Call Of The Wild. Book ii.

Oleh Maroon1479

44.7K 3.8K 229

Mat is learning everyday what it means to be Alpha. Thinking all her troubles might get solved one step at a... Lebih Banyak

part one - i.
part one - ii.
part one - iii.
part one - iv.
part one - v.
part one - vi.
part one - vii.
part one - viii.
part one - ix.
part one - x.
part one - xi.
part one - xii.
part one - xiii.
part one - xiv.
part one - xv.
part one - xvi.
part one - xvii.
part one - xviii.
part one - xix.
part one - xx.
part one - xxi.
part two - xxii.
part two - xxiii.
part two - xxiv.
part two - xxv.
part two - xxvii.
part two - xxviii.
part two - xxix.
part two - xxx.
part two - xxxi.
part two - xxxii.
part two - xxxiii.
part two - xxxiv
part two - xxxv.
part two - xxxvi.
part two - xxxvii.
part two - xxxviii.
part two - xxxix.
part two - xl.
part two - xli.
part two - xlii.
part two - xliii.
part two - xliv.
part two - lv.
part two - xlvi
part two - xlvii
part two - xlviii.

part two - xxvi.

1K 83 2
Oleh Maroon1479

Emily quickly brust through my doors and jumped on my bed. She grabbed me by my shoulders as she took in a sharp breath before she squealed loudly. My eyebrows furrowed together as I took my ears bud out of my ear and turned my head to look at her.

"There's some really hot European babe downstair asking for you." she said, giggling loudly and I quickly sat up looking at her confused. She laid back on her back sighing heavily, "This makes me wanna be a wolf so badly. He's handsome and that voice-makes him ten times more attractive!"

I pushed my hair behind my ears, "Light brown hair? Full lips?"

"The most kissable lips in the world." she said. She quickly sat up and grabbed my arm, "Come on! We gotta brush that red nest you call hair, put some prefume on you, and some really cute clothes-"

I pulled my arm away, "Emily remember he can hear you." I said, making her eyes widen and look nervous. "Even I don't care, tell him to go away."

Her mouth drop, "What? Did you not hear me Ellie? There's a gorgeous European guy downstair asking for you to come downstairs to have lunch with you. You don't tell a guy like him to go away!"

"Yes I can." I said I grabbed my blanket and threw it over me as I laid back down.

She started tugging at the blankets, "No you can't! He's handsome did you not hear me say that?"

"I don't care." I said, huffing heavily. "Tell him I can't go anywhere and you leave me alone by not going downstairs for the rest of my life. 'Hot' guys are nothing but trouble and he reeks of trouble."

She lowered her voice as she sat down on the bed, "Ellie, not all guys are like Ulric. There are still good ones and this Zakaria guy is probably just trying to be nice. And hello, free food."

"Not hungry." I said, closing my eyes and wished she would just give up.

"Liar. You didn't eat dinner last night or breakfast. You're stomach is growling and I can hear it." she said.

"I don't wanna go anywhere." I said coldly. "I just wanna stay home. How hard is that to understand?"

"Hey don't get fiesty with me." she said. "You're talking about being always in your room but that's your fault because you never leave it. You have a reason to get out of this stuffy room but you're just scared."

I scoffed, "Scared? Of what."

"Liking this guy." she said, making me quickly sit up and I glared her because that is so not true! I barley know Zakaria and have no attraction towards him. "You know it's true and you're scared if you do he'll hurt you. I'm not talking about falling in love with this guy-just hang out with him and get out of this room.

"I like my room." I said.

She shook her head, "Well to bad you gotta leave." Her nose scrunched up then as she sniff around, "And what is that smell?" She leaned under my bed and I quickly looked away as she gasp. She took the rotten old chinese food out from under, "Aeriela!"


After brushing through my hair then forced the top half back in a braid and throwing on some jeans with a t-shirt I went downstair to find Zakaria was indeed here. He was looking at some pictures on the wall until I came downstair and smiled at me. I finally looked at him this time. He seem to push his hair back with his fingers allot and lots of strains stuck up. His eyes were greenish-hazel color with thick lashes around them. He had chiesled cheeks with a five o'clock shadow. He was tall, standing somewhere over six feet and was very lean with strong looking arm but I couldn't see them very much because of the light blue long sleeve shirt.

