Miraculous Sapphire (Vanitas...

By Dragon-Pheonix123

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You are Marinette's younger sister, kind, caring and mostly shy around people. You love anime and really good... More

Chapter 1: Sapphire's Origins, Part 1
Chapter 2: Sapphire's Origins, Part 2
Chapter 3: Stormy Weather
Chapter 4: The Bubbler
Chapter 5: Copy Cat
Chapter 6: Timebreaker
Chapter 7: Lady Wifi
Chapter 8: The Pharaoh
Chapter 9: Mr. Pigeon
Chapter 10: The Evillustrator
Chapter 11: Dark Cupid
Chapter 12: Rogercop
Chapter 13: Dark Blade
Chapter 14: Horrificator
Chapter 15: The Mime
Chapter 16: Princess Fragrance
Chapter 17: Animan
Chapter 18: Pixelator
Chapter 19: Guitar Villain
Chapter 20: Gamer
Chapter 21: Reflekta
Chapter 22: The Puppeteer
Chapter 23: Kung Food & Nian Yang Xiao
Chapter 25: Antibug
Chapter 26: Volpina

Chapter 24: Simon Says

1K 33 16
By Dragon-Pheonix123

Alec: "Welcome back to everyone's #1 live game show: The Challenge! Let's give it up for our awesome contestant, Nino!"

Nino walks towards the stage and stands next to Alec.

Vanitas, Noe and Adrien support their guy friend, who smiles back as he goes up onstage.

You were in your own room packing your stuff since Nino invited you and the others to join, because he said something about a special surprise for you.

You wonder what it was. It cold be Vanitas, but that can't be because you've been hanging out with him a lot. SO you're gonna find out what's the secret surprise.

Meanwhile with Marinette.

She earns that she is being grounded by her parents because of how often she is absent from school.

"Grounded? For what?!"

"Let's jog your memory, Marinette. Monday morning, absent from P.E..." Tom stated.

Marinette remembers saving a helicopter.

"I was in study hall." she lied.

"Friday evening, absent from study hall." Tom says.

Marinette saving a kitten from a tree.

"I was at P.E.!" she lied again.

"You're never where you're supposed to be, Marinette! The only way we can keep track of you is by keeping you here, grounded."

"But I was invited... Nino is my friend, he was counting on me." Marinette tries to explain to your parents to support Nino during The Challenge.

Alec: "So, the challenge our viewers have chosen for you is... To get the mayor of Paris, , to dance! Thank you for agreeing to play with us today, sir. What are Nino's chances tonight?"

André: (On the screen) "Zero. I despise dancing. The last time I set foot on a dance floor, Madonna was in kindergarten."

"I know Nino's your friend. But until your unexcused absences come to an end, that's the way it's going to be." Tom say his final words as long as her unjustified absences continue, she will stay at home.

So Marinette accepts her punishment and walks up to her room.

{At KIDZ+}

As Nino was playing his tunes, a director leads a man in a shiny pink tux next to Adrien and Vanitas. They look towards the nervous man who seemed to be up next as he looks back in there direction.

Adrien waves at the man to ease his nerves and the man happily waves back, preparing to shake his both the Agreste brothers hands, but Placide I.T., the Gorilla, steps in front of them, prepared to pound the man into the ground.

"Stand down." Vanitas gave Placide a halt and step back.

No one seemed to pay them any mind as Nino continued to jam out, the mayor unconsciously nodding his head to the beat. Alec immediately noticing.

"Victory!" He calls out making Nino, smile widely. "Challenge conquered by Nino! You moved your head to the beat Mayor Bourgeois, that counts as dancing!"

"What?! That's not true! My neck was... itching, that's all." The mayor tries to lie his way out.

"Relieving an itch to the beat counts as dancing too!" Alec sees through the act. "Nino, congratulations! You'll return in one week to meet your next challenge!"

Nino exits the stage and returns to his friends who bring him into a group hug, Noe cries with crocodile tears with how proud he was.

"And now for our next contestant, please welcome, Simon Bremo!" Alec introduces.

Simon walks onto the stage next to Alec.

"Mr. Grimault, you are a hypnotist. You use cards to hypnotize people to get what you want from them!"

"Well, yes, I'm a hypnotist. But, uh, I don't use my skills to get anything." Simon shyly takes out his cards.

