My Love - Bill Kaulitz X Read...

By m4rsm4ll0

20.6K 518 77

after you and your band move to Leipzig, Germany, you find out another band lives next door to you. But what... More

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photos for photoshoot
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By m4rsm4ll0

After a few different stops we are finally at Hollywood. Tomorrow we are gonna go see Evie and the others. Bill asked if he could come with us, so he is going to, I'm worried a bit Tho because Alex is going, and he was pretty close with my ex when he left. So, we might end up bringing him. But whatever if I see him, I see him.  Me and Bill are sharing a room again. We are watching scream. After about half of the movie I fell asleep on bills chest.  

I woke up to the shower running. I looked over at the bathroom door and it was shut. I stood up making my way to the suitcase. Changing clothes because I showered last night. As I was putting on a bra bill came out of the bathroom with just a towel wrapped around his waist. "Goodmorning Schatz" he said walking over to me. "Morning baby" I pulled him into a kiss. He kissed back and eventually we both pulled away. I turned around to finish getting dressed. He walked next to me to grab his outfit from his suitcase. He got dressed as well. 

"Where is the 'get together'?" 

"It's at evies house."

"Oh okay. I'm excited to meet your friends." 

"I'm glad, I'm sure they will all love you."

"I hope so."  suddenly we heard banging on the door. 

"Y/N, BILL HURRY UP WE GOTTA GO!" Astrid yelled through the door. 

"LEMME PUT MY SHOES ON!" I yelled at her. When I got my shoes on me, and bill walked out hand in hand.  

Time skip to at Evies house. 

"EVIEE" Me and Astrid ran up to her porch where she was standing, Tackling her. 


"Guys They are here!!" Evie yelled into the door and then suddenly me, Astrid, Sarah, and Maddie all got tackled.  Bill kinda just stood there. As soon as everyone stood up, I introduced bill.

 "Guys this is bill, My boyfriend." I held his hand tightly. 

"Es lindo  (He's cute)" Marcus joked.

 "¿Es esta tu manera de decir tu Marcus gay?(Is this your way of saying your gay Marcus?)" I laughed. He flipped me off. 

"Nice to meet you bill." Evie spoke.

 "At least Evie has some manners." Astrid joked. 

"Hey! I gave him a compliment." Marcus joked. Suddenly Alex walked out with none other than jayden next to him. My ex.

 "¿Por qué está Jayden aquí?(Why is jayden here?)" I asked evie, she just shrugged. "

Alex lo trajo y no nos lo dijo(Alex brought him and didn't tell us" She spoke. 

"Sup Y/N" Alex walked over to me and dapped me up.  Jayden walked over to us all. 

"Alex, Jayden. This is my boyfriend bill." I told them smiling as bill put his arm around my shoulder. I think he could tell something happened with me and jayden.

 "Alors tu es allé chercher un autre petit ami? (So you went and got another boyfriend?)" Jayden spoke. 

"Ferme-le jayden.(Shut it jayden)" 

"You guys gotta stop conversing in languages only you two know." Maddie joked as we all walked into the house. 

"To be entirely fair Jayden started it first" I raised my hands in defense.

 "WHO WANTS TO PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE!!" Alex yelled running to the living room. 

"Oh, come on we always play that lets play something else" Astrid groaned sitting down.

 "How about truth or dare?" He asked.

 "Boring" Both Me and Jayden said at the same time. 

"Strip truth or dare?" marcus asked.

 "Oh my god you managed to think of a game that wasn't boring or overplayed." We all agreed and played it. We explained the rules to bill.

 "Okay Y/N truth or dare" Alex spoke. 

"Hmmmmm dare" 

"I dare you to kiss everyone in the room" I looked at him like he was insane. 

"Nah" I said pulling off my shirt, which luckily, I wore an undershirt today.

 "Okay, Astrid truth or dare"


"kiss Evie"

 "done" she turned to Evie and kissed her passionately. They were making out for a minute until Marcus said something. 

"Okay Y/N said kiss not fuck" We all laughed and then Astrid continued. 

