Miraculous Sapphire (Vanitas...

由 Dragon-Pheonix123

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You are Marinette's younger sister, kind, caring and mostly shy around people. You love anime and really good... 更多

Chapter 1: Sapphire's Origins, Part 1
Chapter 2: Sapphire's Origins, Part 2
Chapter 3: Stormy Weather
Chapter 4: The Bubbler
Chapter 5: Copy Cat
Chapter 6: Timebreaker
Chapter 7: Lady Wifi
Chapter 8: The Pharaoh
Chapter 9: Mr. Pigeon
Chapter 11: Dark Cupid
Chapter 12: Rogercop
Chapter 13: Dark Blade
Chapter 14: Horrificator
Chapter 15: The Mime
Chapter 16: Princess Fragrance
Chapter 17: Animan
Chapter 18: Pixelator
Chapter 19: Guitar Villain
Chapter 20: Gamer
Chapter 21: Reflekta
Chapter 22: The Puppeteer
Chapter 23: Kung Food & Nian Yang Xiao
Chapter 24: Simon Says
Chapter 25: Antibug
Chapter 26: Volpina

Chapter 10: The Evillustrator

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由 Dragon-Pheonix123

{~At the Science class~}

Everyone was in Ms. Mendeleiev as she was teaching her lesson.  A certain shy artist was daydreaming as he drew in his sketchpad. Nathaniel was drawing again in his sketchbook. You were about to whisper to him, but Ms. Mendeleiev beat you to it.

"Nathaniel! What are you drawing?" Ms. Mendeleive questioned. Nathaniel stuttered at her. She grabs his drawings. "And these artistic endeavours are clearly why you are failing science."

  "I'm sorry....... " He meekly  apologized.

"You go march yourself down to the principal's office and show him that checked scratch! Then you'll be really sorry!"

Nathaniel grabs his stuff, but before he could leave he trips over Mylène's bag, dropping his sketchbook.

Chloé grabs it. "Ooh! Look, Sabrina! It's him as a superhero! And look who he's saving! It's Marinette! He's so totally crushing on you, Marinette!"

Marinette does not know what to say, as Chloe makes fun of him, "He's so totally crushing on you, Marinette!"

"Gimme that!" Nathaniel grabs his book back

"Enough! Nathaniel, go!" Ms. Mendeleiev orders again.

You watch Nathaniel go with sad eyes but can't help feeling that second-hand embarrassment. The teacher continues the lesson as if nothing happened as she announces another group project, making you mumble slight profanities under your breath.

"The next presentation group is...Nino, Adrien and Alya and Vanitas."

Adrien and Nino fist bump in happiness then they waited for Vanitas for one too. Though Vanitas did it very lazy and just yawns.

Marinette gasps, "Oh! So lucky!"

"And then, Sabrina, Chloé, (Y/n) and Marinette",

"So unlucky." Alya give her a sympathetic look,

You know well Chloe and Sabrina hates you and likes to tease and bully you but the worst thing is Marinette, once your best and closest Sister turn against you into your enemy and Marinette feels the same way about you as her enemy.

You have nothing against your sister and you wanted Marinette and Adrien get to together but Marinette thinks your being selfish when in reality she's actually the selfish one.

You have always have put your family with Marinette before your you've been misunderstood for the crush for Adrien but she put her crush for him before her friendship and family with you any day.

You don't have feeling for Adrien he's only like a brother to you. You only have eyes for...someone...else...judging the way your eye's slowly turn to the noirette who doesn't seem to happy the way  your big sister giving you the cold shoulder.

Vanitas was not glaring at you. Do not worry. He's looking down at your sister being an bug brat.

Chloe raises her hand with a fake polite tone, "Uh, Miss, can't you add her and her dumb little sister to another group? Sabrina and I work much better on our own."

Not budging, Ms. Mendeleiev says, "This is a group presentation, not pairs! Deal with it!"

Chloe with a clenched jaw grumbles, "I hate dealing with it!"

The bell rings and everyone got up grabbing and carrying their stuff out of class.

"You wouldn't be willing to trade groups would ya?" Marinette asked hoping she'll said yes but sadly fate have other plans.

"And deal with that? Sorry. But beside you have your little pretty sister with you." Alya smiled.

Marinette sighed "That's who I also don't want to be around with.."  muttering under her breathe when Alya and you heard her loud and clear.

You held tears in your eyes as you speed walk out of the classroom in pain.

