Episode 5 (Edited)

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One week has passed, year 5 and year 6 students has been ignoring Nurul except for Jay.
Jay has been helping Nurul a lot with their upcoming projects and school work and that's the reason why students ignored Jay as well.
Both of them have been sitting together for breakfast, lunch, dinner and even in class.

Her friends has been treating her differently, Nurul wanted to sit with them but they just ignored her and tried to make sure that Nurul cannot sit with them. Nurul sighed and walked away, sitting at an empty table far away from them while eating she knew that they will not see each other the same as before.

Another week has passed. Problem has been gaining a lot and a lot these days.

In the afternoon, at the hallway.

"Ayam, tolong lah! Aku tak buat ni semua!" Nurul shouted at him. "Kau ingat aku nak percaya kau huh?" Ayam said holding his school outfit which was vandalised with red colour paint.
"Lepastu siapa buat ni!?" He said showing his vandalised uniform to her.
"Aku tak tahu betul" Nurul said looking at him.
"Dah pergi lah! Kau!" Ayam raise his hand towards her. "Bukan kawan aku lagi" Ayam said and walked away leaving Nurul sad.

"AAAAA CIKGU!" Nurul shouted after Ayam left her sight. "Apa cikgu dah buat ni, semalam budak kena tumbuk, lepastu budak budak gaduh sekarang siapa pulak colour Ayam punya baju...." Nurul said scratching her hijab. "Cakap tak kan buat apa apa kat murid murid...." Nurul sighed sadly.

"Aku macam nak CEKIK je cikgu tu" Nurul said rolling her eyes and make a choke gesture. Nurul looked at her watch "Eh dah Asar lah. Alamak aku ni pun satu" Nurul said to herself and quickly walk to the toilet to take wuduh.

While walking to the toilet she saw two students were walking towards her while flirting with each other. Kahar and Laina, a girl from form 5.

Nurul stopped walking and stare at them.
Kahar looked away from Laina and looked at Nurul. His expression changed from happy to sad. Laina scoffed and continue walking with Kahar.

Nurul smiled sadly and walked to the toilet.

Kahar turn around and looked at her sadly.
'Nurul...' Kahar said in his mind

"Kahar?" Laina called him, and wave her hand.
"Saya panggil awak dari tadi"
"Sorry aku tak perasan" Kahar said and continue walking with Laina.

One month later,

Nurul was tired with what is happening right now. Things that Mrs Rian said that she will not do, is happening in that one month and now Laina has been hanging out with the Nurul's friends and sat beside Kahar during lunch time.

For now, Nurul is sitting on her study table in her dorm and trying to think about what she should do about this situation while acting like she is doing her homework since Ariz is in the same room as her.

"Weh kau buat apa tu?" Ariz asked, while playing with his phone. "Tengan buat homework ni. Kau dah buat ke belum?" Nurul asked still looking at her book. "Belum hehehe" Ariz smiled. "Da lah stop main tu buat lah homework kau" Nurul said looking at him with a done face.
"Nanti lah, lagi pun kita kan Ketua kat sekolah ni. Jadi Ada lah masa untuk buat homework tu. Nanti Nanti je lah" Ariz said smiling.
"Suka hati kau lah nak" Nurul said and close her books.
"Dah aku nak tidur, kau jangan buat apa apa kat aku eh? Kalau tak sepak sampai pecah muka kau" Ariz rolled his eyes. "Ye aku tahu, berapa kali kau nak cakap ah?" Ariz said frowning.
"Okay bye bye" Nurul said and sleep.
"Byeee" Ariz replied back and continue playing.

"Eh sabar"
"Apa lagi" Nurul said, sitting up straight.
"Awak?" Nurul looked at him weirdly.
"Eh tak- I mean-" Nurul laughed at him.

I want protect you 2 (Projek High Council, Kahar)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें