Cloud Surfing 🍀 (Jikook)

By Love_Breeze

18.8K 1.8K 194

"How do you know you love someone?" "When you can't hate them even if they hurt you." Jimin comes to Busan af... More



299 31 4
By Love_Breeze

The place is deafening with silence. Mr. Park was on the sofa, grabbing his hair. Hazel was beside him to console him.

"Let's go!" Mr. Shin grabbed his daughter's hand.

"Appa! We can't go like this!"

"What else here is left to stay?" He forcibly pulled Hazel from her place.

"Please, Papa! They need us right now!"

"It's over Hazel! Can't you see?"

"I am sorry Mr.Shin!" Jungkook's father said.

"What sorry Mr. Jeon? Do you think this is child play?  I announced proudly to everyone that your son is going to marry my daughter. I shielded him against those crew. But what I see here, my future son-in-law is gay. His kissing video is all over the internet. Just because your son changed his identity and chose to be happy with a boy,... I am a politician, do you know how many years did it take me to reach here? How much hard work I have done? What things I have gone through? All things went in vain. And my daughter, she was bearing all this pain alone. Now if I still make connections with you then I will just become a clown."

"Papa! Leave my hand!"  Hazel jerked her hand and released her wrist from her father's grip. She was feeling superior that in the meantime she revealed photos and videos of her and Jungkook's engagement and proved the video of Jungkook kissing a boy is fake with her explanation.

"Don't say that to him. I love I mean I loved Jungkook. I should support him in this situation. Yeah! It hurt me but that doesn't mean I should_______"

"Hazel!" Jungkook spoke. "Go with Mr. Shin."


"I know apologizing won't reduce the embarrassment you went through but if you can leave us for now, I will be grateful for you."

"You see Hazel! He doesn't care!" Mr. Shin said... "Still you are talking about good? You don't have to sacrifice your mental health for him. Now everything is ended."

Mr. Shin gestured to his bodyguard and they immediately stood beside him. "I am waiting for you Hazel." Saying that he went outside...

Hazel went to Mr.Jeon and whispered... "You will take care of everything from now right!"


They exchanged an uncertain smile. She went to Jungkook and hugged him. "I am with you. Just give me a call whenever you need me!"

"Go Hazel," Jungkook said...

She wasn't expecting Jungkook to say that. With a frowning face, Hazel left the place.

Taehyung met Hazel at the door. She was irritated though he didn't exchange any words. He came in after sending away all the people that came to attend the celebration.


"Yes! Uncle!"

"Could you arrange a car for your little brother and Jimin? I think they should leave and take some rest."

"Yes!" Taehyung went outside.

Jungkook didn't want to leave his father alone. He saw how his father couldn't defend all the questions. How those reports stabbed him the embarrassing words. He was never part of this field, and never thought his love could harm others like this.

"Don't worry son! I will figure it out to unravel all of this after all I am a businessman." He smiled... "And I was never been a good father to you. This is my chance to prove you. I promised myself to help you. You go and take a rest."

"Appa!" Jungkook clasped his father tightly. He felt blessed that his father spoke those words.

"Now go!"

Jungkook nodded... He looked at Jimin.

Jimin was extremely frightened by the incident. He never thought it could be this terrible. How the question was hitting one after another. And all he did was watch Jungkook in trouble with the media. He couldn't do anything at that moment as his presence could increase more chaos.

"Um! I want to talk with Jimin alone! If you don't mind!" Mr. Jeon said to his son.

"Yes!" He went outside again glancing at Jimin. He looked scared...

Mr. Jeon sighed once his son was completely out. "You saw right the consequences. This society will loath you and him. They will never accept your love no matter how many laws they invent and no matter where you go. Simply love is not enough to fit in the society..." He said to Jimin, intending to fill up his mind with his words...

"You saw how Jungkook didn't deny when Hazel showed their engagement pictures. He feels embarrassed. He is a man after all. I think It is just his attraction to you, don't think it is love. Please understand!"

"I am going!"

Jimin left before he could speak more to pressure his mind. His heart was beating so fast. Loving him is important. He reminded himself...

He saw Jungkook beside the car and his breath became stable.

"What did he said?"

"He said h-he will make it alright." Jimin lied.


They got inside the car and reached their apartment. On their way, they didn't speak to each other...

"I am using the washroom first! I will take a quick shower." Jungkook decided to speak first...

Jimin nodded...

Jungkook went inside the washroom and Jimin immediately received a message from Taehyung saying if he needs him he is always there. Jimin just read the message and didn't reply to him.

Because all he needs right now is Jungkook to hold him. He went to the washroom, Jungkook was in the shower... He called him...


"Hyung!" He opened the door and immediately two arms wrapped around him.

"Do you think everything will be alright?" Jimin asked...

Jungkook was out of words. He could tell Jimin was scared because he was gripping him so tight. He gave a weak smile and embraced him...

"Yes! Everything will be alright because someone said to me that____

"Loving you is important." They both said it together...

"You will be with me right hyung?"


Both of them stayed in the shower like that until Jimin realized Jungkook was naked...

"I-I am sorry!" He parted himself as his whole face became red and Jungkook pulled him back...

"It's okay! I will cover myself with a towel! Let's shower together!"

"Nah! I can't handle this much hotness!" Jimin ran out of there...

Jungkook chuckled.

After that, they had dinner together. Then they went to sleep...

However, Jungkook couldn't fall asleep. He lay flat watching the ceiling. When Hazel showed their engagement photos he couldn't deny it and admit that he loves Jimin.

Though Jimin didn't say anything he knows he couldn't take out the topic of Hazel. What Jimin is thinking of him? A coward...

He was scared at that time because everything happened so suddenly. He was in relief that Hazel showed those pictures. Now he thinks those actions, he feels how pathetic he was...

Suddenly Jimin wrapped his arms around him in his sleep. He looked at Jimin. How angelic he was looking. He realized he was unfair to him... His innocent Jimin...

He closed his eyes inhaling deeply. He concluded he will announce that Jimin is his lover to the whole country.  With Jimin, he knows he can surpass all.

"I will choose you no matter what!"


The sky was still dim. He got out of the taxi, and straight headed to the police station. With his freaking mind, he entered inside. And the first sight he saw was his grandfather behind the bars.

Jimin went to Hadong. He received a call from his little brother crying that their grandfather had been arrested by police. The rest of the family members planned not to tell him, thinking they would find a way to get out of this but nothing could manage.

His grandmother and parents were negotiating with the police officer. His little brother noticed him at the entrance and ran to hug him...

He patted his little brother's head...

"Look! We can't release him unless they take their case back. It's not easy Mr. It's about a child's life. Your father used the wrong medics and he doesn't have any certificate at all. It's a serious case." The officer said to his parents...

"Now please let me handle my other work."

With hopeless eyes, his parents got up from the seat. From the conversation, Jimin understood that someone accused his grandfather of giving the wrong herbs and the child's life is in danger.

"Eomma! Appa!"

"Jimin ah!"

Hearing his grandson's voice, Grandfather moved to the bars... "Jimin ah!"

"Grandpa!" Jimin went to him and immediately held his hands. Seeing his old grandfather, behind bars broke his heart. All he could remember was his grandfather helping others with his herbs. He knows his grandfather is innocent.

"Don't worry Grandpa! We will find a way to get you out of here!"

"Hey! What is this? Whom you asked to talk with him?" The officer interrupted them.

Jimin apologized and asked if he could bail his grandfather but the officer wasn't ready to do so, stating that the accusers had strong evidence. Then he asked if he could talk with the parents of the victim...

"I already talked to the mother! She said if we are ready to pay hospital bills and the money to take care of her daughter's health then she will take her case back."

"Let's do this then!"

"Isn't it like we are admitting that her daughter is affected by father's herbs." Mr. Park said. He lowered his voice... "Plus we don't have enough money."

"That doesn't mean we can let Grandpa spend his days in jail. At this age of his life, he should____" Jimin paused. He looked at his father... "I will do something!"

Jimin quickly dialed his boss's number and asked for an advanced salary of two months. Still, that wasn't enough. What should he do next? He couldn't think of anything.

His mother said if they sell some of the land for money then they could manage the amount. Jimin disagreed with his mother. Their land is the only source of their income. How are they gonna pay all the debts...

His conversation with his mother was interrupted by the phone call. Jungkook... He didn't tell him anything and ran to Hadong. He excused himself and went outside...

"Where are you hyung?" Jungkook asked on the phone. His voice sounded apprehensive. When he woke up he could find Jimin...

"I am in Hadong."

"Hadong! What are you doing there? What happened? Is everything okay?"

Nothing was okay, Should he tell him the situation? He is confident Jungkook will help him but the money he gets will be from his father. He refused the idea. Jungkook is already going through so much, he doesn't want to shove another tension to him.

"My grandpa is sick. He said he wanted to see me." He lied.

"Is it serious? Why didn't you tell me? I would come with you!"

"It's okay! Just a mild fever and I will be back tonight."

"Are you sure?"


And the silence. They were only hearing each other breathe. Jungkook thought it would be good for him if he spent some time with his parents...



"I will call you later!"

"Okay hyung!.. I am waiting for you."


They ended the call. Jimin leaned his back against the wall and closed his eyes. Hearing Younger's voice gave him so much energy. He smiled...

Then he felt like crying... is money everything? Selling their land is the only option. He went inside to say that he changed his mind but his parents said they would sell their engagement ring. He could see how hurt they were. He hated himself for being so useless...

After the settlement of the amount, they signed the agreement papers between the child's mother and Park's family.

They took a cab and went to their home. On the way, people were murmuring about that old person who helped them in their worst health conditions.

Jimin made a fist. He always had heard praises for his grandfather's medicine. This was unbelievable. He is sure just because he is old he can't give the wrong medicine.

However, he thought they brought their grandpa home and wasn't aware that another disaster was waiting for him.

-Cloud Surfing 🍀

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