Pedro Pascal Imagines

By wonderlandsxx

13.9K 178 39


Co Stars & Interviewer | Pedro Pascal |1|
Co Stars & Interviewer | Pedro Pascal |2|
Disrupted Phone Calls | Javier Pena |1|
Disrupted Phone Calls | Javier Pena |2|
History Repeats Itself | Joel Miller
Shared Past | Jack Whiskey
Has To Be Perfect | Javier Pena
Lingering Feelings | Marcus Pike |1|
"Blood Kink" | Max Phillips
Unsaid Feelings | Javier Pena |1|
Leaving | Javi Gutierrez
Lingering Feelings | Marcus Pike |2|
Roadblocks | Javier Pena
Target Acquired | Dave York |1|
Roadblocks | Javier Pena |2|
Target Acquired | Dave York |2|
Why Him? | Dieter Bravo |1|
Why Him? | Dieter Bravo |2|
I'm Not Going To Leave You | Frankie Morales

Messed Up | Javier Pena |1|

2.4K 9 7
By wonderlandsxx

"Hey, hey!..." Tommy called out, a box of croissants in his hand, making it known that he has arrived "...Where's Y/n and Pena?"

"Probably caught up in a bathroom somewhere..." Steve muttered, looking at the board in front of him "...If you find them though, tell them to get their asses in here."

"I'll leave the lovebirds alone. Anyway I brought croissants for all of us..." Tommy chuckled them down on the table, joining Steve in staring at the board "...I figured we'd need something to eat since we've been here for ten million hours."

"Lovebirds?..." Steve spoke, looking at Tommy briefly "...If you say so."

Tommy looked at him confused, but whatever confusing thoughts he had were taken away, when his best friend walked into the room...and Pena. Both looked a little messy. Y/n saw Tommy and smiled, walking over to him. Tommy pulled her into a hug and she gladly accepted.

"Hey, I've bought up all croissants. Help yourselves."

"Yeah, I could use one. ..." Javier sighed and grabbed two, looking at Y/n "...I've worked up a bit of an appetite."

He winked at her and handing her over a croissant, making her blush.

"Whatever you two were doing couldn't have waited?..." Steve questioned, also grabbing a croissant "...I mean we leave here in about half an hour."

"No." Javier answered simply, taking a bite of his croissant and turning his attention to the board as well.

Well near an hour passed by, thankfully Y/n and Javier had arrived back home, the two of them understandably exhausted. An annoyed sigh left his Javier's mouth as he got out of his clothes, stripping down to his underwear. Y/n didn't however, while she was understandably exhausted, she didn't want to go to bed.

"Amor..." Javier spoke, his tone soft as he wrapped his arms around her, kissing the nape of her neck "...come on, let's get to bed. I know you're as exhausted as I am."

"I don't know, Javi..." Y/n breathed out a sigh "...I don't want to go to sleep yet. I think I need some night air."

Javier didn't speak for a moment and let out a sigh, planting another gentle kiss on her neck.

"Just let me get my clothes and we can go."

Y/n's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and turned around to see him getting his pants on.

"You don't have to come, Javi. You're exhausted."

"I can't let you go out there by yourself..." he spoke, dumbfounded " know there's hits on all of us."

"I'll bring my gun with me." Y/n trailed off, shrugging her shoulders.

He looked at her angrily, putting his shirt on. He shook his head, walking closer to her.

"I can't believe you're being so chill about this right now. ..." his tone raised a little. "...If you want to go out right now, fine, but you're not going by yourself."

Y/n knew that his anger stemmed from being worried about her, and she appreciated it, but she just wanted to go by herself. She stepped closer to him, so close that their bodies were touching and wrapped her arms around the back of his neck.

She looked at his worried gaze and rested her forehead against his. She fingers ran through the back of his hair and he sighed deeply.

"I just want you to be safe, Amor." he whispered, his lips slightly brushing hers.

"I will be." she smiled reassuringly, pressing her lips against his.

His hands wrapped around her waist, holding her close as their lips moved perfectly in sync with each other.

"Get some sleep..." she whispered "...I'll see you soon."

