Episod 2(edited)

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Next day,


At the dewan hall, every girl students was sitting at the right side of the hall while there was an empty chairs at the other half of the dewan. "Ingat murid murid, BEHAVE" The principal said looking at them fiercely. "Ye cikgu!" The girls replied back to her.

"Yeeeee" Nurul replied looking at Trish.
"Nak Tanya ni"
Nurul rolled her eyes jokingly "Apa lah"
"Bila adik kau akan datang balik?" Trish asked.
"Tahun depan, dia kan buat study abroad kat Australia"
"Oooo" Trish nodded and looked back at the stage

10 minutes later, the boys walked in while walking like a gangster. Nurul face palm and shake her head while looking at them weirdly. "Dah tak yah nak Jalan gitu, CEPAT DUDUK!" The boys startled by the Principal and quickly walk to the chair feeling scared and sat down.

The girls laughed while Nurul shake her head and trying to control her laughter.

"Boys, your dorm will be at the far end of the school and your timetable is passing down right now. And just one important rule. Do NOT do any nonsense behaviour in the school or outside! Okay?"

"Ye cikgu!" All the students replied. After the principal has talked about the rules and what they will be studying for this 6 months.
The trios went out and wait for their guy friends.
"Hello korang" Ayam said and waved at them with the rest of his friends beside and behind him.

"Hey yam" Nurul said and waving at him back. "Jom ah korang Kita kena gi class ni" Aini said and bring the girls with her by clinging their arm together.
Nurul wave her hand at Kahar while he was smiling like crazy, waving at her. Hakeem looked at him weirdly and slapped Kahar at the back of the head. Kahar startled and looked at Hakeem confused. "Dah lah kau ni senyum senyum dah macam orang gila" Hakeem said looking at him disgusted.

At their first class, Nurul and Kahar was sitting together and listening to the teacher. Kahar sighed with bored expression and grabbed a small piece of paper and wrote a small note and pass it to Nurul.

"Pss" Kahar whispered softly. Nurul turn to her left and look at him and then to his hands. She took it and open.

"Awak sayang Saya Tak?" Nurul looked at the notes and smiled while shaking her head. She looked at the teacher who was not facing her and she quickly wrote it down.

Nurul gave it back to him. Kahar tried to control his smile when the teacher was facing the students. After the teacher finish talking she went back to writing on the board and Kahar quickly open the piece of paper.

"Mesti lah sayang awak, tapi kita kawan kawan je bukan girlfriend boyfriend" Kahar giggle and nodded at her playfully which caught Nurul attention. She face palm herself while laughing softly.

"Okay korang bole start mula kerja sekarang" The students started to write while Kahar was confused of what to do.

Kahar lean a bit to Nurul side but not too close "Nak buat apa?" Kahar asked. Nurul give him a done face and shake her head.

"Buat soalan ni cik bang" Nurul point him the question. Kahar nodded with a '0' face.

Next lesson, Nurul and Kahar went to Art class since both of them pick that as their extra class.

Both of them sat beside each other, of course Kahar had to use his Kapla attitude to push away the boy who sat beside her.
"Awak tahu kan, awak bole tanya elok elok kat budak tu tadi?" Nurul looked at him with a done face. Kahar smiled and giggled.

"Tahu...." He rubbed his back neck and sat down.
"Jadi awak nak gi mana nanti?" Kahar asked putting his head on his left palm.
"Lunch lah dengan kawan kita buat apor lagi" Nurul said looking at him weirdly and started to draw what the teacher asked them to.
"Tak Maksud saya this weekend" Kahar said frowning.

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