part one - xi.

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I ducked low in the bushes so the wolf crawling around wouldn't see me. I recognized this wolf, it was a wolf named Gavin. He was in the pack and I recognized him because of he was a tan wolf but around his head was darker tan fur. He was sniffing around for my sent but he wouldn't find it. After twenty minutes of being in the area he gave up on the spot and left.

I stood up from the bushes, breathing out in relief. I made sure my ears were focused on my surroundings just in case I heard anyone come near. The dried mud on my skin cracked as I walked away. I had dried mud covering my legs and arms. Some smeared across my face and neck to block my scent. I had some vines braided into my hair and I think not bathing the last three days helped.

I didn't know where I was. I didn't know the forest in Texas like I did in the northern part of America like I did in the south. Uncle Ramses liked the northern part and I didn't know how I was gonna find my way back there. But I'm gonna try. I had to find my way back to my family.

I was able to hide from any wolves that came my way. I being smearing mud on me and hiding. In the wild, they teach you how to hide. It was mostly for hunting so no deers or animals around didn't see us coming. When the full grown wolves wanted human meat they would sneak up on hunters. I never ate human, young pups like me stomach can't handle it yet.

I didn't wanna go back to the pack. I knew I would be judged and Mat will be pissed. I'm tired of it all now and just want to be back with Uncle Ramses. Or on my own. I know enough surviving skills to handle being on my own.

I soon found a farm. I looked around to see if anyone was around but there wasn't. I stuck into the corn field. I grabbed a cob and tore off the leaves. I bit into the corn and quickly ate it. I ate a few more before to a garden where there was tomatoes and they even had some strawberry vines. I quickly filled my stomach up. I was heading over toward the chicken coot but I heard the farmer step out of his house so I ran.

I stopped at a river. I washed off the dry cracking mud off me and smeared some fresh mud onto me. At least I can say lotion is crap and mud is good. My skin felt soft and smooth on me. Sure I was use to getting baths and be clean but I grow use to my old ways quickly.

I have survived three days already.

While I was smearing mud on me I felt a pair of eyes on me. My back stiffen and I reached over towards a big rock. I slowly turned my head around to see a big black wolf ten feet away from me. A big lump formed in my throat and my hand clenched harder onto the rock.

The black wolf shifted back into a human. The familiar man looked the same as I remember but he had a rag around his one eye. I held onto the rock though harder.

"Aeriela." Uncle Ramses said, breathing out in relief as he looked at me.


My paws roughly hit on the ground as I ran. I was breathing heavily since I had been running for more than three hours. I couldn't find her scent though, it's like she just vanished. Killian soon found me and he got in my way. I growled at him and he growled back.

We both shifted into a human and I walked over towards him, "Out of my way." I coldly said as I pushed passed him. I shifted into a wolf and started to run but he jumped on top of me as a wolf. I turned into a human again and so did he. He held my arms down, "Killian!"

"You need to rest!" he said. "You been out here all day and the pack is worried about you. You haven't been eating and you barely slept."

"I'm fine, they don't need to worry." I coldly said. He turned me around and I glared up at him, "Killian, let me go."

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu