Phantom ~ [Simon Ghost Riley]

By stbones

476K 13.1K 20K

"You're in 141 now, Ace. There's no place for being gentle here," His eyes dance across my face but come back... More

˗ˏˋ Disclaimers 'ˎ˗
I. Opportunities
II. A dense forest
III. The hunting game
IV. The ribbons
V. Blue bullets
VI. A promise to Soap
VII. Sooner than expected
VIII. Distracted
IX. Visitor
X. Sparring
XI. Pressure point
XII. The game
XIII. Face in the sand
XIV. One too many
XV. Burning hot skin
XVI. Patience
XVII. Pretending
XVIII. Stealth and snipers
XIX. Unexpected findings
XX. The psychic staring effect
XXI. An unfamiliar bed
XXII. Hidden
XXIII. A thousand pieces
XXIV. Regret
XXV. The bathroom
XXVI. Underneath the scar
XXVII. A not-so-innocent smile
XXVIII. The lie
XXIX. Bandaged
XXX. Reliant
XXXI. Quick thinking
XXXII. The necklace
XXXIII. Self defense
XXXIV. Two wheels
XXXV. A call
XXXVI. Lost grounds
XXXVII. Wet clothes
XXXVIII. Eye-black
XXXIX. The right choice
XL. The arcade
XLI. Call of Duty
XLII. From afar
XLIII. Blinding headlights
XLIV. Breathless
XLV. Wildflowers
XLVI. The Moon
XLVII. The Price of Redemption (Part 1)
XVLIII. The Price of Redemption (Part 2)
L. Hushed urgency
LI. Epilogue: Seeds
˗ˏˋ Thank you 'ˎ˗
˗ˏˋ New books 'ˎ˗
Bonus: One Year
Bonus: A Hopeless One
Bonus: A Bigger Tree, A Bigger House (Christmas)

XLIX. The Price of Redemption (Part 3)

3.9K 112 183
By stbones

My ears are ringing by the time the helicopter touches the ground. Ghost has a hand on my back, keeping me steady from the storm created by the propellers. Keegan stands off to my left, overlooking the field while also keeping an eye on the base behind us.

As the doors open, I see König sitting next to Alejandro and Rudy. But it's only when I enter the machinery that I notice an out-of-place, yet familiar face.

"Liam?" I exclaim, my voice betraying my happiness. "What are you doing here?!"

He smiles, sitting back to allow me some space. "Price needed backup. I guess I'm not so average after all."

The corner of my mouth twitches at his comment but I quickly secure myself next to him. His eyes widen for a split second as Ghost gets in the helicopter too. As he takes a seat, Liam looks at him for a moment.

I'm not sure what happened when they met the first time, since I wasn't exactly there.

"Lieutenant," Liam tips his head at Ghost.

Ghost turns to look at him once more, even though I could tell he had noticed him already. "Sergeant Katz. Good to see you."

Sergeant? He must be mistaken.

"-Strap in," Nikolai's voice echoes through the helicopter as he gets ready to go. "I was told to hurry."

And so he does, lifting the helicopter off the ground with no hesitation.

The familiar sensation of takeoff ripples through my body, the turbulence of the storm outside felt even within the protective metal shell of the aircraft. Looking back at Spike's base, I think of Price, Soap, and Gaz inside. They'll finish it off here no problem, since most of it here was already handled.

As the helicopter ascends, the air around us grows smoother, the rush of adrenaline fading into a sense of anticipation. I steal a glance at Liam, his presence a surprising comfort in the midst of uncertainty.

Keegan's voice breaks the silence, his tone casual as he leans forward. "Liam, right? Didn't really manage to speak to you last time."

Liam nods, a hint of modesty in his expression. "Yeah. And you were Sergeant Russ if I'm not mistaken.."

"Keegan is fine," he nods, leaning back in his seat again as he tips his head. "Show me what you're worth..." he says, a smirk holding up in his eyes.

