Fragile - Denki Kaminari x Re...

Galing kay PinktoPaleBlue

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Denki Kaminari x Fem!Reader From the bustling streets of New York to the prestigious halls of UA High in Japa... Higit pa

Character Info
Chapter 1 - Good Bye New York
Chapter 2 - First Day at School
Chapter 3 - Walking Home
Chapter 4 - Just Teasing
Chapter 5 - Slightly Awkward Lunch
Chapter 6 - Mall trip
Chapter 7 - Rainy Day
Chapter 8 - The Day Before
Chapter 9 - The Night Before
Chapter 10 - The Sports Festival
Chapter 11 - The Obstacle Course
Chapter 12 - Cavalry Battle
Chapter 13 - First Match
Chapter 14 - Aftermath
Chapter 15 - The Invite
Chapter 16 - Arcade
Chapter 17 - The Lunch Questionings
Chapter 18 - Internships
Chapter 19 - The Mission
Chapter 20 - End of Internships
Chapter 21 - Home Visit
Chapter 22 - Surprise hangout
Chapter 23 - The Date
Chapter 25 - End of Term Exams
Chapter 26 - I'm Not Letting You Go Alone
Chapter 27 - Bus Ride
Chapter 28 - The Beast's Forest
Chapter 29 - Why're You Being All Creepy in the Woods
Chapter 30 - Black Smoke and Purple Fog?
Chapter 31 - You're Okay!
Chapter 32 - Let's Go Home
Chapter 33 - We're Moving Into Dorms?
Chapter 34 - Totally Awesome Best Room Competition
Chapter 35 - I Love You
Chapter 36 - Ultimate Moves
Chapter 37 - I Can Take Care of Myself

Chapter 24 - We're not Dating

59 2 5
Galing kay PinktoPaleBlue

The rest of the weekend went by uneventfully, aside from the constant barrage of messages I got from Yoaoyorozu, Jiro, and especially Mina. All of them eager to hear about the details of my date with Denki. I sat in the living room, already dressed in my school uniform, and waiting for the clock to hit 8 AM so I could start my morning commute. As I impatiently waited for the clock to hit 8 AM, my gaze wandered toward the window. Sunlight beamed through the glass, a warm glow lit up the room. In the corner of my eyes was a familiar bright yellow head of hair, practically glowing in the morning sun. I quickly grabbed my bag, slung it over my shoulder, and hurried out of the house.

My heart was practically beating out of my chest as I saw him standing by the sidewalk, waiting for me. I quickly made my way outside, pulling the door closed behind me. Denki turned in my direction, his face lighting up when he saw me approaching.

The fresh morning air greeted me as I stepped onto the sidewalk. Denki noticed me approaching, and a bright smile spread across his face. "Hey, Y/n!" he called out, his voice filled with enthusiasm.

"Morning!" he greeted, his smile infectious.

"Good morning." I replied, trying to hide my excitement.

We walked together towards UA High, the early morning breeze gently rustling the leaves in the nearby trees. Denki glanced over at me, his bright yellow hair catching the sunlight.

"So, how's your weekend been? I'm guessing Mina's been bugging you all weekend?"

I stared at him, kind of surprised as to how he knew, "Yeah she has been, but how'd you know?"

He chuckled at my response, "She's been texting me non-stop. I kinda figured she would be bothering you too."

I nodded in response, "Well, aside from that, my weekend was good. Quiet, for the most part, but not bad. How about yours?"

Denki smiled, his yellow eyes full of enthusiasm. "Mine was great, especially because of our date. I hung out with Bakugo and Kirishima. And you know how those two are, always up for some hero training or just goofing off."

I chuckled, picturing the energetic trio. "Sounds like a lot of fun. Those two sure know how to keep things interesting."

Denki nodded with enthusiasm. "Oh, they definitely do. But, to be honest, " He paused, his hand gently reaching for mine, fingers interlacing. His eyes locked onto mine, his expression sheepish. "I was just looking forward to the weekend ending so I could see you."

A warm flush spread across my cheeks as Denki's words hung in the air between us. His hand in mine seemed to send a gentle current of electricity up my arm, making my heart skip a beat. We continued our walk, hand in hand, a comfortable silence enveloping us. The bustling streets were slowly filling with students, all making their way to UA High. The morning sun cast a warm glow on everything it touched, creating a calm atmosphere. As we approached the gates of UA High, Denki gently squeezed my hand and we reluctantly let go of each other's hands as we joined the flow of students entering the school.

Denki and I entered our homeroom classroom to find that only Iida, Kirishima, and Bakugou were already there. Iida was sitting at his desk, engrossed in a thick textbook. While Kirishima and Bakugou stood by their desks. Kiri was enthusiastically talking to Bakugou about their weekend training session, and Bakugou was, as usual, looking completely disinterested in the conversation.

