Vigilante ∆ lrh

By humblewritings

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∆ You attack one of us; you attack all of us ∆ When two dangerous worlds collide, how many times can they che... More

meet the characters
1 ∆ Irwin's Bar
2 ∆ Grave Digger
3 ∆ Two souls
4 ∆ The Outsider
5 ∆ The Cabin
6 ∆ The Casino
7 ∆ Getaway Car
8 ∆ Disobedience
9 ∆ His Girl
10 ∆ Don't make promises
11 ∆ Sleep in my bed
12 ∆ Jealous or territorial
13 ∆ Never underestimate me
14 ∆ Nicotine Addiction
15 ∆ Scapegoat
17 ∆ Idiot
18 ∆ Whiskey Nights
19 ∆ Stubborn
20 ∆ Plan A
21 ∆ Spilled Secrets
22 ∆ Promise Me
22.5 ∆ Guilt 🔥
23. ∆ Tennessee Whiskey
24. ∆ night owl or early bird
25. ∆ goodnight
26. ∆ Your protector
27. ∆ Teach me
28. ∆ What have we done
29. ∆ Roadtrip
30. ∆ Torn
31. ∆ Still not mine
32. ∆ Summer Rain
33. ∆ Friend
34. ∆ in sickness and in health
35. ∆ slight touches

16 ∆ Olive Branch

61 4 34
By humblewritings

I just wanted you to know
That this is me trying

She had a horrible restlessness as she lay on her back next to Calum. Rolling into her side she studied the sleeping boy next to her. He was peaceful. Not an ounce of worry on his face. His previous buzz cut had started to grow out on top. Demi was weirdly excited to be able to run her fingers through it, if she managed to convince him to continue to grow it out.

Her fingers lightly danced down the tattoos that filled his arm. Calum sighed, relaxing into the sheets further. Delicately placing a kiss to his temple, she climbed out of bed but not before tucking in the sheets around him.

Slipping into Calum's NIN tshirt and her own leggings, she ventured downstairs. She could hear the faint noise of video games being played.

"Morning" Demi smiled as she greeted Michael in the living room. "M'rning" he mumbled back not really fond of the company.

Demi glanced over him, there was a sadness in his eyes and the way he held his shoulders. Michael readjusted his hat as he felt her gaze.

"Smoothie?" She offered. He stared at her processing it. He was accustomed to doing everything himself. The boys always kept to themselves. They never ate together let alone cooked for each other. It's just how things were.

"You want to make me a smoothie?" Was all he could respond with.

"Yes, is that a crime?" She took a seat on the end of the sofa. Demi could see the redness that had settled around his eyes. Michael pushed up the glasses that rested on his nose as he paused his game.

"It's just weird"

Demi cocked her head to the side as she studied him closer. Michael met her eyes, "you okay?" Her hand settled on his knee.

He nodded and pushed up his glasses again and readjusted the hair that poked out of his hat and blocked a small part of his eye.

"I know we don't know each other but yeah i'm here if you need anything" she smiled weakly as she disappeared to make them both smoothies.

Demi returned with the pink tinted drinks, a straw in each one, and placed them next to him. She took a seat on the sofa. Michael was still yet to resume his game. Resting his head back against the back of the sofa, he squeezed his eyes shut and released a shaky breath.

"It's pathetic but it's…it's my dad's birthday today" his green eyes stared at the ceiling. It was the first time, other than finding out about Calum's sister, that she had heard any of them refer to their families.

"It's not pathetic Michael" she sighed, crossing her legs and turning to face him completely. "If you don't mind me asking, I'd love to know more about you and your family" she smiled sweetly. Michael looked at her puzzled. Someone actually wanted to get to know him.

So far Demi had him down as a quiet tech nerd by day and a fire DJ by night. But today she learnt something she didn't know about him; the boy LOVES to talk about his family.

The noise of her straw reaching the end of her smoothie, signified how long Michael had been rambling on. His cheesy grin shone as he shared his favorite birthday memories, Christmas nostalgia and wholesome family time.

"Why can't you see them?" She asked tentatively. "I swore I would stand by Hood and that's what I'll do" his smile was riddled in sadness.