Leave it to Keegan to be intimidating.

König leans back, his gaze thoughtful. "Interesting how paths cross when they're needed most."

Alejandro smirks, his eyes dancing with mischief. "Never a dull moment, that's for sure."

I catch Ghost's gaze, his eyes holding a mixture of acknowledgment and resolve. It's a rare sight to see him in a more relaxed setting, especially during a mission, with his guard momentarily lowered.

As the helicopter continues its journey, the tension eases, replaced by a sense of camaraderie that transcends words. We're a team, each with our own stories and skills, brought together by a shared purpose.

Nik's voice crackles through the intercom, breaking the conversation. "Prepare for landing."

The familiar rush of excitement returns, my heart pounding as the helicopter begins to descend. My gaze shifts to the dirty window, catching a glimpse of the landscape below—the abandoned village where we had trained countless times.

But this time, it's different.

This time, we know that what lies here plays part in something that could ruin many lives. The village holds secrets, and as we prepare to drop into its familiar but treacherous terrain, a new chapter of our mission unfolds.

The wind howls as the helicopter doors open, the rush of cold air and rain engulfing us. The seemingly empty village looms closer, its overgrown streets and buildings shrouded in darkness and uncertainty.

As we stand at the precipice, ready to step into the unknown, I exchange a knowing look with Liam.

We're not just facing the enemy—we're facing our past, my training ground turned battlefield, and his future as a soldier. And I know that for him, this mission might be just as important as it is for me.

We hit the ground running, each of us moving with precision and caution.

The village seems different now, a ghostly shell of its former self. Shadows dance between the empty houses, and the once-familiar paths are now treacherous and uncharted.

"We're being watched," Keegan's low voice cuts through the tension, his tone sending chills down my spine. His words are a grim reminder that our presence here hasn't gone unnoticed, as the people here had probably been notified of the activities at their main base.

Liam's grip tightens on his weapon, his gaze sweeping the surroundings as if searching for hidden threats. "Let's find that base before they find us."

I smile, pride filling my chest from his confidence.

But as we move through the village, I can't help but feel a surge of anger. This place was abandoned, left for dead... And now it's possible that the enemies have turned it into something else entirely—a hub for their operations.

My fists clench as I realize the potential truth. They may have driven the people away, using this once-peaceful village as a cover for their sinister activities. It would explain why all the stuff had been left here untouched, and why they just left one day, leaving everything as it is.

Ghost's voice is low, his own frustration evident. "Keep your guard up. We can't underestimate them."

Our footsteps echo through the narrow streets, the rain masking our presence as we navigate the labyrinthine paths.

And then, as I scan nearly every crack for something, a glint catches my eye—a latch on the side of one of the houses, hidden beneath layers and layers of peeling paint.

I move towards it, my heart racing as I pull on the latch. A door creaks open, revealing a narrow staircase leading into darkness. "Guys," I whisper, my voice barely audible over the rain if it weren't for the comms. "I've got something."

Ghost nods, his eyes meeting mine briefly. "Good find. Stay close behind," he says, looking over to all of the rest too.

He pushes the door open with the tip of his gun, and surprisingly it doesn't make a sound. From the inside, the door is rather modern, while the outside fits right in with the rest of the fallen town.

We descend into the darkness, the sound of rain fading as the secret entrance envelops us. The air is cool and damp, the walls of the passage rough against my fingers. The path seems to stretch on endlessly, a winding tunnel that leads us deeper into the unknown.

Finally, the passage opens into a vast chamber, the hum of machinery filling the air.

Before us lies the heart of the enemy's operation—the chip production room.

The realization hits me like a punch to the gut. This is where they've been manufacturing the devices that threaten everything we stand for.

Keegan's voice breaks the silence, his tone grim. "This is just the beginning. There's a whole system of hallways and rooms connected to this," he says, pointing his gun to the back of the room where another dark hallway stars back at us.

As we move forward, my anger simmers beneath the surface. These devices, these chips, could be responsible for so much destruction. They could infiltrate every aspect of our lives, our society. And now, standing in this room, face to face with their source, the rage I've kept at bay boils over.

König hand lands on my shoulder, a silent show of support as we navigate the complex web of corridors and chambers. He had been quiet mostly, but the action speaks louder than words.

As we press forward, our footsteps echoing through the underground passages, I know that we're on the brink of uncovering the truth—the truth about their plans, their resources, and the extent of their reach.

The village's secret depths hold the answers we need, and with each passing moment, we're one step closer to bringing their dark designs to an end.

Suddenly, a voice cuts through the silence, sending a chill down my spine. "Intruders detected. Engage at will."

The words hang in the air before figures emerge from the shadows, armed and ready. It's a fight for survival now, as gunfire erupts and the narrow corridors become a deadly battleground.

Our training kicks in, instincts taking over as we exchange fire with the enemy. Liam is beside me, his focus unwavering as we take down our attackers one by one. The sound of gunshots reverberates through the passages, drowning out all other noise.

The rage I felt before fuels my movements, each shot fired a release of pent-up frustration. We move as a unit, with precision and coordination. Barked orders cut through the chaos, guiding our movements and ensuring we're always one step ahead.

Amidst the chaos, I catch sight of Ghost—his movements are fluid, and deliberate, as if he's dancing through the storm of bullets. His skull mask is an eerie visage, a symbol of both fear and hope.

The fight is fierce and unrelenting, the enemy's numbers seemingly endless. But we press forward, determination fueling our every move. With each fallen adversary, we're one step closer to reaching our objective.

Finally, the gunfire subsides, the echoes of battle fading into a tense silence. The air is heavy with the scent of gunpowder, and our ragged breaths fill the space. The enemy lies defeated, a testament to our unwavering resolve.

Keegan's voice breaks the silence once more. "We need to keep moving. There's more ahead."

We exchange glances, the gravity of our situation weighing heavily on us.

"We need to burn this place to the fucking ground," I growl, my gaze falling on the unknown weaponry hanging on the walls.

"Stay sharp. There might be more," Ghost mutters, his gaze falling on one of the two hallways where the enemies just came through. "Ace, König. Grab whatever you can."

His words don't immediately sink in, but when they do I immediately head towards the weapons. I take one of each, putting them in my bag as König does the same. We find some of the chips, though since we're both unsure of the specifications, we grab a handful of whatever we can find.

"We got it," I mutter as König straps my backpack on tight again.

Price's voice crackles over the comms, a plan forming rapidly. "Listen up. You're going to have to level the place. Ghost—place explosives throughout the base. Set the charges at key points. Blow it."

We nod in unison, understanding the gravity of the situation. This is our chance to cripple their operation, to strike back with everything we have. The urgency in Price's voice only fuels our determination, and we waste no time in setting the charges in strategic locations.

Amid the chaos of setting explosives, a chilling thought crosses my mind. The feeling of being watched creeps over me, and I glance around, my senses on high alert. We're being infiltrated, and we're running out of time.

"Ghost," I mutter. "Someone is coming."

With the charges in place, Ghost sets a timer for five minutes, the countdown a stark reminder that our window of opportunity is closing rapidly. "We're done."

My heart races as I watch Keegan's form emerge from the dark hallway. Relief washes over me at the sight of him, his presence a beacon of familiarity in this treacherous labyrinth. The adrenaline pumping through my veins begins to ebb, replaced by a flicker of hope. Hopeful of the fact that we might be getting out of here with a flawless mission.

But before I can react, before I can even call out to him, a sudden blur appears from the shadows.

A sharp blow lands on the back of his head, and his body convulses in pain. Time seems to slow as I witness the scene unfold before me.

"Keegan!" I yell out, my voice a mix of shock and desperation. The sound of the impact echoes through the narrow passage, a sickening thud that reverberates in my chest.

He stumbles, his legs buckling beneath him, and I watch in horror as he collapses to the ground.