He didn't speak for a moment, still holding her close, not wanting to let her go. After a few seconds, he relented and slowly took his arms off her.

"I love you."

Y/n welcomed the air, breathing it in. She always went on night walks back home when she couldn't sleep. She found that she could always go to sleep after. She found a sense of comfort in feeling the night air hit her skin.

It had been had been about ten minutes since she had gone on her walk, and she decided it was time to go back home. She turned around and saw a car that hadn't been there before. She got a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach and discreetly put her hand behind her back to grab her gun...only to realise she didn't bring it with her.

"Shit!..." she whisper yelled "...What the fuck am I supposed to do?"

She cleared her throat and continued to walk in the same direction, understandably a little freaked out. A small whimper left her mouth as she started to walk faster. And then all of a sudden, the world for her went black.


Y/n has been missing for two days and Javier has been going crazy. He has been pacing the whole office, while the team tried to figure out where she is being held, that's if she's even alive.

"Who would want to take her?" Tommy spoke.

"I mean who doesn't want to take us." Steve spoke, earning a glare from Javier.

"These men are assholes, we need to find her." Javier spoke, his hands on his head.


Y/n has been stranded in a warehouse for the past two days, stripped of her clothes and tied up. Blood and scars were all over her body, some were burn marks, some were deep bruises and the others were small cuts—but that didn't mean they hurt any less.

She didn't know who it was that was torturing her. He doesn't show up on the board, he's unknown to them. Right now, she is unconscious, passed out due to pain and exhaustion. They want her to give over information on what they know, but she's still not giving in, no matter what they're doing to her.

"¡Despierta, perra!" a man yelled, walking over.

He patted her cheek, hitting her already bruised face. She scrunched up her nose and opened her eyes, looking at the man in front of her.

"I'm not telling you anything..." she breathed out " fucking prick."

"¡Hablarás, puta!..." he yelled, jamming his fist into her stomach "...Especialmente cuando ves lo que tengo para ti."

"What?" she cried out, groaning in pain.

"An informant of yours, which just so happens to relay back to us..." the man spoke in broken English.

"Shit." she thought.

"...I know your amor has slept with her. My girl tells me everything."

No fucking way he knows about me and Javi. And he wouldn't do that.

"How do you know about who I'm dating?" she asked, grunting in pain.

She wasn't going to mention her boyfriend by name, the fucker is bluffing, trying to turn her against her team and boyfriend.

"We know about everything bout your team, bitch..." he took a knife out of his pocket, flipping it up " are you going to tell me? Or do I have to use this on you?"

Y/n looked at the knife and a shaky sigh left her mouth. She put her head down and shook her head.

"Tú eliges, perra."

He started to continuously jam the knife into her stomach, grunting with every one. Y/n started to yell in pain, crying out for help, even though she knew her chances of being heard were slim. A deep exhale left his mouth as he looked at what he done, a smile on his face.

"Uno...dos...tres...cuatro...cinco. ..." he smiled, patting her cheek "...I've left a message for your team, I'll leave you to it."

The loud thud of a door sounded through her ears and she began to gasp for air, her eyes threatening to close.

"No..." she cried out, trying to lift her head up "...please, don't let me go like this."

Ten minutes had passed by and Y/n is hanging on by a thread, quite literally fighting for her life. The rest of the team had arrived, and Javier quite literally kicked down the door. He lead the team in there, his gun drawn as his eyes panned around the area, looking for his girlfriend. There she is. Her beat up, damaged body.

"Alright, everyone clear the area!" Steve yelled out, looping his arm around.

Javier put his gun away and rushed over to her, his hands shaking. He saw she was unconscious and felt his heart beating faster. He put two fingers on her neck, feeling a faint pulse, so faint he thought it was phantom. He rushed to untie her legs, looking up to see the rope was attached to something on the roof, way out of everyones reach. He knew every second that was spent here, was a second that she was slipping away from him.

"Someone get me a knife!" Javier yelled out.

Tommy rushed over, grabbing a knife out of his pocket. Javier put his arms under her legs, watching as Tommy cut the rope. Her wrapped his other arm around her, carrying her out bridal style to the ambulance waiting outside. He placed her on the stretcher and she was immediately rushed into the back of the truck.

