Rebirth: The Strongest Animat...

By Kazuyuuki95

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Author Name: Tan Chu/谈初 Type of work: Tanmei novel List of chapter: 246 chap (Finished) Work status: Complet... More

Chapter One
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter VII
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter 21
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter fourty - five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter 54 - 55
Chapter fifty-six
Chapter fifty-seven
Chapter 58
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter Seventy
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Chapter 76
Chapter Seventy-Seven
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter Eightieth
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84 - 85
Chapter 86 - 87
Chapter 88 - 89 - 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter Ninety-Six
Chapter 97 - 98
Chapter Ninety-Nine
Chapter 100 + Link
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103 - 104 - 105 - 106 - 107
Chapter 108 - 109 - 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114 - 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117 -118 - 119
Chapter 120 - 121 - 122
Chapter 123 - 124 - 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130 - 131
Chapter 132 - 133
Chapter 134 - 135 - 136 - 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139 - 140 - 141 - 142
Chapter 143 - 144 - 145 - 146
Chapter 147 - 148 - 149 - 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 156 - 57
Chapter 158 - 159 - 160
Chapter 161 - 162 - 163
Chapter 164 - 165
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175 - 176
Chapter 177 -178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180
Chapter 181 - 182 - 183
Chapter 184 - 185 - 186
Chapter 187 - 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190
Chapter 191
Chapter 192
Chapter 193 - 194 - 195 - 196
Chapter 197 - 198 - 199 - 200
Chapter 201 - 202 - 203
Chapter 204 - 205
Chapter 206 - 207
Chapter 208
Chapter 209
Chapter 210
Chapter 211 - 112 - 213
Chapter 214
Chapter 215 - 216 - 217
Chapter 218 - 219 - 220
Chapter 221 - 222 - 223
Chapter 224
Chapter 225
Chapter 226
Chapter 227 - 228 - 229 - 230
Chapter 231 - 232 - 233 -234
Chapter 236
Chapter 237 - 238
239 - 340
Chapter 241 - 242
Chapter 244
Chapter 245
Chapter 246 [End]

Chapter 235

84 3 0
By Kazuyuuki95

Regarding the recent plot of "One Piece", many people have noticed it, but they have never dared to complain.

First of all, Huaying Animation is very famous. There are not even a hundred but dozens of animation area UP owners, commentators or ordinary netizens who have been slapped in the face by Huaying. The current plot is making people vomit blood, but who knows what will happen next. ? What if Huaying Animation reverses the situation and changes the situation instantly?

Secondly, it was out of my long-standing trust and good impression of Huaying.

Until the latest animation subscription list is released.

Third place, this result is definitely not bad. For Blue Star Animation Company, as long as the animation subscription can be ranked in the top three, the whole company can celebrate by giving out bonuses, but when it comes to "One Piece", one of the two best movies and movies , and then contact the next door, which has twists and turns in the plot and is becoming more and more popular day by day, the difference in comparison becomes somewhat obvious.

It was not until this time that some people published analysis posts one after another, specifically discussing the issue of "One Piece".

"What happened to One Piece?"

Netizens disagree on this issue.

"Because my main focus is on "Naruto", I can't take into account the animation quality of "One Piece". Isn't Xingxing in the Naruto production team now? I feel that compared to next door, Huaying doesn't seem to care much. The appearance of the pirate here..."

"Should it be too long?"

"I also think the preparation is too long. For an animation of this level, it is impossible for Huaying to have thought about how to do it. It's just that maybe they didn't expect that the transition period this time was a bit long and there were too many blows to the plot. Well, it’s unbearable, just wait for the foreshadowing of this paragraph.”

"Don't be partial to Huaying..."

There was a lot of commotion in the outside world, and various opinions and conjectures were rampant. However, Huaying Animation did not give any response to various public opinions on the Internet. It neither clarifies nor acquiesces, as if the netizens are not complaining about the animations under Huaying Animation.

Seeing that Huaying animation was not good enough, everyone had no choice but to turn their attention to Musu Xing.

Huaying animation is unreliable, the stars are not indifferent, right?

With their long-standing trust in Muxiu, netizens began to try to investigate Muxiu's movements. With the efforts of many netizens, they actually found traces of Muxiu. However, not only did this information not come to them, It brings comfort, but makes people fall down in anger——

When all the fans are worried or dissatisfied with the plot of "One Piece", Muzuki is actually... presiding over the construction of a new project in the Picture Park?

