Episode 14 (End) (Edited)

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Four years later,

After Nurul and Kahar studied at UITM while struggling dealing with other students trying to break them apart, with people trying to mess up their projects and with people trying to ensure that they fail their test.

But luckily, they survived and now Kahar is working as an architecture and also the top designers in the company.

Nurul unfortunately didn't get to work as international business leaders but she work as the CEO of the architecture company in the same building as Kahar.

How you may ask, during UITM Nurul projects and assignments really wowed the previous ceo of the company which had came to her school to looked at the students but because it was during their presentation day. The ceo was stunned with her presentation and focus on her more with her upcoming project and presentation and exams.

Because of that the ceo made a promise to her that she will become the ceo of the company as long she gets an all A's and she did it.

Her friends?
Well Ayam and Aini are already married. They are now having their honeymoon at Australia.

Fakhri and Trish? They are still going strong as friends though. They don't want to be together yet. Both of them are working in the same company but different section.

Hakeem? Yes he. The trouble maker boy. He became Nurul's assistant. Nurul knows that only Hakeem can be trusted with these kind of things and she never regret picking him.

Ikhsan? He became a football coach including Prakesh. They have been coaching a professional team in Korea but they do go home and meet them in Malaysia just not so often but they still keep in contact.

Jay? Well he,
He became a lawyer for Nurul. Yes Nurul really take her friends as her business partners so that they will still keep in touch including

Ariz, even though they have fought with each other but Nurul and Ariz still care for each other like brother and sister.
Ariz was the second in charge of Hakeem. So Hakeem of course sometimes bully him but in a joking manner.
So it means Nurul has two assistants.

Like I would say all of them are successful adults.






"Bila kamu bole siap kan project ni?" Nurul asked looking at the newbie. Who was sitting opposite of Nurul in the office.

"One week before?" She said looking frightened.

"No i want it to be done three weeks before the assignment due" The newbie looked at her shocked.

"Jadi awak bole rest on that three weeks. I told all my staffs better to finish before three week. So that you can rest your leg" the newbie nodded and take the assignment.

"Terima kasih Puan" the newbie nodded. She smiled and replied "Sama sama"

After the newbie went out, Hakeem and Ariz looked at her. "Garang nampak" They said in unison.

"Diam lah" Nurul said while looking at her computer.

Both of them laughed at her and continue with the paper work.
"Eh bila Kahar ni nak datang eh?" Nurul said looking at her watch and stand up.

"aik?! Kau dah terlupa cik Kak oi!" Ariz said.
"Apa?" Nurul asked him.
"Dia kan pergi meeting dekat Taman mesra budak budak dengan chief chief tu" Hakeem said, shaking his head.

"Alamak ye lah" Nurul said and sit down back and sighed tiredly.

*ring* *ring*

Nurul looked at her phone and answer the call.
"Hello! Ni Puan Nurul ke?"
"Ye Saya kenapa?" Nurul asked looking at Hakeem and Ariz worriedly.
"Ni Puan punya architecture Cik Kahar pengsan!"
"Huh?! Okay sabar saya pergi situ!" Nurul said, hang up the call, quickly grabbing her hand bags.
"Kenapa weh?"
"HUH?!" Both of them said unison and quickly take their stuff and followed Nurul to the carpark.

They quickly get inside the car while Ariz is the driver.
"Cepat lah Ariz kau ni!" Nurul said looking at the highway.
"EH SABOR LAH" Ariz said looking at the road. "NANTI KITA KENA LANGGAR MACAM MANA" Ariz said trying his best to speed as fast as he can.

When they reach at the destination, which is the Taman mesra.
Nurul quickly went out from the car and ran to the place.
She saw the guy and ran to him.
"Mana Cik Kahar?" Nurul asked looking at him worriedly.
"Kat dalam sekolah tu" He point at the school, Nurul thanked him and went in.
"Kahar?" Nurul called him and went inside the Kids school and unexpectedly a lot of children were holding a cardboard sign showing a,

N U R U L W I L L Y O U M A R R Y M E ?

Nurul smiled happily, face palm herself trying to control her embarrassment. She looked up and saw Kahar walking out from the side room wearing his black suit, holding a bouquets with Nurul's favourite flowers and a small box.

"Hello awak...." Kahar said
Nurul smiled looking at the floor.
"Hello Awak"

"Saya tak pernah nampak perempuan kisah pasal Saya, tak pernah ada perempuan will stand in front of me to protect me from getting hurt. Who understands me, who knows how to handle my feelings. I am so grateful and I will regret my whole entire life if I let you go"

"Nurul Aqiah Binte Kamal, sudi ke awak kahwin dengan saya, yang handsome ni?" Kahar asked smiling at her.
"Saya tak tahu pasal handsome tapi,
ye saya sudi kahwin dengan awak" Nurul smiled looking away from him.

Cheered was heard from the back. Nurul turn around and saw all of their friends were looking at them.
She turned back to face Kahar.
"Saya dah ada cukup duit ni, bila nak mula?"
Kahar asked, giving her the gifts.

"Bulan depan?" She asked, Kahar tsked.
"Takleh tu lama sangat...."
"Eh eh lelaki handsome ni" Nurul said laughing at him.
"Okay lah minggu depan"
"KORANG!!!!" Kahar ran to his friends while raising his arms up.
They all laughed at him.
Nurul looked at the children and asked them to crowd around her.

She kneel down and smiled at them.
"Terima kasih tau, tolong lelaki tu" Nurul said smiling.
"Takpe Abang tu janji nak belanja kita ABCD"
Nurul chuckled at the kid who replied.
"Okay lah, belajar rajin rajin tau" They nodded at her and ran back inside the classroom after the teacher called them. Nurul stand up and turn around and saw Kahar was standing in front of her.

"Jadi permaisuri ku, jom kita makan bersama bersama dengan mereka" Kahar said, which made her blush. Nurul chuckled and nodded. "Jom..."

They walked out following their friends.

"Awak...." Nurul called him. "Ye?..."
"Terima kasih tau" Nurul said smiling.
"Sama sama....."
"Nurul" Kahar said and stopped walking. She turn around facing him. "Kenapa?"

"From now onwards......

I want to protect you with my whole life and I will do anything I can for you to smile and say I love you to me

Every(Kahar took a step forward)
Single(another step forward)
Day"(another step forward to Nurul which leave a gap of two feet away)

Nurul chuckled and looked away but then looked at him weirdly.

"Eh tapi macam mana awak nak protect saya bila tuari awak nampak lipas kat office saya lepastu lari tinggal kan saya"

"NURUL" Kahar whining and looked at her angrily.

"Byeee" Nurul do a small waved and ran away from him.

"Nurul sini!" Kahar said chasing her and quickly block her way.
"Eh eh eh"
"Tepi lah" Nurul said still trying pass through him.
"Cakap apa dulu?" He asked.

"I love you?..." she asked looking at him confused.

"Awww I love myself too" Kahar said proudly.
"Awak!" Nurul complain and use the bouquet to beat his left forearm.
"Ye I love you too" Kahar said and step a side and let her walk.

Thank you everyone for reading my part one and part two of this projek high council story. Thank you so much!
Do suggest me any fanfic you guys want me to do, I will try my best to do it buuuut of course I cannot do a too much love fanfic hehehe. Okieee bye byeee.

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