Down Goes Santa: The Sequel (...

By SafeHeaven_08

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Danger Force is getting themselves ready for Christmas. From making the nice list to fulfilling their own spe... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 26

158 7 11
By SafeHeaven_08

It didn't take much to escalate into a heated argument, Alejandra's buttons were already far pushed.

Chapa knew that if she wanted to continue talking to Bose, she had to either have her parents argue in another room or stop the argument there and then.

If she had them argue in another room, it will lead to Alejandro sitting in a corner around dinner time, with his arms crossed and Alejandra by passing him with a tray of food, going to feed her two children—completely ignoring him. Then Alejandro would have to beg for forgiveness and promise to never cause an argument about whatever stupid thing they argued about.

Chapa doesn't have time for that.

Second option it is.

Chapa stood up and stood in between her parents.

"Gu-guys. Guys. G-guys- guys!" She caught their attention. "Mom, listen to dad. If he thinks he has a good idea, you have to hear him out."




Alejandra sighed.

"And dad, stop suggesting stupid ideas to mom unless they're well thought of and actually might work. We've talked about this." Chapa's face fell droopy.

Alejandra hummed in response and her husband looked down.

"Are we good?" Chapa asked both her parents.

They both sighed deeply and apologised at the same time. "I'm sorry."

"Great!" Chapa picked up the tray her mother had left on the side table by the wall and took it to Bose. "And this is for you." The tray contained a mug with a thick brown liquid, a half cup of water and a lozenge that Bose accepted greatfully.

When Chapa turned around as she was going to sit, she saw her parents leaving the room while laughing. She smiled and began to pay attention to Bose now. Remembering she was guessing possible girls to fit the number 20 position.

With her legs curled on the chair, hugging a pillow, she asked Bose, "So you've kissed every girl on your kiss list apart from number 20?"

Bose nodded his head, smelling the liquid in the mug in his hands and grimaced before taking a small sip.

"Cool." She mentally cursed herself for that awkward response.

"Is it Michelle?"

Lol. Michelle. She's nice and all but really? Michelle?

Bose scribbled in his book. Displaying the words to Chapa when he was done.


Bose noded his head.

"Oh." She said more surely.

Bose's cheeks began to tint of pink, nodding his head hesitantly.

"So it's Mika! I always had a feeling you had a crush on her!"

Bose's eyebrows knitted together, and his eyes widened. The sentence taking him aback completely. He didn't have to say– write anything for that one. He didn't want to. He wasn't going to.

"No?...don't tell me it's Miles. It can't be."

As Chapa went on blabbbering, Bose began to write and shoved the notebook in her face for her to see clearly and fast.

Her mouth was open, but words failed to come out. She stared at the paper, continuing to read, completely trying to ignore Bose's face and the sudden heat on hers.

Chapa didn't necessarily like that he had to kiss all those other girls but when she continued to read, it filled her heart even more.

Bose had finally admitted. Well, not necessarily, but he did. Finally. He felt so at ease, getting that burden off his shoulders, releasing it from his chest. He could finally breath knowing Chapa knows atleast a fraction of what he feels about her.

Chapa couldn't even express whatever she was feeling or whatever she was thinking at that moment. She was just glad that it was her moment.

It was a only a brief second of contemplation and peaceful silence until Chapa lunged herself at Bose and wrapped her arms around his neck ever so tightly with immense compassion. She waited for Bose to hold her back. To hold her back just as tight. He closed his eyes and buried his face in her shoulder, taking a deep breath through his nose.

Chapa let go and looked in his eyes. "Absolutely." She kissed his cheek, leaving him red as plum.

She was definitely absolutely obviously keeping that paper. Framing it if need be. She really wishes he had his voice though. It would have just hit harder. But she couldn't ask for more than she's received.

His love.


For the rest of the day, they had been talking, watching TV and playing games. Occasionally, Sage joined in because when she saw how happy her sister was, she couldn't help but want to be happy with her.

Bose's voice slowly began to came back. Only he could talk in a sort of whisper, hoarse voice. He just liked the fact that he could. And so did Chapa.

Actually, she liked that fact so much that she asked him to ask her to the dance again but with his voice.

Bose was absolutely stunned but he couldn't necessarily say no. So he did. Even though he bargained and bargained on how his voice wasn't the best thing about him right then and he just felt so insecure about it at that point in time, she really didn't care. She just thought she'd believed it more if she heard him actually say the words and she would no longer think it was some alternate reality. Or a trick her mind was playing on her. Or a fantasy she had created. She wanted to make sure it was real and that she would remember it completely now that he said it.

In her bed, around two a.m., she lay face up, staring at the ceiling. She couldn't sleep that night. All she was thinking about was how she was going to make the party so memorable on her part. How she was going to be with Bose. And how she was going to feel.

If—I don't know if it's a myth or actually real but if—it is true that thinking about someone in the night doesn't allow that person to sleep then she sure is sorry for Bose.

I mean, even if she wants to, she just can't help herself.

In his bed, around two a.m., he lay on his side, staring out the window. He couldn't sleep. He was too excited. He just kept thinking about the party. How he was going to dance with her. And how beautiful she would look.

He keeps checking his phone hoping for a message from her because he knows for sure that she's not sleeping too. Especially after all this thinking.

He keeps checking.

Anxiously checking.

Just keeps checking.

Ting. Followed by two identical vibrations on his side table make his head shoot up and his hand reach out.

A wide smile plastered on his face as he brings the phone close to his face.

Forget text.

Chapa's phone vibrates rapidly.

A wide smile plastered on her face.

"Hi." She couldn't help but smile.

"Hey." Bose's voice still sounded raspy and hoarse. Chapa liked it that way. She found it, seductive, so to say.

She could feel his smile through the phone, it made her giggle.

"You changed your profile to the Grinch?"

Bose shrugged. "I think the Grinch is cool."

"He ruins Christmas." Chapa points out.

"I'm aware." He pauses. "He also reminds me of what a bad, hot, cool dude I am myself." He closed his eyes momentarily in satisfaction. Opening them again when he heard her trying not to laugh too loud. "What the heck?!" She laughed even harder, stuffing her head in her pillow to muffle her laugh.

She's so cute. He thought, trying to imagine how insanely she's laughing. He could here the faint batter of the bed.

Is she kicking her feet as well?

She sounds like she's tossing and turning as well–

Gosh, why did he have to be so funny over the phone?! How the heck is he supposed to see that?!

At this point he could only imagine.

God, she's just so freaking cute! He ended up chuckling as well, her laughter was super contagious. "What?" He asked in a laugh.

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