What the hell?

Ask again about the new project under construction in Huaying Paradise, and the fans are all stupid—yes, the new project of Huaying Paradise is nothing else, it is because of the Straw Hat Pirates in "One Piece" that they had to change ships The plot requires equipment updates to be completed in the rapids in the painting paradise.


"No, I don't understand this operation. The people in the animation are still crying like dogs because they have to abandon the Golden Merry. Outside of the animation, you have already started preparing for the funeral of the Golden Merry, right? The animation plot is still a problem. If you haven’t solved the problem, you just want to make money?”

"No way, Xing Xing is not such a person."

"Gone with the wind, what is the animation of "One Piece"? If the animation makes money, can Huaying Paradise come to make money soon? Fast forward to Luffy and change the ship, and then use the new ship to make a new version of the rapids. Wouldn't it be nice to earn two cents? In comparison, what is a virtual broken ship?"

If the fans were depressed at the beginning, but their emotions were generally stable, then now, under the rhythm of some trolls with ulterior motives in the comment area, many people have lost control of their emotions.

Because of this, although many fans of Huaying said that there must be a turning point in the follow-up of "One Piece", Huaying and Musuxing will not be people who disregard animation works for the sake of profit, there are still quite a few passers-by viewers who are confused. The military belt was out of rhythm, and even the flow of people in the Painting Park was affected.

"Ahhhhh, I feel like if this continues, the subscriptions for "One Piece" may even drop... What on earth is Xingxing thinking?"

Picture Paradise, One Piece Zone.

In the construction area completely isolated from the open equipment, on the shore of the undulating artificial lake, a boat with the shape of a lion's head quietly docked there. This is a very huge ship, roughly several times the size of the Golden Merry. It is the new ship that will appear in "One Piece", the Wanli Sunshine.

"It has been checked, and there is nothing wrong with the ship itself, and the design of the interior rooms is exactly the same as the scene in the comics."

"Good job," said Shepherd Star, and his eyes moved away from the ship: "Recover it, and when Luffy and the others are on the road again, open it at the 'sailing ceremony'."


Following Muxuexing's instructions, staff soon climbed aboard the Wanli Sunshine again and rebuilt the huge ship. The Musu star here is leisurely and leisurely, and the partner who is waiting to discuss business with him is not so comfortable. Seeing that the Musu star is not affected by the outside world at all, the man can't help but say: "Master Mu—— —”

Mu Xingxing tilted her head to look at him.

"May I take the liberty to ask, how does your company plan to resolve the plot dispute of "One Piece"?" Mu Suxing stared straight at him, and the man hurriedly explained:

"Of course, I don't mean to intervene in your company's affairs, but you also know that the specific project of our cooperation is to produce figure peripherals with the theme of "One Piece". sales will also have a certain impact..."

Then, before the Shepherd star answered.

Fang Lian on the side said calmly: "You don't have to worry about the plot of the animation. This is just a temporary downturn. Of course, it is for a more hearty explosion in the future. When the audience's emotions are in place, of course there will be no worries about selling the peripheral figures. If you don’t go out, Mr. Lin won’t understand this, right?”

After receiving Huaying's guarantee, the partners left with satisfaction.

Fang Lian, who looked incomprehensible just now, immediately turned around and looked at Muxiuxing, proudly asking for credit: "How about it, the way I looked just now, is there a hint of the inner feeling you told us not to worry about before?"

"You think too much."

Mu Xiuxing said, while looking at the last stop of the Rapid Rapids Project called "Judiciary Island" opposite the Wanli Sunshine, he said slowly:

"I just want to give "One Piece" fans a place to cry."

Fang Lian:? I thank you on their behalf?


Naturally, no one knew about this conversation that took place inside Huaying Paradise. On this side, amidst the increasingly anxious atmosphere of the audience, the plot of "One Piece" is still going on.

Luo Gaofeng is also one of the chasing fans.

As an old fan, he will certainly not be as irritable as a passer-by. Like most Huaying fans, Luo Gaofeng believes that the current plot, which can be called a low point, is actually just a foreshadowing of the upcoming climax. It is just this excessive The cycle was too long and too frustrating, which made many viewers a little irritable.

Luo Gaofeng was not upset.

He stands outside the animation and looks at the plot development and changes of "One Piece" from the perspective of an ordinary audience.

The early transition has almost been paved. According to the principles that the story itself must follow, if the successive blows suffered by the Straw Hat Pirates earlier were "lower tone", then next, there should be mobilization of the audience's emotions. The accumulated negative emotions should be triggered/exploded to eliminate the "rising tone".