"Truth or dare Marcus" 


"Kiss someone here" 

"Okay I guess" he shrugged walking over to Me and kissed me on the check. 

"Sorry bill it was either that or kiss a guy, my sister, or a lesbian. Astrid would murder me." He said walking back over to sit down. 

 "That I would."  

"Remember the time she bit him over a pencil."  Evie laughed.

"Ich habe dir gesagt, dass sie verrückt sind (I told you they were crazy)" I whispered in bill's ear. 

"Y/N truth or dare"


"How many languages do you know?" 


"5?" Bill asked. 

"Yeah, English obvi, Spanish, French, German, and Arabic."

"Why do you even need to know Arabic?" Jayden asked.

"The same reason I need to know French, I don't."

"Jay truth or dare." 


"Make up a rap about the person next to you"

"Nah I'm not doing that shit" He said taking off his shirt. I stared for a flat second then looked away.

"Vous aimez ce que vous voyez ? (Like what you see?)" I flipped him off. 

"I'm seriously confused right now." 

"We should have taken French with them."

We did a few more rounds and most of us were practically naked. 

"Y/N how many people in the room have you kissed"


"4? how have I not gotten a kiss yet?" Marcus asked. 

"Well, I have a logical explanation for every one of them."

"Explain then."

"Me and Bill are dating, Astrid And Evie are in love with me, and Jayden is my ex. Easy explanation for all 4" 

"Du warst früher mit ihm zusammen? (You used to date him?)" Bill asked. 

"Ja, aber er war ein Arschloch, von dem wir uns getrennt haben, weil er mich vor über einem Jahr betrogen hat. (Yeah, but he was a dickhead we broke up because he cheated on me over a year ago.)" 

"Oh okay" 

We did a few more round and I had to do the stuff because I was already in a bra and boxers. 

"Okay lets end this game because now it's just regular truth or dare because if someone doesn't do something they literally have to be entirely naked."

"Evie's right let's just watch a movie and order a pizza or something."

"You guys do that, I have to go home. I promised my mom that I would help with dinner." Jayden told us. 

"Ah yes jay-jay once again leaving our hangouts to help his mom. Such a good child" I spoke, and everyone laughed as we all got dressed again. 

"Oh, we are going to the lake tomorrow, right?" Alex asked. 

"Yeah" I told him.

"Can jay come with?" He asked and they both gave us puppy dog eyes. 

"Why not?" Evie answered. We all agreed, and he was told what time it was tmr. 

"Ich mag ihn nicht.(I don't like him)" Bill whispered in my ear. 

"Ich weiß, Baby, aber es ist in Ordnung. Er wird uns nicht stören. Und wenn er es tut, wird Astrid ihn wahrscheinlich töten. (I know baby but it's okay. He won't bother us. plus, if he does Astrid will probably kill him.)" I kissed his lips as Evie turned on titanic.

 "eww get a room" Marcus fake gagged. I flipped him off and continued kissing bill. We both pulled away when the movie started.  

"chupar mi Polla (Suck my dick)" Both the girls looked at me like some drama was about to go down.

"Is that a dare?" He asked me. I once again flipped him off. About halfway through the movie Bill started to rub my thigh. I didn't mind it because he usually does this. A few minutes later I felt his hand slowly getting higher and higher on my thigh. Till he reached my yk. 

                                          KINDA  SMUTT!!!!!!

He rubbed lightly causing me to gasp. I'm so glad Evie gave us blankets. He started to rub faster causing me to let out a quite moan. I moved my head to his shoulder, pressing my lips against it hoping it would help the moans to be a little more quiet. I felt that feeling in my stomach again. Bill must have noticed because he began to rub even faster. Once I finished in my underwear bill stuck his finger all the way in. making me let out a quite moan, and then stuck them in my mouth. 

SMUT OVERRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Eventually it got so late we couldn't go home. We rode a taxi here and Evie didn't like the idea of any of us riding in a taxi with a stranger this late. So, she let us spend the night. Her mom was gone on a business trip. Me and Bill got the guest room. Astrid slept in her room. sarah and maddie slept in the living room. Me and Bill fell asleep cuddling. 


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