Poseidon (Rated R)

By MsJosephwrites26

7.4K 289 74

Could your deep fear of water be cured by the power of love and unearthly sinful sex? Monica Eulice's fear i... More

✨Supernatural Abilities✨
✨ Definitions ✨
(2) Discover.
(3) Abyss.
(4) Wallow.
(5) Dig up.
(6) The strange boy.
(7) The return.
(8) The sentence.
(9) Notes.
(10) Transformation.
(11) The plan devises.
(12). The man on the beach.
(13) The strange Man.
(14) The strange behavior
(15) Traces

(1) Warning.

659 24 20
By MsJosephwrites26

"So, we head down the hill just off the highway and will meet a stone the shape of an orca?" The man in question asks the elder man behind the counter of the old fish shop. An aged aesthetic of the workshop consisting of rusty brown counters with black leather stools seats at the bar, leather patches peeling.

With his last good eye, the old man glanced up slowly, one could swear the World silenced for an answer but the crashing waves of the dark ocean out beyond. "Aye" he smiles at the pair of two couples, three men and one woman. The woman winces at the sight of brown patches against his collective yellow teeth placed separately around his mouth. Black gums and white tongue. Hygiene would have been a good product to promote in this establishment that seems to sell food and drinks she speaks to herself as she glances around the mini shop.

Her husband and friends continue to in conversing with the odd old man leaving the woman to catch glimpses of the images and stuffed fish hung like ornaments on the rusty walls. For a moment it made sense - the decorations resemble what would have been a bottom of the barrel, fishing lines, fish, sea turtles and a long tail.

She furrows her brows - A tail? A half tail, thin dorsal fins at the ends that eventually lead to a larger fin at the end of the tail. Couldn't be a shark, there tail is more vertical. This one is Horizontal. Captivating colors of black with gold outlines of the scales, upon glancing further she notices there is no other half, as if the tail was cut off leaving whatever half of the other disposed. Has a fish that big ever caught?

A bass maybe? No, far too small. However, some occasions her husband would send her pictures of large fish he'd catch on his fishing trips. Maybe it's a new species. Yet the lingering question refused to subside, at least not until having an answer she could take to her grave. "Excuse me what fish is this?" Her soft tone seems to have caught the attention of the men as they all halted their attempts of bargaining down the price and turned to look at her.

She swore she saw a glint in the old man's eyes, but her view was interrupted by her husband's torso that quickly came to aid. He looks up at the design in question, how did he not notice something so massive? In fact, how did this get by any of them? That's for sure Eye stopper.

"Well - it's a ... Good question actually." She is astonished, normally her husband knows every name of the fish swimming in the sea. He is better at that than his own kid's names sometimes, "Where was this caught?"

There was that glint again, fear? Or excitement? Either way there was a mood change and it seems she was the only one that caught it. The sound of heavy wood filled the room, everyone wondering until the old man comes around from the counter, wooden legs with deep scratches. I guess he never stopped adventuring out in the sea even after he lost his valuables, they all blink away - It's rude to stare.

A stench came to be as he got closer, matters worse when he sighed. "Ahhh" he breathed, mesmerized by the sight of the tail. He owns this place and yet he is still fascinated by it, A story in his eyes as his orbs shimmer in light. "Dis here is the finest jewel of the sea." He speaks, but his eyes are locked on the tail with everyone in the background looking at each other awkwardly. For a moment, it seems even he forgot why he came around from the counter.

Momentary silence and awkward before one of the men from the other couple speaks "Uh - so what is it?" - silence. The roaring waves outside growing louder, or maybe that was because of the pin drop silence in the shop, but audio seem to be in high definition. They watch his back side shake before he chuckled darkly, the regret kicked in from the woman as she slowly slid herself behind her husband.

"Uh - we'll take the map now thank you." Her husband spoke. A sweat could be made out from his forehead, dark hair damped from the lack of air conditioning in the room. Seemingly it would appear he is having what is known as 'A moment'. When he didn't respond, they simply spoke out their next move.

"We'll just leave the money here," - Silence.

"The shape of an orca, correct?" - silence. Pulling out the loose cash they were met with a hoarse voice.

"They are ravenous creatures." The old man suddenly spoke, a statement more than a question, but directed towards the crew. He isn't silent anymore, but his creepy mood change didn't help.

"Excuse me?"

The old man's attention than navigated towards the group, eyes glossy with smudged tears, a drunken like stance. "I said Out there in the dark depths, they are ravenous." He growls.

"Waves don't scare me." I used to skinny dip back in high school." The men roared in laughter at the whisper like comment. But only the woman payed attention to the stoicism of the old man. Not even a smile. With a slight back hand slap to his bicep, the laughter halts.

"I mean it boy. Those waters are no ground for softies like yourself" he sneered.

"Waves aren't my concern."

"No? Then what about what lurks within? The serpents that hide in the depths of the shadowy waters." The woman glanced back at the window behind the counter at the sound the waves roaring louder? - was it just her noticing? Before she could look away, she caught sight of a lightning flash. The once fun thought of night fishing now made her queasy.


"Aye. The serpents that swim underneath your boat, all fun and games of your little rendezvous that you never notice your being watched, observed and calculated." Everyone remains quiet, processing the words. "Eyes black as night, talons longer than an eagle, but a face of pure demon, by that rock there. Underneath the horizon of that rids of its light is where they lurk. Remain under the light, and you're going to be alright."

And there was that rhyme that Pirates do. They should have known. The husband huffs, "I don't know if you're aware, but Sharks rarely attack humans."

"Pray to the barnacle's son, let it be Poseidon's will it is only a shark you run into." Lightning stroke on cue lighting up the dim room, flash of pure white lit the room before the crack of an angry thunder followed suit shaking the ground.

That statement sealed the deal, "Another time than." The wife speaks turning to the crew for back up.

"What babe Come on your not really buying this are you?" Her husband whispered after pulling the wife to the side.

"As for Now, that is correct. Let's save the money for another time. How About dinner." She laughs before clearing her at his stoicism. "Something About this just gives me the creeps ok, maybe it's a sign to not be out at night. I mean we are tourists; shouldn't we listen to warnings of people who live here instead of trying to shrug it off?"

"I'm not shrugging off anything, he's clearly just Fucking with us."

Shrugging her shoulders, "You just proved my point."

He Groans, pinching the bridge of his nose. No Way they traveled all the way here only to not pursue with the plans. "We have been talking about this for months, ok months" His voice growing louder. "Only For you to let some old man with a stench of a zombie convince you otherwise? The Man doesn't take care of himself let alone be mentally capable enough to give other warnings. For Christ's sake he's a walking biohazard."

"Shush" She growls at him, peering back to the old man that turned back around to gaze upon the strange tail. "He could have heard you."

He rolls his eyes, "You can go back to the hotel, I'm staying here." Like that of a threat, daring her, he'd still proceed with or without her - maybe without anyone in fact. After thirty-seven years of marriage separating isn't an option, wedding vows, right? Well, she took it very seriously.

"No, I'm going. But please just do as he instructed. Remain in the light."

With a sensual kiss to her forehead, she melts into it, for what felt like the very last time. " I got this babe; just trust me we will be fine" for some reason there is a tug in her chest telling her the opposite. From a far she watches her husband as he gathers supplies, eyes intent but mind distant, a growing flare resounding in her brain like a lighting warning. Of all the obvious answers to her questions this one lingered in her brain heavily.

What in the unknown sea could be scarier than a shark?

A sudden compelled urge to slightly glance her head to the left, furrowed brows with glossed eyes finds the tail, she studies fiercely, is that her answer? As if by a sudden hypnotic, the tail shimmers before her eyes, a soft tune of a melody slowly picks up, were those dolphins? No, an orca? Couldn't be. This Was smooth, deep and ... Alluring, as if speaking through the chorus telling her a story but like an opera.