" That was rude Marinette..." Alya scolded at Marinette.

Marinette groaned and acted as if she felt guilty for what she said. And Vanitas saw it all.

Alya sighed knowing that Marinette is faking it "Look apologize to (Y/n) and I promise to talk all about you in between the particles and the physics."

"Your the best!" Marinette hugs Alya.

You walked to the library while Marinette walked pass you to her locker. You sniffed and let a few tears fall down but lucky for you that no one was around expert for Vanitas followed you  shadowing your figure above you.

"Don't cry over some brat who can't understand you. She's never gonna see you as you sister. You know her true colors. She doesn't deserves your tears." You refuse to look to Vanitas as he brushed your short bangs out of the way and place it behind your ear. "A real family bond will always support you the same way you always support her. After all, no one should risk you for getting hurt or be controlled by Hawk-Moth."

"Have you ever had difficult times with your siblings?" you asked him wiping your tears away.

Vanitas shrugged. "Adrien is such a innocent boy and all, although he really is a love sick puppy or a kitty for a dumb bug."

"Dumb bug?" you raised a brow.

Vanitas changed the topic and wipe the rest of your tears away. "Well never mind that. Anyways, if you feel uncomfortable around that bratty piglet you should partner with me." he offers.

You chuckle a bit. "Thank you for the offer Vanitas, but I'll be okay.  I'll see you later."

You walked inside of the Library and saw Marinette, Chloe and Sabrina. You sat next to Sabrina since your still very upset at Marinette

"What you mean your not doing my assignment?!" Chloe scoff in bitter annoyed.

"Marinette right! I-I'm not your slave!"

"Well...I never actually said that."

"But Marinette didn't buy a super cute beret at Gabriel's and I did and perhaps I can lend it to you" Chloe said trying to bribe Sabrina with the beret.

"You can't bribe with stupid hats Chloe, friendship is not based on money or competing." You reasoned.

"And best little stupid sisters doesn't steal each other crushes." Marinette muttered.

You scoff in disbelief from this when Marinette narrowed her eyes at you. "What the hell, Mari?"

"Don't ever call me that." she huffs.

"A really adorable hat! That will look fantastic on me!" Sabrina falling for Chloe's trick and you groan.

"No excuse for me but YOU!" Chloe pointed at you with bitter look "Are trying to steal my friend from me with homework?!"

Marinette giggled at Chloe fussing at you instead of her.

"You-" you were trying to settle down and work with theses immature girls when all you heard was a load ruckus that sounds like Noe yelling at  Vanitas.

"Wait Vanitas! Don't!" Noe cries for his lazy crazy friend.

"Oh no! My hands are butter fingers and it's going to slip~!" Vanitas acts all innocent and threw dirty bucket of water at your group but mostly to Marinette.

You dodge on time by duck your head under the table as Marinette, Chloe and Sabrina scream before coughing off all the dirty water that was thrown to them.

"My goodness! I am so sorry! My hand slip and I seem to slide with a banana peal. Looks like someone has been littering for being naughty~! Are you three alright? Or wait is Ma Chérie unharmed?" Vanitas act shamelessly.

Vanitas ask basically for you as you get out of your hiding spot seeing that he went to helping you up and held you close by the waist.

Vanitas saw what Marinette did wrong so he gave her a little punishment to remind her how much she was bullying you.

Both girls, well mostly Marinette were shocked and disbelief that Vanitas just threw dirty water at them but mostly her. She is drenched and all her clothes are all muddy.

She can't believe that Vanitas just stood up for you. That guy is so irritating her to the core!

Judging by that smug smile on his face, Vanitas hugged you and watch your sister's being a brat and cast a challenging look while Marinette fumed over the male.

"AGh my hair you guys!" Chloe whines. "Watch where you're going Vani! Before-"a beret fell onto of Chloe's head and she scream again and cover her head with her hands as the hats keep falling onto of her"Ah!! My hair again!

The Evillustrator drew a picture of a hairdryer. A giant hairdryer appeared and pointed at Chloe and start chasing after her.

Adrien saw this happening and ran off to transform"Plagg, claws out!"

Marinette hidden behind the books and looked down at Tikki "Time to transform Tikki, spots on!"

Vanitas hid you somewhere before running out of the room and looked both ways to make sure no one sees him. "Why does this day happen when you have to save the gold-digging brat. Echo, blue moon rise!"

Chloe was trapped between the bookshelves "No! Stop!"