"Take my hands" she demanded, opening her palms for him. He frowned. "Sorry what?"

"Take my hands, let's pray for you dad and send him some love" she explained, forcibly grabbing his hands.

"But I'm not religious" he laughed at her craziness.

"No, neither am I but sometimes it's nice to have a moment to think about good things, come on try it" Demi flashed her persuasive smile.

"You're one crazy woman" he shook his head as he tightened his grip on her and tentatively closed his eyes. He thought of his dad, he could see his cheerful round face celebrating another year of life surrounded by extended family. He could feel Demi's fingers squeezing his and he could feel her support. It was an alien feeling but the whole thing had eased the pressure from his shoulders and lightened the heaviness in his heart.

"Now, I'm going to beat your ass on this game so move up" she demanded, making herself comfortable and stealing a controller.

After her third win, she finally let Michael win before he actually cried like a baby. "See, I told you it was beginner's luck" she tried to convince him.

"Rematch now!" He frowned, sussing her devious game plan.

"Raincheck" she stuck her tongue out, "I've got an appointment with my boxing gloves"

"I'll hold you to that RavenWarrior12" he wagged his finger in her face as he said her gamer name in a weird, sarcastic tone, "whatever you say CliffordG95, real original by the way" she rolled her eyes at his gamer name. She practically bowed before him as she left the defeated boy to rethink his strategies.

Demi had almost made it back to Calum's room, but she was stuck, hovering outside Ashton's door. It was pretty hard for her not to reflect on everything she had learnt and observed from the older Australian.

Her knuckles banging on the wood echoed before he responded with a short, sharp, "busy". Twisting the handle, she needed to speak with him.  

The room was dark and smelt strong of liquor and cigars (at this point that was Ashton's general musk).

"I said I'm busy" he gritted his teeth as he watched her saunter into his room like she owned the place. It boiled his blood. Turning to continue his cigarette, flicking ash out of the opened window, he shuddered as her arms wrapped around him.

She was hugging him.

Ashton froze rigid in place.

The whole scenario was just as weird for her as it was for him. It was spontaneous and her odd attempt at making Calum's life better.

Ashton was important to Calum (despite his wrongdoings).

"Last night got heated" she started, "tell me about it" Ash scratched at the back of his neck as Demi released him from her dismal attempt at a hug.

"But I don't regret what I said," she confirmed. "I know" he sighed, "I-" he began but she interrupted.

"I don't need to hear whatever apology you think you need to give. I'm not the one who needs it. But you should know I'm not going anywhere. Like I said, Cal ain't touching another trigger."


"No, no buts. You find any other way of dealing with things but no triggers, no graves, no more damage. Find another way."

"That's not how life works" he tried to contest.

"It is. Simple as. He ain't killing again. You find another way, hell, involve me and I'll find you another fucking way." She threw her hands up. Ashton tilted his head, intrigued by the idea.

"Fine" he huffed as he rubbed his sore head.

"Now have a shower or something you smell like shit" she ordered as she started to leave his cave-like room.

"Langford?" She froze as her surname rolled off of his tongue. "Thanks," she smiled back at his extremely rare expression of gratitude.

Tiptoeing to her bag, she grabbed her gym stuff and was about to head out to the gym but she couldn't. Dropping her things, she crawled back into bed. The instant warmth of Cal encased her as she snuggled up to his chest. With her head rested on her shoulder, her hand drew light circles across his bare skin. She would never tire of outlining his tattoos.

Calum's arms brought her impossibly closer as he began to stir from his sleep. But it wasn't the gentle tickle of her fingertips that awoke him, it was her lips, her soft lips painting his chest with kiss after kiss. He almost had to punch himself to ensure this was really happening. He had known Demi to not display physical affection, not in this way anyway.

In case this was a once in a blue moon kinda moment, he rested his head back on the pillow and smiled with content.

She was very much fueled with a strong desire to protect him after last night's discoveries and give him the best that life could give a man like him

"Good morning to me" the husk of his morning voice deepened his voice beyond recognition. It was fucking hot and Demi needed him to say literally anything else with it. Literally anything and she'd be on her knees.

"Morning you handsome beast" she giggled as she threw her leg over his waist so that she could straddle him and plant kisses along his collarbone. He groaned as she skimmed over part of his body he didn't even know could feel good.

"Dems, fuck that feels good" he rested his head back as her hands made light work of his body.

Her hands hesitated around him but not for the reason of doubt, for the blurred confusion that this whole situation was real.

"Dems?" He repeated, regaining her attention.

"You could ask me to do anything with that voice and I'd do it without hesitation" he smirked, his index fingers trailing down the shirt she had stolen from him.

"C'mere" he pulled her by her collar so that he could smash his lips on hers. It was full on, demanding and could quite literally start a fire.

Calum rolled her over so he was hovered above her body. It was his turn to bow down and appreciate her body. Riding her t-shirt up, his slightly calloused fingers roughly skimmed and squeezed at her sides.

Her muscles tensed as she quickly tried to decide whether this was okay. Linking his fingers with hers, he sucked and kissed and nibbled at her jaw, soft pants leaving her lips.

Her body wriggled and squirmed as the heat increased. "Tell me what you want" he growled into her ear as the unmistakable image of the blonde entered her mind, "fuck" she screamed sitting upright pushing a startled Calum off of her.

"Jeez, Dems you okay?!" He held his hands up, "yes uhm sorry I'm fine" her eyes darted around as she scramble for an excuse.

"Remember what I said before," Calum reassured, cupping her cheek with his palm. "I've got you, there's no rush, no pressure" he pecked her lips.

"Now after that wake up call, I'm starving, I'm cooking waffles" his smile was dramatically cheesy and she just wanted to smush it between her hands. It was the distraction she needed after that...horrifying... image.

"Absolutely not!" She pulled a sick face. "I love you but your cooking is awful" she giggled as she picked up her hoodie, freezing solid as the realization of her words hit her.

Calum stayed still. Had he heard her correctly? He couldn't help the confused look on his face.

Her cheeks turned a dark crimson as an excuse escaped her. Calum could feel her embarrassment.

"Hey, it's alright" he smiled sweetly, wrapping his arms around her and bringing her into a hug. Rocking her lightly, they both clung to the safety net of the hug. Placing a kiss to her forehead, he tipped her chin to look into her mortified blue eyes.

"I'm scared too, we'll get through this together, okay?" She nodded as her shoulders relaxed back down.

"Let's go make waffles" she smiled, shaking off the whole thing but he couldn't let her leave without a proper response.

"Dems, just because it's you, and I love you, I'll forgive you for insulting my cooking" he chuckled as she stuck out her tongue.

"No" she pointed her batter coated spatula in Calum's direction.

"Nope" in Michael's.

"Absolutely not" at Ashton's scowl.

"It'll be fun and they'll get to know you better" Calum argued as he stabbed his waffle with a fork until the whole thing was on it. He then proceeded to bite the corners off.

"It will NOT. You will all embarrass me, there's no way I'm babysitting you three at MY work" she shook her head, the very idea put her off her food.

"She doesn't want us to embarrass her with our good looks and exceeding strength" Ashton boasted, showing off his bicep like some sort of testosterone filled teenager.

"Not being funny, but one) you arrogant son of a bitch, I'm not as shallow as you and two) if you're going to show your 'big' biceps, make sure yours are actually the biggest. Yours don't compare to Hood's" she smirked prodding Calum's as he flexed for his turned on girl. He liked this side of her.

Ashton covered his as he scoffed at her. "Kick a man while he's down why don't you"

"You had that coming Irwin, gotta take as much as you give" she highlighted, patting his shoulder sympathetically.

Demi turned to Michael's waffle, carefully covering the flame with her hand as she lit an old, stumpy candle that was wedged into the middle of it.

She turned around and their eyes met. Instant tears filled his eyes. Calum and Ash watched on in confusion.

"I know it's not much and doesn't fix anything, but…" she sighed who was she kidding it didn't do anything. Michael rested his hand on top of her arm, "it's perfect thanks"

He took the plate and closed his eyes, "Happy Birthday Dad" he whispered, blowing out the candle.

