Our Story • glee

Od TrueAlpha11x

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Blake Henley tries to navigate her way through high school. All she knows is that one day she wants to be on... Více

Pilot 1x01
Showmance 1x02
Acafellas 1x03
Preggers 1x04
The Rhodes Not Taken 1x05
Vitamin D 1x06
Throwdown 1x07
Mash-up 1x08
Wheels 1x09
Ballad 1x10
Hairography 1x11
Mattress 1x12
Sectionals 1x13
Hell-O 1x14
The Power Of Madonna 1x15
Home 1x16
Bad Reputation 1x17
Laryngitis 1x18
Dream On 1x19
Theatricality 1x20
Funk 1x21
Journey to Regionals 1x22
Season 2
Audition 2x01
Britney/Brittany 2x02
Grilled Cheesus 2x03
Duets 2x04
The Rocky Horror Glee Show 2x05
Never Been Kissed 2x06
The Substitute 2x07
Furt 2x08
Special Education 2x09
A Very Glee Christmas 2x10
The Sue Sylvester Shuffle 2x11
Silly Love Songs 2x12
Comeback 2x13
Blame It On The Alcohol 2x14
Sexy 2x15
Original Song 2x16
Night Of Neglect 2x17
Born This Way 2x18
Rumours 2x19
Prom Queen 2x20
Funeral 2x21
New York 2x22
Season 3
The Purple Piano Project 3x01
I Am Unicorn 3x02
Asian F 3x03
Pot O' Gold 3x04
The First Time 3x05
Mash-Off 3x06
Hold On To Sixteen 3x08
Extraordinary Merry Christmas 3x09
Yes/No 3x10
Michael 3x11
The Spanish Teacher 3x12
Heart 3x13
On My Way 3x14
Big Brother 3x15
Saturday Night Glee-Ver 3x16
Dance With Somebody 3x17
Choke 3x18
Prom-Asaurus 3x19
Props 3x20
Nationals 3x21
Goodbye 3x22
Season 4
The New Blake 4x01
Britney 2.0 4x02
Makeover 4x03
The Break-Up 4x04
The Role You Were Born To Play 4x05
Glease 4x06
Dynamic Duets 4x07
Thanksgiving 4x08
Swan Song 4x09
Glee, Actually 4x10
Sadie Hawkins 4x11
Naked 4x12
Diva 4x13
I Do 4x14
Girls (And Boys) On Film 4x15
Feud 4x16
Guilty Pleasures 4x17
Shooting Star 4x18
Sweet Dreams 4x19
Lights Out 4x20
Wonder-Ful 4x21
All or Nothing 4x22
Season 5
Love, Love, Love 5x01

I Kissed A Girl 3x07

560 16 32
Od TrueAlpha11x

     "He's been an absolute mess for the entire weekend." Kurt complains as he leans against the locker next to Blake's

"How?" Blake raises an eyebrow.

"I walked past his room Saturday night and he was cuddling that bear he got you last year for Valentine's Day while staring at the picture he has of you by his bedside." Kurt stares at her seriously.

Blake sighs, "Is it really that bad?" She cringed slightly.

"Yes." Kurt deadpans, "He belted 'I Will Always Love You' in the shower. It's that bad."

"It's not like we broke up." Blake defends, "I just needed some time to reevaluate myself."

"I know." Kurt nods, "And I find it very mature if you to do so, but please," He begs her, "Figure it out soon. I can't deal with him anymore." Kurt says desperately.

Blake chuckles slightly, "I'm trying, I promise. I just don't think it's fair to him that I'm jealous of his relationship with Rachel. If he wants to be friends with her, he should be allowed to do so without me getting worried over it."

"I mean, she has tried to date him multiple times. I feel like your jealousy is justified." Kurt counters.

"I know, but I've never really thought I was the type to be jealous. I just think it would be good for me to figure that out so Finn and I both know what our boundaries are."

"Well, just know that he misses you. A lot." Kurt rolls his eyes, "It's cute and annoying at the same time."

"I miss him too." Blake admits, "It won't be for much longer. I just needed a minute to process some things, and honestly having the weekend to myself really gave me some clarity."

"What did you realize?"

"That the reason why I'm so insecure is that I've been looking at our relationship all wrong. I always thought that I was the last choice. He dated Quinn, then Rachel, tried to go back to Quinn and then chose me." Blake closes her locker door, "I guess I just assumed it meant I was his last option when I should've looked at it like he saved the best for last kind of a thing."

Kurt nods, "He definitely did save the best for last." He smiles, linking their arms together, "I don't think I've ever seen him as infatuated with someone as he is with you. He is absolutely head over heels in love with you."

Blake blushes, "I'm in love with him too."

"So does that mean you'll call off the break?" Kurt asks hopefully.

"We'll see." Blake shrugs unsurely.

Blake and Kurt begin to walk down the hallway towards their classes when they watch as Brittany hands out a Pixy stick to the students in front of her, "If elected, I will make sure to have sugary treats available at all times. It helps the concentration. That's what George Washington said."

Blake notices Kurt freeze in his spot and she rubs his arm, "It'll be fine. I'm sure it'll take a lot more than candy to secure votes." She tries to reassure him.

Kurt looks defeated and sighs. Blake gives him a sympathetic smile and rests her head on his shoulder. Right at that moment the duo's piece is interrupted by a rat scurrying towards them.

"How's the concession speech going?" Jacob Ben Israel asks, "Can I print an early copy on my blog?"

Blake rolls her eyes at the boy as Kurt purses his lips, "Who says I'm ready to concede? I'm leading that hockey playing kid by ten percent."

"But that's mostly because he's in a medically
induced coma after being brutally checked in a game last week." Jacob explains, "Also, you're trailing Brittany by seventeen points. If this was a horse race, you'd be glue."

Blake steps forward, defending Kurt, "The glue that keeps this school together when he gets
elected president."

Kurt gives her a grateful nod as JBI looks past them, gasping at the sight of Brittany, "Oh, my God, it's Brittany. Madam President?"

Blake sighs as she watches the boy chase after Brittany. She looks at Kurt and shakes her head, "Don't worry about it, okay? We still have the rest of the day to change the minds of the voters."

"What's the point?" He shrugs, "I'm gonna lose unless I pull a JFK."

Blake's eyebrows shoot up into her hairline, "You know, I'm usually okay with using violence, but I don't know if I'm down to shoot Brittany."

Kurt gives her an odd look, "What are you talking about?" He says in a hushed whisper, "I'm not gonna shoot Brittany. When Kennedy ran against Nixon in 1960, he had all his Mob buddies in Chicago stuff the ballot boxes so that he would win Illinois." He explains, "It won him the presidency."

Blake furrows her eyebrows, "So you want to cheat?"

"It's the only way. I have Kennedy's impeccable hairline." Kurt justifies.

"That's true." Blake agrees.

"Why can't I have his ends- justify-the-means mentality? If I lose, and my resume remains blank, I'm not gonna get into NYADA. And I can't accept that."

"While I usually don't condone cheating, I'm willing to help if need be." Blake tells him.

Kurt squeezes her arm gratefully, "I'm gonna fill Rachel in on the plan in glee." He tells her, "If anyone can help us, it'll be her."

Blake smiles, "Okay, let me know what she says."

"I will."

"I'll see you at lunch." Blake waves as she walks away from her friend. Who would've thought that she would see a political scandal happen right in front of her? Senior year is wild.

             ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Blake sits next to Santana and Brittany in the New Directions choir room as Finn writes "Lady Music Week" on the whiteboard. Blake tilts her head but nonetheless grins at her boyfriend. She had learned from Santana recently that he managed to get her out of being suspended. That's definitely a step in the right direction in Blake's eyes.

"Can someone tell us what's going on, please?" Mercedes asks.

Finn turns around and begins to address the rest of the group, "This week, the Trouble Tones and New Directions will both be
singing music created by ladies and for ladies." He explains.

"Oh hell no." Santana shakes her head.

Finn continues, "Next week, all of us will be going to Sectionals, and one of us is probably gonna win. But, Santana, we're worried about you."

"Worry about yourself, fetus face." Santana quips back.

"Glee's about learning how to accept yourself for who you are, no matter what other people think. And that's what this music is all about."

Blake watches as Finn addresses Santana, but she can't help but notice his eyes flicker towards her as he speaks. Finn seems almost in his natural element up there. Blake wonders if he's ever considered becoming a teacher?

"So, wait, I don't even get a say in this?" Santana crosses her arms, "Not cool."

