part two - xxiv.

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I saw Elliot waiting on a bench inside of the park. I nervously played with the sleeves of my sweater as I walked over towards him. It was a pretty big park and since allot of the snow was gone and the weather be dry parents brought their kids to come play around. Elliot saw me coming and he stood up from the bench, tucking his hands in his pockets. He must have noticed my unsettle expression on my face and knew the answer without me even having to speak.

"Elliot, you're a really nice guy." I started since I didn't want to just come out and say it. "Really it's not you, it's me-"

He snorted as he turned half away around, "Oh come on Ellie, don't give me that bullshit cliché line."

"I'm being serious though." I said, looking up at him and wish he would just look down at me. I could see angry in those brown eyes of his and I felt so bad. "You know my past, I haven't been in the pack for that long. I still need to find me, who I am and I'm not ready to jump into getting a mate and husband. Please, this has nothing to do with you. It's me."

He breathed heavily out his nose as he continued to refuse to look at me, "Ellie, I don't know if I'll be able to continue dating you then. At this point of my life I wanna find a woman, a mate. I can't keep playing these teenage bullshit, my family expecting me to get married after graduation."

I stared at him for a moment before I lower my head and look down at the ground, "I know Elliot. But just because I can't go along with the pairing, I still very much care about you and want nothing but happiness for you. You deserve to find a girl who's ready also to settle down. Crowsight is near Salem and there's allot of pretty girls there. It's just right now I'm still unsure of how my life-"

He walked passed me, "Yeah, yeah I heard you." he said walking away and I squeezed my eyes tightly shut as guilt filled me. I knew it hurt him but he was just being cold to show it and I understood. I knew what it was like to be hurt and I never thought I would do it to someone else.

I sat down on the bench of the park and ran my fingers across my hair. I bent over, groaning to myself how much of an idiot I can be. I knew this was for the right reason because I can't pretend to be happy with Elliot in a marriage when I won't be. It'll all pretty much be a lie and I have only one life. I shouldn't waste it.

After a few minutes I felt this weird feeling someone was watching me. I sat straight up as my back stiffen. The feeling of being watched was coming from behind me and for some reason something was tell me not to turn around. You seen those horror movies where you tell the stupid girl not to look back? I was being that stupid girl. I turned my head around slowly to see near the dome jungle gym was a familiar face.

Aydin stared back at me like a wolf on the hunt and I quickly stood up as I turned all the way to face him. He was breathing heavily as he looked at me and my blood felt cold. I quickly turned around and ran the other way. I ran out of the park quickly, making my legs run as fast I could. Fear was making me feel like I was running in sand and I wasn't running as fast as I wanted but I knew I really was.

I made the stupid mistake of looking behind me and saw him was quickly following me. I cried out as I turned my head back and quicken my pace. I ran into town where there was many stores around.

"Aeriela wait!" Aydin yelled coldly, making me panic because his voice was so close.

I ran into an alley way when he grabbed me. I cried out but he quickly covered my mouth. I tried screaming behind his hand but hardly anyone was out since Marchand was a quiet town. He slammed me into a wall and I squeezed my eyes shut hoping this was all nothing but a nightmare but when I opened my eyes it wasn't. It was real and reality, I was completely alone with a strong wild wolf who could easily drag me away.

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