*Three Months Later*

Y/n laid down in bed, staring at the wall. Given the circumstances, she took an early retirement. The thought of her going back to work gives her a panic attack. Though, she doesn't want to leave Columbia, not without Javier.

A loud slam of a door made her jump a little. She closed her eyes for a moment and looked at the opened bedroom door, seeing Javier taking off his gun and jacket. He looked in the room and smiled. He walked in and leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss on her temple.

"How are you feeling?" he asked, laying down with her.

Y/n felt content, feeling his head resting against hers, his hand on her waist. But there's something that has been nagging at her. What the man told her. What's the harm if she brought it up right? It's not like he did it.

"Can I tell you something?" she spoke quietly.

"Of course, anything."

"When I was in that warehouse, the man who had me there was trying to get me to reveal what we had on them. I of course didn't say anything but he said something that's been nagging at me for months."

"What is it?" he asked, intrigued.

"He was trying to turn me against you, by telling me that you slept with the informant."

I felt his body tense up, leaving me confused. I turned to look at him, seeing guilt written all over his face, refusing to look at me. No. This can't be true. This has to be a bad dream.

" did, didn't you?" I whispered, shakily.

He still didn't answer, but the look on his face, tells me what I need to know. The fell tears down my cheeks, getting out of bed. I rushed over to the closet, feeling a pain in my stomach as I got up to fast. I inhaled deeply and grabbed my suitcase, staring to chuck my clothes in.

"Wait, we can talk about this. ..." he begged, walking over "...Please don't leave, Amor."

"No!..." she snapped, turning towards him "...You do not get to call me that anymore. Why didn't you just end the relationship if I wasn't good enough for you?!"

I watched tears stream down his cheeks, my heart filling with hurt and anger.

"You are enough, Y/n."

"Just not good enough for you, right?" I scoffed.

"Y/n, please." he begged.

"You didn't even have the decency to tell me! I had to find out from the man who tortured and almost killed me. ..." I zipped up the suitcase, looking at him "...I mean, do you know how messed up that is?!"

"Y/n, I'm sorry..." he walked closer "...please don't go."

"I can't believe I was stupid enough to think you were above cheating."

She grabbed her passport from the locked draw and saw that he was standing in the doorway. Trying to keep her from leaving.

"It was only once, I promise it never happened again."

"Once to many. Move out of my way."

He's known her long enough to know that there was no point in changing her mind. Fresh tears streamed down his cheeks as he stepped to the side, letting her past.

"I love you." he called out to me, his tone upset.

A pang of hurt erupted in her chest as she heard his words, knowing all the times he has said it to her, it wasn't true. She shook her head, turning around, trying not too let him see how sad she was. This man has been in her life for four years, and now he's not going to be.

"Oh, by the way, the informant you fucked relays back to him. So you might want to cut her off."

*Years Later*

Javier's POV
I walked out to my car and put my groceries down on the ground so I could unlock my car. I let out a deep sigh as I looked around, spotting Tommy coming out of the shop, carrying a suit with him. My heart started beating faster, at the thought of Y/n being here with him. They are friends after all. Should I approach him? Well, I guess there's no need to give it anymore thought as he started to approach.

"Hey, hey!" he called out, no delight in his voice though.

"Hello. Who's the suit for?" I asked, trying to start a conversation I'm hoping will lead to Y/n, and that he will reveal that she is actually here with him.

"For Y/n's wedding tomorrow. ..." I felt my heart sink in my stomach "...He's a good guy. He gave her a kid and he actually treats her right."

Motherfucker. She has a kid?!

"I treated her right." I glared at him and a scoff left his mouth.

"Yeah, cause cheating on your girlfriend is "treating her right". ..." he shook his head, walking away "...Well, gotta go. See ya!"

I want to go to that venue. I want her to see me, to change her mind and run away with me. But I can't. This is her special day, I don't want to ruin it for her. I broke her heart, I lost her due to my own selfishness. I want her to be happy, even if it's not with me.

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