part one - iii.

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I saw a man come at me in the corner of my eyes. I quickly turned and lunged at him. I knocked him off his feet and tossed him on his back. My eyes burned sapphire and gold as I turned. I looked down at him and his eyes widen. I jumped ontop of him and wrapped my arms around his throat. His scent filled my nose as I brought my mouth down to bite down but I realized something.

This man defiantly wasn't a wolf.

He was human.

I stopped and lifted myself up. I stared down at him and I saw his arm raise with a needle in it. His arm quickly came down but I grabbed his wrist and twisted it. He cried out in pain as I broke his wrist and I brought the back of my hand across his face to knock him out.

Killian ran over to his cousin Ulric who had a man ontop of him. He had a needle in Ulric throat and Ulric blood filled the needle. Killian pulled the man off Ulric and slammed the guy against a tree. I ran over and got down on my knees. I pulled the needle out of his throat and Ulric coughed heavily as he sat up.

“H-he was taking my blood.” he said.

I opened my mouth to speak but I heard screaming. I turned my head to look at Aeriela tent where a man stabbed her with a needled with with something dark. I took in a sharp breathe and started to get up but I saw Will go help her. Killian cried out in pain and I turned my head to see the man attacking Ulric was now attaching Killian.

“Go help her!” I told Ulric who nodded and quickly ran. “Get out of the woods!” I screamed to everyone. “Now! Leave!” I walked over to the man holding Killian down and grabbed him by his blondish hair. I pulled him away and threw him on his back. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a gun. My eyes widen before I bared my sharpening teeth. He pulled the trigger and something stabbed me in my forehead.

I screamed as I stumbled back and I reached up, pulling whatever was there because it clearly wasn't a bullet. It felt like a little dart. I fell on my back as I screamed out in pain, a pain like I was thrown in fire. I rolled around screaming in pain. It felt like it was going on forever until it stopped and soon numbness filled my body and I couldn't see. The numbness started at the top with my head and worked it way down my body. That's how I felt the needle being pierced into my leg but nothing filled my body. I think he was drawing my body.

“Damn beast.” I heard the man said as I laid there frozen unable to move.

“Shane, you alright!” I heard someone call.

“Yeah, just fine.” the blondish human said. “This one is different. You see her eyes, their not gold like the others. Their freaking blue.”

“What? Oh jeez, they are. You shoot her in the forehead. Damn.” a man said. “Faulkner gonna like this. Get the test samples back to the lab and—”

“Hey Shane, get your ass out of there!” I heard a woman from what sounds like a walkie talkie. “There's allot of those things coming your way. Three minutes!”

“You heard the lady gentlemen.” Shane said.

“Should we take that one?” he asked.

“Nah, the belladonna already in her and she'll die before we get back. I'm sure there's more like her out there. Now lets go.” he said, rushing everyone and soon I heard cars driving away.

And I just laid there until I passed out.


I felt something touch me and I quickly sat up, kicking and screaming, “Don't touch me!” I screamed, thrashing my arms around. Someone grabbed me by my wrist and held me down on the table.

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Where stories live. Discover now