Blake puts a reassuring hand on her thigh, squeezing it for reassurance. Finn gestures at everyone in the room, "Everybody in this room knows about you and Brittany. And we don't judge you for it. We celebrate it because it's who you are." He says as Blake sends him a proud smile. She knew he said that he had a plan, but she didn't think it would be this meaningful. "Look, I know not everybody
outside of this room is as accepting and cool, but we're doing this assignment this week so that you know in this rotten, stinking mean world that you at least have a group of people who will support your choice to be whoever
you want to be. That's it.That's what we're doing here." He looks over to his step brother and his boyfriend, "Blaine? Kurt?"

Finn takes a seat in the chair next to Blake. The two haven't spoken all weekend, but it feels nice being in each other's presence again. She feels Finn smoothly connect their hands and she shakes her head in amusement at the sly smirk on his face.

"Santana, Kurt and I have a song we like to sing to each other in the car." Blaine explains as he walks to the front of the room with Kurt, "And we want to sing that for you right now."

Santana nods towards them with a sarcastic smile on her face, "While there's nothing I'd love more than having two Pretty Ponies serenade me, I think we'd get further staging a gel-ervention for Blaine than singing lady music."

"I know it's hard." Kurt says with absolutely no judgment in his voice, "It was hard for me, too. But you can get through this."

"If you could just stop being so defensive."
Blaine sighs.

Santana lets down her guard for a moment, "I'm trying," She says quickly, tilting her head, "but your hideous bow ties are provoking me."

Puck looks at Mr. Schue in confusion, "Wait, are we talking lady on lady or girl on girl? 'Cause there's a big difference."

Mr. Schue scoffs, "Puck, focus, okay?" He scolds, making Puck look down in embarrassment. "Kurt, Blaine, why don't you kick us off with what you got?"

Kurt and Blaine sing a phenomenal rendition of Pink's "Perfect." Blake dances along to the song in her seat. Finn watches her with a small smile on his face. He knows it's only been a couple of days, but he's missed her more than she'll know. He looks down at their interconnected hands and smirks at the fact that she hasn't pulled away.

As the song ends, everyone claps for Blaine and Kurt. While their performance was amazing, Blake thinks it would be much better for the glee club if they all stopped rapping.

Blake looks over to Santana and sees her smiling. Some might believe it was a genuine smile, but Blake knows her too well. She can't easily tell this is her sarcastic smile.

"Thank you, guys." Santana says, looking over Blake to make eye contact with Finn, "Thank you, Finn, especially. You know, with all the horrible crap I've been through in my life," She sighs, pausing, "now I get to add that."

           ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Blake sits in an empty classroom, lightly doodling in her English notebook. She's supposed to be writing her five page essay, but her mind seems to be traveling anywhere else but that. Blake sighs as she finishes her little drawing of Finn. She didn't truthfully know what she was drawing at first but this was the end product.

"Hey." A voice softly calls out.

Blake lifts her head up and sees Finn standing in the doorway. A small smile forms on her face, "Hey."

"Can I come in?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Of course." Blake nods, pulling out the chair next to her.

"Thanks." He mumbles quietly as he sits down. His eyes travel to the notebook open on the table and he admires the drawing of him that rests on the center of the page. He smirks, "Is that me?"

Blake feels her face flush and she immediately closes the notebook, "No." She denies.

"Really?" He scoots closer to her, "Cause it looked a lot like me."

Blake watches as his smile turns into his cocky grin that she loves so much. It's the same one he used on her last Valentine's Day when he said she wouldn't kiss him. "Okay..." She concedes, "Maybe it is you."

Finn sits back in victory, "I knew it."

"Whatever." The brunette grumbles, "Why are you here?" She looks at him with genuine curiosity.

"I wanted to see you." He admits, "I miss you."

Blake feels her heart flutter, "I miss you too."

"What do you think of this weeks lesson?" He asks hopefully. Her approval means everything to him.

"I think it's really admirable what you're doing." She tells him, causing him to feel proud of himself. "But just don't force San to like it okay? If she doesn't want it, you can't force her to accept it."

"I know." He nods, "I just really want to prove to her how sorry I am."

Blake rubs his arm, "She knows. It's just a rough time for her right now. Her parents don't even know yet." Blake reveals, "She wants to tell them before Salazar's ad comes out."

Finn sighs, "I really hate myself for what I did."

"I know Finny." Blake comforts him, "But what matters is that you're trying."

"Finny?" He smiles gently.

Blake chuckles, "Yes, Finny."

"Does that mean...?" Finn wiggles his eyebrows.

"It's only been a couple days." She teases him.