"Aeriela, hi." he said. "My brother and your sister are having boring Alpha stuff like talking to each other about packs and stuff I have no interest in." he said, rolling his eyes and chuckled. "I thought since you are really the only other wolf I know here I would come visit you."

"We hardly know each other." I said, making Emily poke me roughly in the back and I winced. "But it's nice to see you again." liar.. "I know this really great ice cream parlor that sells good food. Let me just grab my purse and-"

"No need to worry about that." he said, smiling down at me. "I do have my own money so you do not need to pay."

I opened my mouth to agrue to tell him I can pay for my own because if he pays he would consider it a 'date' and this isn't one but Emily tug me and smiled at him, "How sweet of you and friendly." I turned to face her glaring and she just smiled at me.

We walked out of the house and it was awkward silence for a moment as we walked towards the shops in the center of town. I avoided looking at him and I'm gonna get Emily for making me do this! I really just wanted to tell him I changed my mind and this was a bad idea. I hardly know Zakaria and it was so awkward.

We got to the parlor and walked over to the desk with a woman behind it, "Hi, can I have a cheese burger with cheese fires and meduim coke."

She wrote it down and looked at Zakaria who looked up at the menu on the broad hanging above the lady. Her looked nervous, "Oh uh, my english is good for speaking but not reading." he said, making the lady go all googly eyes. He looked down at me, "What would you suggest?"

"Uh," I said, looking up at the board for a moment and looked for something interesting. "How about a Bacon Loco Susage with onion rings? It has bacon-"

"Good." he said as he nodded.

"But don't you wanna know what's in it?" I asked.

He shrugged, "I'm sure it's good. Yes, I will have that with a black coffee."

The lady seemed surprised at the weird choice of drink, "We don't have coffee here young man at this time."

"Oh then just give me the same drink as her." he said, pointing at me. She pushed buttons on the cash register and told him a price. He pulled out a card and gave it to her before taking it back. We sat down at a table and it was quiet again for a few moments until he broke it, "So you will be graduating school in three weeks. How exciting."

I shrugged, "I didn't really have a normal school experince."

He stared at me for a moment, "I know." he said. "I know you use to be raised in the wild."

I rolled my eyes, "When most people learn about that they freak out and think I'm dangerous."

He chuckled, "I think you are beautiful." he said, making me lower my head since I wish he would stop that. He scoffed he spoke in his own lanuage, "Aeriela, I am sorry for making you feel uncomfortable. I just meant I do not think you are dangerous. I see a beautiful girl who just seems. . .sad." he said, lowering his voice. "Someone must have hurt you allot to make you sad."

I lifted my head as my eyes turned hard, "How do you know it was a person?"

He stared at me for a moment, "Because I know what it likes when someone breaks your heart. You can just see it in those eyes of yours." he said. "I am twenty years old and suppose to be married but she didn't think I was good enough because of my small country."

I looked at him for a moment to see if he was lying to me but those eyes didn't show anything. The lady came over with our drinks and food then. She set my burger in front of me then put Zakaria food down. His eyes widen as he looked at the big susage that was covered in melted spicy cheese, bacon, some hot pepers, and green onions.

I couldn't help be a little amused by how surprised he looked and he picked the heavy looking pork, "I am going to take the challenge." he said, chuckling. He opened his mouth widely as he bit into the susage and bun. He quickly put it down as he brought his hand up to his mouth to make sure there was nothing on his face.

"How was it?" I asked, crossing my arms on the table and leaned on them.

"Not that bad." he said chewing on his food and nodded in approval. He took another bite, throwing some onion rings in his mouth, "Aren't you going to eat?"

I looked down at my cheeseburger before picking it up. I hadn't realized how hungry I actually was until I started chewing and swallowed it. "So how'd you learn English?" I asked, throwing a french fry in my mouth.

"My mother had me go to school in London for awhile." he said. "I also know Spanish and German. My mother thought since we are at peace with England, Spain, and Germany we should be able to speak their lanuage."

"Whoa, I can hardly pass French class." I said as I continued to eat my food.

"Le soleil est leve." he said, confusing me and he shrugged. "It's the only French I know, I said the sun is up. I do not know why it is so hard since some words are similar in Spanish."

"Jeez, what else can you do?" I asked, laughing softly.