"So, your challenge today, Simon, is to use your talents to bring a very elusive celebrity to this very TV set." Alec explains, "Give it up for the King of Fashion, Gabriel Agreste!"

Gabriel Agreste ever man himself stern appears on screen, scowling as if his face was stuck in a frown. "What is this show? I was told this was an interview." his tone is cold.

"Dudes, it's your dad!" Nino excitedly says as he clings to Noe and Adrien's arms.

Vanitas sighs and roll his eyes, his own adopted father can't seem to lighten up a bit.

"Do your thing Bremo, let's see if you can bring Mr. Agreste here with your hypnotic persuasion!" Alec pursued.

Simon becomes annoyed. "I told you, I don't make people do-"

"A shy hypnotist, how funny is that, Gabriel?" Alec lets out a sharp laugh as he cuts him off.

"Hilarious." Gabriel glares, "Your show is pathetic and so is your contestant. Control me? Never."

Gabriel turns down the show, leaving  Simon to fail his challenge. Vanitas almost feels bad for that guy.

"Well, would you look at that. He chicken out." Vanitas scoffs, knowing to well but couldn't bring himself to tell Adrien.

"That's our dad, alright." Adrien sighs.

"Looks like Mr. Agreste has turned down your challenge, Game Over!" Alec announces.

"But.. that's not fair! I didn't even have time to-" Simon was once again unable to finish his sentence as he was taken away and out of the studio.

Vanitas picks up a card that looks like the queen of hearts. "He drop on card. It's best to give it back."

"Sorry Van, the show must go on. You'll have to sit tight until it's over." Nino denies, knowing that since people were inside recording, no one could enter or exit the studio as it makes yo much noise.

"Fine." Vanitas groans.

Then all of a sudden, a villain walks in the studio slamming the door open a man in adorned in green and purple struts in.

"Simon Says, the show is not over!"

"What on earth?!" Alec exclaims.

"Simon Says, silence! Simon Says, you're lame! As lame as a duck!" He throws the duck card at Alec, and he starts acting like a duck. The Gorilla tries to stop him

"Simon says stop!" he throws a card with a pause sign at the Gorilla and freezes him "Simon says you are a Gorilla! throwing a Gorilla card at him and he starts acting like a real Gorilla.

Everyone was forced to spilt apart as bodyguard, still acting as a gorilla slams in between them.

"This way!" Vanitas lends Adrien, Noe and Nino to the exit and hide together. The boy sighs in relief as both Agreste bothers can't be alone as the blonde transforms.

"Gabriel Agreste turned down my challenge and he will pay for it! By midnight tonight he will entertain us in this very TV studio." Simon announces to the still broadcasting camera, "Gabriel, I'm coming to get you!"

"It's risky... but it's given me an idea.." Hawkmoth smirks to himself. "Good luck, Simon Says."

This was the last of Simon Says heard from Hawkmoth for a while.

Cat Noir spots Vanitas and the two boys peaking out from their hiding spot, watching their faces grow weary as Simon Says was blocking the nearest exit. The couldn't go out the way Adrien did or the would be immediately spotted.

The three catch his gaze, and he shushes them to stay quiet. Cat Noir immediately attacks and pins the man down.

"Cat Noir says, zip it and give me those cards!" The cat mocks the villain.

 Simon says nothing and flicks a few cards away making Chat scramble off the man and go after them. " My gorilla will take care of you. Simon says.. knock him out!Gorilla who then follows his next order and begins to go after Cat Noir.

Ladybug kicks the door, but sees nobody in the studio.

"Ladybug!" Nino calls the superheroine over to them.

"Hey, are you three okay?" Ladybug rushes over to them, checking them over for any signs of harm.

"We're okay, but Adrien is missing somewhere!" Noe begins to worry.

"Don't worry, we'll find him." Ladybug placed a hand on his shoulder.

The four of them went out to see if there was any sign of Adrien. They heard someone fighting. Turns out it was Cat Noir defeating Placide the Gorilla who was hypnotized.

He does a backflip and picks up his staff. He aims for his staff to defend himself but he sees his partner and his brother.

"So nice to drop in." Vanitas hardly flinches.

"Oh, sorry. I thought you were Simon Says." Cat Noir pulls his staff away from them.

"I saw him! He's got a whole army together!" Nino exclaims.

"He's looking for my father. We better get to him faster than they can!" Vanitas explains.