In Luo Gaofeng's view, the length of the transition period is actually irrelevant, and the subsequent "upgrade" is the key to whether "One Piece" can sweep away the previous decline.

So, how will "One Piece" deal with this "rising tone"?

With such expectations and curiosity, Luo Gaofeng did not join the online war, but waited patiently. At the same time, the plot of "One Piece" continues to develop in an orderly manner.

Assassinate Bingshan, the mayor of the city of water, and blame him on the Straw Hat Pirates. After doing all this, Robin followed CP9 and left without looking back.

Frankie's past is revealed.

Usopp and Frankie, who were defeated by everyone in CP9 here, watched the Golden Merry being taken away by the flowing water, while Iceberg on the other side told Nami the truth behind Robin's betrayal of the Straw Hat Pirates. The conversation that took place between Bingshan and Robin also appeared in front of all viewers.

"Since you hate the World Government so much, why help them?"

"Because I have a dream that I want to realize at all costs." Her long black hair fell silently, half in shadow and half in brightness, making it difficult to see the expression on her face for a moment. The bondage of ability was instantly released at this time, Robin turned and took two steps outside, with his back to the iceberg, staring at the wall in front of him for a moment.

"Here CP9 puts forward two conditions to me: first, accuse the Straw Hats of the assassination charge. The other is that after the matter is completed, I will be placed under the World Government and obey them."

Bingshan looked at her: "If you do this, you will die."

"Why would a woman who has been on the run for 20 years agree to such a condition?"

Robin closed his eyes: "CP9 has the right to launch a 'Devil Slaughter Order' against the Straw Hats. If they don't agree to their conditions, CP9 will launch a 'Slay Demon Order' against us."

Since Alabasta, the memories of traveling with the Straw Hat Pirates emerged from her mind like whales in the deep sea, and she gritted her teeth.

"In the past 20 years, I have survived no matter what the situation is, because I have nothing to protect. I can betray everyone and use them as a shield, but now I really can't do it. It's everyone It saved the life I once gave up, awakened my lost soul, and allowed me to regain my dreams that had fallen into despair.”

"I have partners who can trust me."

Bingshan had a vague premonition in his heart: "Then your wish is-"

Robin turned to look at him.

This woman, who was trembling slightly even holding the wooden warehouse a second ago, suddenly became colder now, even a little more ruthless. She looked at him without hesitation and decisively:

"I want the other six members of the Straw Hats to leave this island safely!"

The already anxious atmosphere instantly became heavier. Realizing the determination in the other party's words, a few large beads of sweat rolled down the man's forehead: "For this, are you willing to awaken the weapon and risk the safety of the world?"

Robin said calmly: "I don't care."

The dispute between the two ends here

The author has something to say: The dispute between the two ended here. Perhaps he was shocked by the dangerous future shown in her words. Bingshan once wanted to pick up Shu Mucang and know the other person's life. However, looking at the pair of forest-like eyes With such deep and calm eyes, he finally failed to make the move.

The scene then jumps back to the present tense of Bingshan's chat with Nami. The fire not far away is still crackling and burning, and even Nami's breathing becomes clearly audible. Bingshan sighed deeply, there was surprise, helplessness in that voice, and some emotions that even he couldn't explain clearly.

"I really didn't expect that compared to the lives of all the people in the world. That woman... chose the lives of the six of you."

Luo Gaofeng exhaled.


According to the convention of this type of novels and comics, most of the betrayal of one of the protagonist group members has a hidden secret, and this hidden secret is usually related to the protagonist group itself. Because of this, after knowing the truth about Robin's betrayal of Luffy and others Afterwards, Luo Gaofeng was not surprised, but had a feeling of "it really is like this".

There is nothing wrong with this, but——

not enough.

Just this level of explanation may not be able to satisfy the audience's emotions of being hit by the plot. Compared with the frustrating foreshadowing in the early stage, it is easy for the audience to feel unbalanced and inevitably have a "top-heavy" feeling, but "One Piece" obviously Wouldn't make such a stupid mistake.

This week's update ends here. Luo Gaofeng's curiosity and expectations for the follow-up plot can't be suppressed and are raised even higher.

The plot returns to the rhythm that the audience is familiar with from here on, but it is obviously not enough to fill the dissatisfaction in the hearts of the audience. At the same time, it is also far away from the explosive climax.

So, what will happen next week?

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