The Boss in the Bedroom (MxM)

By xxx_kyra

67.1K 1.5K 186

"Now now, you've got to be quieter 'Boss'. Although I bet your secretary would love to walk in and find his b... More

1. Who cares if he roofied my drink?
2. I knew I Was Forgetting Something
3. I Swear I'm Not Biased
4. Work for What You Want
5. Definitely Not Because of Dick
6. Why Isn't He Doing Anything?
7. What's He Doing Here?
8. Not this Again
9. Screw you Damien Knight
10. Definitely Not Strange At Allllll
11. The Exclusive Endevaour
12. Overdrive
13. What the Actual F***
15. Design Dilenma
16. Total Chaos and Absolute Crisis
17. Who the F*** Is That?
18. Intrigue Unveiled
19. Who the F*** is That?? (Pt. II)
20. What is She Doing Here?
21. He Really Isn't That Old
22. I've Been Wanting to do that
23. Why...Just, Why
24. I'm Perfectly Fineeeeee
25. Its the End Doodoo doodoo doodoo
A Plea
Q&A maybe?

14. Undercover Affairs

2.1K 51 7
By xxx_kyra

I stared at the screen with utter disbelief. I mean, I didn't want to believe it, but the evidence was glaring at me. There on the screen was a video. In this video was a man, unmistakably Ethan, in a compromising situation with another man, the scene set in a public place but with the other man's identity obscured. The mystery man's face seemed to be turned away from the camera. It had been shocking enough to leave me questioning his actions and intentions.

As I prepared myself for whatever the second video might reveal, my fears were brutally confirmed. This time, the mystery man's face was visible, leaving no room for doubt. There was no mistaking Ethan once more, and the other figure in the video — clearly the same person from the first video too — was none other than Chris, the man I held in utter disdain.

I recognized the location too. It was the back entrance to the club Damien and I went on that 'date' when Ethan third-wheeled us and Ethan was wearing in this video the same clothes he was wearing on that very night. But that was quite a while ago. Ethan had been seeing Chris since then?

All of a sudden, the sight sent a surge of anger coursing through me, leaving me both furious and incredulous. "What the actual hell?" I muttered, my voice seething with disbelief. The implications of what I was witnessing hit me like a ton of bricks. My best friend, someone I had trusted and cared about deeply, was engaged in an affair with the very person who represented the competition we were striving to outshine.

My thoughts raced, struggling to make sense of the situation. Ethan's sudden departure on the evening of the club date, his evasive behavior – it all started to fall into place. Had this affair been the reason for his recent peculiar actions? Was Chris the source of Ethan's shifty behavior?

"Dammit!" I slammed my fist on the desk, the emotions churning inside me a whirlwind of anger, hurt, and betrayal. The realization that Ethan had been dishonest with me cut deep, especially considering the history we shared.

"Calm down, Lukas," Damien's voice interjected, his attempt at soothing me registering but not having the desired effect. I was far too consumed by the storm of emotions raging within me to find solace in his words.

I turned to Damien, my eyes fiery with a mixture of frustration and confusion. "Calm down? How can I calm down when my supposed 'best friend' is hooking up with that guy?" I snapped, my emotions spilling out in an uncontrolled torrent.

Damien's expression shifted to one of understanding, and he reached out, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "I get it. This is a lot to take in. But reacting impulsively won't help."

I shook my head, feeling a whirlwind of emotions – anger at Ethan's betrayal, confusion about his actions, and a sense of vulnerability at the realization that even those closest to us could hide such secrets.

"Damien, I trusted him," I muttered, my voice a mixture of frustration and hurt. "And he just... throws it all away for someone like Chris?"

Damien's grip on my shoulder tightened, a silent gesture of support. "Lukas, I know you're hurting right now. But maybe there's more to this than meets the eye. We shouldn't jump to conclusions without understanding the full story."

His words resonated with a level-headedness that contrasted my emotional turmoil. Taking a deep breath, I looked at Damien, his eyes filled with a mix of concern and understanding. He was right – reacting impulsively wouldn't serve any purpose. I needed to confront Ethan, to understand his side of the story, even if the current circumstances left me feeling deeply wounded. I felt irritated and betrayed.

"I need to talk to him," I said, determination settling in my voice. "I need to hear it from him, because none of this makes any sense."

Damien nodded, his hand remaining on my shoulder as a reassuring anchor. "I understand that you're upset, and you have every right to seek answers. However, this is likely a very delicate matter for Ethan. It might be more productive to approach the topic gently and allow him to initiate the conversation."

I frowned, my frustration simmering beneath the surface. "What do you mean by 'wait for him'? This affair has been ongoing for at least the past few months, and Ethan had plenty of opportunities to tell me about it. Chris is quite possibly one of the most loathsome individuals on this planet. Out of all the people Ethan could have chosen to get involved with, why him?"

Damien's response was measured, his words carrying a sense of perspective. "Perhaps Ethan hasn't confided in you because he feared you'd react precisely as you are now."

I clenched my fists, struggling to contain my anger. Damien's analysis hit uncomfortably close to home. "That doesn't excuse keeping something like this from me, we're supposed to be friends."

Damien's gaze softened, reflecting understanding. "Lukas, I'm not saying it excuses anything. But right now, it's essential to approach this with empathy and give Ethan a chance to explain himself. Jumping to conclusions won't help either of you."

I let out a heavy sigh, reluctantly accepting the wisdom in Damien's words. "Fine," I conceded, albeit begrudgingly. "I'll wait for him to come to me, but he better have some damn good explanations."

As I met Damien's gaze, a sense of gratitude washed over me. In the midst of betrayal and confusion, his presence was a grounding force, a reminder that even in the face of unexpected challenges, there were those who stood by my side. With a deep breath, I turned back to my phone, resolute in my decision to confront Ethan and uncover the truth behind his actions.

After Damien's attempt to console and guide me through the emotional maelstrom, his words carried a wisdom that resonated deeply. He advised me to wait for Ethan to come to me, suggesting that perhaps Ethan's hidden actions were fueled by concern over my potential reaction – the very reaction I was currently experiencing. The logic in his words compelled me to step back, to temper the storm of emotions that threatened to engulf me.

With Damien's encouragement, I made the conscious choice to try and calm down. It was clear that the situation was more complex than it initially appeared, and jumping to conclusions without a full understanding would only further complicate matters. His genuine offer of wanting to be my boyfriend lingered in my thoughts, an unexpected source of comfort amidst the turmoil.

As Damien's footsteps receded, the office seemed to regain a sense of quiet normalcy. However, the tranquility was short-lived as Ethan walked in, a concerned expression etched on his face. "Is everything okay? I heard you shouting about something," he inquired, his voice laced with genuine worry.

The sound of his voice was a trigger, bringing the anger and hurt back to the surface. I found it difficult to meet his gaze, my fists clenched at my sides as I struggled to contain the maelstrom of emotions that churned within me. "Everything is fine, Ethan," I managed to reply, though my voice was colder and more hostile than I intended.

Ethan's brow furrowed, clearly taken aback by my tone. "Are you sure?" he pressed, his concern deepening. I could feel his eyes on me, but I couldn't bring myself to look at him. The mixture of anger, betrayal, and confusion was a tempest within me, rendering me incapable of facing him at that moment.

Taking a deep breath, I tried to temper my emotions, to channel a sense of control. "I just have a lot of work to get through right now," I said, my voice steadier this time. It was a dismissive reply, an attempt to create distance between us. I needed time to process everything, to gather my thoughts before confronting Ethan about his actions.

Ethan's expression seemed to waver between concern and confusion, but he didn't press further. "Alright," he said, though his tone carried a hint of unease. "If you need anything, just let me know."

I nodded curtly, still avoiding his gaze. As he turned to leave, a heavy silence settled in the room. The weight of unspoken words hung between us, a reminder of the bond we once shared and the revelations that had shattered it.

After Ethan left, I took a moment to collect myself, my hands trembling as I leaned against my desk for support. The emotions were a whirlwind, each one vying for dominance – anger, hurt, confusion, and most notably, a profound sense of betrayal.

I knew that I couldn't avoid the inevitable confrontation with Ethan. The questions and doubts that swirled in my mind needed answers, and facing them head-on was the only way to find closure. But for now, I needed time to sort through my thoughts and emotions, to find a sense of clarity before engaging in a conversation that could potentially reshape the course of our friendship and our professional relationship.

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