Ladybug wrapped her yo-yo onto the hairdryer and jumped on top of it and Sapphire did the same thing holding onto the hairdryer.

"Run and hide!"

Chloe didn't hesitated to run and so did the hairdryer didn't hesitated to go after her.

Cat Noir landed on top of the bookshelves "I got wind that your being blown away by a hairy situation." he joked while watching they being carried by the hairdryer and Ladybug trying to control it.

"Not now dumb cat!" Sapphire scolds also trying to take control of the hairdryer. Cat Noir try to hit it with his bo-staff but sadly he missed and Ladybug threw her yo-yo around the pole and both her and Sapphire fell onto the ground when the hairdryer spun in a circle before crashing into the ground.

Cat Noir jumped up and swing his bo-staff down at it but it disappeared before he could even hit it. The Evillustrator growled in anger and the trio looked up at him.

"Whoa he look pretty sketchy" Sapphire comments and the trio jumped up to him but was stopped when he drew a glass wall which blocked them from him.

The trio fell on the ground when they hit the glass wall and Ladybug grunted when she watched the Evillustrator running away. "Where he go?" Ladybug while looking around.

"I don't know but he sure does have a way of illustrating his point" Cat Noir jokes and Ladybug groaned while Sapphire laughed out loud.

"By the way Ladybug, why are you wet?" Sapphire asked.

Ladybug growls. "Don't ask."

{~Le Grand Paris Hotel~}

After the whole library fiasco, you and the three heroes were back with Chloé in the hotel. Right now they were questioning her on why the villain attacked her. "Seems this Evillustrator's targeting you specifically, Chloé. Any idea why?" Cat Noir questions.

With a dumfounded Ladybug sitting down, Cat Noir asks with arms crossed, "Seems this Evillustrator's targeting you specifically, Chloé. Any idea why?"

"No. Everyone adores me." Chloe not the least bit phased. 

Yeah, because you're sooo adorable." Ladybug rolls her eyes sarcastically

"Yes! Ladybug just said I'm adorable! I totally need a picture of the two of us together!" Chloé takes a picture of her and Ladybug with her cellphone. Ladybug moves away from her. "Ugh! That was unpleasant."

"Well, I look great, of course, but your smile is all wonky. I'll take another!" Chloé takes another picture

"Sorry, I'm just a little camera shy." Ladybug moves away from her.

Sapphire furrows his brows at Ladybug's rudeness, even if it is Chloe. 'She seems to have a grudge against Chloe, to be honest it is understandable, this seems personal.'

"So what's the deal? Why are you acting so weird? Come on, you gotta admit that having this girl worship you is pretty awesome." Cat Noir said.

Ladybug and Sapphire saw the drawing that Nathaniel has made, but it was ruined by Chloé. Ladybug glares at her, but she didn't noticed. "Ugh, seriously? I'm over this!"

"Are you kidding me? And what if the Evillustrator attacks her again?" Cat Noir knowledge the consequences if she leave.

"Fine! You boys stay! Later!" Ladybug snaps.

"What do you mean later?" Sapphire questions.

"I mean, you're the one who wants to protect her." Ladybug explains. "Besides, I also have something better to do and you two don't need me. So, later." she left Cat Noir and Sapphire with Chloé.

Sapphire stands next to Cat Noir as Chloe shouts after Ladybug, "What is up with her? She seemed a bit more agitated today."

 "I don't know." Cat Noir sighs,"She completely ignored the question when I asked."

You had decided to work on your side of the project while also making Chloe work on hers. However, you did not think that it would giver you a big headache making Chloe do her own project.

"Ohhh... Sabrina is so selfish! Making me do this project by myself?! Ugh, my brain hurts......." Chloe rants from her spot on the couch.

Sapphire was sneakily paying attention during the phone call, waiting for the moment to step in and help you. On the other hand, Chloe being silent only meant trouble, "Hey! Cat Noir, Are you any good at particle physics?", as she gets a little touchy.

"Oh, this cat's got particle physics in the bag." He Pointing a finger at himself with a smug grin, while Sapphire roll his eyes.

"Sit kitty!" Chloe pulls him towards her spot on the couch and handing her project, "Now, make it sound purr-fect for my presentation. See what I did? I made a cat joke! Ah! I can be funny."

Cat rolls his eyes, muttering sarcastically, "Yeah, hilarious."

Meanwhile Sapphire's phone rang, he answers a phone call. "You can't just fly out of here and decided to make bat calls, Ladybug."

"I'm sorry that wasn't very cool. But you guys can leave Chloe. I need you guys to protect this girl instead." Cat Noir peak behind the Bat seeing a picture of Marinette.

"Her name is Marinette, really cute isn't she? "

Cat Noir was shocked and Sapphire...was gagging with a pissed off look.

"The Evillustrator is in love with her and promised not to harm Chloe as long as Marinette comes to his birthday party."

Seeing that he that he has no work, Chloe dings his earring pointing towards her project.

Giving her a dead smile, he nods, pushing her back into the room, not wanting anyone but you to touch his earring. "While he's distracted I want you guys to take him down."

"What about you?"

"I'm going on a very important secret mission. I'll catch up with you later, can you guys handle this?"

"Ha. Please, it'll be a cinch." Ending the call, Sapphire walks back inside and begins packing your stuff. Grabbing your wrist and walking outside, Sapphire glances back, "You're out of danger,  Later!", then jumps away with you in his arms.

"Wait where are we going?" Cat Noir caches up with him.

"Yeah, where are we going?" You into the crook of his neck asking.

Sapphire is purring with excitement. ".... We're going to a girl named Marinette. She's Evillustrator's next target."

"My sister, huh?" You feel discomfort coursing through you. Appearing a few feet away from your bakery, you continues, "So, what do you need from me?", with a cute tilt of your head.

Sapphire coos at your adorableness, "I need my princess~, to be my little helper as Ladybug is out."

"Ooh~! So spicy bat boy!" Cat Noir cooed too.

"Shut it Cat!"

Cat Noir raise a brow knowing that the bat has a crush on you. But he knows that his older brother Vanitas has a crush on you. But what he doesn't know is that Vanitas is Sapphire.

 Who are you gonna choose?

As you wait for  two heroes to finish talking, you decides to call Vanitas. However, the call had went straight to voice mail. Cat Noir sees that you were calling someone and was curious, "Who were you calling?"

You pout, "I was calling a friend of mine. He didn't answer."

Sapphire tried not to let you hear the jealously in his voice as he asks, "Oh? Who is he?"

"You've probably heard him before, his name is Vanitas Agreste.", You  send Vanitas a text instead.

"So you like Vanitas?" Cat Noir was excited to hear that.

'Oh, I'm the idiot!'  Sapphire facepalmed, However, not hearing anything, you looks up to see the bat's face a bright red.

You touch his forehead, worriedly, "Are you okay? Your face feels hot."

Sapphire scurries a little away from you as he tries to play it off, "I'm f-fine. I'm j-just a l-little hot, yeah that's right." Crossing his arms, he gives you a nervous look, "S-So..... uh what do you think about this V-Vanitas."

"Is someone jealous?" Cat Noir teased.

"Shut it cat!" He snapped. "Go to your position!" Cat Noir raise his hand in surrender and just run ahead.

You seem thoughtful for a moment, before explaining, "Well, he is really wonderful and forgiving boy. He's handsome. But he's also lonely even though he tries to take care of his brother, you know. He tries to put on this perfect smile behind that mask, when I know deep down that in reality he's  sad as the rest of us. I want him to be himself, to act natural. He just needs a little push, and I want to understand him a bit better so he can be himself."

The rest of the trip there was left in comfortable silence. Vanitas was smiling genuinely  as he carried you that loves him for him in his arm. ' I'll punish that bratty sister when I see her again.'

Taking in your appearance in the last light of the day, his eyes are filled with nothing but love and adoration.

You rest your head on his lap as you scroll through your phone, listening to his song, which may or may not be from your nightmares, but we don't talk about that. Either way the you take video of him, finding the black bat absolutely adorable.

Sapphire then asks, not noticing that you had taken a video, "What are your favorite dessert?" as he plays with your hair, trying to seem nonchalant.

You hum letting your phone rest and put it back in your jacket., "Hmmm my favorite dessert is...anything. Panna Cotta, Cheese cake, Egg tart, anything that is non-fat sweat sugar."

"Ah, so you go for heavy cream style." Sapphire acknowledge.

"Yep! Too much sugar can make your stomach look like a piglet eating too much digestion." You made him chuckle by your explanation. "What about you?"

Sapphire smiles to himself nodding his head, 'That's good to know because I don't like too sweat stuff.' As he replies, "I like the same."

"Wow, we really do have something in common. I wonder if Vanitas has the same too." You ask out loud.

"He sure does." He said to himself quietly so that you can't know that Vanitas is right in front you this whole time.

Looking around, Cat Noir notices Marinette appear. Whispering to his bat friend, "Marinette's here."

You looks down at the decorations of the boat as you smile a bit. "Well this seems romantic. Too bad my sister is really bad at romance. Plus...I don't think she doesn't know the meaning of real love at all."

Sapphire wraps an arm around your waist as you get closer, "So romantic but too cheesy."

Sapphire and Cat Noir are both thinking the same thing as they glared at the villain, , 'Big deal. I bet I could make an even better.'

As the three teens reach behind the boat, they try to get as close as possible without alerting the villain.  "Well, can I draw you something special for your birthday?" Marinette officers.

Evillustrator looks into her eyes, as he softly breaths out, "That would be amazing."

They took out their weapons and walk closer to them, but they took a step back. What they didn't know is that Evillustrator noticed them. Who wouldn't see boys in a cat and bat suit, standing right behind you.

"Marinette, give me my pencil back. I need to draw something, now!" Evillustrator demands.

Marinette forcibly takes the pencil, "No, I'm keeping it! Cat Noir! Sapphire! Now!" Cat Noir etextends his staff in front of Evillustrator and Sapphire leaped in front of Marinette to protect her.

"Marinette! You're working with them? I'm so stupid... I actually thought you liked me! But you're really just like Chloé. Teasing me, mocking me, leading me on!" Evillustrator yells.

"Damn." Sapphire said

 "Oh come on! Seriously? Why is everybody comparing me to Chloe tonight?!" Marinette complains.

"Because you act so selfish like a greedy money brat, duh." you shrugged making Marinette glare at you not even helping her.

"I feel so bad for you right now." Sapphire said sympathetically.

Evillustrator kicks Cat Noir's staff, and it hits the pencil. He grabs it. Just as Sapphire and Cat Noir were about to strike him, he draws a transparent cube. It falls as it traps you, the two heroes  and Marinette.

"And I'm taking back my promise! Chloé's gonna get a little lesson she'll never forget!" Evillustrator erases a hole into the boat. It was beginning to sink as he escapes.

You groan under Sapphire as he groans too under Cat Noir, "You're butts in my face." he comments.

"Sorry." you blushed.

 "We've been penned in! Literally!" Cat Noir moves off before Vanitas helps you up.

You poke his side. "Extend your staff, from the upper bottom."

Cat Noir gives you a flirtatious smirk, as Sapphire smack his head before grabbing a hold of your waist, "Great thinking, Ma chérie~"

You look away with a blush. "It's a trade mark...I think."

"A really stupid trade mark." Marinette snarls.

"Might I warn you that if you talk one more time with your attitude someone might gauge your blue eyes of yours, Mademoiselle." Sapphires blue eye glow glaring cold to Marinette making her shiver in fear seeing how his eyes are very scary.

She never seen him so scary even for a bat hero. She never seen him act so cold towards her by defending you.

Cat Noir extends his stick, lifting himself, Marinette, you and Sapphire. Once you were high enough, Cat Noir carefully lands back on the bridge while Sapphire put you down.

 "We gotta go. A superhero's work is never done" Sapphire says.

Cat Noir counts on his fingers. "Damsels in distress, ladies in waiting... I've got a lot more saving to do. You can thank us later." they jumps away.

You giggled as two heroes ran off to catch the villain before turning to Marinette, " Let's walk home together."

"No thanks." she automatically reject

You were stunned by her harsh words. "Mari...?"

"You can go home alone while I had other things to do, so just go already." She shooed you.

You took in a sharp, but deep breath as you looked up at her again, your eyes were struggling to focus as they remain calm. 

"Okay I'll go." You spoke and she tilted her head in confusion.

"Okay?" She asked, puzzled.

"Marinette I know you like Adrien so you don't have to get so worked up about it. He's yours." you  small frown across your lips, sure that this was the only way to fix things.

Marinette couldn't believe the words she was hearing. If you loved Adrien so much that you wanted to be with him just five minutes ago, how could you give him up so easily? Her distaste for you continued to grow. She knew what you had done was something considerate, but like always her feelings for Adrien blinded her.

