part two - xxxiv

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It didn't take very long, about an hour walking till we made into Tasia. Ulric pulled his phone out, holding it up as he looked around.

His eyes widen, "Finally! I got a strong connection." he said as he dialed a number. I sat down on a red chipped painted bench, picking at the chipping paint as he called someone. "Rascal, my old buddy! I heard you lived near Tasia now. Well hey, I need you to come pick me up--I got some car issues and--I get your wife wants you to spend time home but man this is real. My truck crashed into a tree--I can't run home. Aeriela is uh, with me and we need a ride home--no, we're not. Look can you please just pick us up?--okay, we're near the Vancoven Warehouse on Harper St.--okay thirty minutes sounds good."

I picked at the red chips, revealing the old wood under the horrible dark red paint color. Who on Earth decided one day to paint this a really dark crappy red color? Ulric walked over, sitting down next to me. I brought his jacket he given me--another one--closer around me to stay warm and scoot away to give some space.

"He said he'll come as quick as he can." he said. "He has a wife, did you hear?"

I nodded, "Yeah. I heard their having a baby, to early to tell the gender though."

"Yeah. Sweet girl, wonder how she deals with Rascal sarcastic ass." he said. "How do any of you girls deal with us kind of guys?"

"She thought he was cute." I spoke outloud. I meant to do that though as I stared down at the black road. The light above us had some bugs flying near the light, making loud buzzing sounds. I swallowed the lump forming in my throat, "She thought he was funny, probably thought he had a cute smile. He probably even looked at her in a way that made her feel special. That's the thing about you boys, you can make us feel special by looking at us a certain way. He probably holds her in his arm, making her feel safe. Plays with her hair, listen to her when she has a problem even if he doesn't have an answer but she probably just feels happy to vent to him, and told her any of his problems. Told her 'you're the girl I want', those are some serious words to girls."

I felt Ulric look at me but I didn't look at him because I knew I would lose myself in those blue eyes and I didnt want that. "Aeriela." he softly said.

I finally lifted my head to look at him, "Hopefully he'll never go back on any of his promises."

His blue eyes looked sad and he opened his mouth. He closed it after a moment and looked away. I looked down at the paint chip, picking at it again until Rascal arrived.


I was in the back seat of the car when Rascal pulled up to my house. The two friends had caught up allot on the drive on and Ulric called for people to go pick the truck up.

"Thanks allot, Rascal." I said as I leaned between the two front seats. "Good seeing you again. Tell your wife I said hello and congrats on your baby."

He smiled at me, "Thanks, Aeriela. Have a good night. And if you ever need me to take care of some of the pack kids, I'm only a call away."

I forced a smile, "Thanks." I said before I got out of the car. I closed the door and waved by to him before walking over towards the house.

When I walked up on the porch of the house, I heard Rascal car door open. I turned my head to see Ulric getting out. He told Rascal goodnight before closing the door and Rascal drove away before I could tell Ulric to get back inside.

Ulric walked onto the porch holding his hand out as I turned to face him, "Before you even speak--" he said, grabbing my arms and gently pressed me against the wall of the house. My eyes widen as he lowered his head and kissed me. Those familiar full lips that use to kiss me all the time when we were together. They were still the same, gave me that same cloud in my head feeling.

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