Calum snaked his arms around Demi, "tell me please, what have we done to deserve you" he peppered her neck with kisses. Ashton reserved his typical response for an accepting nod.

She had been full of surprises today.

The sound of the lock disturbed the lighthearted banter and wholesomeness. They all listened as footsteps stumbled, furniture shifted on the hardwood floors and the shatter of glass erupted.

"That's the third time this week!" Michael exclaimed to Ashton. Ashton sighed heavily as the atmosphere thickened.

"What the hell's going on?" Demi asked her eyes looking towards the kitchen door.

"Just Luke" Ashton passed off like nothing had happened. Demi sprang out of her seat to investigate. There in the entrance was Luke slumped on the steps, his head rested on the wall. His skin was grey, sunken and bruised on the right hand side. Dried blood was smeared but she couldn't tell if it was from his knuckles or his face.

"I wouldn't waste your energy, he'll only do this again and again and again" Michael mumbled, pushing past the drunk mess to his room.

"Why are you always here? When…when I'm awake… you're here" he slurred, "when im-im asleep you're there" he rubbed his face harshly, "fuck I have a cigarette and YOU'RE THERE" He raged. "I could leave but surprise I can't I have to keep you" Ashton interrupted, "Hemmings. Bed. Now" as he dragged him by the scruff of his neck.

"Sorry about him" Calum apologized scratching the back of his neck, "it's just how he deals with things" and just like that the mood had returned to solemn  and depressing. It had been lovely to see them so carefree moments before. And she couldn't believe she was feeling this, but she wanted to get them back to that. Dare she think it, she was starting to care for the four stupid Australians.  

"You know what? fine!" she smiled, turning to face Calum.

"You guys can train with me BUT not at the gym, I'll put you through a circuit here, see what you liquor-lovin, 85%-nicotine weasels can handle" her laugh was nothing short of evil.

They looked hilarious but she told herself that she had to refrain from her juvenile insults. Ash had fucking basketball shorts signed by Michael B Jordan himself- what a pretentious, obnoxious buffoon

Calum on the other hand looked like an actual chiseled god. His tank dug into his skin where his shoulders and 'ceps bulged over. It clung to his chest making his abs visible. His legs were toned and tattooed and quite honestly she was sweating and having palpitations and the exercise hadn't even begun.

"Earth to Demi? Should I get you a napkin for that drool" Ashton smirked as her cheeks flushed. A double middle finger was thrown back into his face.

Turning around, Demi got herself ready. Lifting her jacket material above her head, she took her time to bend down and place the material gently on the bench.

It was Ashtons turn to flush with embarrassment. He redirected his eye contact but collided with Calum's much more stern stare.

"Remember who she belongs to brother" he warned, cocky with possession as she spun around in her fitted sports tank. Her hair was scrapped into two tightly twisted plaits that settled on either shoulder. He wanted nothing more than to…"eyes up" she winked guiding his chin up.

Demi proceeded to put the boys through their paces. It was one of her toughest cardio circuits finished with weight work. Initially, they did well, but their hard exteriors soon crumbled and they were put through their paces.

Even if they weren't on her level of fitness, she admired the grit and determination to not give up. Michael could have given up within minutes. This wasn't his thing at all. Yet with encouragement from Ash and Calum he stuck at it. Their comradery and brotherly love was endearing, eye-opening really. They really were a weird but loving family of sorts.

Ash in all fairness made a great effort to keep up the best he could. He was quick to realize he needed to keep his mouth shut. His sarcastic remarks soon died off as he prioritized breathing over wit.

And finally Calum, Demi was sure he was part machine. She had to stop looking at him or else all sorts of hell would break loose and it wouldn't be pretty.

"Do not stop, I'm getting waters for y'all" she ordered as she went back inside the house.

The house was eerily quiet. She felt a strong pull to check on the other, very drunk Australian upstairs.

Again, she found herself hesitating. Her knuckles fractions of a millimeter from the wood. Her shadow flickered underneath his door and he anticipated her presence.

His heart leaped and thudded as he desperately waited to see her.

He needed to see her face.

But that moment never came.

let me know what you think?!
Thanks for reading ⭐

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