"Yeah. Thanks." Her tone was nasty and she left you alone on the bridge with a hard bump on your shoulder

You were stunned into silence. You couldn't believe you promised to tell her that Vanitas was the one who you like not Adrien. It was just for her to victimize herself again. You felt yourself fall to the floor and tears fell from your eyes slowly.

"What the hell?" You whispered to yourself.

{~Back At school~}

Alya was recording Chloe about what happened during her exercise of the Evillustor and Sabrina was fussing at Marinette about how she back out on her.

You sighed and looked at your locker to see a picture of you and Marinette, you had at least three of them. You frown and throw it to the trash. "You're a real monster, sister."

You before closing your locker and gasped when you saw Adrien and Vanitas "Hey!"

You gasp in shocked before turning to him" I heard about your adventure with Cat Noir and Sapphire yesterday. Were you scared?"

You shook your head. "No, not at all. It was thrilling."

"Okay? So what did you think about Cat Noir? Was he awesome?"

You shrugged. "Well he's quite funny and very helpful."

"So..that's a yes?" Adrien looked at you with a questionable look before he nods and gently pat your shoulder and walked away when the bell ringed.

Vanitas noticed Marinette was watching and she scoff in disgusted before walking away. "What a brat."

You sigh "I'm sorry."

"It's not you who suppose to be sorry, it's her." Vanitas stated.

"Um...I wish to talk with you." you nervously ask him.

"Oh." Vanitas slightly surprised. "Well what do wish to talk to me?"

"Well.. about your offer.."

"You wish to work that project with me  group?" Vanitas eye's lit up.

You nodded slowly. "Y-yeah, my group can't be corroborative so-"

"Good!" Vanitas grabs your hand and pulls you making you yelp. "Come on, we could use more of your brain."

You blush when he held your hand in his...it made you smile that some people need your help.

Sapphire is right. You are amazing even if you don't have a miraculous like them, You have helped people out on countless battles by showing them the right path.

{In Marinette's Room}

"You didn't apologize for Nathaniel and didn't even bring something for his delayed birthday didn't you?" The sharp tone of your voice frightened you as you stared at your sister in disapointment.

Your sister was up on her bunk bed, staring at pictures of Adrien she had near her bed, her finger slowly tracing each image.

"Go away (Y/n)." Her voice was barely audible and your felt the anger consume you more. "Nathaniel is fine. What's more important is Adrien~."

"You.....are so irresponsible....inconsiderate... an immature brat." you finally understand why she did this and her breathing paused for a moment before she sat up and stared at you with wide eyes.

"I'm...inconsiderate and an immature brat?" She asked and humor began to light up across her face as her lips pulled themselves into a smirk.

"Well can't you see that?!" you yelled and the fact that she was clearly mocking you made you all the more emotional, "I was going to tell you that I'm not in love with Vanitas' brother which you never tried to listen. I gave you a chance so you could be with Adrien! I thought you at least respected me enough to actually say something to him but you haven't even tried! Do you...just ...not want me to be happy that I found somebody else?" Your voice croaked.

You hated how weak you seemed when you spoke about Vanitas, and you hated allowing her to see you cry. Standing before her didn't make you feel any stronger.

She rolled her eyes and scoffed the entire time you spoke until your final question. The look in her eyes grew hard and slitted. "It's none of your damn business (Y/n) so why don't you just go to your room and sulk over there! It's not like it would've worked out between the two of you anyways, Vanitas doesn't love you." She spat.

Your eyes widened at her nasty choice of words. "You're unbelievable! You're behaving like.." you stop yourself.

"Go on! Say it!" Marinette snarled.

"Like an ugly ogre like Chloe!" you spat back.

Marinette gasp holding her heart dramatically feeling innocent. "How dare you compare to me with Chloe! You know what? Get lost! Get lost so I don't have to see you acting like a cry baby! I wouldn't want to post horrible photo's of you're face as an ogre do you?" she mocked again. "And guess what (Y/n) you're words can't change my mind about you."

You stared darkly at her before turning and opening the hatch door to her room before stopping. "I try to change for you so I can protect you from the people who bullied you last year Marinette. I guess I was wrong that you haven't grown up like a real adult. God will never forgive you, and for that....Satin will make you a slave of his and you become Darth Sidous and burn to Oblivion."

You left her room in sadness than when you try to change her heart.

Marinette is filled with anger and resentment and wanted to make another comeback, but you words stunned her how you called her Darth Sidous.

"Oblivion....couldn't be worse than hell.." Marinette spoke and held her stuffed animal against her tightly.


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