Denki gave a friendly wave to Kirishima, who immediately noticed us and smiled widely. "Hey, Denki! Y/n! Good morning!"

"Morning, Kirishima!" I greeted him with a smile.

Denki glanced at Bakugou, who was mostly ignoring our presence, and decided to tease him a bit. "Hey, Bakugou, did you miss me this weekend?"

Bakugou didn't even look up. "Why the hell would I miss your dumbass?"

Kirishima laughed, patting Bakugou on the back in what was probably meant to be a friendly manner but ended up looking more like a friendly punch. "Come on, man, give Denki a break."

Iida, who had been silently listening to the conversation, finally closed his textbook and adjusted his glasses. "Good morning, everyone. I trust you all had a productive weekend?"

I chuckled as I walked over to Iida's desk, leaving Denki behind to talk with Kirishima and Bakugou. "Oh yeah, Iida. I slept for hours. Honestly, I really needed to catch up on sleep. What about you?"

"Well, mine was just gre-" Iida began, before being suddenly cut off by the sound of the door slamming open and a voice screaming at the top of their lungs.

"You guys won't believe what I just saw!" A pink girl spoke as she launched herself into the classroom at top speed.

"What?! What happened?" Iida asked, confused by the sudden uproar.

Mina squealed as she pointed to Denki and me. "I saw YOU and YOU holding hands!"

The atmosphere in the classroom shifted instantly. Kirishima wore a playful grin while Bakugou, as usual, looked unimpressed.

Bakugou huffed. "So what?"

Mina, undeterred by Bakugou's attitude, was on the verge of launching into another bout of excitement. "What do you mean 'so what'? They're the cutest couple, isn't this exciting?!"

Just then, the door opened again, and Hagakure, Ojiro, Shouji, and Asui walked into the classroom, clearly puzzled by the chaos within.

"What's with all the commotion?" Ojiro asked, his curiosity piqued.

Mina couldn't contain herself. "Y/n and Denki are dating! Isn't it adorable?" She exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious as she shared the news.

Hagakure, Shouji, and Asui exchanged glances, surprised by the revelation. Ojiro raised an eyebrow, processing the news. Hagakure, full of excitement, clapped her hands together. "Oh, this is fantastic! Y/n and Denki, you two are going to be the cutest couple ever!"

Asui nodded, her wide eyes reflecting the collective surprise. "Ribbit... Yeah, it is."

Ojiro finally spoke up, looking over at Denki and me. "Congratulations, you two. That's great news."

Denki's face flushed with embarrassment, as he quickly tried to set the record straight. "Wait, hold on, guys. We're not dating."

Mina blinked, confusion written all over her face. "Huh? But I saw you two holding hands! And what about your date?!"

"Well we went on a date, but we're not dating." Denki scratched his head sheepishly.

I exchanged a glance with Denki, who appeared a bit conflicted. I felt like Mina had pushed us into a corner. The class seemed to collectively let out a sigh of relief, realizing their misunderstanding.

Mina's excitement dampened, but she quickly recovered, offering a sheepish grin. "Oh, I'm so sorry! I just got a little carried away..."

Kirishima patted her on the back. "It's all good, Mina. But hey, maybe we should set you up with someone."

The class laughed, and the mood lightened. I went back to my conversation with Iida, relieved that the spotlight had shifted away from us. It was a bit awkward to have so much attention drawn to our non-existent relationship, but I was grateful that only a few people had witnessed the mix-up. As more students arrived, our homeroom settled into its usual routine, and the lesson for the day began.

Mr. Aizawa cleared his throat and drew our attention to the front of the classroom. He had his usual disheveled appearance, with his sleeping bag slung over his shoulder.

"Listen up, everyone," he began, his monotone voice cutting through the chatter. "I hope you enjoyed your weekend because next week, we have our end-of-term exams."

Groans and complaints rippled through the class. End-of-term exams were never anyone's favorite topic.

"That's right," Aizawa continued, unphased by our reactions. "The written exams will be on Friday, and the practical exams will be on Saturday. Make sure you've been keeping up with your studies."

Aizawa turned to the blackboard and began scribbling down some important dates and information. The morning dragged on with talk of the upcoming exams, making it feel longer than usual. Homeroom eventually ended, and the class dispersed. The rest of my classes went by slowly as I focused on absorbing as much information as possible to prepare for the exams.

When lunchtime arrived, I trudged towards the cafeteria, my steps heavy. To my surprise, I spotted Yaoyorozu and Jiro sitting at our usual table, accompanied by a visibly cheerful Mina. The memory of the morning's fiasco still irritated me, and I questioned whether sitting near her was the best choice right now. Without a word, I turned on my heel in the hallway and headed outside, opting to spend my lunch break in the peaceful courtyard instead.