Suddenly Cat Noir's miraculous beeps. "Cat Noir, you're about to change back. Sapphire sheoul be here while I will take one last look around for Vanitas' brother." Ladybug informs.

"Forget it, he's probably been hypnotized." Chat avoids all of their gazes.

"But he's our  buddy!" Nino tries to persuade.

"Yeah!" Noe agrees.

"I refuse to leave my brother, when I know that he is safe. But if you find him, let me know." Vanitas firmly says.

Cat Noir sees his brother knowing that he's Adrien, but can't risk his Noirette brother to see him like this.

"You're right... maybe he's hiding." Cat begins to depart, noticing the desperation in his brother's eyes. "I'll leave you to look for him. Let's meet up at Gabriel Agreste's place later on."

The four left behind all shrug at Cat Noir's odd behavior before rushing off to find Adrien. They searched for a good minute until they stumble across Adrien rushing towards them with a relived smile on his face.

"Boys! Van!" Adrien calls for them as he gets closer. "I was so worried about you guys!"

"Adrien!" Nino and Noe rush to meet him and engulf the blonde in a big hug.

"Adrien, are you hurt?" Vanitas search for any any cuts and bruises.

"Aw, is Vani worried about me~?" Adrien teased.

Vanitas frowns and scoffs. "Don't you rub it in."

"You are!" the blonde cheered. "You really do care!"

"Shut up or I'll pick my booger to chase you to your doom!" Vanitas threaten and Adrien shivers before making eye contact with Ladybug.

"...Hello." He greets her.

Noe and Nino were shocked at how calm Adrien seemed when he said hello to Ladybug. Vanitas broke the fourth wall and gags knowing his little brother has a thing for bratty bug like Ladybug.

And he knows Ladybug is MArinette! If He had the chance to expose her true colors he sure hell can put her to jail!

"Uh... Hello! You sure you're okay? Ladybug could hardly contain herself.

"I'm fine, really. But we've got to get to my house now! Our father's in danger!" Adrien suddenly remembered what Simon says is after.

"Let's go. We need Sapphire's help once I call him and Cat Noir will meet us there."

{Agreste Mansion.}

Everyone made it to Adrien's mansion but they did not expect You to be here.

"(Y/n)?" Vanitas was confused.

"Vanitas..." you rush to him as you hug around his waste as Vanitas hug you for a sec and slightly pull away.

"What are you doing here?"

"I went to see if you were here after a new villain showed up, so I went to you home." you told him.

"You silly girl." Vanitas shook his head. "You're reckless putting yourself in danger. But never mind that. Nathalie, where's our father? He's in danger!"

"He knows already." Natalie responds and on cue Gabriel appears at the top of the stairs.

"Good evening, Ladybug " Gabriel greeted from the top of the stairs. You see him in person ever since the Derby Hat contest.

"Father, you've gotta get outta here. The hypnotist Simon Says is coming after you!" Adrien warns, concerned for his father.

Gabriel comes down the stairs as Adrien warns, seeming to pay more attention to Ladybug and you  rather than anything his son had to say.

"What? And be dictated by a madman? Certainly not." Gabriel stubbornly disagrees, standing taut as ever, showing no signs of fear.

"But father he's dangerous!" Adrien tries to get through to him, "Who knows what he'll do!"

"Both of you, head up to your room now. You've had enough excitement for today. Nathalie, make sure they stay there." Gabriel dismissed his sons who deflates instantly.

Natalie nods and leads the four to Adrien and Vanitas' room, stopping in their tracks when Gabriel once again speaks.

"Ms. (Y/n), I believe?" Gabriel calls your name, making you flinch.

"Uhh...yes I'm...(Y/n)." you awkwardly fumble your hands.

"I have to apologize for my son, Miss (Y/n). He and his elder brother are like their mother. Way too overly dramatic."

You glance by your friends and Ladybug then meet the cold eye's of Gabriel. "But sir....you're son  speaks the truth. The akumatized villain is after you. You must find a place to hide."

"What could possibly happen with Ladybug here to protect me?" Gabriel placed his hand on your shoulder. You can't describe but something about this man was off. And it was not that he was probably part cold or something.

"If my theory serves me right, he'll make you a target as well, making my sons in danger, so if you do not mind, until this situation is dealt with I would like it if you stay away from my eldest son."