Ghost and Liam immediately raise their gun, Ghost's finger on the trigger in a split second, but the man in front of us places a gun against Keegan's head.

"I wouldn't.."

My gaze remains locked on Keegan, his form crumpled on the ground. My breath catches in my throat, my mind struggling to process what has just happened. My heart pounds in my chest, a mix of fear and fury coursing through me.

I feel a surge of anger, an overwhelming need to rush to Keegan's side, to protect him from whatever threat looms over him at this exact moment.

But König's strong hand grips my arm, holding me back. "Stay down!" he hisses, his voice urgent and commanding.

Ghost's gaze is fixed on the figure looming over Keegan, an injector gun pointed menacingly at his fallen form beside the real gun pointed to his head.

And then, in another blur, the injector gun gets fired. That familiar sound pierces my ears and my heart drops.

Before anyone can react, Keegan's form gets dragged into the pitch-black hallway.

I clench my fists, my nails digging into my palms as I fight against König's hold. Every fiber of my being screams at me to go after Keegan, to shield him from harm. The sight of his vulnerability, of his pain, ignites a fierce protectiveness within me.

"No!" I yell again, my voice laced with a desperation that mirrors the turmoil inside me. The seconds feel like an eternity as I helplessly stare into the pitch-black hallway with König's arm still holding me back. "Do something!" I cry out.

"Get them out of here," Ghost growls to König, his voice urgent. "If I'm not back at the helicopter at the 10-second mark, you go. You understand?"

"I'm going with you," I try to interject. The two of them don't even look at me, though König tough demeanor halters momentarily.

"You understand?" Ghost growls again.

"Yes," König replies, his grip on my arm tightening.


As König pulls me away, dragging me back to the narrow stairs, I tear my gaze from Ghost with great reluctance. Tears blur my vision, a mixture of anger, frustration, and sorrow coursing through me. Every fiber of my being yearns to break free, to rush back and drag the both of them with me.

But the countdown on the timer ticks away, the seconds slipping through our fingers. The explosion that will destroy the base looms ever closer.

With each step we take away from them, I grow more and more nervous.

As we race through the corridors, the world around me blurs. My heart pounds in my chest, the ticking of the timer echoing in my ears like a relentless drumbeat. Every step we take feels like an eternity, each passing second a reminder of the urgency of our mission and the danger that Keegan and Ghost now face.

My mind is a whirlwind of thoughts, a torrent of fear and doubt crashing against the walls of my resolve. I can't shake the image of Keegan's pain-stricken eyes, the sound of his groan as he was dragged away. It's a haunting replay that plays over and over in my mind, a constant loop of despair.

With each second that passes, my anxiety intensifies. I find myself mentally counting down the seconds, my heart racing faster as the numbers dwindle. Five minutes had seemed like a comfortable timeframe, but now it feels like an impossible stretch. My breath comes in short, shallow gasps as I struggle to keep my composure.

Two minutes.

"Come on, Ace," König's voice breaks through my racing thoughts, his grip on my arms firm but reassuring. "We're almost there."

His words provide a sliver of focus, a reminder that we're still in the midst of a mission. But even as we make our way back to the helicopter, my thoughts remain fixated on the countdown, on the ticking clock that feels like an executioner's blade hanging over us.

Finally, we burst out into the open air, and I take in the biggest breath I can.

The helicopter looms ahead, though my escape offers me absolutely no relief.

Not when Ghost and Keegan are still inside.

1 minute 30 seconds.

My eyes immediately search for Ghost, for any sign of his return. But the seconds are slipping away, and with every tick of the timer, the knot in my stomach tightens.

As I reach the helicopter, I glance back at the entrance to the base. The seconds are now mere fractions of a minute, the numbers blurring together in a dizzying haze of my mind. Panic wells up within me as I realize that time is running out, and that the explosion could happen at any moment.

30 seconds.