"The longest couple days of my life." He groans, "I thought I was gonna die."

Blake throws her head back laughing, exposing her beautiful smile, "You are so overdramatic."

"Can we not be on a break anymore?" He gets on his knees in front of her, clasping his hands together, "Please?"

Blake feels her resolve breaking as he gazes at her with his puppy eyes. She huffs, "If you promise to tell me whenever you hangout with Rachel." She reasons, "I'm fine with you guys being friends, but I still don't trust her. So please just give me a heads up."

Finn jumps to his feet, nodding profusely, "I promise."

Blake smiles, "Okay then. I guess our two day break is over." She says sarcastically.

Finn cheers and pulls her up from her seat, pulling her into a sweet kiss. "Longest two days ever." He mumbles into her lips.

Blake giggles, "What are you gonna do when I move to New York?"

"Lots of FaceTime calls." He nods, making both of them laugh.

            ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     After watching Finn perform a slowed down rendition of "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," him, Blake, Kurt and Rachel are all anxiously watching as students walk into the booths, voting for their future class President.

Blake stands, nervously fidgeting with her fingers. This whole election will determine if Kurt can get into NYADA or not. While Blake and him won't be entering into the same program, it would still absolutely shatter her if she had to go to New York without him. Everyone here is clearly on edge, especially Kurt.

Blake reaches forward and puts a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Just relax. You're the only viable candidate to vote for."

Kurt's shoulders visibly drop and he closes his eyes that are filled with worry, "My entire future is resting in the hands of McKinley high seniors. My dreams and ambitions could die with this election."

"Hey, don't think like that." Finn tells him, "You've got this in the bag."

Rachel nods, "The kids at McKinley will see your vision and realize that you're the perfect President."

Blake huffs frustratedly because she and everyone else knows deep down that the McKinley seniors don't care about Kurt's vision. They care about Pixy Sticks and a toppless Brittany.

Blake rolls her eyes at the sight of Jacob running towards the group with a microphone in his hand. He quickly sticks it in Kurt's face, "One last interview before you lose."

Finn steps protectively in front of his brother, "Hey, hey, hey, give it a break."

"You don't scare me. I don't have to listen to you." Jacob retorts, looking back at Kurt.

Blake pushes past Finn, "Jacob..." Blake says calmly, "I suggest you get that microphone out of his face, before I shove it up your ass." She sarcastically smiles.

The boy's eyes widen as he begins to stutter over his words. He looks back to his camera man in fear, "L-let's go."

"God, I feel like a lamb waiting in line to be slaughtered."

"Hey, keep your head up." Blake says softly, "It's not over till all the votes are counted."

"Yep, and you're going to get loads." Rachel says positively, "Look, look, Quinn is going into
the voting booth right now." Rachel points across the gym, "She's definitely going to vote for you."

Blake bites her nails anxiously as time was running out. They have about ten minutes left to get their votes in. Blake sighs, "I guess I'm up." She squeezes Kurt's arm, "Just so you know, you have my vote."

Blake walks away from her friends and over to Coach Bieste. The woman sends her a kind smile and hands her a small green paper with the name of her best friend on it. Blake heads over to the voting booth and lays her paper on the top of the box. She grabs the pen and quickly checks off Kurt's name. She presses a small kiss to the piece of paper for good luck, and drops it in. "You got this Kurt." Blake whispers.

Blake makes her way out of the booth and back over to her friends. She squeezed Finn's hand, "You're up."

He nods and gives her a kiss, "I'll be right back."

Blake looks over at Kurt, "It'll all be okay."

"I really hope you're right."

            ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Blake and the rest of the girls from the New Directions and Troubletones walk down the hallway, all happily conversing together. Blake is walking between Mercedes and Quinn as they laugh at something Brittany said.

"Britt, have you ever thought about becoming a comedian?" Blake asks.

"No." She shakes her head, "Lord Tubbington is the comedian in our relationship."

Blake chuckles as the group continues to saunter down the hall. Blake noticed Santana standing at her locker with some guy standing in front of her. Blake noticed the clear uncomfortability in Santana's posture. Blake nudges Mercedes, pointing down the hallway.

"Oh hell to the no." Mercedes snaps.

The girls March towards their friend and Blake hears the guy say, "Girls like you are a challenge. You just need the right guy to straighten you out, and I'm just the man to do it."

Blake scoffs, "Move your busted creeper ass." The brunette seethes, narrowing her eyes at the boy.