You gasp. Everyone in the room stiffens upon hearing this come from Gabriel especially Vanitas.

"Father wait! Please reconsider! That girl is not a threat!" Vanitas disagrees and refused for you to stay with his cold father.

"She'll stay with me." Ladybug insist says making everyone turn to her. She ignores your betrayed gaze as she continues. "None of you are safe around her because she herself will be a pawn. So until we capture Simon says, we must keep you guys away."

Vanitas knew Ladybug (or Marinette) cares for only his brother than her own little sister. She's the one who didn't see that coming.

You turn to Vanitas and hide your sad look. If they say that you've put them in danger especeally Vanitas, then you have no choice but to do as they say.

"Vanitas, it's okay." you reassure the noirette. "Once this is over, everything will be alright."

"No-" Noe doesn't want anything happen to you either.

"Noe, protect each other, don't look back." you said makes Natalie push the boys towards Adrien's room. Vanitas cast you a concern glance as you simply smile to comfort his worries.

Gabriel might've just hurt your feelings, but that doesn't matter as long as you will act like a hero yourself.

"Please, follow me."  Gabriel's hand still on your shoulder and lend you and Ladybug into his office. 

Meanwhile with the boys being escorted to Adrien's room.

"You sure your old man isn't some robot or something?" Nino asked.

"When my father's concerned I'm never sure of anything." Adrien lend them in his room.

"Hoho! Dude! I've seen stadiums tinier than your room!"

Vanitas head to his own room. "I'm gonna take a shower!" he called out.

"Now?!" both Nino and Noe both dumbfounded.

"Me too!" Adrien does the same.

"You too?!"

Vanitas ignores their complaints and head to the shower. Echo pops out. "Your father really took your girl, Van."

Vanitas scoffs. "It's not safe to be around him when he only thinks that he's quite smart to listen to his own sons. Unforgivable."

"Echo, Blue moon rise!"

As you enter his office, there were some pictures of Adrien and Vanitas  modeling as you view them over the years he has taken.

Ladybug practically drools over her prince charming while you study Vanitas' model. It seems very fake when he put up the act and seems sad. You to feel a strange aura...like you can see a strange cognitive world holding him and his brother as caged birds.

"Are they flawless?" Gabriel compliments his sons, almost sounding proud.

"W-What? Uhm.." Ladybug was caught off guard by the question. "Flaw- what?"

"Adrien and Vanitas, my two sons. They're the images of perfection, don't you think?" Gabriel brags about his sons.

"Oh yes. He's perfect!" Ladybug swoons, but gets herself together, "I mean.. I don't know Vanitas  very well but he seems-"

"They're clothes are quite detailed." you interrupted her.

"Ms. (Y/n), I don't think I've ever noticed your pendant before." he points around your neck of a winged jewelry.

"Oh this. This was with me when I was still young. It was given to me by my cousin." you explain.

"It really is quite.. ancient. May I?" Gabriel reaches for  your wing pendant. Before he could examine your necklace, Ladybug's yoyo phone goes off, signaling she got a call.

"Excuse me," she says before speaking with Cat Noir, "Cat Noir, where were you?!"

Cat Noir: "Me and Sapphire were keeping Simon Says at bay."

"And, Sapphire?" Ladybug asks if it worked.

"..The bat boy couldn't keep them away. He's coming and he's got company."

"So what do you think of my eldest son, Vanitas?" Gabriel change the subject.

You blush and took in back by the sudden question. "What do I think of Vanitas? Well...h-he's quite kind to me and we hang out."

"Kind you say? My son has never been called that until now." he stated. "After all he's never around people like you. It seems he has taken quite an interest in you after I almost make the calls to arrange to meet someone from the nobles."

"The nobles?" you furrow your brows. "May I ask who are the nobles?"

Before Mr. Agreste could reveal the names of the noble family name he was interrupted when Sapphire and Cat Noir came in from a window and quickly closed it.

"Close off all exits! They're coming from another direction! Do as I say! Engage the self-defense system, we need total lockdown!"

The sternness radiating off of hat Noir stunned  you and Ladybug into silence as Gabriel immediately engaged the self-defense system.

"How do you know so much about the system?" Gabriel questions.

"All people have this kind of tech when you have emergency's." Sapphire stated before walking past Ladybug and stood next to you.

"They won't get in. This house is built like a fortress." Gabriel soothes everyone.

But that soothing only lasted a minute when the lights began to flash red and the emergency lights cut on.

"There are too many of them. Your defense system is failing!" Cat Noir exclaims.

"The boys are in trouble!" you worried your friends.

"I'd better go get them." Ladybug takes off, not leaving room for any arguments, but she stops when Gabriel hits a button and a compartment with remotes appears in the wall.

"Here, Nathalie. Pick the controls in case you need to unlock an exit. She's coming with you." Gabriel gives Natalie a remote and the two girls leave the room, leaving you, Sapphire and Cat Noir with him.

"Once I get the girl to safety, We'll go reinforce the outer defenses. Go hide in the atrium, it's not safe in here." Sapphire gently yet firmly takes your hand, beginning to rush off with you.

"No one tells me what to do. Not even an anti-superhero." Gabriel stubbornly disagrees.

"You're in danger, like everyone else. So stop pretending you're above us all and do what Sapphire  tell you to!" Cat Noir yells as he grabs the other control.

This shocked all of you including Sapphire.

Cat Noir seems to forget who's he's talking to and he seemingly shrinks into himself.

'That attitude does sound familiar...' Sapphire thought. "Almost sound like....my brother..'

"Quite a temper.. you remind me of someone." Gabriel smirks. "Both of you."

"Mr. Agreste, Cat Noir was just looking after you, including Sapphire. You're safety is at risk and if it happens. You and everyone will be put in danger." You reluctantly forced to recall how he and Ladybug treated you.

Sapphire really begins to fume when he recognizes the sad and frustrated tone in your voice.

Cat Noir goes to snap at Gabriel again but stops when he spoke again.

"I may have misjudged you Ms. (Y/N)." Gabriel says to you, before turning to Cat Noir and Sapphire, "See to it that she hides with my sons and they're friends. But stay a good distance away so if they find you, they'll get you first."

"I....understood." you nodded.

Sapphire really didn't like how his father agreed for you to be with him and his brother but at the cost if you three get caught, he'd ensured they'd be able to catch you.

He kept his mouth shut and followed you and Cat Noir to the exit. Once you left, Gabriel looks back at the picture of his wife.

"You and Cat Noir should go stop the rampage outside, I'll be okay to head Adrien's room." you told them before Sapphire grabs your hand once more and pulls you to him.

"You are not a threat to anyone....not to me." He  kisses your cheek and quickly departs before giving you the remote, "Stay safe."

You watch Sapphire take off along with Cat Noir as you find your way around the mansion to find Adrien's room.

 Ladybug and open the doors. Nino pulls down his headphones. "Ladybug!  What's going down?"

Ladybug walked towards him and Noe. "We need to move to safer ground. Where is Adrien?"

"Taking a shower." Nino points to the bathroom.

"Now??" Ladybug raise a brow. "What about Vanitas?"

"Same. Adrien say something about models in them." Noe replies, repeating what his friend told them earlier.

Ladybug knocks on the bathroom door and listens in confusion when she doesn't hear water running.

"Take Nino and Noe to the Atrium, I'll take care of Adrien and Vanitas. Leave the remote control with me."Nathalie does what she says and leaves with Nino and Noe. Ladybug knocks again.

"Adrien? Adrien!" She opens the door to see Adrien's head popping out. She shrieked in shock.

"Yeah?" Adrien asked.

"Oh! Must... it-eh, to go! He he. Too dangerous... to leave!" Ladybug stutters.

"Can I put on my clothes first?" Adrien asks with a shy smile.

"Sure! If you must... I-I mean, of course, you can." Ladybug stutters again.

As Ladybug calmed herself down she noticed that someone was knocking on Adrien's window. She looked to see you  standing behind her without a sound and screams.

"How'd you-? I thought that-" Ladybug tries to question but you huff since she has bad blood against you which you didn't understand why she does that since Kung Food.

"Sapphire gave me the remote. I closed it earlier. This place has many secrets. This is like SpyKids, Ya know?"

You both spotted a picture of their mother on Adrien's computer. You admire the picture. Finally, Adrien comes out of the bathroom with a towel around his neck while Vanitas runs back inside.

"Our mother on her 17th birthday." He explains.

One thing that stuck out the most to you was that Adrien had his mother's eyes but Vanitas has blue, and you weren't afraid to point that out.

"She's got Adrien's eyes."

"(Y/n) has her warm eyes."

You and Vanitas say simultaneously, but it made you hitched when you what Vanitas' said.

"WHAT!?" Ladybug walks up to you and subtly shoving you away between you two. "No way, her eyes don't look like that! There not even the same color!"

"I'm not talking about eye color, Ladybug. I'm talking about the warmth their eyes exude. Her eyes make the world brighter into the darkness."  Vanitas triumphantly stated.

You're face grew warm by his words while Ladybug practically radiates annoyance.

"Speaking of which, I thought (Y/n) was with Sapphire and Cat Noir?" Adrien looks around confused.

"I thought.. she wasn't allowed to be around Vanitas for now." Ladybug with a spiteful tone, her words directed straight at you. "You know, because it was dangerous to keep her around you."

You could practically cut the tension that Ladybug just created in the room, it's like the hero was purposefully trying to hurt your feelings now.

"It doesn't matter, she comes with me rather you like it or not, you can't always push someone because they are a threat, but you should know better to help the situation." Vanitas squeezes your hand looking coldly down to Ladybug who was taken aback under his cold blue moon eyes.

Suddenly, the hypnotized people were able to get through Adrien's room. Ladybug pushed all three of you back into the bathroom.

"Stay here!" Ladybug orders and slams the doors shut.

"Quick! Let split up!" Adrien get's up.

"Stay hidden Adrien!" Vanitas grabs your hand and exit the blondes bathroom. "We'll be back!"

Vanitas lends you to his room hides you in a closet. "You'll be safe here. Do not come out once this is over."

"Okay." you obeyed and Vanitas shut it closed before going into his bathroom.

"Oh my! What was that all about? Sweet love?" Echo teased. "She gonna hear you transform."

"My closet is sound proof, she'll be fine. Echo, blue moon rise!"

Sapphire leaps in to find his partners. "Well, that's just great." He comments.

They knew exactly where Simon Says has taken Gabriel. They just hope they make it on time.

"Welcome to another exciting hour of the Challenge! Good evening again from Simon Says. Viewers, I've kept my promise, here's Gabriel!" The mind controlled Gorilla holds Gabriel by his arms as he's forced to come up on stage. "Simon Says, you are a butterfly."

Simon Says throws a butterfly card at Gabriel. Now that he was hypnotized, Gabriel began to flap his arm and jump around.

"Flap flap, flutter flutter, flutter flutter, flap flap!"

The trio made it to the TV Studio and saw from the screen that Simon Says has already hypnotized Gabriel.

Sapphire begins to laugh hysterically. "Who knew that guy can soar like a butterfly! Hahahahahah!"

"You're telling me." Cat Noir agrees, looking at his father try and prance around the room as if he were an actual butterfly. It was giving him second hand embarrassment.

"No time to joke around boys! We've gotta save Mr. Agreste!" Ladybug exclaims.

"Tomorrow, butterfly, you will be no more." Simon grins evilly as he holds up his cards menacingly.

"The Akuma has to be in one of those cards." Ladybug examines.

"But which one?" Cat Noir questions. "There's so many of them."

Ladybug steps back and runs to kick the door open. The hero's run in to stop Simon Says. "Ladybug, Cat Noir, Sapphire, you can save him by giving me your Miraculouses. Do the right thing..." Simon Says has his cards ready.

"In your dreams. Lucky Charm!" Ladybug summons her power and then a yo-yo appears.

 "A regular yo-yo? But you've got a magical one!" Cat Noir said.

"I'll figure it out later," Ladybug charge at SS.

"Simon says... your yo-yo is useless!" Simon Says throws a card at the yo-yo and it falls to the floor.

"Simon says... your stick and knife are..." Before he could finish, Sapphire and Cat Noir knock his cards off his hand.

"How 'about Simon says shut up and fight like a real man!" Sapphire barked.

Ladybug goes to the floor and rips the cards, but there was no Akuma in them. "Simon says..." 

"Na-na-na-na-na-na-na, na-na-na-na-na-na-na." He was cut off by Cat Noir taunting him.

"It doesn't matter whether you can hear me or not, all that is important is what Simon says!" Simon Says exclaims.

"Simon says, remove your Miraculous and give it to me!" S.S throws his cards.

