part two - xxxii.

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"How could you not tell me?" I coldly asked Mat as I paced in front of her desk where she was watching me. I faced her, "I'm your sister!"

"Because I had a feeling you might have reacted like this." she said as she sat back in her chair.

"Of course I am! Mat, these are my people-"

"No, their not." she said, her hazel eyes getting hard as she looked up at me. "You're apart of my this world now. You left that world, remember?"

"Yes but Mat, this isn't right. The woods is all they know. You can't just--just--just kill them!" I yelled as I banged my hands on the desk.

She scoffed, "Kill them? Who on Earth told you that? I want to gather them up and teach them to live in the modern world like you. I don't want to kill them."

I shook my head, "Still doesn't make it right. You're taking them from the only world they know. I left on my own but you're taking them!"

She stared up at for a moment, "This is the right thing to do, Ellie. They are becoming more dangerous towards our secret."

I breathed out heavily as I turned away, "This whole secret thing that made you 'famous'. Now that your fifteen minutes are up, you're trying to find a way to stay in the spotlights." I said as I turned around to see her behind me. "Using them isn't gonna help-"

She slapped me across the face. It wasn't hard, just enough to shut me up. I brought my hand up to my face as I looked up at her cold face, "You don't get to talk to me like that, Aeriela. Everything I have done for you and this is how you treat me? You don't know how much the world is changing because your still getting use to it! Woods are becoming smaller and smaller. Soon, they'll have no where to go. They need to get use to modern day life before it's to late. Now, this isn't your business. You deal with your last two weeks of school and stay out of my business."

I stepped towards her, "This is my business! If it about the people who I spent most of my life then yes it is. Mat, you can't raid their packs and bring them here. I was willing to learn how to live in this world but their not gonna be. You wanna change thousands and thousands of years of traditions!"

She stared at me, "I can feel it." she said, confusing me. "That same feeling Ramses gave off. That Alphaness." she said as she turned around and walked over towards her desk. "You're eighteenth birthday is near it seems like. You change everyday but I'm not sure if for the greater good or not."

"What does that mean?" I asked. Yes, I knew there was Alphaness in my blood but I never thought much of it since many other wolves also did.

"It means you're only gonna get more stubborn." she said before opening the drawer to her right. She pulled out a envelope and placed it on the desk. "Aeriela, look at how much the world has changed since those thousands of years. Use to be a ton of us but over the course of time, our numbers declined. Everyone country has their own pack now and only a couple few handfuls of wild wolves. Their out numbered because many in history knew how much time they had left. We have to help teach them how to live in the modern world. Here, take that. Zakaria wanted me to give it to you."

I stared down at the envelope and thought back to saturday night after prom where he kissed my forehead. I was determine to just tell her to throw it away but also curious. Yesterday I thought about going with them to the airport but I locked myself in my room because I was afriad.

"Take it." she said, grabbing her tablet and ignored me as I stood there. Breathing heavily out my nose, I snatched the envelope from the deak and left the room, slamming the door shut behind me.

I walked down the staircase and pasted Killian who was coming from the kitchen.

"Ellie," he said, making me freeze. I froze, glaring at the ground as my teeth roughly grinded together. "Everything will be alright. Stressful times, it can cause a family to fight with each other."

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Where stories live. Discover now