"Now." Tina commands.

"Easy, girls. I'm just trying to make her normal." He says, putting his hands up in surrender.

"She is normal." Brittany sasses.

"It's not a choice, idiot." Quinn snarks at the boy, "But even if it were, you'd be our last choice." She says looking him up and down with disgust.

"Oh, I get it." He smirks, "You're all a bunch of lesbos."

"So what if we are?" Blake rolls her eyes, "You don't stand a chance either way."

The smug boy scoffs and begins to walk away. Rachel smiles sarcastically, "Bye- bye. Walk away."

The girls all look at each other and begin giggling. "That was awesome." Santana smiles.

Rachel grins, "I think I have an idea for a number in glee."

All of them rush to the choir room, knowing exactly what song Rachel is talking about. Blake winks at Santana as they walk to the front of the room.

[Santana & (Brittany)]
This was never the way I planned (Not my intention)
I got so brave, drink in hand (Lost my discretion)
It's not what (I'm used to)
Just wanna try you on (I'm curious for you)

[Brittany & Santana]
Caught my attention

Brittany and Santana smile at each other as they sing in one another's faces. Blake is so thrilled that Santana is opening up and being confident in who she is. Blake has always been a little confused when it came to her sexuality, so she just never put a label on it.

[The girls, (Santana), {Brittany}]
I kissed a girl and I liked it
(The taste of her cherry chapstick)
I kissed a girl just to try it
{I hope my boyfriend don't mind it}
It felt so wrong, it felt so right
Don't mean I'm in love tonight
I kissed a girl and I liked it
I liked it

Us girls we are so magical
Soft skin, red lips, so kissable
Hard to resist, so touchable
Too good to deny it
Ain't no big deal;

The girls stand in a circle, performing their impromptu choreography. Quinn grabs Blake's wrist, making the brunette blush profusely. She's always had a weak spot for Quinn.

It's innocent

[The girls, (Santana), {Blake}]
I kissed a girl and I liked it
(The taste of her cherry chapstick)
I kissed a girl just to try it
{I hope my boyfriend don't mind it}

Blake steps forward and winks at Finn as she sings her part. She watches as he breathes out a heavy breath and she smiles smugly, knowing the effect she has on him.

I kissed a girl, and I liked it
I liked it

The song ends and everyone cheers for the girls who happily laugh at their performance. Santana smiles out at all of her friends, "Okay, okay. Update, y'all. Um, I told my parents
last night, and they were actually okay with it."

"No way!" Blake exclaims excitedly.

Santana nods and pulls Blake in for a hug, "I just have to tell my Abuela before she sees that stupid commercial. But luckily she only
watches Univision."

Before anyone can respond, principal Figgins enters the choir room unannounced, "Excuse me, New Directions and Troubletones singing groups. Mr. Kurt Hummel, I need to see you in my office immediately."

Blake feels her heart drop into her stomach. She looks over to her best friend and he sends her a worried glance as he walks out. Maybe he won the election, but something about Principal Figgins' tone suggested otherwise.

Finn gets up and puts his hand on the small of Blake's back, "Let's follow him." He whispers.

Blake nods, "You read my mind."

Blake and Finn make their way out of the room, oddly followed by Rachel Berry. Blake sends her an odd look and Rachel quickly says, "I'm worried about him."

Finn and Blake share a suspicious glance but nonetheless let the girl come with. They all wait a good distance away from principal Figgins office. Blake leans into Finn's side as she anxiously waits for the door to open.

"Do you think he won?" Finn whispers to her.

"Maybe." Blake shrugs, "It's possible that Figgins just wanted to tell him before it was announced to the rest of the school."

"What do you think, Rachel?" Finn quirks his eyebrow, looking at the brunette.


Blake turns her head and notices Rachel lost in her own thoughts. Blake tilts her head and snaps her fingers, "Hello?"

Rachel snaps out of it and alertly looks at the couple, "Sorry, what did you say?"

"Do you think Kurt won?" Blake says, narrowing her eyes at the shorter girl.

"Oh, um probably." Rachel replies, still not fully present.

Blake's eyes meet Finn's, both noting how unnerved the girl is. Blake knows by her behavior that she definitely did something, they just don't know what yet.

