part two - xlvi

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When I got up to the house, I found a robe hanging over the banister of the porch. Grabbing it, I quickly threw my arms through the holes and tied it. My feet were covered in dirt as I walked in but luckily they had wood floors and not carpet.
I nervously pushed my hair behind my ears as I heard many voices at once as I walked over to the staircase. It wasn’t exactly annoying but it was hard to focus on what they were saying.

I nervously played with the ends of my hair as I made it to the hallway. When I made it to the door of my room, I thought I made it to safety until I smelt this scent masked with cologne.

I turned my head just as Tamaz stepped out of his room. He smiled as he looked at me and started heading towards my way, “Ellie, you are back. Great. How was it? You’re a fast running, we lost you last night but we knew you’ll track your way back. Got good senses I see.”

I did find my way back myself. It was so weird but I just followed the smell of the others back to here and it only took me thirty minutes. I had no idea where I was but it was like I knew where to go. His smile told me he knew nothing of Ulric, which settle me a little bit.

“Uh yeah, it was strangely easy. Guess Mat the tough one but I’m good at finding things.” I said.

“Which is good. Two tough wild wolves would probably be a mess. You both lead in a different kind of way.” he said.

I shrugged, “Mat better at it, everyone listens to her. Hey, do you if Zakaria made it back yet?”

He nodded, “He probably sleeping still. He made it back a few hours ago. Go wake him, he’ll be happy to see his future bride.” he said, putting his on my shoulder and patted it before walking away.

I stood there for a moment, realizing I will probably be Zakaria wife soon. The thought you should have excited me but only nervousness filled my stomach. I went inside the room and got inside the shower. I washed my dirty feet as I thought about what Ulric said.

It couldn’t be true right? I know Zakaria, he would never lie to me about something like that and why would he? I crouched down in the shower, staring down at the drain as water disappeared into it. Why can’t things ever be so simple for me? I wish I could be happy at the idea of getting married but it still scares me. I care so much about Zakaria and I know it’s best to just marry him. It would be settling at least. No more dating bullshit.

I brought my hands up to my face as I sighed heavily. I thought back to the woods where I left Ulric behind and a little part of me sadly wanted to believe him. Why didn’t I play around with him in wolf form? What made me do that? I wasn’t thinking at all. Maybe I was just very happy to finally shift.
I finished my shower and stepped out. I wrapped a towel around me and left the bathroom. I found Mat sitting on my bed and she looked up when I stepped out.

She gave me a warm smile, “Hey there.”

I walked over, “Hey.”

She patted the spot beside her, “Sit down, I wanna have a sisterly talk.”

My eyebrow arched as I slowly sat down beside her, “Alright?”

She chuckled, “I called home and told the good news. Of course Sophia and Clyde were upset to miss it but they said they were happy for you. And about the marriage, they're excited. Especially since it'll be there.”

I nodded, “Right.”

She took my hand in hers and placed her other hand on top, “It’s only been three years but we’ve come so far don't you think Aeriela?”

I nodded, “Yes Mat. Where are you going with this? I never seen you look so…sincere? I don’t know, it’s weird on you.”

She laughed softly, “I don’t know either, maybe it’s because of pregnancy emotions. But I wanna say I wasn’t at all happy with this marriage. Only because I thought it was so quick. I’m protective of you and even though Zakaria probably is the best match for you, no one will ever be good enough for you. I know I need to let go though.” she said, frowning. “I'm happy for you, Ellie. I really am and I'm happy you choose someone who makes you happy. I thought you would have more time but fate must have something different.”

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora