part two - xxxix.

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I don't know when I had fallen asleep. I knew it was during Henrik carrying me over his shoulder running as if I was a bag over it instead. I was feeling light headache and I passef out. I heard crackling noises that woke me like fire. My eyes slowly peeled open, enough to look through my lashes to see a fire was a few feet away from me. I couldn't feel both my legs and I felt really cold. I haven't felt cold after my eighteen birthday but I felt freezing cold now like ice was all over my body.

I saw the wild pack around and they turned their heads towards me. I brought my cold hand up to my eyes, rubbing my eye as I opened them groaning. I realized now I was panting heavily, my chest moving quickly but I hadn't noticed since most of my body was cold. Numb-like.

"Look who woke up." I heard Henrik say as he walked over and near the fire. He was carrying something I couldn't recognize at first until I looked at the body near the fire. It was a man in some camping gear and I noticed he was breathing still but unconscious. The wolves growled, chuckling as they eyed their meal. Henrik walked over towards me and bent down. He reached his hand out towards me and I jerked, growling at him. He ignored me and pet my head, "Relax, you'll use all your energy."

I growled again, "You want that, though."

He chuckled, "No, actually I found a good idea to what to use you for. It's gonna take a couple of months but once I get what I want, then I will you out of your misery."

"Oh really?" I hissed. "And what's that?"

"You have some strong Alpha blood in you, from the old world across the sea." He grabbed my chin and lifted my head, "You got the most beautiful wolf eyes in the world. If I get a male pup, imagine how strong my pack will become."

I stared at him for a moment to see if he was serious and he looked dead-set serious about it. I couldn't help but find it sorta of...amusing. I couldn't help myself from laughing even through the pain. "You think I would allow that? Anyways I have a mate, a true soul-mate. I have native blood on my father side, my womb only made to give one wolf a pup. It won't work."

I so badly wanted to slap the grin off his face, "I don't believe in that junk, that the people who lived here before we were more special than us. Than any wolf on this planet."

"It's true." I said. "If none of it wasn't, then him and I wouldn't be together. I would rather die than give you a pup. Even, she's your mate." I said coldly as I looked down at the young woman near the human sniffing the air until I mentioned her. She looked up at me with her wide hungry eyes but she didn't seem to care her mate cared was trying to knock me up.

"Nasha knows what this could do for the pack, she doesn't mind." he said. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at him so I growled pulling my chin away, "Lets get you fed, can't have an unhealthy body for a male."

I growled at him as he stood up and walked over to the man. He shifted into a large wolf and the others around also did the same. Henrik growled as he stepped towards the human before sinking his teeth into the man arm. I cried out quickly the same time the man woke up and screamed in pain. The others shifted and all took turns sinking their sharp wolf teeth into the man biting and ripping at his body.

I closed my eyes, bring my head down to the ground as I covered my face. I tried to block at the sounds of the man being killed but it didn't really take long until the man stopped screaming. I lifted my head up when I caught the sniff of blood and my mouth water at hunger since it's been awhile since I eat. I knew it was really wrong of me to think but I was so hungry!

I shook my head, reminding myself that this was wrong. Realizing everyone around me was gone and the light of the fire was gone. I looked down at the stick in my numb leg and I looked back at the wild wolf feasting on the limbs of the man. I looked around, finding another thick stick so I grabbed it and put it against my teeth.

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