part one - xx.

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 Unlike with Nate, my challenge didn't have a big crowd. That was good for me because of less pressure. It was just my boys and Cortez while Lincoln kept it small with his Beta and some of the high members of his pack. Will dad—Lincoln beta—looked unsure of this fight I noticed and I heard him try to convince Lincoln to just stop this. It was being done on his ranch, his land where he's gonna fight hard to protect.

Lincoln didn't, he was determine to prove he was still a strong Alpha.

Cortez grabbed my arm and turned me to face her, "That guy is pretty big, Miss. Vaughn. He is over six feet tall and you're only 5'4. He has strong body, how are you—"

I pulled away, "Thanks for the concern but I'll be fine." I turned to face Lincoln who was a few dozen feet away from me. We stared at each other for a moment before I turned to Killian and hugged him tightly. Just in case.

Just in case.

Just in case I might not make it out of this, he'll become Alpha of my small little pack. I kissed his cheek, "Don't do anything to stop it." I told him as I rubbed my fingers against his neck with my hand. "No matter what happened don't do anything to prevent it from happening. Understand?"

He frowned down at me but nodded and gave me a hard kiss on the lips, "You're gonna do it though."

I forced a stiff smile before I turned around and face Lincoln who started walking towards the middle of us. I followed over towards him, "Make you deal Lincoln—I'll stay in human form. Fair enough for being how wild I am?"

He breathed out heavily, "You just made this more interesting."

We paused seven feet away from each other and we both crouched down in front of each other. My hands rest down on the grass and my nails dug into the dirt as they sharpen. I watched as his eyes turned yellow and I stopped my from turning they badly wanted to do from feeling threaten.

We both lunged at each other the same time but when I was close I tricked him by sliding under the space of legs and behind him. I quickly jumped on his back and brought my nails up to his throat. He grabbed me by my hair and pulled me off him easily as he shifted into his dark brown large wolf. He jumped on top of me and I brought my hands up to his chest to hold him up.

My hands balled up into a fist and I quickly swung up to his muzzle. He yelp but didn't get off me. I brought my fist roughly across his face again as I growled and he was thrown off me. We both got up and crouched each other again.

Circling each other, threatening each other with our cold eyes I could feel mine turn Amber and Sapphire. He was a wolf, making him stronger than as a human. I was still in human skin, using the strength I had to fight. He lunged at me and knocked me on my back. His heavy paw went on my chest and a sharp breath escape my lips. He growled down at me showing dominance and trying to make me submit to him.

I brought my hand up to his arm and roughly twist it. I could hear the bones in his arm crack in my hold and he cried out as he lifted his paw. He whined as stepped back with his hurt arm off the ground. I quickly stood up from the ground chuckling at home as my muscles in my body stiffen, aching to shift and the wolf part of me wanting to come out. It was itching just to shift and tare out his throat. I brought my fist out and knocked him onto the ground.

He quickly stood up snapping at me but I grabbed him by his throat and those yellow eyes stared down at me pleading as his tail started to go between his legs in submission. He then growled at me and brought his legs up. He pushed me back and I fell back roughly on my side.

I propped myself up as I growled at him, the urge to shift more stronger but I made myself ignore the feeling as I got up. We both lunged at each other but I was stronger as I threw him down onto the ground. I grabbed him by his throat and I quickly felt his legs come up between us. He pressed them against my stomach and kicked me off him.

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora