The Beauty of My First Love

By neawritesx

19.9K 229 72

Amelia is a introverted 16 year old with a kind heart, she believes in true love and that her boyfriend Liam... More

Author's Note + Characters
"Summer's Busy"
"Summer's long Awaiting"
"Summer's Beginning"
"Summer's 'Accident'"
"Summer's Trip"
"Summer's First Night"
"Summer's Awkwardness"
"Summer's Arrival"
"Summer's Party"
"Summer's Hangover"
"Summer's Heartbreak"
"Summer's Game"
"Summer's Danger"
"Summer's Beating"
"Summer's over, but not really"
"Summer's going places"
"Summer's cheaters"
"Summer's First Kiss"
"Summer's got Hope"
"Summer's Drunk"
"Summer's on the Way"
"Summer's Boring"
"Summer's Sick"
"Summer's Funny"
"Summer's confused"
"Summer's not hungry"
"Summer's Feelings"
"Summer's Cruel"
"Summer's Smelly"
"Summers Secret"
"Summer's Winning"
"Summer's Confused"
"Summer's in Trouble"
"Summer's Kisses"
"Summer's Wishes"
"Summer's Taken"
"Summer's Stressed"
"Summer's Crying"
"Summer's Busted"
"Summer's Happy"
"Summer's a Bitch"
"Summer's Truthful"
"Summer's Loved"
"Summer's Loving"
"Summer's Last Dance"
"Summer's Over"
"Summer's Regretful"
"Summer's Identity"

"Summer's Home"

345 4 3
By neawritesx

Aaron's POV

My words last night hurt. 

I feel like they hurt Nathan as well as Amelia.

I just couldn't apologise because that would mean I had to tell the true answer to that question.

Time : 11:34am

Wave been sitting in this car for almost seven hours and though I've tried to talk to Amelia she's mostly been sleeping.

"Can we stop? I have to pee." says Maddie.

"Sure, the next gas station is two minutes away." answers Elliot, looking in the mirror.

"Hey Maddie, can I switch places with you? I wanna sleep." I ask, bluntly lying and it was obvious.

"Of course!" I get a wink and an answer.

I roll my eyes and bury my nose in my phone as were pulling into the parking lot of the gas station.

Maddie jumps out of the car and runs to the gas station toilet while Elliot gets out to stretch.

I turn my phone off and get out to awake Amelia.

"Hey! You have to pee?" I place my cold hands on the back of her neck so she actually listens.

"God! Your hands are so cold!" she jumps and also runs to the toilet.

I get into the backseat and turn my phone on to the sound of notification.

Mathilda : hi aaron!!! when are yo coming hom??

Me: Luke, give the phone back to Mathilda. Ill be home soon.

I taught Luke to read and type a month ago. I wanted him to be able to send me messages if anything happens. Seems like he was using it a bit more often then just for emergency cases.

Soon after the girls got back from the toilet and of course, the annoying brat sitting next to me complained about the seating change.

"Why do I have to sit next to him? Cant he just sleep in the passenger seat?"

"No, he cant. I need the passenger to be awake in case my location messes up or I get tired." answers Elliot.

"Ugh. I'm going back to sleep."

And soon after she fell asleep and we got back on the road. 

While Amelia was fully out, I decided to continue and try to, at least, finish my college essay.

The question is: "Who is the one person that will always be worth your time?"

There are multiple answers to this question, but we all know the real one.

As I was aggressively typing across the internet, googling facts and definitions. I feel a gentle touch on my elbow. It was obviously Amelia.

I put my laptop away slowly, so I don't wake her. And grab my phone to take a picture.

Amelia was saying something in her sleep that I couldn't understand. It was very weird but oddly interesting. I was wondering what she had to say.

As time went on I fell asleep aswell.

And I managed to finish my college essay just when we arrived.

"Ill see you tomorrow." I say as I'm doing our handshake with Elliot.

I turn to Amelia, whos already staring at me.

I give her a gentle kiss on the cheek and whisper in her ear: "Bye darling."

"Bye." she softly says, shocked.

"Bye Aaron!" says Maddie as they dive out.

I unlock the door and get into the empty house that had nothing but silence in it.

Once Maddie died everything turned blank, nothing mattered, nothing actually existed. I felt like I was in a movie and somebody is just narrating my tale.

Which is exactly why I wanted to spend the summer out of town but someone had other plans.

"Aaron you're back home!" says Luke as he jumps into my arms.

If I missed someone, its her right now. She wouldve really gotten along with Luke.

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