Episode 11 (Edited)

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"Trish...." Fakhri said sadly, walking to Trish.

Trish, who was leaning on the wall facing at them looking unconscious.
Her face was beaten up so badly, blood was coming out from her mouth.
She looked up slowly and stare at them. "Korang...." Aini rush up to her and kneel beside her. "Trish siapa buat kat kau ni?" Nurul asked looking at her. "Siapa lagi..." Fakhri said taking the piece of paper from her left palm.

"Ingat Nurul, kau tak akan menang" Fakhri said looking at the paper.
Ayam take the medic kit from Aini table and went Trish bed. "Nurul, Aini bawak Trish kat sini" Ayam said while opening the medic kit.
"Bila masa kau tahu nak buat ni" Kahar said gesturing his hand to the medic kit.
"Belajar dari video" He smiled and prepare the equipment.

"This was her plan, tapi aku tak tahu sampai ni rabak" Fakhri said looking at them worriedly.

After the girls bring Trish to her own bed. Ayam started to patch up her wounds all around the face. Then they heard someone was dragging their feet, they looked out side from the window and saw Ariz.
"ARIZ!" Nurul shouted opening the dorm door and let him in.

"Awak kenapa ni?!" Nurul asked him staring at his blue black face while Kahar and Fakhri help him sit on Nurul previous bed.
"Cikgu Rian, nak aku bilang plan plan kita.... Tapi aku buat bodoh, anggap tak tahu. Lepastu Cikgu Cikgu dan murid pukul aku... aku nak pukul balik tapi takut masuk penjara lagi macam mana" he said, sighing holding his face.

"Cikgu tu memang dah gila...." Hakeem said, bring his hand up to his head.
"Memang pun" They all turn around and looked at Nurul confused.
"Emily Rian.... di lepaskan, di tahun dua ribu empat belas dari Hospital Gila"
"Huh? Kau biar betul" Nurul nodded at Hakeem and looked at Kahar.
"Apa Nurul cakap tu betul, cikgu tu sepaptut nya stay di situ sampai dia akhir nyawa tapi ada orang keluar kan dia. Tak tahu siapa..." Kahar said. Nurul took some of the gauze and pat it on Ariz face.
"Aduh, sakit" Ariz said whining.
"Eh jadi lelaki lah sikit" Nurul said smiling at him. She put pressure on him.

Kahar looked at them sadly remembering the times where she put plaster on his cheeks back in his school.

"Sakit lah!" Ariz said stomping his feet. Nurul and Jay laughed at him.

The rest of them were quietly staring at them and back at Kahar who looking very sad.

After finishing helping Ariz with his wounded cheeks.
"Jom, kita bawak Ariz gi dorm balik. Kasi dia orang dua rest" Nurul said, the rest nodded.

1200, during lunch time.

Year 5 and 6 students who was in Mrs Rian gang kept on staring at Nurul. "Kenapa dia orang tengok aku eh?" Nurul asked, looking down at her plate while playing with her food. "Pasal ni kut" Ayam said and took out his phone from he's right pocket and pass it to her. Nurul looked at it and saw a footage of a girl facing at the food that is pouring water inside.

"Itu bukan aku..." Nurul said furiously. "Tahu, itu ialah Laina. Tapi sebab dia yang start the rumor first so everyone who is in Mrs Rian gang believe her" Kahar said and take the phone away and pass it back to Ayam. Nurul scoffed, pissed off by her action. "Korang, selalu cikgu cikgu semua akan makan dengan kita kenapa-" Someone then interrupted Aini.

"API!" One of the girls shouted pointing at the dorm builkding.
Kahar and the gang walked out from the canteen room to see a clearer view and realised it was Nurul's previous dorm and Ariz dorm which was on fire.

"ARIZ!" The gang shouted while Nurul shouted for Ariz.
They shouted in unison and ran to the building without any regrets to save their friends who were inside the dorm. "Korang pergi kat Trish, aku gi kat Ariz!" Nurul said and run to the other way follwed by Kahar "Saya ikut awak" Kahar said running beside her.
They ran up the staircase and turn to the right and was slam by a metal bar.
Both of them fall backward to the floor feeling the pain on their forehead. They looked up and saw Liana and Mrs Rian was smirking at them.
"Kau ingat aku bodoh?" Mrs Rian said kneeling in front of them. "Aku tahu lah permainan kau" She continued smiling.

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