I want protect you 2 (Projek...

By Sunshine4uuu

926 43 6

(Part 2 of I want to protect you) (Remember this is all fake not real) After going back to her old school Nur... More

Teaser (Edited)
Episod 2(edited)
Episod 3 (edited)
Episode 4 (Edited)
Episode 5 (Edited)
Episode 6(edited)
Episode 7 (Edited)
Episod 8 (Edited)
Episode 9 (Edited)
Episode 10 (Edited)
Episode 11 (Edited)
Episode 12 (edited)
Episode 13 (Edited)
Episode 14 (End) (Edited)

Episod 1 (Edited)

129 5 1
By Sunshine4uuu

(Fyi, this is mix of english and malay words. Sorry in advance for any confusion in this story and any grammars. Hope you enjoy the story.)

(If you guys haven't read part 1, do read it to understand this part 2 of the story)

(Okay enjoy reading and yes I redit some of the stories)

"This is what I want... them to know who we are" Nurul walked towards her while breathing heavily. "What you want huh?" Nurul asked looking at her feeling tired. "Now you, we will show them what we are capable of" The teacher laughed like maniac. "We?" Nurul asked her confused. "Bangun...." Mrs Rian said. "Huh?" Nurul looked at her confused. "Bangun Nurul!"


"Nurul bangun!" Aini shouted at her.
Nurul gasped and sit up looking at her surrounding and she was actually sleeping in her dorm. She turn to her left and saw Aini was looking at her worriedly. "Kau okay tak?" Aini asked. "Mimpi lagi ke?" Aini asked again. Nurul nodded and sighed tiredly. "Mimpi tu macam betul" Nurul said and stand up from her bed. "Dah pergi mandi lepas tu kita sembayang Subuh and then kita makan breakfast. Dah nak azan ni" Nurul nodded at her and take her stuff.


While the three girls were eating, Nurul looked around the cafeteria and saw Mrs Rian, Nurul stare at her confused. "Oi.." Trish nudge Nurul's shoulder. Nurul looked at Trish annoyed "Jangan tengok cikgu macam gitu" Trish said. Nurul breath in and out slowly. "Eh, makan jangan fikir lagi..." Aini said glare at them and continue eating.

Nurul sighed and looked at her food and then at Trish food tray which still have a lot of chicken nuggets. Nurul smirked evilly and quietly take her nugget without Trish looking but unfortunately Trish turn to looked at Nurul's forks then at her face who froze. "hehehe" Nurul giggled. "Weh nugget aku tu" Trish said feeling irritated.

Nurul frown and put back the nugget. "Tak lah aku main main je. Ambil lah" Nurul smiled widely and take the nugget. "Terima kasih" Nurul thanked her and eat the food. "Lepas tu aku?" Aini asked while making a cute face. Trish looked at her digusted and rolled her eyes and push her plate slowly to Aini. "Aww terima kasih" Aini said smiling and take some of her food and they continue talking about their upcoming semester.

0900am...., in science class.

"Cikgu nak kerja sekolah ni, siap sebelum minggu ni, faham?" Cikgu Lina said showing them the paperwork. "Ye cikgu" All the students replied and pack up their stuff. "Dan..." All the girls turn their attention back to her. "Sekolah lelaki akan datang kat sekolah kita untuk program exchange for 6 month jadi make sure behave" Cikgu Lina said glaring at them. Some of the girls giggle while Nurul was smiling softly.

Nurul and her friends walked out from the class and walked back to their dorm. "Weh tengok tu" Trish stopped them by putting her two arms in front of them and then use her right finger to point to a teacher one level below them. "Itu kan Cikgu Rian?" Aini asked adjusting her temporary glasses. "Yup" Nurul said looking at the teacher weirdly.

Three of them looked at her who was talking to the principal, "Korang rasa dia tengan cakap apa ah?" Aini asked looking at them then back at the teacher "Mana lah kita tahu, kau ingat kita ada kekuatan untuk dengar orang dari jauh ke? Soalan apa lah kau" Trish said raising her left eyebrows at her. Aini frown and turn to looked at Trish and rolled her eyes with a done face.

"Entah tapi aku tahu, aku tak sedap hati dengan cikgu tu" Nurul said and walked away from them. Trish looked to her left seeing Nurul already left. "Eh Nurul tunggu" Trish said running to her but stop halfway to turn around and take Aini left wrist and drag her. "Tunggu lah Kapla" Trish said whining.

Mrs Rian looked up at the level above her when she heard the word Kapla, She looked at Nurul who was walking "Cikgu nak tanya? Murid itu dia Kapla ke?" Mrs Rian asked the principal while pointing at Nurul. "Ye saya, dia Kapla. Terima Kasih kepada dia dan rakan rakan dia sebab sekolah ni dah tak ada problem lagi" Mrs Rian nodded at the Principal. "Oh ye ke? Wah bagus murid tu. Okay kalau macam gitu terima kasih cikgu tunjuk saya tempat ni" The principal smiled and walked away.

Mrs Rian smirked and walked to her office. She sat down and bring out her laptop "Kau sabar Nurul, kau berani tukar peraturan aku eh" She said. Mrs Rian took out her phone and dial someone's number.
"Hello, ini Ibu Ariz ke?" Mrs Rian asked smirking.

At the three girls dorm,

"Next class pukul berape korang?" Trish asked and jump on her bed, lying comfortably. "Pukul 11 nanti, mathematic" Aini said while looking at the timetable paste on her wall. "Okay since kita Ada satu jam lagi aku tidur jap" Trish said and sleep.

"Korang aku keluar jap" Nurul said after changing into her home clothes. "Eh mana boleh" Aini said looking at her confused. "Aku kan Kapla..." Nurul said while adjusting her hijab. "Oh aku lupa, beli kan aku sekali ye" Aini said while Trish nodded. "Aku pun"
"Okay" Nurul chuckled at them.
"Okay jaga jaga. Kapla ku" Trish said waving at her while Aini wave at her cutely.

Nurul walked to the front gate while bringing her hoodie up and walked to the nearest convenience store. She open the convenience door and walked in looking at the foods and drinks section.

She took some snacks and open the fridge door about to take the drink until someone took it from her. She got taken back and looked at the person. "Eh Jay?" Nurul looked at him surprised. "Helloooo, masih ingat saya?" Nurul giggle
"Masih, of course" Nurul said. "Ay apa ni?" Someone said from behind Nurul. She turn around and saw the guy. "Hello awak" He said. "Hello Kahar" Nurul smiled and looked away from him not looking at his eyes.

Jay rolled his eyes playfully. "Eh dah lah korang ni sedih hati aku. Aku je yang single ni kena tengok korang lovey dovey dengan each other" Jay said frowning. "Aw jangan gitu Jay. Kita pun tak lovey dovey sangat kita kawan je dulu"
Kahar nodded.
"Huh korang break up?!" Jay asked worriedly.
"Tak...." Nurul said rolling her eyes jokingly.

"Kita do the halal way hehehe" Kahar said smile widely. Nurul nodded agreeing to him.
"Nanti confirm ada perempuan yang nak kau" Nurul said while Kahar nodded at what she said looking at Jay.

"Awak ni kat luar, takde class ke?" Kahar asked leaning on the fridge door. "Ada pukul 11 nanti, ni saya beli barang untuk saya, Aini and Trish. Kan Kapla, boleh lah keluar jap" Nurul said, taking the bottle from Jay's hand and walked to the cashier counter.

"Ooo" Both of them said and followed her. "Okay lah aku gerak dulu okay?" Nurul said after taking her stuff from the cashier. "Nak saya hantar awak tak?" Kahar asked smiling. "Takpe sekolah saya kat situ je. Bye bye" She said and walked out from the store. Kahar smiled and sighed in relieve. "Weh cantik kan future wife aku?" Kahar said to Jay while staring at the thin air at the area where Nurul was standing.

Jay punch his arm and shake his head. "Kau ni jaga mata kau, korang tu belum sah lagi. Kau faham?" Jay said, taking his and Kahar's stuff and thanked the cashier. "Jom, tunggu apa lagi?" Jay asked looking at him weirdly, waiting at the front door. "Eh" Kahar said, stopped dreaming and looked around and saw Jay was standing outside waiting for him. "eh? Tunggu!" He said, smiling at the cashier guy who shake his head at him and run to Jay. "Cepat lah!" Jay said and walked to their school.

1100am, in mathematics class.

"Siapa eh, Mathematic cikgu kita?" Aini asked looking at her left(Trish) and her right(Nurul). "Mana lah aku tahu..." Trish and lie her head down on the table facing Aini while Nurul just shrugged her shoulder and play with her books.

A minute later, the class door open and the teacher walk in. The students quickly stand up and while the trios look at the teacher with a done face. "Are you serious?" Trish said softly to herself. Nurul gulped her saliva while Aini just smiled softly at Mrs Rian.

"Selamat pagi semua" Mrs Rian greet them while smiling. "Selamat pagi Cikgu Rian" The students said and sat down. "Saya akan jadi cikgu kamu untuk semester ini. Sekerang turn to page 5" She said and turn her back to the students and face the white board. The trios looked at each other with an uneasy feeling and looked at their book.

2000, at the canteen.

While the girls eating their dinner, Nurul stare at Mrs Rian who was eating her food with the rest of the teacher while thinking about Mrs Rian being a Kapla before.
"You know what, she want to make the school suffer again" Nurul said which make Aini and Trish looked up from their plate to Nurul's face and then to each other and then turn back to Nurul's face again. "Apa?" Both of them asked and bringing their heads closer to Nurul.
"Orang kan pernah cakap yang cikgu tu pernah jadi Kapla, kan?" Trish and Aini nodded at her "Cikgu Rian confirm pelik kenapa sekolah ni tak bergaduh, takde budak rasa takut. Since cikgu Rian punya generation was like that before" Nurul said explaining to them.

Aini and Trish nodded realising what she is saying. "Oooo betul jugak apa kau cakap" Aini said and continue eating her food. "Tapi sekarang jangan fikir fikir lah, esok budak lelaki semua akan belajar kat sini" Trish said happily. "Ye itu pun bagus jugak tapi tak senang ah hati aku" Nurul said and sighed while scratching her head. "Dah lah jom balik dorm aku nak tidur ni" Aini said and stand up walking to the trash. Nurul and Trish stand up and followed her.

While they walked away, at the teachers table. Mrs Rian and half of the teacher looked at the trios. "Kita kena ambil peraturan kita balik. Aku rasa macam pelik budak ni semua gembira. Macam takde drama" One of the teachers, Mrs Roy who was the same class as Mrs Rian during their old times. "Chill kita ada masa lagi dan dengan sekolah lelaki ada kat sini lagi gerek. More drama, more fun. More anger.... More fighting" Mrs Rian said smirking at them.
The three teachers smiled at Mrs Rian feeling happy with her plan.






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