"Watch out!" Sapphire  avoids the cards. He turns to see his companoins about to be hit by the cards, so he pushes them away from danger. When he got up, he noticed that he accidentally pushed Cat Noir on top of Ladybug.

Cat Noir smiles shyly as Ladybug looks annoyed. Sapphire rolls her eyes. He bonks Cat Noir and Ladybug on the heads. "Well, what do you know? I bonked two people in one day."

Simon Says noticed Gabriel and he got an idea. "Simon says... take off like an airplane!" He throws a card at Gabriel. Now, Adrien's father began to act like an airplane and runs out of the room.

He's headed for the roof. We got to stop him." Cat Noir was about to go after him, but Sapphire stops him.

"Hold on, Puss. We need to stop Simon Says so everyone can be free like him."

Ladybug agrees with the bat. "Sapphire is right. We have to stop Simon Says."

Cat Noir was hesitant, but he agrees. "Then let's not waste another minute."

"And how will you defeat me without your yo-yo?" Simon Says taunts. "Simon says... it's over!" He throws his black cards at them, but they were hit by Cat Noir and Sapphires's weapons.

"Follow my lead." Ladybug instructed.

"Simon says..." Simon Says was cut off when Ladybug knocks the deck of cards from him using the regular yo-yo. Sapphire uses his knifeto make sure that Simon Says doesn't reach them. Then they help Cat Noir up.

"Cataclysm!" He summons his power and destroys the cards. Now the Akuma flies out.

"That's not possible! I made your yo-yo useless!" Simon Says was shocked.

"This one yes, but not this one." Motioning to the real one and then the one she received from her lucky charm.

"Miraculous Ladybug!" She throws up her Lucky Charm and frees everyone from Simon Says powers. This even helped Ladybug's yo-yo get fixed."My yo-yo! No more evildoing for you, little Akuma." She opens her yo-yo Time to de-evilize!" She catches the Akuma with her yo-yo. "Gotcha!" She then realized the purified butterfly. "Bye-bye, little butterfly."

Simon Says, the evil hypnotist, turns back into Simon Bremo, the shy and good-hearted man.

"Pound it!" The three end their battle with their signature fist pump.

They quickly ran towards the roof where Gabriel was. They saw that he carefully backs away from the edge. "I'm afraid your flight's been canceled, sir." Cat Noir jokes.

"You?" Gabriel was confused.

"Prefer Ladybug or Sapphire? Can't say I blame you." He puts his arms around the two heroes' shoulders.

Cat Noir's ring beeping signals that he needs to leave.

"Well, I guess thats my cue. I'll see you again, Mr. Agreste." Cat Noir holds his hand out to shake Gabriel's hand.

Gabriel stares at it for a second before reciprocating the action, but he quickly flips Chat's hand to examine the ring on his finger.

Chat gives Gabriel a suspicious look as he snatches his hand away from him, before turning towards his companions.

"And you, m'lady. Sapphire see you later, man." Cat Noir bows before rushing away.

Back at the Agreste mansion, Adrien is sadly looking at pictures of his mother as Vanitas watch, not knowing what to say.

The Noirette hears the door open as Gabriel enters Adrien's room and stands by his sons, it's quiet for a minute as they stare at one another before Gabriel engulfs them into a hug.

Adrien is shocked by the action, but he happily smiles and accepts the rare affection given to him as he snuggles more into his father. Vanitas however had a blank face and did not hug back.

It's over all too soon when Gabriel pulls away and grabs his both son's hand and his vest, examining the bland ring on Adrien's finger and a broach on Vanitas'.

"I've never noticed your ring and you broach before." Gabriel studies them.

"Is that the only thing you've never noticed about me?" Adrien momentarily freezes upon his fathers questioning glances but plays it off, and he takes his hand away, crossing his arms.

"I'm glad everything worked out for the best." Gabriel gives his sons a small smile before turning to Vanitas, "Vanitas, you're friend is quite the kind hearted one. But do not forget about the deal with the nobles."

Vanitas clenched his fist. "Yes, father. I still remember."

"Good, the arrangement will be on hold, goodnight, my sons."  he says his final words before leaving the room.

Adrien looks at his ring sadly, tears beginning to sting his eyes with how long he's been holding them back.

Vanitas gives his best to comfort him by patting his shoulder. And then Adrien hugs him. Vanitas stood still and let him cry even though his hug was small he let's him cry.

