Episode 9 (Edited)

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In the present,
Aini point at the tree which made everyone looked up and saw Nurul.

She was hanging in the air with rope tight around her body. "NURUL!" Ariz and Kahar shouted in sync. "Kau released tali tu" Ariz said to Kahar pointing at the rope which was tight at the tree trunk. Kahar and the rest of the boys untie the other end of the rope from the tree trunk and slowly letting go of the rope.

Ariz was about to hold her but Kahar pass him the blanket. "Ambil ni" Kahar said. "Eh takyah aku dan Aini angkat dia" Trish said and take the blanket from him and gently hold Nurul who is slowly going down.

The next day, at the hospital since it's the weekend they get to go out and visit her.

"Nurul?" Aini open the door and went inside with the rest of the friends.
They looked at her who was badly injured, left eye was patch, right wrist has already cover up with cast. Iv plug was insert at her left wrist.
"Nurul?...."Aini called her again. Nurul open her eyes slowly and groaned while moving her head towards them.
"Ariz...." Kahar was taken back by her words and looked at Ariz who went beside her.

"Hey Awak...." Ariz looked at her. "korang okay?" She asked looking at them smiling. "Kita semua okay...." Nurul nodded and smiled. Nurul look at Kahar face "Kawan?..." Nurul asked while smile sadly. "Kawan...." Kahar said with a shaking voice and looked away from her feeling sad.

Everyone looked at them sadly, "Nurul... kita nak minta maaf sangat sangat" Ayam said and put the bouquets at the table. "Ye betul tu. Kita nak minta maaf. Kita pekik kat kau, kita tak percaya kau..." Trish said sadly looking at her.

Nurul smiled at them. "Ye takpe saya dah maafkan" Nurul said smiling at them. "Nurul!!!" Aini and Trish hug her. "ADUH!" Nurul shouted in pain. "Sakit lah perut aku!" Nurul said holding her stomach. "Sorry sorry kita tak sengaja!" Aini and Trish said in sync.

The boys laughed at them. "eh jom ah, kita Ada bawak makan ni" Fakhri said and bring up the packet of foods at his hands and Ayam's.

"Jom!" They shouted happily and eat together at inside the room. Ariz sat beside her and open the food. "Saya suap awak eh?" Ariz asked. She smiled softly and nodded. While feeding her, the tension between both of them was awkward.
"Ye?..." He replied. "Bukan salah awak..."
"Tapi saya yang bawak-"
"Ariz.... Kalau awak tak bawak saya kat situ kawan saya tak akan percaya" She said still smiling softly at him.
"Minta maaf..." Ariz said tears flowing on his cheeks. "Ye saya dah maaf kan Jangan lah nanggis. Cakap lelaki?" Nurul said jokingly at him. Ariz chuckled and continue feeding her.

While Ariz and Nurul was talking,
Kahar looked at them from the corner of the room. "Kahar.... Dah lah tu Kalau Nurul betul jodoh kau nanti korang akan kembali balik" Hakeem said smiling at him. Kahar nodded at him and continue eating.

"Korang...." Nurul called them which made everyone turn to her. "Ye?" They called.
"Cikgu Rian Yang bakar rumah aku..."
"APA?!?!" They replied loudly since Ariz was beside her. He shouted the most loudest.
"Eh korang ni bising lah" Nurul said to them.

"Sabar explain why?" Fakhri asked.
"Mak aku yang report kepada police pasal cikgu Rian dan cikgu lain pasal bully sampai budak bunuh diri... that's why dia bakar rumah aku" Nurul said explaining to them.

"I don't do revenge but I will do what I have to do to take back what's ours.... dan untuk mak dan ayah aku...." Nurul said looking at each and everyone of them.

"Siapa siapa nak ikut?" She asked, looking at them. "Aku onz" Aini said smiling and raise her right hand. "Aku pun!" Ayam said. "If it's Nurul plan.... I am always in" Jay said smiling proudly at her which made her scoffed. "Aku pun!!" Trish and Hakeem said together. Fakhri and Kahar looked at each other and nodded at Nurul.
"Kita setuju" Fakhri said. Everyone was waiting for the last person.

"Ariz...." Nurul called him softly. "Kalau apa apa jadi kat kau lagi macam mana...." Ariz said worriedly. Nurul chuckled and laughed softly. "Takpe aku Ada korang... confirm bole punya" Nurul said smiling at him. "Okay, onz" He said and smiled.

"WOHOOO KAPLA KUDRAT TEAM IS BACK!!!" Ayam shouted happily which made everyone laughed. "TIBER!!!" Everyone said to Ayam.

One week later, everyone has been planning of what to do with the teachers since they tried to report to the police but it doesn't work at all because the teachers said something that the students are talking nonsense.

So here are the plans of what they are doing during this one week and a half so far. For Nurul since she is in the hospital for a while, she uses her laptop to do more research of the teachers who is against them. She search about their backgrounds and anything that can report back to the police.

Jay and Ayam, they sat up small cameras at each corridors and even the teacher staff lounge to catch any of the teachers who bullying the students.

Hakeem and Ariz, went to each of the previous student of Mrs Rian batch who was bullied before and interviewed them to get answers.

Fakhri and Kahar, get as many equipments to get ready to fight if they need to when Nurul has recovered.

Lastly Aini and Trish, they whispered and spread each and every form 4 and 5 students except for the ones who has been alliances with Mrs Rian.
Yes they are students who make an alliances with Mrs Rian and the other three teachers.

At the hospital, Nurul was still continue searching for Mrs Rian and the other teachers backstory.
"Reason is...... no way.... She is..."
"Hey Awak!" Nurul looked up and saw Kahar entering the room. "Helloooo" Nurul smiled softly at him. Kahar walked to her with two packets of foods. "Saya Ada bawah makan ni" Kahar said holding the two plastic up to show her the food.

Nurul chuckled "Aww Terima kasih...." Nurul said smiling. "Awak dapat jumpa back story?"
Nurul nodded and show him the computer. "Mam...."
"Eh eh eh... language...." Nurul said glaring at him. "Hehehe sorry" Kahar said and put the food down. "Esok saya bole balik... jadi esok Saya akan bilang dia orang semua" Nurul smiled.
"Even Ariz?..." Kahar asked looking at her sadly.

"Yes even Ariz..." She said smiling at him.
Kahar nodded "jom makan" Kahar said and open the food package. "Jooom" Nurul said excitedly. Kahar smiled at her and shake his head.
While they were eating, Kahar glance at Nurul a bit. "Nurul" Kahar called her. She looked up from her food to him. "Saya... Saya dapat tak untuk ambil awak balik?" Kahar asked, looking at her curiously.

Nurul looked at him and smiled. "Kahar...." She wanted to continue but she shakes her head by disagreeing what Kahar said. He sighed sadly.
"Eh sedap seh makan ni, Awak beli kat mana?" Nurul said changing the topic.
"Umm Aini yang beli kan untuk awak makan" Kahar said, smiling at her sadly.

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