A very beautiful voice of ... a man. She shrugs out, shaking her head. Spit gliding down to her chin, was ... was she drooling?

"Alright, we're set." The gruff voice of her husband caught her attention, with his bags and gear set. So, we're the other men, as their Hands interlocked with one another in the background, they all cast her a smile in awaiting. For what seemed like the hundredth time, the signal flares wildly within, but seeing the eager look of her husband it was simply a moment she couldn't let him down.

With a forceful smile, "let's get going."

The wind picked up furiously, everything ready to be blown away, the woman's hair spiraled out of control from the breeze. A part of her is grateful for the help from nature, maybe her husband could have changed her mind.

"Alright she's loaded." Her hopes crushed. Why haven't the other men spoken up? She rolls her eyes at the thought, they are men!

"Pray to Poseidon mistress, you have entered another territory." The elder man chuckles. She hears him loud and clear before slamming her car door on the passenger side. Eyeing the old man through the mirror the entire departure as the conversation in the car kicked in. Fear lit fire in her veins when he disappeared under the flash of lightning before her eyes. A hot breath released at what she witnessed, heart rate exceeding the speed. Closer and closer they drive up the mountain in a rusty truck, just as the map shows. Until they finally rounded the stone in the shape of an orca.

"Whoo, alright we're here."

"Yea man." They shout clapping and whistling. None seemed to be even bothered by the growing storm. Prickly trees and wet sand, she winced at what felt like she stepped on something mushy, rolling her eyes praying it isn't feces.

"Fuck, my shirt" one of the men growls.

"Hey, no cussing in front of my lady. Dude tell your husband." They laughed. The inevitable became to be, there it was; the small white boat, barely big enough to fit all four of them and their supplies, maybe now her husband can get the hint?

"Welp, I guess we have to leave the beer." He states in a boorish manner. It is clear now that even if the water rose up and slaps him across the face .... He still wouldn't get it. Just than a splash caught her attention as if something ducked down in the darkness of the water. Speaking of which, where is the light the old man was talking about? Peering to the horizon, there it was, the lighthouse. Beaming orange light cut through the middle of the ocean Fixated intently in one spot despite the light behind it that moves freely. I guess that's the safe Zone she thought.

Another splash, her head whips to the sound. Louder than the first and closer than the last. For a moment it's like the surface of the water can be seen breaking the more she furrows her brows, the water ripples softly. Is Something there? with the pitch-dark circumstances and the murky waters it isn't much she could do. Or try to see at this means.

"Alright." She shook from her husband's voice, another mere heart attack. "Shall we?" Her Husband lends Her his Hand, they were already seated in the boat; she was the final touch. In reluctance she extends her hand not before hearing another splash.

"Do any of you not hear that?" She practically shrieks, unable to keep hold of the racing thoughts any longer or suppress that bothersome feeling of dread. "Listen," she signaled with a palm lazily in the air as that evident splash returned - closer. Too big to mean any regular fish but definitely something mightier.

"Don't You hear that?"

"The sound of water hitting rocks? Yes, babe we do. Now Get in before it gets worse out here." A thought was soon devised, maybe a distraction? long enough to achieve, "Get in babe or I'll come out there and get you." His Face stoic, he's getting irritated. The woman's eyes locked on the murky dark water as she approached wincing at the ice-cold liquid and foam that kissed her bare toes before stepping within -just as a spine of Sharp needles protruded out beside the boat before disappearing into the darkness.

Thankfully the motor of the rusty boat drove them with ease and speed, she could finally Sigh seeing the light getting closer, but was in for a rude awakening as her husband passed it. With Her blood running cold, she stammered to speak, "W-where are you going?" She didn't hide her panic.

"Fish don't linger in light, we'll be out here for hours, I'm going to find a better spot." Suddenly staying at the hotel wasn't a bad idea at all. But No time to regret, the distance to the light grew farther and farther the water graying out before returning to the murky black, stilled but the blades of the motor that slices through the thick water underneath, leaving trails of bubbles. Nothing Out of the ordinary for now, until she catches glimpses of the water moving on separate sides, as if something swims beside them following their every move.

"This Right here should be good." The boat comes to a slow stop, panic returned shooting straight to her veins icing the rest of her body. She's numb, whatever seemed to be following them disappeared as well.

"Crack me a beer will ya honey." One of the men spoke to the other. Wait they brought it?

"I thought the beer was staying?"

"We left the cooler but took a few bottles, help your self-babe."

"No Thank you just please hurry." Hopefully by a few they meant four; one for each of them including her. Their definition was different. Time crept and Bait was soon thrown as she peers around the dark murky unknown, tricked by the sudden calmness into thinking it was all just a figment in her imagination.

The strange calming motion of the water was soon interrupted by a shook, "Oh - wait I got something." One of the men say, excitement evident while he wrestles the line.

"Dang man you're taking a big one."

"Heard that before." He winked in the middle of his struggle. The boat rocks unbalanced while they cheered him, noise travel beyond the horizon. Attention isn't what they need to be attracting especially since the water has ears.

"Pull man, come on. Pull, aghhh" seconds go by of the three of them pulling the Rod until out it flew, landing smack in the middle, the chants suddenly stopped as the woman squeals - A baby tiger shark the bottom bitten off. Chomped off as fresh blood leaked, fresh blood?

Whatever bit it was still out there, Suddenly the boat rocked -- caused by no wave--. As if something brushed underneath it. "I want to leave right now." The woman panicked shaking with fright. Enough is enough there is something out there, the words of the elder man returned, the prayer they were supposed to incite, indeed there was something out there that feared no shark.


A sudden quick splash than came behind the to men, before another one came from behind the man and woman, either it is quick or there are multiple circling around the boat - whatever it is - but she didn't want to find out "Jackson please let's go." Her voice breaks.

"Yea Man we'll come back tomorrow this is kind of weird."

Kind of? Thankfully the men were starting to open their eyes Leaving her husband on his own. With a gruff exhale he agrees after a momentary pause, "fine."

Relief washes through her, Thank God. Jackson pulls the motor; it starts but quickly fails. "What?" He mutters to himself.

They All turn to him, "What's wrong man?" Jackson didn't respond, they watched his backside as he pulls the motor once more.

"This thing won't start?"'

"What do you mean Jackson?"

"It means it won't turn on to operate." Another splash than made everyone freeze, this time they all peer around in silence. "I guess there is more fish out there." Jacksons attempt to lighten the mood failed, panic shoots through her nerves as seeing Jackson begin to struggle with the motor.

"Jackson." she tries to hide her nervousness.

"Hang on, just hang on." his breath broken, "Goddamn it c'mon." another splash, this time closer.

"Maybe it's another shark?" the thought came and went when more than one splash occurred before the boat shook violently. The woman in tears and desperation flung to her husband for safety, the movement of the boat rocked with intense pressure nearly ready to throw everyone overboard until it suddenly stopped. The woman's breath shuddered violently; hair stuck to her tear stains while holding her husband in a deadly grip. Afraid to open her eyes, hadn't it been for the drumming of her husband's heart within his chest, this could have all been a nightmare.

"S-start it Jackson, start the machine." one of the men speak. Out of reluctance Jackson reached over to the motor, leaving his wife in his arm, he pulls but no avail.

"I-it's probably stuck to something ... a seaweed" he quickly clarified feeling his wife tense up in his grasp. "I - c- I can get it going if I can."

"No. You are not, ok please, whatever is out there is still lurking somewhere y-you can't just -"

"I'm the one that got us into this, I'm just going to check if -"

"Dude that's not fair, I mean I had just as much of a say in as you."

"We can't compare man; my own wife tried to warn me and look what I got her into."

"It's probably that old man fucking with us. HEY, CUT IT OUT." one of the men suddenly screamed to the horizon.

"Shut up man, you believe an old man would be casually swimming under water, rocking a boat seven hundred times his strength?" A true statement that left an eerie mark in it, with all of them combined plus the supplies along with the weight of the boat itself. No way, there is something out there, ferocious enough to tear a shark in half, strong enough to rock a boat and clever enough to stay well hidden.

The woman tears "Let's call the police."

"Who brought their phones? what can they do? look at where we are, smack in the middle of darkness. I made up my mind, I'm going, if anything happens just - just go."

"Jackson please." A last attempt at pleading, but the silence spoke, his mind was made.

"What can you even see down there? it's pitch black."

He points "That flash there." before removing his shirt. A sharp broken exhale before he dived in headfirst. The group of three wait anxiously for any sound or movement, has he seen the problem yet.

Seconds soon turn to minutes, what was taking so long?

The woman on edge, waiting for the return of her husband that never surfaced from the murky waters. "Jackson?" she cries, no response, nothing can be made out in the depths that can signal life, "Jackson!" A tear slips before she began to bawl.

"Don't cry, he is alright I know it. We just have to -" the man's words cut off as the boat suddenly than began to shift sideways rocking and leaning, for dear life they cling onto the edges for balance, from underneath came the sounds of thuds, and muffled panic screams. The woman's ears perked up. "Jackson" she calls, "Jackson baby." her distraction almost knocked her overboard. There was no stopping this time, the more it rocked, the more the boat was moving forwards.

"The motor, reach the motor." one of the men strains to speak. Though the boat rocks one of them made an attempt, the man closest. Seeing as though he has to move he removed one arm and thus throwing off his entire balance, whole weight shifted backwards and into the black water he fell.

"Alex!" His partner screamed; the moving boat came to a stop. "Alex! Alex." The man panics searching into the dark abyss, the woman helps calling out both husband's names but remained still and guarded. A gut-wrenching scream then filled the horizon, blood curling and laced with pure fear.

"Damian" He's calling out before his voice disappeared under the water, gurgling out his sound.

"Alex! Where are you, hurry."

"Demons! Damian they are demons." The water thrushes violently, as if he's being mauled horrendously. He screams and cries, begging.

Unable to bear it any longer Alex was ready to jump in but was soon caught by the woman. "Wait! Don't. You don't know what's out there, how will you save him not knowing what you're up against?"

"Aghhhhhhh" Alex screams only got worse, whatever was happening was causing him horrendous pain before it suddenly disappeared. Calming waters return on the sea letting the boat rock gently, the man and woman lay down in the middle of the boat tearing and shuddering, both just lost their significant other, and there is No way out. Morning should soon come, but for now remaining quiet and lifeless was the best bet while they gazed at the starless sky in a distraction attempt. The thrashing beats of their hearts caused them pain, Lava boiling in the gut.

Neither speaking nor have the strength as they sniffled, crying in silence. After What felt like hours the crack of Dawn can almost be made out until the boat suddenly moved from underneath. With a gasp and silent cry, they both hold hands, everything seeming to go back to normal until their eyes widened at out fear, something grips onto the edge of the boat, splashes of water droplets landing in their eyes but neither blink. Was that a hand? pale like and webbed? they wince deeply to the sound of what seems to be claws scratching the surface of rusty medal,

"Damian?" Alex whispers. No response

The woman's body than was pulled to the man as the boat was leaned to the edge. As if someone was climbing on, deep orange dim morning of the sun rising set an anticipation from the silence. Water droplets land like piano notes back in the water, something is here.

"Dami -" the breath was stolen from his lungs as they both witness a head rising, not a shark, not their spouse, a face that resembles an alien like creature with frightening similarities to a human, onyx eyes drained of light even under the yawning sun, foot long ears like elves that twitched away the water drops. It stares at them unblinking and stoic, pitch black eyes sets goosebumps onto their skin as they shrivel in fear. It looks at the man before the woman, a shriek of terror escapes her throat watching the creature stretch its lips into a sinister smile displaying rows of blades with red stains, leftover skin flesh hanging from its mouth before daftly using its weight to flip the boat over.

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