen, Rain?"
The Wayfarer girl rolled her eyes. "If the fact that Yugi and I share bodies with an ancient power couple isn't enough of a red flag for you, I've seen the Millennium Bracelet pierce through the darkness of even a Shadow Game! Something that powerful could've only been made to fight something terrifying! It's not about the overwhelming power your after, it's about protecting the world from evil!"
"Then why not do it yourself? You don't need the queen! You know the prophecy, you understand the power. If you would join me, nothing would stand in our way."
"Forget it! I won't betray the people I care about for a psycho like you!"
"Perhaps my next turn will convince you otherwise." Marik insisted as he drew and the machine made the final token. "Now I have enough monsters for my ultimate sacrifice. Finally, the time has come! The skies shall be shrouded in darkness!"
Storm clouds appeared from now, crackling with lightning.
Rain looked up worriedly. "This is really bad."
"Rain, switch, now." (Y/N) ordered.
"Yeah, good idea."
The two switched controls as the lightning began flashing (and Marik's puppet's fist clenched seeing Rain had vanished). Almost immediately, (Y/N) had to use the Millennium Bracelet to block the falling spears of lightning
"Prepare to experience an ancient force like no other as I sacrifice Jam Breeder and my 3 Slime Tokens in order to summon the beast of your ultimate destruction!" The lightning struck the machine and the tokens, dissolving them in fire. "A creature whose power is absolutely limitless! Meet your maker, Pharaoh, the last monster you'll ever see: the Egyptian god, Slifer the Sky Dragon!"
A pillar of light shot down from the clouds as an absolutely massive red dragon descended from the sky, letting out a roar that nearly sent the two spirits flying.
"That is a big dragon!" Rain whimpered, glad to have switched with her partner.
"You're staring into the face of defeat, Pharaoh! Slifer the Sky Dragon is one of the three most feared creatures in history! They cannot be defeated!"
Yami, despite staring down the jaws of a very angry mythical beast, held firm. "Every monster has a weakness, Marik, and I'll find yours!"
"You're in no position to make threats! You're trapped in my Nightmare Steel Cage with no way to attack! All you can do is watch my monster grow stronger!"
"Stronger?" (Y/N) repeated. "How?"
Strings held up his hand. "Allow me to explain how Slifer works. The number of cards I hold in my hand determines the attack power of my monster. Since I hold two cards, Slifer has 2000 ATK points."
"I'm afraid Slifer is still weaker than my monster." Yami pointed out.
"But this is just the beginning. I play Pot of Greed, raising Slifer's attack to 3000!"
"Even if that is the case, Marik is still bound by the rules of Duel Monsters." Rain said to her partner, though Yami was capable of hearing her. "You're only allowed so many cards in your hand, so Slifer's power does have a cap."
"While that might be the case, I think Marik has a plan for that shortcoming." (Y/N) turned to Yami. "Be on your guard, he has something else in mind."
Yami nodded as Marik laughed.
"I'm afraid any hopes you have of survival are completely in vain, for no one has ever defeated an Egyptian god card! Slifer will wipe out with one single attack! Now, prepare to lose!"
(Y/N) studied the field carefully, trying to see if there was a way around this. Even after Marik's Pot of Greed, Buster Blader was still stronger thanks to its ability to boost its attack for every dragon on the field. However, Yami was still pinned thanks to Nightmare Steel Cage, and even if he wasn't, Jam Defender was still in play, meaning there would be no way to battle Slifer, and when Marik's next turn came around, Slifer would be strong enough to wipe out Buster Blader. It seemed completely hopeless.
"Your reign is over, Yami and (Y/N)." Marik jeered, noting the queen's expression. "Hand over the Puzzle and the Bracelet and accept the inevitable!"
"Never." Yami growled as drew, seeing a possible way out before looking over his shoulder. "(Y/N), leave. Go find the others."
She blinked in shock. "What?"
"Oh, I know he's not asking us to run away!" Rain yelled in huff.
"Please, (Y/N), everyone else is likely being targeted by the Rare Hunters as we speak."
"I am not leaving you alone with this maniac."
"It's not just our Millennium Items he's after. He wants Rain specifically."
This made the queen bite her tongue. He had a point, but that didn't mean she liked it. In truth, it made more sense to split up now, so that if the worst came to pass, and she shuddered just thinking of it, they wouldn't both be taken out in one move.
"I'll come find you when this is over." He assured her. "I promise."
With a growl, (Y/N) turned to the hill and began running up it. "I'll hold you to that promise, kianga."
With that, the female spirit took off into the city to search for everyone else, Rain grumbling angrily the whole time.
"Stupid Yami and Yugi! We can handle ourselves just fine!"
"Rain, they did have a point." (Y/N) tried to calm her counterpart. "We have to be smart about this. Someone like Marik has no qualms attacking those close to us to get what he wants, and the Millennium Bracelet is more equip to protect other people from supernatural attacks.
"Yeah, yeah, you're just agreeing with him because he's your husband."
The spirit sighed. "Believe me, I don't want to leave them to fend for themselves either, but we have to put our faith in them to prevail."
"Fiiiiine...but I'm still mad!"


The girls scoured the city for the friends, cursing Kaiba for choosing to make an entire city the battle ground (and their shortness).
"There has to be a more efficient way to search." (Y/N) said as she stopped to catch her breath.
"How willing are you to hotwire a car?" Rain asked, getting a glare from the queen.
"Efficient AND ethical."
"All right, all right. Switch off with me. Maybe if we call Mokuba, he'd be willing to track Joey down and we can go from there."
A sudden scream caught their attention as (Y/N) took off, rounding the corner of an alleyway to see Joey, Tea, and a third person she did not know being dragged off by Rare Hunters.
"Joey! Tea!"
Joey was out cold, but Tea reacted immediately to her voice.
"Rain! (Y/N)! It's a trap!"
Just in time, the former queen saw movement in her peripheral, ducking a man attempting to grab her from behind and tripping him over. A different man came bolting out of the shadows to try and blitz her, but he just ended up running into the Millennium Bracelet's barrier. To their credit, the two idiots still put themselves directly between the Wayfarers and their cohorts as they dragged their captives away. (Y/N) held up her Duel Disk.
"I'll give you one warning: get out of my way." The two man did not listen, preparing to duel. "Fine. Seeing as I'm in a hurry, both of you, it's time to duel!"

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