"It's not fair." Adrien sobs. "And it's not fair for you to be force into an arrange marriage."

Vanitas sighs. "I'll figure something out. There's no way I marry someone from the nobles."

"What about (Y/n)?"

Vanitas was silent at the moment and try to come up with a reassurance. "I'll tell her later when I had the chance."

Adrien pulls away while wiping away his tears looking at his brother in concern

Vanitas chuckles and put on his best smirk. "Come on, do you know me? I am Vanitas....it matter not who dares to defy me. I will prevail to ruin the marriage."

Meanwhile at the TVi Studio. 

You were able to head to the studio and ready for your surprise challenge.

Alec:  "Welcome back to everyone's #1 game show, The Challenge! Last week, our cool DJ friend Nino won the challenge. So, let's welcome him back again. Come on out, DJ Nino!"

You applaud seeing Nino walking up to the stage.

Alec: "So we upped the challenge for you tonight, Nino. You're gonna have to get three celebrities dancing instead of one! However, this time, you can choose your opponents."

Nino: "Oh, I've got this one in the bag. I'm gonna pick three buds I know won't let me down. Ladybug, Cat Noir, and Sapphire! But first let's hear for my girl (Y/n)!"

The Camera was on you who shyly wave at the audience.

"So, what is you're challenge with miss (Y/n) here today before 3 heroes shows up?" Alec asked.

Nino grins. "Her challenge is to face her fear singing along with her favorite band!"

Alec and you were totally surprised. "A band you say? I wonder who could that be?"

Nino moition his hands. "Come on out and show yourselves, The Winx!"

Six girls appear on the spotlight and you squeal.

"Nino! You're my hero!" you hugged him. "But how did you..."

"Well, it's you're favorite girl band! And They drive everywhere around the globe! And they were looking for someone to sing with them! So get out there and sing!" Nino pushes you to the Winx.

You akwardly walk towards them as the main leader of the Winx is Bloom held a hand for you to walk on stage.

"Hey there! Congratulation on getting a challenge, what's your name?" Bloom asked.

"I'm (Y/n). I know who you girls are!" you excitedly sequel. "You're Bloom, and that's, Stella, Flora, Techna, Layla and Musa, the coolest girls from Gardiana! I'm a huge fan!"

Bloom laughs and place a hand on her hip. "Well I hope you are, because we hope you can sing one of our songs. Can you keep up?"

"I will do my best!" you declare.

The Winx cheered and you and all start the band!

Y/n : ~ Woke up this morning I'm so lazy, I'm late again
Put on my makeup. The sun is shining, I feel great I rush down the street

My friends are waiting there for me ...One more adventure

It's gonna be a tough day at school

There's so much to learn And we are giving all our best
No time for foolin'

It may seem hard but it's my life...

The teacher caught me daydreaming again ....All I can think is you (All I can think is you)

And will I make it to the end? My friends keep telling me...

You're the one. You can do the incredible things you do
You're the best
And baby you deserve the gifts you have
Can't you see? You are strong
You fight against the demons everyday
You're a star
Remember where you come from and who you are
Come join us...

We have a day out, I wonder what we're going to do
I'm so excited....Shall we go shopping all day long?

I'll see my parents...

It's hard to be away from home...But it's all worth it
I love to share it with my friends. Now look at yourself...You know I'm talking to you

You're the one. You can do the incredible things you do You're the best
And baby you deserve the gifts you have Can't you see? You are strong You fight against the demons everyday

You're a star .Remember where you come from
And who you are
Come join us!

Why be extraordinary? When you can always be yourself? (Yourself) You're a fairy, believe it
Why can't you see that?

You're the one. You can do the incredible things you do.....You're the best...And baby you deserve the gifts you have...Can't you see? You are strong....You fight against the demons everyday!

You're a star!

Remember where you come from, And who you are! Come join us!
Oooh, come join us

Come join us! Come join us!


You are a fairy, believe it!

You gotta believe it 'Cause you're the one


As the music ends everyone applaud and cheer for you and the Winx.

The three heroes stood there with their jaws drop. Ladybug was out of breath ans loss for words.

Sapphire smirks and was proud that you sing wonderfully.

"So...can I have you're number?" you ask Bloom bashfully and she accept.

You pass the challenge and you made new friends.

~The Winx!

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