"Ghost..." I whisper, my voice barely audible above the pounding in my ears. The countdown has become a relentless metronome, each tick a reminder of the impending disaster. I stand there, my gaze fixed on the entrance, my heart in my throat.

My eyes are searching desperately for any sign of him. The seconds on the timer are slipping away like grains of sand through my fingers, and panic tightens its grip on my chest. My heart races and a cold sweat trickles down my spine.

"Come on.. Please..." I whisper, my voice trembling with a mixture of fear and hope.

"Ten seconds," König's voice cuts through the tension, the urgency in his tone echoing the urgency in my own heart. "We have to go, now."

In this moment, I somehow hate him for saying the words. Even though I know he's right.

I keep my gaze locked on the entrance, torn between the overwhelming desire to stay and the pressing need to escape. Ghost's words echo in my mind, his directive to leave if he's not back by the 10-second mark. The conflict within me rages on, a fierce battle between loyalty and self-preservation.

Just as the helicopter's engine roars to life, a figure emerges from the darkness of the entrance.

"WAIT!" I yell, my hand wrapping around the handlebars even tighter.

It's Ghost, dragging Keegan's unconscious form with him. My heart leaps into my throat as relief floods through me, but the timer is still ticking down, relentless in its countdown.

"Hurry!" I shout, my voice raw with desperation. "Please."

The sight of them both fills me with a mixture of hope and terror—hope that they've made it out in time, and terror that the explosion could still consume them.

The seconds feel like an eternity and everything goes in slow motion as Ghost races toward us, his strides purposeful. He's panting, his chest rising and falling quickly, but there's a determined glint in his eyes. He's cutting it close, pushing the limits of time itself.

"Close the door. Now," Alejandro yells as Ghost and Keegan are too far to reach it in time.

As the helicopter's door slams shut behind me, the countdown reaches its final moments. The numbers flash in my mind.

Four, three, two...

My heart pounds in my chest, each beat a thunderous drum roll leading to the inevitable climax.

With not a single second left, the explosion rips through the base, a deafening roar that shakes the ground beneath us. The wave shocks the helicopter, and I'm thrown against my seat, the force of the blast jarring every fiber of my being.

The explosion is a brilliant blaze of light and fire, consuming the base in a storm of destruction. The shockwave engulfs us, and the helicopter shakes as we're buffeted by the force of the blast. I grip the edges of my seat, my knuckles white with the intensity of my emotions.

"Open the doors!" I cry out, reaching for the door handle to push it open myself.

And then, as the smoke and debris begin to clear, the silhouette of Ghost emerges from the chaos. He's carrying Keegan, his form battered but triumphant. The sight of them fills me with an overwhelming rush of relief, my breath catching in my throat.

We watch in tense anticipation as Ghost finally reaches the helicopter, his movements swift and determined, as if the explosion had never even happened.

I pull Keegan into the helicopter, my hands hooked in the loops of his military vest. Ghost gets in too, his figure slumping in exhaustion as his back hits the seat.

"Are you okay?" I immediately ask, trying to inch closer to him.

"I'm fine," he sighs loudly. However, it doesn't take long for him to start coughing. He pulls off his gloves in a swift movement before pulling his mask up to his nose. I quickly reach to my side, pulling a water flask off of my belt and giving it to him.

It's when my gaze falls down to Keegan that worry creeps up on me again.

"Kee," I mumble, my hand finding his shoulder before I pull his head onto my lap. My hands are immediately covered in blood, seeping from both his neck and upper thigh. His mask is pulled up to over his nose, probably in an attempt to get more oxygen in.

His eyes look empty, though his mouth hangs open slightly as if he's trying to speak.

"Shh," I mumble. "It's okay. You're okay."

The words hurt as they leave my lips because I'm not sure. I can only hope that he will be okay.

My thumb grazes his jaw in an attempt to comfort him, but I can tell he's struggling to keep his eyes open.

"Hey, Kee. Stay with me okay? Come on.."

I love you <3

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