Only You

By taejinfic

56.3K 4.7K 632

Alpha Taehyung and Omega Seokjin, two of the most successful actors from South Korea, get paired together for... More

Epilogue: 56


743 66 10
By taejinfic

" Alright, that cupboard goes into the right corner, but don't push it completely against the wall," Jin instructs while Taehyung is busy arranging things in their baby's room.

Taehyung diligently follows the instructions and moves the cupboard to the right corner.

He hears Jin sigh after inspecting the result, " I don't think it looks good there. Isn't it better to put it close to the table where I'll be changing diapers? It'll be more accessible, right? Even though it might look a little disoriented there, but who cares."

Taehyung observes quietly, knowing he's not allowed to give opinions. Jin has become a bit of a perfectionist in the past few weeks. They went shopping a week ago, and it took Jin a week to calm down before he decided he was now ready to organize the baby's nursery.

In the middle of the night, Jin woke Taehyung up to get him coconut-flavored ice cream, despite the frigid January weather. Taehyung obliged and braved the cold to get it. Afterward, Jin suggested they organize the room since he couldn't go back to sleep.

Taehyung knew he couldn't sleep either because the delivery date was getting closer, and he still hadn't started organizing the room. The doctor informed Taehyung that these nesting instincts are common for pregnant omegas. So, he goes along with Jin's every demand.

Now, they're both sleep-deprived and have been at it for four hours. It's eight in the morning, and Jin still can't decide where to place the cupboard, lamenting its potential impact on his mood.

" Will you suggest something?" Jin asks. Taehyung looks at him with tired, sunken eyes due to the lack of sleep.

" I think it's better to move it next to the changing table. It'll be easier for us to change diapers and clothes."

Jin hums in agreement, "Okay, then move it there." The cupboard creaks as Taehyung shifts it for the umpteenth time. He stretches his limbs after finally positioning it correctly.

" Alright, this is better. Now, on to organizing the clothes, " Jin anounces

Taehyung looks at Jin and hesitates, wondering if he can interrupt Jin's plans, " Seokjin, can we do the rest later? I'm kind of tired."

" You can go to sleep then. I can manage by myself," Jin replies, focusing on the clothes that need folding and putting them neatly in their designated drawers before he can rest.

" It'll tire you out. C'mon, let's sleep for a while," Taehyung urges, his voice strained from exhaustion.

"I am carrying a baby for nine months that didn't tire me. This little chore won't hurt my ass," Jin retorts, unknowingly hurting Taehyung this time.

Taehyung decides to let it slide, not wanting to let his emotions get the best of him understanding that jin is behaving the way he is due to pregnancy hormones.
" Alright then, I will help."

Jin doesn't reply, he just focuses on folding the rompers, while Taehyung folds leggings, jumpsuits, and tiny little t-shirts. The small size of the clothes makes the task quick, but it takes them nearly two hours to organize all the baby's clothes and essentials. During that time, they don't exchange a word, partly because Taehyung is hurt, and Jin is giving in to the hormones that urge him to throw a tantrum.

Afterward, Jin hangs up their first ultrasound pictures with Taehyung in the frames on the walls of the baby's room. It's nearly ten a.m., and Taehyung retreats to their bedroom, falling asleep almost instantly as he relaxes on the mattress.

When Jin discovers his mate passed out on the bed, he thinks to himself, " He didn't even have breakfast." With this in mind, he heads to the kitchen to prepare lunch for both of them.

As expected, Taehyung doesn't sleep for long. He awakens to an empty bed, quickly getting out of bed to look for Jin, " Did you not sleep?"

The bedroom door clicks shut behind him as he enters the living space. Jin replies, "No, I told you I don't feel like sleeping."

" Shit, you must not have eaten. I'm so sorry," Taehyung says as he paces toward the kitchen and finds the food already cooked.

Jin remarks, " I think I warned you about the stove," his voice was a bit tense.

" I know you did, my omega," Jin teases, his eyes fixed on the television. Taehyung's concern remains earnest, and he says,

" This isn't a joke, Jin. I told you not to go near the stove. You should've woken me up or ordered—"

" Taehyung, come sit here," Jin pats the empty space on the sofa next to him. Wrapped in a fleece blanket that carries the comforting scent of his mate, Taehyung joins him. Jin's warm presence envelopes him.

" I disregarded your efforts throughout the pregnancy earlier. I didn't mean to, but there's no excuse. My instincts, hormones, whatever, shouldn't be a reason for me to be mean to you. I'm so- "

Taehyung silences Jin with a kiss, his way of stopping him from apologizing.
" Don't apologize. No matter how much effort I put in, it cannot be compared to what you're doing, so don't apologize. Your hormones and instincts are valid. You shouldn't force yourself to act put together, not when you're this pregnant, okay? Never go into the kitchen or near the stove again. I'll cook for you as long as I can."

Jin lets out an exasperated sigh, saying, " Ugh, every day I wake up and fall more in love with you? How much more of this sweetness, and I might die because of it."

Jin cradles Taehyung's face in his hands, gazing at him affectionately.

" You're so handsome. I hope our baby is going to be just as pretty. I never thought I'd meet a partner like you. My dad might've accidentally given me the best thing in the world without even realizing it."

" Being tender might as well be the biggest compliment I've ever received. Just never leave me alone," they nuzzle their noses together.

"I won't," Jin reassures with a loving smile.

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