A Trollhunter turned King

By dragonqueen9

17.3K 334 1.1K

after using the time stone infused amulet, Jim finds himself back to the day it all started, only this time T... More

old friends, new beginnings
good old Trollmarket
Black and Blue
Strange, but familiar
great, goblins
why, Merlin, why?
training and research
Oh no
well then
holy shi-
Who's the wizard?
Sweet Sixteen, Again. (part 1)
Sweet Sixteen, Again. (part 2)
Sweet Sixteen, Again (part 3)
Creep Slayerz, Back in Action
Wake Up
Ladies First
Unexpected Guest
Friends Close, Enemies Closer
Target Acquired
Game On
Great Minds Think Alike
Home, Sweet Earth
Art drop
Trollmarket's beauty
Art drop (2)
Not in Vain
Royal Trouble
Mission Impossible?

Gnomes and Changelings

433 7 40
By dragonqueen9

"Um. . what's wrong?" Toby asked ARRRGGH!, pointing at the four armed troll running around his library.

"Rogue gnome." the gentle giant answered simply. Jim and Claire took their eyes off the frantic troll and shared a look.

"Vermin! Scum of the earth!" Blinky exclaimed, trying his best to keep up with the creature. It was obvious now that there was in fact a gnome running around the room. Claire and Jim laughed as Jim stepped further into the room.

"I have a feeling we know this one." Jim said as he took off his blue jacket for the hundredth time as not to rip it and transformed. The blue fabric was gone from his hand in a second, slightly startling him and the others.

"Careful, Jim. This ones the worst I've ever seen." Blinky warned, giving a glance at Jim before going right back to trying to catch the menace. Jim chuckled as he stood still for a moment, then he moved to his natural crouch.

Jim's ears twitched as only his eyes followed the gnome's movement. Finding his opening, Jim shot out and grabbed the little gremlin in both hands. Because of how big his troll hands were, the gnome was completely encased and covered.

"By Deya, good catch my boy." Blinky said with a wide grin as Jim stood up. "Now let's dispose of this rodent." he said, reaching out for Jim's hands. Jim pulled away from his father.

"We don't need to kill him." Jim explained, then he looked at Toby. "I know this is a dumb question but, got any Nougat Nummys?" he asked. Toby gave a confused look but reached in his back pocket to pull one out anyway.

"Why are we giving the gnome candy?" Toby asked as he walked over to Jim and the table.

"Peace treaty." Claire said with a shrug of her shoulders as she too walked over followed by ARRRGGH!. There was a chatter from Jim's hands, bringing everyone's attention back to the creature. Jim and Claire listened to the chatter for a moment before sharing a shocked look.

"Chompsky?" Jim breathed as he opened his hands to reveal a very annoyed looking gnome. He chartered some more then smirked to confirm their suspicion.

"Haha, Chompsky. How do you remember?" Claire laughed as Jim let him hope of his hands and onto the table. He disappeared and reappeared with the red wrapped chocolate that was in Toby's hands.

"Still wanted the peace offering." Jim laughed with Claire. The others were needless to say, very confused.

"What is happening?" Toby asked, finally having enough as his favorite candy was stolen out of his hands.

"This is Chompsky. He's a future friend, but somehow he already has his memories back." Jim explained to them. "Were you just messing with Blinky to get our attention?" Jim accused with a smirk as he turned back to the gnome. Chompsky put his hands behind his back and looked at the ceiling while whistling, gaining a laugh from all but Blinky.

"If you are truly a friend, then can I please have my books back? Or at least know where you've hidden them?" Blinky asked the pint sized creature. Chompsky crossed his arms and looked away as if to say 'no'.

"Chomps, don't make me take your hat." Jim threatened, albeit with a smile, gaining a huff from Claire. Chompsky whipped his head towards Jim with his mouth agape. Jim raised an eyebrow and the gnome sighed as he ran to a corner of the room and pointed at it.

"I question how you two know gnome. It is a very hard language to learn, not even I know it." Blinky commented as he pulled the missing books out of the hiding spot.

"Not-Enrique taught us, Oh my god! Not-Enrique!" Claire exclaimed as she covered her mouth with her hands, only just now remembering about her adoptive brother.

"Do you think they've been switched yet?!" Jim matched her panic. Chompsky chartered in just as much shock as them and said something that roughly translated to 'how could you forget'.

"What's wrong? I thought Enrique was your brother." Toby said, just as confused but concerned as the others.

"He is but in the original timeline, he was swapped with a changeling. Not-Enrique is just as much family as Enrique, though." Claire explained, still frantic, trying to recall if her little brother was still her little brother. "He hasn't been acting weird, but then again, I didn't notice last time either." Claire told Jim as she pulled at her hair on the verge of tears.

"Hey, we'll figure it out." Jim reassured as he pulled her into a hug. He was still just as panicked as her, but he had to be the support right now. Claire wrapped her arms around Jim's middle and she buried her head into his chest. "Text Douxie." he told Toby, trying to stay as calm as possible. "Tell him about Chompsky and that we have a new problem." he said looking up at the teen.

"Let's go." ARRRGGH! Rumbled, knowing what was happening. Claire was in distress and his instincts were telling him to get his mate somewhere safe. The troll led everyone out and left the couple alone. Claire noticed them leave and finally realized what was going on.

"Jim, I'm ok." she said, hugging him tighter. Jim, however, continued to stay tense, it seemed he was fighting an internal war.

"I know. I know you're ok. But what if they're not." Jim said with a bit of a growl at the end. Claire pulled back from him with a teary smile.

"And that right there is why I love you." Claire said as she cupped Jim's face with her hand. Jim relaxed to her touch, he sighed and closed his eyes with a small smile as a purr came from his throat. Claire wiped her eyes from the water and pulled away completely to go after the others, making Jim follow.

"If he hasn't been switched yet, then we need to find that menace before he tears something up." Jim said, now in the forge.

"Menace or not, you love him too." Claire said with a laugh. "But he is a menace. Wasn't it him that trashed my house?" she asked, thinking back to the time Jim 'babysat'.

"Yes. and he's a part of the pack, of course I want him to be safe. Even if he could care less about us right now." Jim said as he thought about it a little more.

"What about Mr. Strickler? You said he was a good guy in the future and you damn near took his head off about a month ago." Toby pointed out. Jim cringed at the memory.

"I try to avoid fighting him, if I can. But sometimes he's a little stubborn." Jim said, scratching the back of his neck. 

"I'm going to go find out. I'm done waiting." Claire said while pulling out her staff. Jim and Toby offered to go with her and they all left through a portal. Claire once again chose a spot under trees to protect Jim, but he transformed right after coming through the portal.

"hey, maybe we can use that to sway this guy onto our side." Toby said gesturing to Jim. "you could say you're a changeling and to join our side." he explained as they walked from the tree line to Claire's front door.

"he's a little more stubborn than that, but maybe." Jim commented, seeing his friend's point of view. Claire unlocked the door and peaked inside to look for any signs of her parents.

"they're not home yet." She sighed and opened the door all the way for the boys. Toby looked around at the interior like any would when entering a new house. of course, Jim didn't as he had already seen it a dozen times.

"straight upstairs?" Jim questioned with a laugh as they watched Claire go right to the staircase and go up. they followed as Toby pulled out a gaggletag and showed it to Jim. "keep that hidden until we need it." Jim whispered to him, the stout teen nodded and put the item back in his bag.

"Enrique?" Claire asked in a soothing voice as she entered the baby's room. she walked over to the crib and looked down at the pale infant under the blankets. she smiled as he started laughing and reaching up for her. whether this was her bio-brother or adoptive brother, she still loved him. "all right, come here." she picked him up and sat him on her hip to better support him.

"well?" Toby asked from the doorway. Jim elbowed him with a 'wtf' look. Claire turned to them, letting the child see the two boys. his eyes grew wide for only a second but Jim saw it. the kid started to reach out for them as Jim walked forward with a smirk. he stood in front of Claire with his arms crossed as Toby followed him into the room.

"easy way or the hard way? Not-Enrique." Jim asked, both him and Claire watched as the baby's face fell in fear. Claire gained her own smirk, Toby, reading the room, flashed a smirk as well. the baby's face turned from scared to angry as he started clawing at Claire. 

"hard way apparently." Claire said as she threw her brother back into his crib. a flash of green came from the bed and Not-Enrique climbed the side bars.

"stupid fleshlings." the green changeling spat with a growl. Claire had walked across the U.S. with a bunch of trolls for almost a year, so it was no surprise that she responded to his growl with a growl of her own. It wasn't as impressive as Jim's or ARRRGGH!'s, it was rare to find anyone who could beat them, but her's was actually decent and got the changeling to real back in shock.

"Don't you even, mister." Claire pointed a finger at him, making his ears pin back and gaining a laugh from the boys. The changeling opened his mouth, then shut it again, not being able to find his words.

"Well I guess we don't need this now." Toby said, holding up the horseshoe. Not-Enrique leaned further back when he saw the item.

"You came ready with a gaggle tag? How'd you whelps know?" He all but shrieked while baring his teeth. Jim took that as his cue, and just to screw with him, transformed and snarled back with his arms still crossed over his chest.

"Wait, you're a Changeling?" the green troll asked, a little shocked. "It's only me first day. I don't know anyone yet." he tried to defend himself.

"We don't work with Strickler." Claire said, already knowing what Not-Enrique was implying. They could only assume that Not-Enrique could have thought both Jim and Claire were changelings at this point with her growl from earlier. Toby was probably out of that assumption because he was holding a gaggle tag without transforming.

"What have they told you?" Jim interrogated with a hard stare. The Changelings' attention went back to the main threat at the moment and glared back at the half troll.

"If y'all don't work for boss man, why in pale lady would I tell you?" Not-Enrique asked, pointing a finger at Jim. Claire tensed at the mention of the original shadow witch but a smile pulled at her lips as she got an idea.

"The Eldritch Queen herself sent us." Claire said leaning a little closer to her brother. Jim and Toby were a little taken aback but went along with her. "She doesn't agree with what the Gumm-Gumm's are doing and she sent us to interfere." Claire explained, Not-Enrique looked shocked before he spoke.

"And why should I believe you?" the Changeling spoke harshly with another growl, gaining a sort of bark from Jim, making him back off a little. It took all of her concentration to pull her magic out of her staff, but she was able to do it. The room was engulfed in shadows as her eyes turned black and glowing purple. Toby tucked himself slightly closer to Jim as he wasn't used to Claire's powers yet. Jim was relatively unfazed, but he kept an eye on Claire to make sure she wasn't over doing it too much.

"Mo- the Eldritch Queen chose me as her successor." Claire said as she let her magic fade and the room fell back to normal. Not-Enrique gave the boys a confused look as if asking what they were then. "They're basically bodyguards. Or at least they try to be." Claire teased, pulling out yet another flawless lie. Jim told her that she was the best actor in the world once and it was showing right now.

"My lady." Jim bowed his head to Claire with a small laugh, Toby caught on and did the same. Jim had the play to thank for all the acting skills. Jim and Claire both knew how much Morgana meant to the Changelings and if they had to use her name to convince Not-Enrique to switch sides, then that's what they were going to do.

"What's the lady creator want with me?" the changeling asked, now fully convinced that they were sent by Morgana. "And what were you about to call her?" he questioned, catching her stutter from earlier. No one dared call her by her true name at this point so Claire had to correct herself.

"Well, I call her mother, but that's a luxury only I possess, so I corrected myself." Claire said after a second of thought. Jim stepped forward and gave Claire a look, as if asking to speak. Claire wasn't used to being in charge so she gladly let him take over.

"If Gunmar is released right now, what's stopping them from falling and losing what they just gained once the sun rises? Trolls might win the surface but once the sun comes out, the humans will regather and attack." Jim told the Changeling that was now sitting on the edge of the crib in a crouch just listening. Not-Enrique looked in thought at Jim's words and seemed to come to the same conclusion and realized that they were right.

"She needs a spy on the inside. Someone they trust to tell information." Claire continued, taking the lead again. Jim played his part and stepped back. "She needs them to stop trying to release Gunmar and she needs you to be our insider." Claire finally gave Not-Enrique his task.

"Why not just tell Bossman directly? Why me?" he asked, putting his hand on his chest. Claire faltered to find an excuse for that one.

"Strickler's gone rogue, same for Nomura. They run the Janus order, do they not?" Jim said, not bothering to step forward again. Not-Enrique nodded to confirm Jim's question. "They control everything, except maybe Bular himself. They want the changelings to stay loyal to Gunmar, not our Eldritch Queen." It wasn't obvious to the Changeling but Claire and Toby could see the way the words 'our Eldritch Queen' left a sour taste in Jim's mouth.

"We needed a new guy to use as a spy." Toby said, finally adding to the act. Jim had kept Toby behind him so it didn't seem like the short teen was 'speaking out of turn'.

"If our lady creator needs me then count me in, sister." Not-Enrique said, standing up on the top bar and puffing out his chest. "Also been wanting to get back at Nomura for throwing me across the room at our first meeting." he said as he punched his open palm.

"I'll help keep an eye on your cover." Claire said as she gestured to the baby room. "Mother will be glad you accepted." Now it was Claire's turn to have a sour taste in her mouth. "You will report to only us. Am I clear? No one else can know." Claire asked. Not-Enrique stood straight and saluted the boys.

"Of course, sis." He said as he turned to Claire and bowed at her. She had a hard time not rolling her eyes. "They have a meeting tonight. I'll get as much outta them as possible." he told them with a glint in his eyes. Claire smiled at her brother. the happy moment was ruined when they all heard the front door open.

"Shoot, my parents are home." Claire whisper yelled, as both Jim and Not-Enrique transformed back to their human forms/disguises. Jim grabbed Toby and yanked him to the window and opened it.

"you don't expect me to jump out of the window, do you?" Toby asked, laughing nervously. Claire ran to the door to watch for the adults. 

"heh, is Tubby scared of heights?" Not-Enrique teased. it was very unnerving to hear his natural voice come from the baby's mouth. Toby glared at the child looking changeling.

"of course not." Jim said, making Toby take a breath of relief. "but have fun explaining why you're here to them." Jim said, gesturing to the doorway as he swung himself feet first out the window without another thought.

"hey!" Toby exclaimed as he dove through the window, not wanting to be left behind. no one was around and Jim had the house's shadow to stay in as he caught Toby in his troll form. he set his best friend down and they waved goodbye to Claire who was now in the window looking down at them. 

"some bodyguards." Not-Enrique said as he laid back down in his crib to play off the act. Claire rolled her eyes and closed the window as the boys disappeared into the woods.


Douxie had to hold back a laugh as Jim and Toby explained the situation. Claire had gotten held up with her parents back at her place, but everyone else was back in the library.

"So, she has to pretend to be loyal to Morgana until you guys can convince this changeling to switch sides?" Archie summarized from the table.

"And he thinks you're a Changeling?" Douxie asked Jim with a laugh. Jim rolled his eyes, but nodded a yes. "Was the 'loyal servants' idea yours?" He accused his brother.

"Actually Claire just came up with it herself. We didn't even know what was going on." Toby said. The wizard's eyes grew wide at the information. Douxie would have never thought Claire would do that out her own free will.

"Her acting was foolproof, but we could tell she didn't like it." Jim reassured. Douxie relaxed, knowing that at least she didn't screw up her head in training.

"I still question why we want this . . vermin on our side." Blinky said, still very against having a changeling on the team.

"Part of future pack." ARRRGGH! Reminded the four arm troll with a pat on his shoulder. Blinky huffed a breath of annoyance but eased up. Douxie's face fell as he realized something.

"If they've already been switched, then that means Enrique still needs saving from the darklands." the wizard said, looking at Jim with a frown. Jim sucked in a breath at the memories of the other dimension.

"Unfortunately, my friend, that is impossible. The darklands are sealed away by the power of Killahead bridge. Not to mention, going into the darklands to save a singular child would be suicide." Blinky told them, reminding Jim that he had still yet to tell them about Killahead. But his ears pinned to his head as Blinky was very obviously against going into the darklands and he knew the moment his father found out about his month-long 'vacation', he was going to get the lecture of a lifetime.

"The darklands are where Gunmar is, right? Why the hell would he keep babys?" Toby asked, not understanding how changelings and their familiars worked. Archie gave him a quick run down and got back to the conversation.

"No matter what, you're not going in alone again." Douxie said sternly, pointing at Jim. the half troll glared at him as a collective gasp filled the room.

"ALONE!?!?" Blinky shouted, making Jim curl into himself. "You went into the darklands alone?! Going in as a group would be dangerous, going in alone would be SUICIDAL!?" Blinky shouted. Jim instinctively covered his scruff so that his father couldn't reach it.

"Sometimes I think that would have been the better outcome." Jim whispered, ashamed he could ever think that way. Douxie cringed, knowing this was his big mouth's fault.

"There's no need to yell. All of us have already given him our own lectures." Douxie stepped up, trying to ignore Jim's comment as he placed a hand on his brother's shoulder blade.

"Yeah trust me, I don't plan on doing that ever again. And I would much rather not ever have to see the darklands again." Jim reassured them as he let go of his neck.

"You better not do that again." Claire said from behind them as she came through a portal. "We get my brother together this time. For real." she said, poking the dull end of her staff into Jim's chest. He gave a small laugh and nodded.

"Finally get away from your parents?" Toby asked with a teasing smile. Claire flipped her staff and pointed the blades at Toby as a warning.

"Yes, somehow." Claire said, rolling her eyes and putting her now dagger away. "They wanted me and 'Enrique' to go with them to an interview, for some god awful reason. I'm pretty sure it was just to show us off." Claire rolled her eyes again as she crossed her arms.

"Good to see you, Morgana's successor." Douxie teased with a bow and a laugh. Claire glared at him.

"I will hit you, teach." she threatened bluntly, pulling out her dagger again. With that, the wizard threw his hands up in surrender with another laugh.

"My boy, may I have a word with you?" Blinky asked quietly, placing a hand on Jim's back. Jim had a feeling his father wasn't going to take no for an answer, so he nodded and followed him to the other room. The others were engaged in a new conversation so they didn't really acknowledge them leave.

"What's up?" Jim sighed with a frown, already having an idea of where this was going.

"You are safe now and you know not to do it again but. ." Blinky said then paused, fiddling with his hands. "Why would you have gone alone?" he asked, looking at Jim with sad eyes. Jim couldn't bring himself to make eye contact with his father, and turned his head to look at the ground.

"I didn't want anyone else to get hurt." Jim whispered a response as tears began to cloud his vision.

"What do you mean by that?" Blinky questioned gently, seeming to know it was a sore topic. Jim shuddered a breath as he tried to keep the cries from coming out. Blinky placed a hand on the boy's shoulder.

"We-. we had fought Angor Rot right before a-and so many trolls didn't survive the battle." Jim tried to explain as his voice cracked and tears started to fall from his eyes. "We lost ARRRGGH!" he said, looking back up at his father as he broke completely.

"Oh, my dear boy." Blinky gasped as he pulled Jim into a hug, his own eyes starting to water.

"I didn't w-want to lose anyone else, I couldn't lose anyone else." Jim said through sobs. Blinky rubbed circles in Jim's back as a sad purr came from his throat to try and calm the child.

"Jim, you have a heart of stone, stronger than any I've ever seen. And certainly stronger than mine." Blinky said with a water laugh, pulling back from the hug to look at Jim. "Do you know what I see in you?" he asked with a smile

Jim's eyes didn't meet his but the half troll remembered that line from when he first turned troll. He started tearing up more. This was his father, memories or not.

"I see a champion, a friend, the greatest protector known. You would go to the ends of the earth for your loved ones. I know that much." Blinky said, bending down to try and catch his gaze.

Jim looked up at Blinky, making eye contact for a split second, then looked down again. It was enough for the dam to break. Blinky's life flashed before him, a whole other life. The four armed troll shook his head and looked down at Jim, his son.

"I see a son. A magnificent son, Master Jim." Blinky said with a smile, tears coming back. Jim looked up with hopeful eyes, hearing a title he hasn't heard in months.

"Blinky?" Jim whispered, as if asking which one he was. Blinky laughed with a wide grin. "Blinky!" Jim shot forward into his fathers arms with a smile, having his suspicions confirmed.

"I'm here my boy." Blinky said, hugging him back, again. Jim pulled back and nuzzled their foreheads together as they both started churring.

"I missed you so much." Jim said, not even opening his eyes as he hugged his father closer. Blinky was the one to pull away.

"And I you, Master Jim." he said with a smile. "We have quite the predicament on our hands now, don't we?" Blinky joked, crossing his top pair of arms and resting his bottom pair of hands on his hips. Jim laughed and nodded his head.

"Yeah, yes we do." Jim laughed out. "We should probably tell them about Killahead." Jim said, remembering it once more. Blinky, well, blinked at the realization that Jim had not mentioned it to them yet in this timeline.

"That would be a good start." Blinky said, giving Jim an accusing look. Jim gave an awkward smile and rubbed at his scruff. Going back to the other room they were greeted by Chompsky chasing Archie around the library. Blinky sighed as Jim face palmed.

"Chompsky, stop it!" Claire demanded as she tried to help the others catch the crazy gnome. Jim jumped forward and got in between the gnome and dragon. He gave Chompsky a hard glare, stopping the creature in his tracks as he whined.

"Leave Archie alone." Jim said, standing back up. Said cat jumped onto Jim's shoulder for protection. Chompsky hissed at Archie and Archie hissed back.

"He's a stubborn little guy." Toby said, out of breath. He was dent over with his hands on his knees for support.

"That is true, Tobias. But our short friend has always been like that I suppose." Blinky said, looking down at the gnome with a smile. He scurried away, making Archie dig his claws into Jim's shoulder more. Lucky for Jim, his troll skin protected him from it actually hurting.

"Wait, Blinky," Claire called out to get his attention. "How'd you- ... holy frijole! Blinky do you remember?" Claire said in realization. Douxie smiled at him, also seeming to realize.

"It seems I do, Fair Claire." Blinky responded. Claire ran to hug him and the troll gratefully reciprocated.

"Great, another person that remembers." Toby whispered a little angry. Jim heard him and felt so guilty. He thought things over in his head and decided to try something.

"I can try something if you want." Jim told Toby. The stout teen looked shocked as he thought no one heard him.

"That's a risky move." Archie said from his shoulder, seeming to be able to read Jim's mind. Douxie seemed to understand what his familiar was talking about.

"Jim, you're not a sorcerer. That could knock you out." Douxie explained. The others were extremely confused, not understanding what they were talking about.

"When have we ever been the safe kind?" Jim asked blankly. Douxie sighed, knowing he was right.

"What the hell's going on?" Toby asked, voicing everyone's question. The three stopped bickering to look at the shorter teen.

"Do you want your memories back?" Jim asked him, ignoring the glares he got from Douxie and Archie.

"Duh, of course I do." Toby answered. Claire walked over to Douxie and he told her what was going on, but no one else heard them. "But if it's going to hurt you. ." Toby added, noticing the interaction between the spell casters and saw Claire's reaction to the information.

"Oh it won't hurt. If what we think will happen, he will just go numb and pass out for about . .a week." Archie said, hopping off Jim's shoulder and back onto the table.

"Master Jim, is this the best choice?" Blinky asked, walking up from behind him and putting his hand on the teen's shoulder.

"We need to figure out how these new powers work somehow." Jim sighed. "What better way to do that than trial and error?" The others seemed to see his point and knew he was right.

"Alright. Just be careful." Douxie sighed, giving in. Jim gave huff at the warning, as if the wizard wasn't going to say that. Jim looked at Toby with a questioning look, asking if he was ready.

"Just don't kill yourself." Toby tried to joke but he looked like a scared puppy. Regardless, Toby nodded as Jim pulled out his amulet. He walked to Toby and took a knee next to him (which, in all honesty, didn't look natural for him.) because of their height difference.

"I'll try." Jim joked back, closing his eyes and pressing the amulet to his chest as he put a hand on Toby's shoulder. Jim focused on the power that he felt every time he'd given someone their memories. The amulet dissipated into mist and formed back under Jim's skin. Jim looked back up at Toby with glowing teal eyes. The magic transfer was similar to the first time as the glow ran from Jim's chest to his arm and over to Tobys shoulder.

A bright flash engulfed the room, blinding everyone. When the light faded, they all saw Jim had fallen to the floor on his hands, shaking and struggling to keep himself up, but very much still conscious.

"Jimbo." Toby called out to him as the others rushed forward. Toby placed a hand on Jim's chest to support him as they moved him to be sitting upright. Jim laughed through pants as he leaned back into Blinkys arms.

"I'll say, I'm impressed you're still awake." Archie praised, leaning down from the table that was right next to them.

"I have to agree. A spell like that casted by a non-spell caster, something like that would even get me woosie." Douxie said from Jim's other side. Toby's crying caught all their attention.

"Thanks, Jimbo." Toby laughed as he flung himself forward to hug the half troll. Jim hugged back as tight as he could and started crying too.

"Tobes." Jim cried. Laughs echoed out with joy as they realized that Jim's crazy idea worked.

(A/N, hello. i know I'm spoiling you with another long chapter in such a short amount of time. and so many people are back. we got Chompsky, Blinky and Toby with memories again and Not-Enrique is on our side, even if he doesn't know the truth behind it. Jim is a 'magic' user just not in the sense of actually casting spells. he has the amulet and, as a troll, has geomancy, but none of that really deals with true spell casting. that stuff is left to the wizards and witches and other sorcerers. an out put of too much magic leaves you tired, passed out, or even a never ending sleep, otherwise known as death. but an input of too much magic turns to magic poisoning, it tears you apart from the inside. Jim was pulling magic out of the amulet and then redirecting it to Toby to try and get his memories back. thats why Douxie and Archie didn't like the idea. i know there was a lot going on in this chapter and i hope it didn't confuse anyone too much, and sorry for the sort of cliff hanger. as always hoped you enjoyed and thanks for reading. see you guys later.) word count - 5071 not including (A/N)'s

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