He chewed on his food as he stared me, "Jeez, can you smile again?" he said, amusing me since he tried to sound very American but his accent was to deep to sound American. I was holding my face muscles to not smile in front of him because I was so determine to not look like I was having a good time. "Alright, alright. I can also horseback."

My eyes widen, "Horseback? Like you can ride horses?" I asked and he nodded. "Whoa, that's-amazing! Usually horses are afriad of us since they know we're wolves. How were you able to even get near a horse?"

"My family has had horses for a long time. We train the horses when they are babies that we are not going to harm them. Back where I'm from, horses are a symbol of strength. The strongest the horse, the stronger you look." he said, pulling out a phone from his back pocket and scrolled through it. He held out the phone towards me to show him grinning at large black horse as he held the reins with his face only a few inches away. The horse was looking back at him as he was also grinning. "We don't kill our horses or sell them. We have about sixteen of them now but we use to have more in the past. Pegasus is mine."

I chuckled, "Pegasus?"

He shrugged, "What? Yes, his name is Pegasus. You may be thinking of the fairytale Pegasus but in Greek Mythogly he's a wing horse that comes to fight in battles. He's strong and brave."

"That's so cool, I always loved horses." I told him. "I think their beautiful but they freak out everytime I go near them."

He stared at me for a moment, "Are you wild?" he asked, suprising me. "My brother and I heard you and Alpha Matilda come from wild bloodlines. I have never met a wild wolf before-"

I quickly stood up, "Is that why you wanted me to come hang out with you?" I asked coldly, suprising him. "Look here Zakaria, I'm not some side show freak you can just stare at." I said quickly as he stood up shaking his head. "I've had enough people stare at me because of where I come from."

"I meant no disrespect, Aeriela." he said, standing in front of me. I scoffed, crossing my arms and turned my head away since I don't care. I'm tired of people asking me that and I won't let some European guy question me. No, I wanna forget all about that life and never return there. I'm a pack girl now! "I did not mean to offend you. Please forgive me." he said, his voice soft.

I looked back at him for a moment to see him looking down at me with those hazel-green eyes with tenderness and I wish so badly he wasn't being nice. I sighed heavily, "Okay, i forgive you. But only because you bought food."


Tamaz and I were sitting out on the porch while he showed me pictures of his family. His wife was gorgeous with her long brown silky hair and olive skin tone. His five year old son had allot of features of Tamaz with those blue eyes and slightly wavy hair.

"What a beautiful family." I said as he set his phone down. "Is your wife from Georgia also as well?"

"Yes she is. My mother was not into holding arrange marriages for me so she let me choose my own wife. Liz was my best friend growing up." he said.

"Well she's gorgeous." i said before biting the inside of my cheek and he tilt his head look curious. "So...your mother. What was her name?"

"Anna." he said. "It is okay to ask me, it's been five years since her death and I have moved on. I am able to talk about it."

"How did she become Alpha? It's usually the boys who become alpha even if there's a girl born first." I asked.

"My mother was the last of eight children--four boys to choose from. You see, my country is smaller than other ones. It's easy to miss if you just skim the map. The wolf population is only about a hundred and twenty there. Georgia has a big target on it for other countries to invade. Like Russia, Russia pack always looking to take control of small country." he said.

I cleared my throat, "Oh I didn't know Russia and Georgia were fighting with each other."

"The humans are not, they attend their own business but we wolves work differently in Europe. We are not united like you are here in America. We fight, we all do. Every country fighting with another pack." he said, leaning against the table. "Over thirty years ago, Alpha Fyodor attacked Georgia small pack. They were itching to gain control. My grandfather and all the wolves attacked back. He wanted his daughters to leave though and my mother refused to go. She sneaked out of the car driving to Turkey and ran back. She had to watch a brother and father die when she made it. She faught with Fyodor beta who was leading the pack and killed him. She kept his body until Fyodor agreed a truce for his beta body. The pack announced she will be Alpha for what she's done."

I had been listening to his story in awe with my elbows propped on the table and my cheeks resting in the palm of my hands. "Wow, she sounds brave." I said. "How was this not big news? She clearly awesome!"