The three teens stand in a very uncomfortable silence. Finn keeps his hand around Blake's waist as they watch the hallway. Blake rubs her arm awkwardly as the silence somehow becomes more deafening. After a few moments, Blake's ears perk up at the sound of footsteps. Her head whips up and she watches as Kurt approaches them, clearly distraught.

"Someone stuffed the ballot boxes." Kurt shakes his head, his voice breaking, "They think I did it. If they can prove it, I could be suspended."

Blake puts a hand over her mouth, "Oh, my God, Kurt..."

"And I lost." He looks at them with bright red eyes, tears threatening to fall. "I lost the election. I lost the lead in West Side Story. I can forget about New York and NYADA, 'cause they'll never take me now." He shrugs, feeling disappointed with himself, "You know, the worst part is that I really, for a second, thought I won."

Blake pulls Kurt in for a hug, "Listen to me, we will find out who did this." Blake reassures him, "You're not going to get suspended, and I promise we will all find something else to put on your NYADA application. It's all going to be okay."

"It's not possible." Kurt's voice wavers, "The applications are due on Friday." Blake wipes a tear from his cheek and he shakes his head, "I have to find Blaine."

Kurt runs past Blake, Finn and Rachel, wiping his nose as he goes. Blake watches after him, completely heartbroken. Another wave of silence passes over the teens and Blake makes eye contact with Finn.

Finn grabs her hands, "I know I've messed up a lot these past few weeks, but I promise I didn't do this."

"I know." Blake squeezes his hand, "I didn't either."

The two freeze.

Both of them gaze in Rachel's direction, Blake squeezes her eyes shut and sighs, "Rachel... Please tell me you didn't."

Rachel's eyes widen, "D-didn't what?" She feigns her innocence.

Finn glares at her, "Don't lie."

Rachel tries to say something, but Blake quickly cuts her off, "You were the only other person who knew about Kurt's JFK plan. So if he didn't do it, and I didn't do it, then that only leaves you." The taller brunette crosses her arms, "So did you do it?"

Rachel takes a long pause before stuttering slightly, "I-I just wanted to help him." She confesses, causing Blake to scoff and throw her hands in the air. Finn pulls Blake closer just in case another nationals slap happens. "You should be thanking me Blake. Kurt needed this for NYADA. If I didn't do it, we wouldn't have our best gay."

"He's not an object!" Blake yells, "He's a person! A person who you severely screwed over." Blake shakes her head in disbelief, "You know, for calling him your friend, you sure don't seem to have his best interest in mind."

Rachel's eyes fill with tears as she opens and closes her mouth, at a loss for words. Blake bites the inside of her cheek, trying her best to control her anger.

"You have to go tell Figgins." Finn commands.

Rachel presses her hands to her chest, "I can't, I'll get suspended."

"Rachel, Kurt'll be suspended." Finn exclaims.

Blake clenches her hands tightly and Finn notices Blake getting fired up. He takes her arms and begins to guide her away, "Let's go." He whispers, kissing her shoulder. Blake relaxes under his touch and simply walks away, going to her happy place.

            ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     Blake falls onto her couch, being home alone for the evening. She takes her bowl of Coco Puffs and turns on her tv. Her go to movie on a night alone is Hairspray. She takes a nice bite of her cereal and presses play.

Blake smiles happily as she hums the lyrics to "Good Morning Baltimore," but before she can get fully into it, a knock sounds at her door. Blake furrows her eyebrows. It can't be Finn because he went to bed about an hour ago. She gets up cautiously and slightly cracks open the door. Her eyebrows shoot up into her hairline at the sight of a teary eyed Santana.

"San?" Blake asks, softly, "Come in." She quickly ushers the girl in, not wanting her to stand outside. Blake closes the door behind her friend and sets her bowl down, "What's going on?"

Santana sniffles, "I told my abuela." She manages to get out.

From the reaction, Blake immediately knows it did not go the way she wanted it to. Blake escorts the girl to the couch, "Tell me what happened my love."

"She kicked me out. Told me it was selfish of me to make her uncomfortable like that." She wipes her eyes, "She doesn't want to see me again."

"Oh San." Blake says, sadly, "Come here." Blake holds her arms open for Santana to cuddle. The Latina gratefully accepts the offer and lays on Blake's chest, wrapping her arms around the brunette's waist.

"You smell good." Santana mumbles.

Blake chuckles, playing with the girl's hair, "You smell good too."

The two girls sit in a comfortable silence for a moment before Santana looks up at her, "I'm terrified." She admits.