I made my way outside and found the tree where I had sat with Todoroki more than a month ago. Taking a seat on the soft patch of grass, I appreciated in the calmness of the quiet outdoors. I reached into my backpack, retrieved a book, and decided to catch up on some reading while enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. As I delved a few pages into my book, a shadow abruptly fell over me, initially irritating me until I lifted my gaze and recognized the owner of the shadow.

It was Denki, his bright yellow hair shining in the sunlight. He flashed a warm smile as he stood there, his hands in his pockets. "Mind if I join you?"

I couldn't help but smile in return, my annoyance from earlier melting away. "Not at all," I replied, closing my book and making room for him on the grass. "How come you're sitting outside?"

He shrugged and lowered himself to sit next to me on the grass. "Just thought I'd take a break from the cafeteria. Plus, I heard it's much nicer company out here." He grinned, nudging me playfully.

I chuckled at his words. "It definitely is quieter. But why are you actually out here?."

"Well," He started, looking away and now making eye contact. His face sheepish, "I didn't see you sitting with Jiro and Yaoyorozu, so I just wanted to check on you."

I smiled at his honesty. "That's sweet of you, Denki. I just needed some quiet time today."

Denki nodded, and we fell into a comfortable silence, each of us enjoying the peaceful ambiance of the courtyard. The rustling leaves and distant chatter of other students created a serene atmosphere.

After a while, Denki spoke again, breaking the silence gently. "Y/n, about this morning, I'm really sorry if it made things awkward."

I turned to him, shaking my head. "You don't have to apologize, Denki. It's not your fault. I think Mina just got carried away."

Denki let out a small sigh of relief, clearly glad that I wasn't holding it against him. "Yeah, she does tend to do that. Sometimes Mina just goes all out with her ideas."

I chuckled, remembering Mina's enthusiasm. "Yeah, she does. But hey, it happens. No harm done."

He shifted closer, our shoulders touching as he reached out, taking my hand into his. The warmth of his hand filled mine as he gave my hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm glad you understand."

The courtyard offered us a calm area from the bustling school life, and for a while, it was just the two of us, lost in conversation and shared moments of silence. It felt like time itself slowed down as we sat there, enjoying each other's company. As the lunch break came to an end, Denki and I reluctantly stood up from the grass, but he didn't let go of my hand. Instead, he looked at me with a warm smile.

"So, I've been thinking," he began, his eyes shining with enthusiasm, "how about we have a game night for our next date?"

We continued our way back to the classroom, our fingers comfortably interlocked. "Game night sounds fun, but don't you usually need more than two people for that?"

Denki's expression faltered slightly, his brows furrowing. "Hmm, yeah, you're right. Maybe we could invite a few friends?"

"Maybe we could invite more people?" He suggested.

I glanced at him, a hint of amusement in my eyes. "Well, if we invite friends, it wouldn't really be a date, would it? It'd be more like friends hanging out."

We continued our journey through UA's halls, nearing our next class. Denki chuckled sheepishly. "I guess I didn't think that through too well, did I?"

As we reached our classroom, Denki and I reluctantly let go of each other's hands, knowing that class was about to start. We parted and made our way to our respective seats.

As I settled into my desk, I noticed Kirishima, Mina, and Sero sharing excited looks and whispering to each other. They were looking in our direction, and it didn't take a genius to figure out what had them so intrigued. Kirishima and Sero exchanged grins and gave us teasing thumbs-ups. Denki and I exchanged embarrassed glances but couldn't help but chuckle at our friends' excitement. The school day flew by surprisingly fast, with each class passing in a blur of lectures. Before I knew it, the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day. Denki and I, along with the rest of the class, gathered our belongings and filed out of the classroom. As we walked home together, I couldn't help but notice that Denki seemed preoccupied. His usual energetic demeanor was replaced by a worried expression.

I could tell something was bothering him. "Is something on your mind?" I asked, concerned.

He sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "Well, I've been thinking," He began, "I don't feel too confident about our exams. Honestly, I think I'm gonna fail."

I frowned, understanding the pressure we were all under as hero course students. "Don't worry, Denki. I mean, it's not unusual to feel that way, especially with these exams. Maybe you can ask for some help, like from Yaoyorozu. She's really smart."

"But isn't that a bit awkward? She's your friend, not really mine." Denki looked unsure, his brows furrowing.

"Yeah, but Yaoyorozu wouldn't mind helping out," I reassured him. "And maybe we could turn it into a study group! I'm sure you're not the only one who's feeling the pressure."

We continued our usual walk home together, the weight of the upcoming exams still hanging over Denki's shoulders. As we approached my house, I turned to him.

"I'm sure you'll do fine on the exams," I said, trying to reassure him.

Denki managed a small smile. "Thanks, Y/n. I hope so."

With that, we parted ways at my doorstep, and Denki continued on to his house. I watched him go, as I made my way inside. 

2472 Words

AN - OMG over 300 reads !!! this is so crazy thank you everyone so much !!! Ahhhh thank youuu 

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