"It was news in europe--for about a week. It's not really a big deal to kill other wolves in Europe like here. It only did because she was a woman. No one really cared that a large huge pack like Russia who has two thousand pack member tried to take a small country like mine, it was to be expected and we still have danger with them. The truce was between my mother and Fyodor, their both dead now and the truce is over. If his son Vadik wanted to he could attack Russia when he wants."

I sat back in my chair, "Man, the others weren't as blunt with European rules like you are."

"Thankfully I keep a good friendship with Vadik. I--how you American's say--must kiss his ass to make sure my country is safe. I see how that bastard looks at my wife though, he's a man who likes the chase of married women." he said coldly. He cleared his throat, "My mother ruled Georgia for thirty five years keeping the pack safe. With no one help, she never needed anyone. She reminds me of you, which is why I'm so thankful to be meeting you."

I smiled, "To me she sounds like a hero. I really wish I could have met her. Where's your father, is he still around?"

"My mother was a single mother." he said, suprising me and I tried my best not to show it. "Yes, he's still around. He's the brother of the Estonia beta. My mother--" he cleared his throat as he looked away embarrassed a little, "err, she didn't really believe in mates and marriage. But she still had her needs and was with him for awhile. When he announced to her he was getting engaged she ended it since she did not want to be a mistress but she was already pregnant with me."

"Oh." I said as he looked embarrassed since it wasn't considered right to sleep around unless you are married. Killian and I even waited till we were both married. But that didn't make her a bad person, she did an amazing thing for her pack still. I didn't see her any other way but amazing. "So that mean Zakaria father also--"

"Son of pack member in Norway." he said and I nodded in response. "Yes we did grow up differently. My mother made sure we got the best things in life though to distract that flaw. Good education, trained to fight, made sure to prove to the pack we were loyal, and she always loved us."

I sat up, "You mother was still great. If she was here, I would loved to meet her. Even if she came here or I go there. I never been out of America, be nice to go somewhere else."

"Well you are always welcome in Georgia." he said.


Zakaria and I were walking back to Mat house through the woods since it was a quicker way. It was quiet, which I found uncomfortable and awkward. When I looked up at him in the corner of my eyes he didn't seem to think it. He had a small amused look on his face as if nothing bothered him.

"You graduate school soon I hear." he said suddenly. "Are you excited? I couldn't wait to finish that boring stiff school in London and return home."

I shrugged, "I never minded school, it was okay. Rough in the beginning but when I moved here to Oregon after Texas school was easier to deal with. I kept with the pack, they were the only ones to understand me."

"Well pf course, the pack is suppose to be your second family." he said. "Er, don't you have a dance coming up? What is it called again? I do not remember the word for it--"

"Prom?" I questioned.

He snapped fingers, "Ah yes! Prom was the name. Are you going?I heard it's this Saturday. I know you Americans make a big deal out of it."

I scold him, "You sure are nosy."

He put his hands in his pants as he shrugged, "I was just asking but I will take that as a no."

I scoffed as I stopped and he turned to face me, "Hey I was going to but I need a date. I just broke up with a guy over two weeks ago. And prom is so stupid anyways. Have to look for a stupid dress and have a tux that matches. Gotta get your hair all done and makeup. It all just sounds like a waste of money to just get dressed up for a few hours."

"Sounds real imporant to you. You are just masking saying it is stupid and you do wanna go. I'll take you." he said.

I scoffed, "Excuse me?"

He shrugged, "I am here until sunday, why not? Am I to old to take you to prom? I am only two years older."

I stared at him for a moment before walking passed him, my ahoulder hitting into his as I was trying, "Real funny, Zakaria. Like I said, prom is stupid and I don't wanna go."

He came beside me, "I still say it sounds imporant to you. Watch ou--" my foot caught into a branch that was sticking out of the ground that I hadn't been paying attention and I started to fall until he grabbed my arm. He pulled me back up, my back hitting into his chest. I breathed ut heavily as my eyes widen since it happen so fast. My face quickly heated up embarrassed since I almost tripped in front of him. "Are you alright?' he asked, his hand still around my arm.

I took my foot out of the branch clearing my throat, "Yes."

I waited for him to move his hand but he didn't and I looked at his hand before looking up at him confused. "I'm sure the right words to say are 'thank you'?"

I huffed heavily out my nose as I snatched my arm away, "Thanks, I guess." I said as I walked away.

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