Blake gives her a soft smile, "You are Santana Lopez. You have nothing to be terrified of. If anyone tries to come after you, you will tear them apart with your viscous, viscous words." Blake boops her nose, "You are an absolute badass, and forgive me for saying, but if your abuela can't see how amazing you are, then she doesn't deserve you in her life."

Santana sighs, laying fully on the girl, "I really needed this."

"I'm always here for you San. You know that." Blake kisses the top of her head. "You know, I was going to save this for tomorrow..." Blake smirks, "But I think now is as good of a time as any." Blake stands up.

Santana groans, "I was so comfortable."

Blake laughs and grabs her phone. She searches up the song that she was going to sing for Santana, "I hope you like it." Blake smiles.

Santana rolls her eyes, "Please for the love of baby Jesus, don't make it sappy."

Blake shakes her head and presses play, the intro Arie had recorded for her the day prior playing through her phone.

Ladies and Gentlemen, we've got a special treat for you tonight
I'm gonna call my friend Blake up here to sing to you ladies
Let's go girl

Blake slides across her hard wood floor in front of Santana, causing the Latina to throw her head back laughing. Blake grabs the spoon out of her bowl, using it as a fake microphone.

My name is Blake, nice to meet you, can I tell you baby?
Look around, there's a whole lot of pretty ladies
But none like you, you shine so bright, yeah
I was wondering if you and me could spend a minute
On the floor up close gettin' lost in it
I won't give up without a fight

Blake flirting sings to Santana. While this song isn't sung by a girl, Blake wanted to sing it to show Santana how beautiful she is and that anyone would be lucky to date her.

I just wanna, oh baby
I just want you to dance with me tonight
So come on, oh baby
I just want you to dance with me tonight

The taller brunette reaches forward and grabs Santana's arm, pulling her up to dance. Blake spins them around her living room, putting their dancing skills to the test.

We're getting sweaty, hot and heavy in the crowd now
Loosen up and let you hands go down, down
Go with it girl, yeah, just close your eyes, yeah
I feel the music moving through your body
Lookin' at you, I can tell you want me
Don't stop, keep going till the morning light, yeah

Blake spins Santana to the other side of the room and points at her as she sings the next verse. She cutely dances towards her making Santana shake her head in amusement.

When I saw you there
Sittin' all alone in the dark acting like you didn't have a care
I knew right then, that you'd be mine
And we'd be dancin' the whole damn night right

Oh baby, I just want you to dance with me tonight
So come on, oh baby
I just want you to dance with me tonight

[Blake (Santana)]
Break it down now
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Shake it like that
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Now bring it all back
To dance with me tonight
One more time, one more time, come on now
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Do your thing
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Everybody sing
(I just want you to dance with me tonight)

By now both girls are having an absolute blast singing and dancing to the song. While Blake did want to perform it for Santana in class, she can tell this was the perfect time. There's not one hint of a tear on her face which means Blake fulfilled her duties as a best friend.

I just wanna, oh baby
I just want you to dance with me tonight
Everybody, everybody, come on now
Girl, just close your eyes
We can dance all through the night
I just want you to dance with me tonight
And everybody sing
Girl, just close your eyes (Oh baby)
We can dance all through the night
I just want you to dance with me tonight
So come on girl, just close your eyes
We can dance all through the night
I just want you to dance with me tonight

The two girls collapse on the couch, laughing so hard that Blake snorts. Santana sends her an odd look, "Okay Ms. Piggy."

"Shut up." Blake chuckles.

The two catch their breath as they relax on the couch. Blake opens up her arms again for Santana to resume her position from before the song. Blake reached behind herself and spreads out a blanket to cover them. Santana sighs sleepily, "Thank you B."

"Anytime S."

"Do you mind if I stay over? I really don't want to be alone right now." Santana whispers.

"You can stay for as long as you want." Blake gently responds.

Santana hums happily and Blake can slowly feel her breathing evening out. Her chest rising and falling at a more steady pace. Blake traces her fingers up and down the girls back, making sure that she falls asleep. Blake smiles con gently and feels her own eyelids becoming heavier. After a moment Blake eventually gives in, sleep taking over her body.

            ╔═══*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*═══╗

     "Okay, guys." Mr. Schue says, getting their attention. "Shelby and I just wanted to say that you've really inspired us."

The older woman nods, "When we face off
at Sectionals, it will be with more empathy, and a deeper understanding of each other."

Blake squeezes Finn's hand, "I'm proud of you."

He smiles, "Thank you." Finn scooches his chair closer to hers and lays his head on her shoulder.

"Mr. Shue?" Kurt raises his hand.

Mr. Schue nods at the boy, "Yeah."

Kurt stands up with a unsatisfied yet happy look, "As the son of Ohio's recently-minted Congressman..." He trails off as everyone cheers for Kurt's father.

Blake cups her hands around her mouth, "Yeah Burt!" She yells, making Finn chuckle.

"And to dispel any lingering clouds of suspicion, I would like to, personally and publicly, congratulate President Brittany." Kurt shakes his head with a small grin, "The people have spoken, and they want you, Britt.  They want Pixy Stix. Rule wisely." He playfully narrows his eyes, "Rule fabulously."

Brittany stands up and walks over to Kurt, embracing him, "That was the sweetest thing
anybody's ever said to me. Thank you, Kurt." Brittany pulls away beaming, "You're still the most unicorn of them all, so..."

Kurt sits down next to Blake, "Maybe I could put that on my NYADA application." He mumbles to Blake and Blaine.

"Hey." Blake scolds, "What did I tell you about giving up?"

Blaine nods, "Yeah, we'll figure something out."

Blake gives Kurt a sympathetic smile. She does believe they will somehow work things out, but she knows how hard losing this election was on Kurt. He really did need it for his NYADA application, but Blake has faith. If it's meant to be, it'll work out perfectly.

"Santana, will you bring us home?" Mr. Schue asks the girl who is sitting comfortably next to Brittany.

Santana gives the man a small smile and walks to the center of the choir room, "Thanks Mr. Schue." She clasps her hands together as she looks at her friends, "So I picked a song that gives me strength and gets me through. Same way all of you do. The struggle continues, but at least I know I'm not alone." Her eyes briefly glance at Blake before the travel back to Brittany. An action that didn't go unnoticed by Blake herself and Finn.

The music to Melissa Etheridge's "Constant Craving" begins to play. The club watches in awe as Santana beautifully sings the song. Blake felt her heart burst as Santana mainly sang the song towards Brittany. She's been waiting for these two to get together for years. Ever since Brittany's comment during their sophomore year about them having sex. Blake has had a sneaking suspicion it was bound to happen.

Finn grabs Blake's hand and holds it tightly, extremely happy that their break didn't last for too long. He wasn't kidding when he said it was the worst two days of his life. He couldn't stop thinking about how badly he upset her. Finns gazed at his girlfriend and his stomach swarmed with butterflies. He's so happy he made it up to her and Santana.

Blake's eyes travel the room and she comes across a troubled looking Shelby. Blake quirks her eyebrow slightly, not knowing what could possibly be wrong with the woman. That was until she noticed Shelby's fleeting eyes on Puck. The raven haired boy feels Blake's stare and looks back at her.

"What the hell?" She mouths as she nods her head towards Shelby.

Puck finally realizes what she means and he sighs, "I'll tell you later." He mouths back.

Blake cringes at the thought of one of her closest friends having a relationship with a teacher. After having a mental breakdown for a second, she turns her attention back to Santana. The song comes to a close and everyone claps for the Latina's performance. A wide smile takes over Blake's face as Brittany jumps up to hug Santana.

Suddenly Blake's head turns slightly at the sound of footsteps entering the choir room. Mr. Schue furrows his eyebrows, "Rachel?"

Rachel nervously plays with her fingers, "I just, um, told Principal Figgins that I rigged the election so that Kurt would win." She explains, clearly holding back some serious emotions. "Kurt, please, don't hate me. You're totally
in the clear."

"What did he say?" Ace asks, even though he's still mad at her from how she acted last week.

"He said that he had no choice but to put it
on my permanent record, and that I'm suspended for a week." She pauses, taking a deep breath. Blake can feel the tension rising between them all like a pressure cooker. "Also he said that I was banned from competing at Sectionals."

Blake's eyes widen. She feels Finn grip her hand in anxiousness, not expecting that terrible of an outcome. The brunette looks over and sees Santana staring right back at her. Both girls having the same thought, Sectionals is ours.

Hey guys, so it has never made sense to me why Rachel sang "I Kissed A Girl" with Santana. So, I changed it to Brittany and a little bit of Blake at the end because we all know that Blake is secretly in love with Santana. Anyway, I hope you guys don't mind the change. Thank you for reading!

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